Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald p by horn newspaper umhl 22 main street south georgetown ontario w c 11ehn publisher thursday juiy 13th 1967 editorial comment relocating municipal building coundis move to expropriate ten acres of dominion seed house land for a future municipal complex indicates how rapidly we are passing from small town to city status who would have dreamed a few short years ago that the town would outgrow its downtown office to the point where a decision might have to be made for an entirely new location while we can agree that the present location coukj someday become impos sible from an accommodation and parking tandpotnl7we suggest a close look should be given to seeking a new location in the downtown area somewhere oh the mam itreet removal of ihe post office to a midtown iocat should be proof enough that a location outside a commercial area satisfies no one a municipal complex cross the street would have an added disadvantage in that a large majority of pedestrians would have to cross the high way to reach it there are many possible location still available downtown where a new municipal building could be a decided as set to mention only a few the partially empty old theatre on mill street or the old town hat whore public parking ll only a stop away plus any number of houses which could be acquired and moved for this purpose with extensive growth in the towns east end the downtown will even more become tht commercial hub of our future city and the municipal centre should not be lightly abandoned for a halfway house if after careful investigation there must be a decision for a completely new location then council might be we i advised to look at the delrex building al ready standing almost empty on the mountainview corner here too there is plenty of public parking available in the adjoining shopping plaza and a building which could house a large number of of fices acquisition of the valuable seed house property could be a long and costly procedure for the town for its value will be judged not only on the value of land acquired but on the damage which this could do to remaining land which if not used for its present purpose is ideal foi either residential commercial or industrial development more centennial events an upswing m centennial year vents in town is indicated in a revised schedule issued last week by committee officials- while some disappointment has been expressed particular in the lack of a dominion day celebration the town has not been without its activity to date besides a january 1st flag raisinq and a giant christmas tree bonfire m january there has been a centennial ball special sunday for senior citizens and o centennial midget hockey tournament aside from these events which cstme under the jurisdiction of an official oomniittee private organizations have also contributed to the celebrations particular- quarrymen cooperate a substantial donation from a quar rying firm and the deeding of land io hal- ton region conservation authority marks a new era in preserving part of the coun tys natural beauty which could have been lost for gevjeratios it should now be possible for com mercial activities to proceed profitably while still retaining much of the beauty of the escarpment in the milton and kelso areas where quarrying could have wreck- ad for all tmw one of the finest views available in this part of ontario the strip of land will create nead- d parkland which will become more and more valuable as population increases it h a forward step in retention of natural beauty which nature has created for ui through the centuries all too often today we are ponp to toss away thngs which should bs treasured in the name of progress we laughter trees wholesale for widening ly the business professional women with a fashion show a weaklong legion af fair which featured a number of banquets and presentations and soma interesting exhibits in merchants windows during the past few weeks many beards are evident in the male population with judging for this and for a miss georgetown contest slated for the fall fair still on the horizon is the visit of the centennial caravan next month and an armed forces motorcycle display a skating carnival and christmas lighting contest we are sure that when ihe year is over georgetown will be able to look back on a successful centennial year with many happy memories of our celebration roads so more and mora traffic can move we turn our finest farmland into factory locations crowd beautiful homes onto too- narrow lots allow signs and second rate small commercial buildings along our se condary roads and at individuals litter our streets and roadways with tin cans papers and accumulated refuse perhaps our trouble has been a plenlitude of land we have forgotten that as immigrants wa left crowded lands where every blade of grass is treasured every drop of water retained wa have polluted our waterways to such an extent that one of our great lakes is almost de void of aquatic life unfit in most places for bathing tt is it sad reflection on us that wa despoil our natural resources with little thought for future generations this little glimmer from ihe quarry owners is heartening lets hope it may become a beacon light to follow harley to halton waeldy observations by dr harry hariey mp fv hahan this weqc will ronrlcdr the work of the house of com e until parliament recon venes soow turn in toe fall it b anticipated that the spending cstiaaates of ten government departments wit be concluded and the remaining departments will be co early in ihe fall tins wid leate nasi of the time of tbe hoase of commons in tbe fan for letislatiatl one of the major matters to be dealt vita in the kail will be tbe amendnmwts to tbe crii bunal code wajen wid prababjyl leal 4rit radt matters as tbe ata eat bamkruptcy etrwra and birth control thecommittee on health and wekare which 1ifiin have tbe honour to chair will be hoi- dins hearings in the fill into the controversial question of abortion it is anticipated that this will be a highly controver sial nutter and i expect the bearings will be extensive it ts expecth that in the fall the government will bring in legislation that has been re- commended by be special com mittee on drag cost and prices at ihw time of course one can not tell which of the recom mendations the government will accept but there is every indication from the recommen dations mafie on the estimates of the registrargeneral who is responsible for all consumer matters that significant chan ges will be made in the laws governing drugs the royal visit of her