Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 6, 1967, p. 2

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reunited in the glen brother sister apart 57 years mrs m hayward age 84 and her brother ross appleyard age 82 catch up on 57 lost years of conversation while they visit with mrs hayward s daughter mrs archie scham- ehorn of glen williams mrs hayward is an emsdale ontario resident and her brothers home is in courtney b c they last saw each other in 1910 when mr appleyard left for the west coast georgetown district high school june promotion list to grade 10 the following students have been promoted to grade 10 of the five year science trades and technology course d a baxter d l beaum ont d c brown r d burns b r ljies l e dewar p it i endk r a finnic hon b r m iisher s j france b r grant d r guest f r p gunnl p j honsinger r j ing is i b jones m la mour hon e r leslie 11 lmi c d llewellyn hon l cusljnd b j mclaughlin j r cnalh p miersmd h g poulstn j j rice p san dcrson c j sarfient hon w p schmidt d s spear g a sproull b ii tafart j f test hon d walker to grade 10 i the following students have been promoted to grade 10 of the fne year business l com merce course v e ballantine c j brad c 1 b brown hon d cj carne b m donoghuc m l doucelle i c dubclaar hon e e englcby m l frost hon d c gibbons c e claude j fc grahimc a l hams hum l m hawcs l b ledwidge c lockwood hon s t mcbean j j mc- mcnem g p pantling m a pcrtcr p t reynolds h l robinson f r robson 1 f smith s j sutton s e tjart- hon j a uardcll b s wil cox to grade 10 the following students have been promoted to grade 10 of the four car science trades nd tcchnologv course r 1 mien j r ashley w n barber ii bratlic h r brcnv n p c crawford d i engldn a 1- tirbutt r t gticc t r hives j i s keir j g kcmhcad tt h kin r i landn d j lee k t i veil j a mcphcrson t v martin tt d mcdonald h i micdinsk j i nichol pon a m schoutrn i s thurlheck r l wiites l g white to grade 10 the- following hae been promoter to trade 10 of the 5 yeir art- and science course j j barnes hon r d bellamy s bikborrow j ibiair m f bom thin hon t w brolherlun s i- carswcll b j chamberlain r l hap- jin 1 t lunea f g conle s j davids n b f eason d a i 1jisrr i h ferguson r w foil n foster ihon l 11 freeman s m gillet 11 j haarmcjcr d s hall i m jteirint m s hrndersnn j f henderson p hsselink hon j heuson c m hillock d l hnvson hon i p m hdc pr imin k aacirc il e kent hon i d 1 llewrllin hon b f b ieslie d i lon 11 a mncdonald c s malic i d majucrv hon p a mirko p a mcallistr m j r mcclure hon b mc domld j mcllwraith l g mclaughlin hon i- mel comhc hon a mills s l ncil j a nichols hon l m mchoison r- j norton r m pankenm g g patcrson e a pringlc r g puckering l b pugsley v g quackenbuxh m s rankin m e richardson bon ca butledfic p a smith s j stevenson f g sweczie w c terry c h tbw ttl itiles p v tuck- cr l wallers a g webb hon m h yates d a young g e young m e zorge to grade 10 the following students hav been promoted to grade 10 of the four year business and commerce course s c allen s m bagiev b bowman hon b l burns k j carter d chiasson c clark 0 j coc h r flhson l m ford j f gdllant s hale g g hincock b b 1 handy hollow i p hunter hon b i lnlis 1 d kitchener m r kitchener m ltuenberser d a mir kcnzie hon gad mcgow an d f mckeown m v mil ler hon k i mounsuvcn d g peacock hen i paul c h richardson p k ship cott s r aites n w ard b a wells to grade 10 thr following student have been promoted to grad 10 of the two ear occupations course m a brassard r f a i brooks g p burke p a ga lant v g graham f hin cock s m hand b c har son r t ha j f