Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1967, p. 14

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coming events optical prescriptions filled or duplicated 877 3071 robert h hamilton optometrist tf don t orrrt the hornbv garden party saturday luly l a full night of cntertawmnt expo downtown wontrcil hotel accommodation for 2 availabiejuly31il to 3rd aug list 877 909 itnsslakc riding school of fcrs a refresher course for ad ult riders for further informa uon contact joo boss owner 8773895 or mrs anne vernon instructor 877 3773 bus trip to expo by sun t liner bus service leivcs julyj 24th and returns july 27th or leave august 14th return aug i ust 18th for price and inform uon call mrs tom haines 8774593 7 20 riding lbssons lnglish or western group or individual in truction near slcwarttown orchard lane arm mr h looseley 8774410 tf social and personal the christian and missionary alliance p w coll pislor telephone 877 981fi 10 a m sund ly school 11 a m morning worship 7 pm everting service cedarvale community centre corner vain maple tcmportrv location wednesday 8pm horns prayer and bible study mr and mrs ed wiener and mr and mrs morris goudckct ting have i young isifor from holland with ihim for the um mer lie is leo wiener a ncph cw of mr wiener and mrs goudekcltinj w ho lues in bindhovrn llollind miss joy birlur u norm in dv blvd flew to l ilgarv reicnt ly where she visited with miss betty c irej fornu rly of geor getown mrs b w peters flom sjd ney novn scgtia has been vis itinij with hir son fred his j wife and familv it their home 20 chirlcs stud two rnjish sisters hid a re mion w htn mrs p ric bonser flew from denver uilorido to visit with mrs alitc lonts who has been with hei son peter it 1 hclvin drive they had notr met for fifteen jnn mr hon j scr on leave from dulv with iis forces in vict jim drove fromj doner to join his wife lur j on saturdiy mr and mi bonn duncan 9 lyons court entertained for mr and mrs stan inlay 17 durham street who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary the fin liys dressed in appropriate wedding outfits were first dri en through town in th6jrcar previously secretly decorated a number of entertaining skits preceded the opening of gifts which included i silver water pilihcr from llinr tncnds on bundiv mr ind mrs bud mat son were hosts at their home in biampton for a family party to fm titer honour the couple mr tmlaj an engineering gradu au of university of toronto has hem issocialcd with jjomtar pulp paper hero since gradua lion his wife is the former margaret humberstonc and they hive two children barbara a hbririan in toronto and lohn entering his third vear at the unncrsity of waterloo ryerson graduate engagements seeks permission for store on maple east a touching letter from a re ccntly widowed mother of three stirred council mondiy night to cut through tho red tape to quote cr jim young mrs m christie 137 maple avcnuctast hiked council for permission to operate a fish mr -and-mrs- nitu ard eorgetown ire hipnv to in r ounce the forlh mm itnr rnge of their cltlir duuhur bonnie to mr diud harold haikh of pirrj sound rhr nnr r aje will tike plt- in st lohn s united hunh t two o clock jtih 2lli i1rt ii mmi is the gnmldiuhur of mrs dirk montrnl ii d mr i l stuttird of rem i r first baptist church minister rev l e wilton organist mrs walter towncnd 10 00 a m church school 11 00 am joint service with st johns united in first baptist during july rev robert semens 7 pm evening worship mr and mrs of go ttmdsi to i ounce tin fn mat ae of u nhull lir la helen to mr i iri wjmk hlddil son f mr ind mr richard riddill 142 lit i drue ihc mirr i to like place u ust ltit 111 i v 15 o clock m sl gurgos njirin church palette pencil artists exhibit at brampton show three members of the george town palette and pencil club submitted paintings to the 5th annual brampton flower fes tival tine arts centennial ex hlbition held july 1st and 2nd at mchugh public school audi tonum brampton of the paint ings submitted by local mem bcrs two were chosen to be ex hibtted serenity by mrs dorothy scull and the pump by mrs mary cooper judging fo rt ie event wis guest artist alexander mi mer also exhibiting as guest artists wne william romld andre drcnters tom roberts romin schneider and gallcrj sot georgetown as an idded reward in this centennial yeir successful hibitors were presented with a i centennial certificito of fx hibition several of the palette and pencil club membirs prose it l are showing paintings at the i p0f istsgi north halton golf and country club the georgetown herald thursday july ii 1m7 and chip store from her nine room house she maintained she did not want to accept mothers allowance or welfare but fclt she could make a go of this as a friend had sold her all the equipment