Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1967, p. 9

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rare george til medal on display ai museum hilton county museum at kelso will soon be displaying a tare canadian modal dating to j 1763 thanks to the generosity of an indian from port loring who decided the priceless trcn iure should be on display to the people of canada for con tennlal year simon stevens a 72 year old indian from fort loring took ui nut prised possession from the port loring pjlst office safe for the first time in many years on tuesday junf 20 to deliver it in person to major hal new man georgetown director of tic halton musium stevens well mannered jsoft spoken res ident of port loring is the grandson of cnef peter stevens of the maniwau tribeof algon quins who hefeed her majesty s highlanders fcale the cliffs of quebec the unique medal solid sti ver and two and a inches ac ross is inscribed in latin and bears a picture of king george 111 george had the medal struck to give to the indians who switchod their allegiance from prance to britain in 1762 and the medal loaned to the mus eum this week is one of six made one other similar medal has been located in washington champion photo by boy downs iaajor h j newman georgetown oeft presents a special centennial year certificate 1o algonquin simon stevens while mrs stevens looks on mr stevens grandson of chief peter stevens who helped the forces of k ng george iii take lower canada from fhe french in 1762 has loaned a priceless ant que medal to halton museum mr to the only other known to exist from stories banded down through the famhy he has learned his grandfather receiv ed the medal in quebec from a representative of the king chief stevens later left the manlwakl band and went to live in northern ontario indians unlike other people hand down their treasured pos sessions to their youngest son instead of their oldest so chief peter stevens son joseph re ceived the treasure on peters death at ge 110 and simon re ceived tt when his father died at 85 simon recounted bis travels for major newman while he toured the museum on tuesday he had brought along hjs wife lucy anlshlnabe a princess whose father was chief gabriel or the ojlbway they spell it otchibwe tribe the couple have seven children the young est of whom is arnold stevens who is serving in the air force some day arnold will inherit the medal mr stevens said the royal ontario museum at toronto learned about hie medal in 1947 and has been attempting to purchase it ever since but he will not sell his priceless treasure a few years ago he met mrs erie brittain of palermo ma jor newmans assistant at the museum when she was in port loring visiting her brother carl wendover through her he met major newman who has been a blood brother of the algon- qulns for several years wendover drove ham to milton tuesday loaning the medal to the museum soon evolved as his centennial project in return major newman gave him a copy of a 1740 map of north amer ica which stlobtained in france a few years ago and a special centennial year certificate from the museum later in the after noon the stevens visited a mee ting of hilton county council and at the end of the year nurses complain county torpedoes conciliation halton county officials have been accused of torpedoing conciliation efforts aimed at set tling a longstanding dispute with county public health nurs es a news release issued to the herald said mrs flora hesson spokesman for the halton nurs es has requested a meeting with the principal officer of the oak ville and dlstrirt labour cjud- cil to work ojt suggestions for aid by area unionists the showdown is coming said one labour official when commenting on the meeting with mrs hesson president of the halton public health nurses association we re behind the nurses and were going to get into this dut pute in a big way he added the nurses and halton offici als headed by warden william coulter met for two days last week without success a dep artment of labour conciliation officer sat in on the meetings which were held in hamilton following the second day of the meeting the nurses reported that is items were in dispute which is more than before the conciliator reopened the talks june 10 the nurses release said the majority of the demands or issues paradoxically now or iginate with halton county and pertain to conditions enjoyed at least for the last ten years in general if these demands were complied with even lower standards of employment would be the result tvo nurses charged that the spetial halton negotiating com mittee headed by warden coult er had no intention at those reetnt meetings to settle the dis pute at this late stage and good faith nor willingness displayed by them to end this long dispute coulter ledwith and rogers thai countja negotiating c nlttee m not erioue about the entire set of negotiation and conciliation meetings the nurses charged for the money spent on prolonging this entire matter by the representatives of too county a healthy wage in crease could have been granted and paid for by now they said th1 olojttttown hrrald thumday junk stth 1947 pages hi curses refused a county request to lift a greyuiung of halton the effect of the grey listing has left the halton coun ty health unit short staffed thet i wia d the medal goes home to mr stetehs special precautions will be taken at the museum to ensire the safekeeping of th vubla article bode your accommodations forexpo67now whh over two months expe- nence in finding accom modations for expo 87 visitors logexpo is a proven success you sre act untrfof a place to stay in montreal logexpo has luting of t over 79 000 rooms in hotels motels tourist homes efficien cy apartments special trailer motels and private bonus ii st peak penods such as holiday weekends carta n kinds of accomtnodat ons are not available logexpo can offer you