huismann e m lahej w i laing a j lamourcux b f levvs t r p millir g k nash c r pea cock m a perkins d r piper s j robb l w shard k g williams d j york a zmiji hon to grade 11 the following btudenu have been promoted to grade 11 of the five year science trades and technology course g m belanger t h btr ncchc g f btllington fhon r a blackwell b g ronham j c bradley hon r c rrad ley t w brotherlon ihon i a camman d k rhamherliln d n gardhousc h j hesse ink r j johnston r b lit tie b a maearlhiir t l martin w g mo j moore m i morvav f sell mcr j g borensen p street d c v ird dm w il es b m williams to grade 11 the following sludcnl hde been promoted to gnde 1 of the five year business and commerce course c p armitage t casey c m cooper c a fwles s j how ird 1 m kynncrsley hon j m m laforet hon s m undo c u scott j c stemt d m sucjian to grade 11 the follow ng sludrnts have been promoted to grade 11 of the five vcar ti and science course e m mien m 1 nderson j asseltine b b flarkhousr p r bhjth k m bottomlcy j a buckwild l j capper auld hon e i chaplin s f chapman v j lhappel d m clark m clark hon m clarke j l coxe a t ri ford b m crane hon j l cunningham hon d k densmore hon k j dorsry hon s u dubien ihoh g k duncan j dutton m p emerron hon t a fmmcr son k c englebv r t b eyre n b ferguson m a fowl- p d francis j p frwrnan e j gault l c god den a e golden m g gorthl hon j a gummeron hon j a hll g m hanley m u hnieo l u- hare s m her bert i v higgs r e hill b b d v hillock d holotiirk r b howird r l hows on r t hue hon b l hulme hon i hutchison t hulchi son r v lenner k a king d c kirkwood b s kitcley g w kocslaf o s kroll l a landry hon r c laws p l a j lemicux i lieder hon s l ixrnman c d lowrev c a macdomld m mackcnzie b e maier w j mavcal k m mciiugh j p mckeown b f mcknight r a melcombe hon k m minlern i moro- uc b morctv m c mun- dv r e neil w d neil hon k s nielsen s j nix on j f m nurse i m oh vcr l f own hon e owens d t pmuin j i pa ns i g peardon d a ped i well d f penricl d f pope i m d ortir b ii prtston s a price i a rjjner j ray nor 1 w ulvci i r uijn olds hon 1 k rikv i j i sctif nk d scott l c seek int n 1 n l sinionyl m st imp s a suckland i m stutlrd p a m suthr luid p i svkes m tclher b thompson i rdell p b whit ham o p williams h c williams d m wilhon r m w mtove c s wingror p wnshl hon w r you to m w f young hon to grade 11 the foil twins students hove bom promoted to grad- 11 of the four tar sen nee trades and ttchnolojv course i r andtrson k a baker p g birlvr j w bouclair r r bowers r j hull r 1 cars wu k j clnpman b j chusson c r clirke k p damphouss 11 do lout p i f jcrton 1 p t ihson hon g 1 h iniiln n 1 ha m klaus g it kloosur g a mc donald g s mel nrj i w pachol k 1 t pinatcllc r scott ii w snider r g tarrvoll t thompson t m honkelm j s wilkrr d g wiltshire j w wueicti to grade 11 the follow rife studen s have been promoted to gnde 11 of the four i ar business com nitce course 1 a bjtl on c bwlevtite m 1 1 irk v f cohurn j e codlin lion i i oil ns hon j p civejduc i 1 cuthbert f b umpstv b divis l- i dis i dermolt a drtnnrs 1 m famr hon m fcndi m roudj v m hill s hancock m i h v h in t a lepson f m kanmurh mil blmc k ui s w micl herson d mil enfant d 1 mcqinme g nielsen a 1 vx i a nixon b j i nrdon o poulsen hon i o insswod t d revnolds s c rbrls s m tavlor n a lirnlork s webster s t w h eh r c l w ison m l wjlio hoi to grade 11 thi follov ng students hava been promotd t grade 11 of the four v ear arts and scienuc ourt i k rrrold p r barlow r b brigfesmitli m j broom hold c r ciih w a cun ninfehim r s hall b j ser vos j i thi n lull l a ursel p c avnlkcr