choaplv she contended that the local ion near fictortcs would be an ideal spot for such a service and closed the letter b stiting i wint to sttnd on my own feet this lady is to be admired remarked cr robert rrancis and should be helped in ev ery wty lets cut the rid lipe tdd ed tr young and hind this direct to zoning administntor walter picholok rather than hold for committee meetings which could hold this up for two more weeks the mayor pointed out jf the arel is oncd to permit this there is nothing to stop mis christie going into husinrs cr rov billenlini chimed one side of the roid is m2 and the other vide 114 either of which would permit rnehbour hood store fha icllcr uu turned ni r the onim dmiiusirilor f insver hv litis thursd i mmittoe niifttn no worries says norval teen bound ilvers salutes sir george etienne cartier he participated in almost aii the great events of his times as e youth he fought for responsible government in the rebellion of 1837 as a director of the grand trunk- railway he helped build canada communication system he codified quebec s civil law abolished the seigneunal system led lower canada into confederation set up canada s defence system and single handedly negotiated the transfer of the west to canada- first from the hard resisting hudson s bay company and again from the armed opposition of red riv t constitution of the province of man toba and he still found t n it was carter too who wrote trjft- e poetry for br t sh institutions and fear of flucnces were the keynotes in christian reformed church worship services 9 30 a m and 4 00pm 7th line r r 1 georgetown ont listen every sunday the back to god hour radio ministers rev j h ncderhood christian reformed church chiq 1280 10 m ckfh 1430 9 30 am ckey 590 8 30 am everyone wllcomr tf beths beauty lounge 0 perms s5 50 s up styling tinting 8772607 61 shelley street michael payne rcoreliiwn district high s hool graduate michicl pavne hts riduilid from ryerson jistilutc of rochnologj m the tm tilhirjic1 technology course hi is implovid in toronto wilh the firm of johnson matt hi mallorv 1 td on june 11 he was married to judith rd r in t coremonv in st ntirws lnileri church he i the son of mr and mri harles pajnc 3 mcnabb st for your entertainment jl mcgibbon hotei japa this week the m 1 the mid niters thursday friday saturday sonic entertainment music to suit cverv occision especial 1 for boiling banquets weddings dult nnd teen din txpenenerd m s mil 1 j s with ultramodern sound equipment record libraries spnnil to none and hall rcnlils contact jack osuiluan 451 6706 or 41 1440 bartending service also avail ihlc via sonic a few places still open for preschool children at j maple nursery school cooperative non profitf opening sept 18th at cedarvale for information plesso eontae council briefs mondtj night council ap pointed lorn jaims atinj is sessment commission r and increased his car allowance b thirty dollars a month o thcv also appointed fii rodgers acting weed inspector until the return o mr l i mcbnde i o council authorized the pur chase of a camera for iho as sessment department the cost not to exceed seventy five dol tars o they also authorized the is suing of a cheque for s4 000 to the planning board which is the balance of their 1987 bud gel i o council hired randv lire m nn street to cut weed with a scythe at 51 0 per hour o the minutes of the nrlh halton urban board mcfling read to council revealed no de orgetown member wts present o the georgetown public school board requested council to raise 186 578 through de benture for the addition to ihc george kennedv school in addition consists of four chss rooms and a librarv tho fen eral contract amounts to s162 538 arc hi tec i a fees v 7i0 fur nishings m0oo0 and crnting encies s4 000 norvil letnacr who stjrl ed this week on a six wcik visit to isnrl is he hns no wor rics about the silintion thin john met if ife 17 ilisiu ed the tmltir with i lf v tr old isnili nl hifoic stattin thi tup ihc d is miriam si hine win is dl o tdkin pnrt in the exchange phn i hi plin is sponsi n i its i it wish group the i loiinr wonwn of cimrlt mirnm ind lohn conimunic tied miinlv in sij ianjuiji- at their first melinj in the hos pililitv pivthon it rpo b7 sin lent it in ijnculuial high schrnl mi s schine hits at bat yini i suburb of le vi her f tlhir in nij s a c operative f irm john wjs i rn nnd r used n ffts p u nt farm md liasi hen ct in 4 it ll lb jctivil ts sinc in is ij t prtst i i n is in ij inn in p lilicil sd nte il tor nti s nrk imer love of canada admiratioi united states annexat on sm and cartier s politics in confederal on he saw a way to keep canada out of u s hands and to preserve hprr ihe br t sh political system which alone could protect french canada s i fe and it was cartier s tremen dous influence that