alternatives which wo are sura you will find satis factory all you have to do to make a reservation is fill out the coupon below and mail rt to logexpo you will receive reply within a few days fohowed bye confirmation of reservation direct from the management of the hotel etc or the homeowner or t you may phone expovox at 5143378397 fortuh inform ation about avaltab hty of any of the accommodations listed below make your reservations as early as possible the sooner you write or call the wider your cho ce private homes over 30 000 hospitable montrealers are welcoming visitors into their homes the locat ons havs been picltedto make it easy for you toget to and from the expo 67 site rates from 8 to 91 4 a day for two people 10 to 1b for three or 12 to 22 or four efficiency apartments accommodations mostly in central montreal for 10 000 people with kitchen fac lities and maid service rates 618 to 25 a day for two persons plus 93 a day for each addition- si person hotels there sre st ii vacan cies m downtown hotels during some periods also in resort hotels within easy reach of expo 67 rates from12 to 930 a day double occu pancy motels ave table in many penods rates 912 to s30 double occupancy tourist homos ave table in many penods rates 910 to 91 8 double occupancy motets trallertype 1200 un is offer another attractive alternatve are ideal for fa m lies kitchen facilities and ma d service included rates from 925 a day for two persons 930 a day for four or 49 a day for eight children under 12 free trailer sites there are ample trailer sites with n easytinving distance of expo 87 all with 3way hook up rates 93 50 1o 95 a day campsites 20 000 sites in 120 separate locations in the area around montreal rates 9250 to 93 50 a day accommodations government inspected and approved i numbrcrfdutaow12 humtmrofchlkfcan unite 12 i rnaf 0wmm net tw m j rnrvati home awrmtkr mdancy i hotel d motel tourist homed motel i tmtetrpq trailer sttell camistteq exb067 ft expect 500 students when sheridan college opens halton peel counties shen dan college of applied arts and technology will be ready to re ceive an expected 500 students by the second wcok of soptcm brr mechanical and chemical tech nology business administration and secretarial science stud cnts will enter these courses after completion of grade 12 in the five year high school prog rm or with high standing in 5i5 n ot thc four year p ram 125 to 225 depending on thc course chosen classes will be held in thc former high school building chis streeteasun brampton shcridan ttrmn hatc a mo and although thc objective is to have small classes there is a lecture theatre available for subjects which are common to a number of classes thc ontario school of crafts and design the former lome park college will be a division vear course for day students with a small number of accom modations available for students the main campus in bramp ton will be primarily a com muter college information about the college may be obtained by writing to the registrar at the temporary office at 90 liundas street west cooksvillc ontario host classes will hae only to members but seminars and study groups will have less than this by august 1 all faculty members will be on hand counsel students on choice of course president john m porter has aid one of the main objectives i ni is u develop seh sumcicncy on master leacher plan the part of the student n i f i si t helpful to novices william g daws minister of i r education has called the com i a mascr teacher un wi tnuruty colleges the guarantee in at georgetown of the present and the promise sept of the future community colleges will broaden our educational spec trutn and provide post second ary and continuing education to enable each individual to devel op his abilities to the greatest degree and to emplov his tal i ents to the greatest advantage he said thc curriculum is hcsigntd i to equip the students for jobs j but instruction in related gen era arts subjects such asuay lie sad english mathematics cconom r ics sociology sho lid give an i adaptah c and flexible back round ember the purpose of a master teacher is to work in canfid ence with any other member of the caching staff who wishes to discuss a jiroblem in confid ence with an experienced teach cr principal donald turner told the herald the mister teacher does not report these discuinns to thc authorities and therefore can work with the teacher in a more personal teachers may request to have meetings w h the master tea cher or be recommended to do i jj threevear diploma courses i g will be offered in electrical s the twoyear diploma course t ii z j io i ttic vaue of the system s i trill be open to grade 12 grad j i j v h he fact that lit discussioni- ara na es ot the four vear nin j confidential mr turner said school program there are three divisions business general se cretami and data processing technicians courses electron i les industrial chemistry labor i 2 tory work mechanical draft j tag applied arts commercial 4 art and design community j planning technician s course fa j thion technique and design gc neral arts hotel restaurant and resort administration concrete gravel building sand road gravel fill and top sou stone work tom haines obn widuml 773101 robert r hamilton optometrist office hours daily cagretal bldg 716 mountainvtpw rojh for appointment 7737l an anatntl mttrcolor by wtllum robvts milton oh was laughing with hunteis moons and crackling midnights and soft stray snowfalls floating down on the pussywillows and gradually we took the riotous fancy of the maple leaf and the sober industry of the beaver and said to the world here s what we do with it we make it canada happy birthday us beeney mumuno x mating r ft i gaoieiloww t77 nn ray conn fidmuno a hiatino gt inttallihoni s4 mill st 1772714 robt mcdonald piumung hiatino 31 motmtatnvww n s772m1

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