certificate of training the following students have been recommended fir a cerfi ficat of trainma k b allen 1 f batuson w d bcssev g j camman r j findiv r e gallowav r- i caw lev i m 1 gibbons b p hilt d j hoare i b jennings g b kitchener g m le blanc n b mcgow an d f milton a c peacock hon l l rodgers g d sou thon j s tost s d wells g m williams own r- d wrlahl to oradi 11 the following itudents have been promoted to grado 12 of the five year science trada technology course i c barkhouse d l bod in d f carleton hon d r costlcy i d gosling a j w wemyts i d woodall hon a s amojc m d zamojc to grade 12 the following students have been promoted to grado 12 of the five year business and com rocrcc course c p pellegrinis hon pam el a window to grade 12 the following students have bcn promoted to grade i of the five year arts and scienco course m i armstrong hon j a asseltine r s barber g c barclay c f beer hon c a e biehn g j f boyd f j brown l s carey hon m carr j b chamberlain r w clarke s j cock d g de sylva r d j dubien hon i l eason a j fillson r m fnrighthon g w ferguson b tew hon c r fogal hon r c freeman d m giles j h graff n a gundtng j 3 guiak l m hansen hon j hardy s harris j a hcnder non hon k m holotiuk r j keir hon w keuer l s kelly l m kirby p e kirk wood hon k m kitelcy a r knight j b kvamme s l lane r j landry j c lay man j l llewellfn e v maidment i maile m f mc xee j f vicnajly hon j t j mcneil r j mcllor l d mor row m e pedversc hon r g pelletier a t piasecka a m quonbury hon m l rud dell w g schenk l j a sc ckington hon s d stamp j d stansel hon c d stev ens hon g stiggcc s taylor c e tomlins hon j t wal inga c g warwick p j while b a white l m wood b e youmana hon to grade 12 the following students have been promoted to grade 12 of the four year science trades and technology course j adema r s alcorn r d ashley b h bailey r c bi shop w a casey hon m j coffey c f de jong j j fg erton j l evans d f gib son hon g c glaudc m r harlcy r- jcpson d r lit tie r a mills r a patterson g peppard g w sanwald hon n scutt r service g window i j wood to grade 12 the following student have been promoted to grade 12 of the four car business ft com merce course m t bradlev i dalucl c i dvkxhoorn d g fendley g i flvnn s j frawle p a givens i m hirlev i f hiss s jones n a kavanagh hon m p kavanagh s b lawr d s iiciiwidfie p j pirsonsifhort s 1 preston d a reynold hon c m sadler d r sand elands r 1 scirlctt i c schoutin 0 m selsby i r bheppard d j slcwirt hon to grade 12 the following student- have been promoted to gnde 12 or the four jear arts and scicncp course r g bouskill i m bnsbnis i butler a m chaplin h in b r cnne a g devhu st r s graham s c kvnnrslev r i indaucr j p thornton l s tomazic graduation diplomas the following student has been recommended for the on tano secondarv school gndu ation diploma in the five v ir science trades and tcchnolov a b slu tt ard the following students have been recommended for the on tano secondarv school gniiua tion diploma in the five voir business and commerce f f hennessey 1 i tn nor j a prouse j n smith f j suchan hon the following students havp been recommended for the sec ondarv school qradulation dip loma in the five year arts anil science program h t arnold hon s assel tine b j arthurs v l beau mont i p boer t a boswell c j cock s a collier j m dalziel t dalziel i c dump er hon j f duncan i dwver w s eason b i f liott s j finerson f p m fans s m finnamore d j fowlar e a gedcke p s hson m gilchrist j m gor don rmn a a goudeketting h j graham n s hankey j s hall m f henderson bon r t hewson e d hill n c a hole j m inglts m s irwtn b lohnson