won lower canada s approval for confederation mixed with his pol tical ideals sh p with macdonald hs fellow cor e in ihe days of united upper and lov closest colleague and partner is a long and intimate fnend- at ve leader ccpttme minister canada in every way his contemporaries clamed macdonald depended on cartier s per sonal support and could hardly get aloig w thout him one thwig i certain when a cable reached pari ameni n 1873 that cartier had died in england of the bngl i s d sense if had gone to have treated macdonald collapsed n tears on i is com nons desk unable to con tinue the day s sitting in this centenn a year we at slvers are proud to salute sir george etienne cartier father of confederal on an outstanding canadian i 111 his selecti in lohn had to write a pier on uiv he wis inttrcstid in imkinj thi isi h visit tilt ic wor n in o hirl contistinls speakin thi ujh in inwrp reler m r in it mi she is lookim forwanl tn fin linj out what life is like in amila she is to trml from hitifax to vtt i lorn urnhr tin md m f f i finals fi m thi i n r w nil en mil thi 4 h luimit i in 1 m i j- in mil 1 vi i with i slu hut his ran i i 1 he i vrlnnje pn urni u is phnnid bv the j 000 member 1 loneer group comes from holland to join wigo firm television expert just over from holland is the newest ad dition to wico tv stafl iio sluik who arrived here lunt 21 from hciloo hollind lift a position representing a larje television and ndio firm thin to join wigo sales and lie i liiinj at 64 sk vens ins with his wife adnam and ihil drin lowrv igc 10 yolanda 7 ind kijmund 5 wrights bamkrshopj personal v anention l phone 8779589 y variety 7 james street opposite mackenzie open 8 am to 9 p tn 7 days ample free prki h mm 24 hours a day a r taxi call 8774474 airport service freak out dance this sunday night 8 pm holy cross auditorium mondo court fbirthsl boxford dave and gwonn boxford are happy to announ ce the birth of a daughter ion ann on june 29th lflfit i at queensway hospital a sis ter for michael and tauh inglis mr and mrs gordon lnglis 18 clcavcholm drn c are pleased to announce the arrival of their son jason alexander lnglis born julv 1st 1967 at gcorgelown a district memorial jfospiial in memoriam n coming soon july 26 field demonstration with p c more power more economy watch this page next week for time and location held over july 13 14 15 both in blazing color rafjucl welch john ricinl- win in one million bc also robert goulet and christine carere- in i deal in danger vchebiffi drivein theatre mile t sf guelph eity limits just cff wy 7 phone 2543 tmwe uy 0 niifj monday tuetday wedncsdayjuiy 17 ii 19 two tuit shoks jn color it rnrd ji hnson tlka sommer in deadlier than the male itn immended adult plus lohnnv cnwford and tommv kirk in village of the giants recommended adult monj glngo t p m at the iiv1ba the coolest spot in town thursday night at 8 pm bingo holy cross parish hall maple ave georgetown 15 reg games 20 per game j other specials jackpot in 58 numbers s425 proceeds tor holy cros5 church armstrong in memory el a dear friend peter arm strong who paascc awi luly 12th 1066 however long our lnea miv last whit lands we view whatever joy or grief be ours we will always think if ou lvcr renumbered by hn friend bob cards of thanks button i wish to thank all my friends neighbours and credit lodge and chapter al so canadian legion for cards flowers and visits during my sta as a patient in colling wood hospital norm but ton i inglis mv smeerevst appree ifttion to all my friends nei ghbours for cards and gifts received while 1 was in the georgetown a district metior ial hospital y added thanks in dr martin dr busfird tt miclntosh and the nurs ing staff of the hospital a so to ur neighbourhood bingo group for thr wonder ful gift marion lnglis turnbuii i th tn thank all my friends who seit mt gifts flowers and cards dur ing mv stav in hospital ldna turnbull announcing new hours commencing july 20 the office of niagara finance co ltd 9 main street n will be open thursday evening to 7 pm closed friday evening at 5 pm odeon theatres weekly guide box office open daily 8 pm show start 9 15 pm drivein lhlljiu 0rangeville drivein theatre tn 13 alvarez kelly fn 14 elvis presley in si is easy come easy go sun 16 mon 17 tues 18 wed 19 ten commandments starling thursday n w iyne and kirk douglas in the war wagon djded attraction valley of mystery both features in color steele s avenue west off highway 10 box office i open 64sr tinuoutfrl 7 p m m today thru sunday mot wanted picture of the year boh hope phvllia diller 6 on the lam clor ftyppjgffl monday tuetday wednesday saturday matinee 2pm all color show julie christe fahrenheit 4sv second fealure comedy wt ihe pad nd how to use it adult enterulnm 1 1

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