d b johnson j h ka j j kcmshead p j ijnoe r l manderwn a g mcauley hon j r mcdonald l a mcgill d a mcmencmy j g moodv k i neil b l pankenin r d parr m m plgnatolle r s pmtrwwskl b pollock s m preston l a rudiger r m saxe r r shep pard hon a sornmer hon d w stirf hon p g tom iir a d valk h e van klink j l van patter b r wlekr the fowowing students har been recommended lor th ot i cherries hctiopci a peaches 4 oiik 2- 49 cool drinl cookies 263 ka dutch ja apple pie 4d inh cracker lind u ccc ese do lj hu i initir u iiyltteem tr 67c lusnxt -w- 69e sbhu iimes 49c jell o ielly powders 10 s i 89 rriimicir delmonte drink wihnr ta no nuk tonus son drinks iced tea mix caknewop mwoh moun ie vmic lemonade wiictn norm grape juice at hot prices 3 95- 699e 10100 1289- 10i99 m 2i39 margarine parchment print i 255 i iga buns hamiukg 5tyu sl golden ripa koolaid10i495 i bananas smoked hams mm iiaf swins smoked 1umt0ut picnic shouloerib mvoh hand trtloasi sliced side bacon rock cornish hens cooked cod portions 61 s79 79 63 2 ibs 25c delep red cuttert watermelon 79c 1 9 california sunkht oranges 59c miliih jp caiuie wiihcilf tminnsl tiiwu iran tano secondirv school gmdua linn diploma in the tour ytar sin nu trade and t chnologv ii ndne s c barrett d m ilattisoti d s billinjlton m m p itod b s brint g a ci irk t connlh hon i g p dtljot r r 1 tt fnij b d i nncis j 1 golden 1 d gr tn h d j gould d j hirlnv t 1 hi s i hmre m ii jansscn l it kent j h kim j i lahei t f mack j f midsen i i mijcury fion i t pirsons hon h ii i um f pilleruiis p 1 rolimsoii k sandif r p hli r vindt b1 s indenneer g g vlstra thi following students hac n rtcommen led for th- sec ondir si hool ridintion dip lomi in the four yeir business and ommorce course llen hon j a arm strong k biniiu i d br dli i j brown j e lirk i t oil cr hon d m fishhurn i ii unduir hon c f h ilt ii c hdc g krep- pcnlofir in p mahcr m m mrikis n ii i miller k m prilt s sthatti a w schoutin hon s m service d a stcrntl m f 1 stock w d b subject d t tay lor n tn or h n rtiart hon p a tuck m r tyler the following students have hern recommended for the sec- ondir school gnduation dlp- lonn in the one year special ommcrcnl course d m cuthbert f a dnins ctt j m 1 innamor b 1 gra ham j v law r e marchand m t sarkcnt c f seifricd hon j k sigurdson the follow infi students hare been recommended for the sec ondarv school groduition dip- loim in the four year arts and science procrim tt adcock s j barnea w p chrk r o edie d g ellison d i m firmer r g goodine j a honcock hon r a hunter h g laird a r iankle r f prarson j r philhps i e stopper g r turn bull ment with resignation of con i stable keith orpcn from the j force advertise regulariy in the herald it pays the georgetown heral thursday july 6tn 1967 page 2 train to montreal ask about convenient departure and return times for information phono th oca cn passtngor salsa offic 1030 ct canadian nanonal tow on ay hire three men for towns works staff three men were added to the towr s works staff at monda a council meeting daid hannah thomas soulliore and john pim- cntal hae been chosen from recent applicants to fill acnn ion m the dcpartmcnl georgetown police depart ment will be seeking a rpucj strawberries pick your own 30c quart how to get there speyside no 10 oimpbollvlle sideroad mobar farm hwy 401 imiitom monday wednesdays and fridays 7 am to 12 noon 5pm to 8 p m saturdays ati day 7am to 5pm quart pickirv boxes only bring your own or purchase at patch please no children undfr 12 brobar farm johnf brown it r 3 milton inert j mnt north from 401 on hwy 15

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