majesty and prince philip has endeavthe e of thi v will i am lure be with us for a long time canadians respond ed with unusual warmth and enthusiasm and while some doubted the wisdom of a royal visit during our centennial ce- irintions i thing those same people would now agree that this roya visit added tremend oiis impetus to the success of our celebrations ctvic holiday the first monday in august he as usual been proclaimed a civic holiday in georgetown with banks and most business places taking advantage ef the long weekeni q the old whtomiii tt is at it again officials stall plan to scrap local school boards news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 20 years ago despite a july 1 deadline county council thursday stalled j on a decision which mav have resulted in a singletier county- wide board of education b 1068 a brief entered by councils public and high schools consul- tative committee was tabled for further review by a special com- 1 mittee yet to be set up i the brief suggested the coun ty education system be adapted to work under a single uer board of education i a similar suggestion was made by regional government expert i thomas plunkett in a lengthy report now under study by pro vincial government mr plunkett who envisages a new twocounty split between halton and peel on a ruralur ban basis strongly recommends the setting up of a board of education for the southern part to be known as the county of mtssissauga and another for the north the rural county of pcclhalton the consultative committee goes further in recommending the establishment of an advisory vocational committee and three education committees one sugar and spice by bill smiley smileys to expo contest dont tell me there arent any creative writers in canada the country is crawling v ith them more than 100 entries for the smilejstoexpo guest column havearrivcd and ihcy are still pouring in j my wife thought all along iii was rather an illconceived project or as she put it a dumb idea and im begin n ins to agree with her one ol the chief hitches is that i forgot to organize some judges so i m 1l so first of all i must read them all some twice some thrice this is going to absorb about 100 hours and the whole idea in ihe first place was that id get a holiday something wrong there somewhere secondly all those who dont win along with thalr f am il ka and friends era going to hate ma for lift its miy ert- ugh to make arwmiei without wtliberately ellartahna about 2000 people and thirdly if costing mr 23 to acquire 100 hours of work and 2000 hostile nat ives sort of silly isnt if however i dunnit and im glad the toronto telegram news service has kicked in other 23 and a lot of people have had a lot of fun3aking a whack at writing a column and i shouldnt complain about its being work its fun especially delightful is the fantastic variety or both writ ers and subject matter the writers are of alt sexe and all ages from 18 to 76 and they wax eloquent on everything from pheasanti to families from taxes to toenail thanks too for the many warm and friendly personal messages enclosed its kind and thoughtful even though it wont win a prize what the columns have proved to me again is thai theres a great deal of good humour good spirit and good intelligence in our country the entries vary in many other ways some arc quietly torou others are sardonic ironic some are dead cri ous some angry some passion- 1 ate not that way mum i some were written on ordin ary ruled paper while the breakfast dnhei rotted in the hnk others were immaculate ly typed submitted hat in man uscript form with return envel ope enclosed some writers want a pen name usedrothers want their names in big bold type they come from office work ers farm wives students and grandmothers some people submitted a many as three columns some are ungrammat- ical and hilarious others use impeccable english but are dull some are religious others ribald one gentleman writes amus ingly of his two pheasants named john and lester be cause he didnt think theyd be around long jim kerr of red deer vents his dislike of teach ers in no uncertain way a former student of mine oil i here mary graham tells w hnt a character her grandpa is one entry confcts of his first letter home from a lad ser ving in viet nam and they come from all over ihe country which makes this thing a real centennial kick put them all together and youd have a book it would bo raggedy and uneven but inter esting and would present a pretty good idea of what can ada and canadians are really like trouble it to many ef th columns art so good that im in a quandry right up to my naval t started to make two pilea the good omi and the rejects the pile at reechu two inches high the ether art two feet perhaps the sensible thing to do would be to write a guest column myself under a pseu donym submit it to me and declare it the winner it wouldnt he cricket but it would save a lot of agonizing over that final decision not to mention 30 bucks dont worry chaps ill find eointlnn perhaps what i do with mv exam papers take arj ful to the top of the stair and hurl them the one thai lands on the highest step gets top mirk bear with me while i peruse hope t announce the winner next week each for oakville burlington and north halton acton milton and nassagaw- eya in porth halton supported the proposal and milton went as far as recommending its im plementation at the earliest possible date georgetown and esquesing were against it while oakville and burlington had reservations against it arguments against the propo sal ranged from the awaited plunkett report financing the new setup and representation deep concern in a brief to council esques ing township council found the scheme extremely disturbing and expressed its deep concern about the whole deal council argued that although the proposal might conceivab ly result in better opportunit ies for a few children the costs of education would be ser iously hiked without any appre ciable improvement in education esquesing disliked having on ly one member on a 24man board with oakville and burling ton having greater voting power than all five northern commun ities the northern municipalities might just as well not be rep resented at all since in any differences of opinion either oakville or burlington could out- vote the whole of the north the brief says the brief claims the cost of education in esquesing would double if the committees recom mendation was implemented increased benefits to the school children of the township would be highly problematical it adds opposes plan gcorgctow n council simply stated it was unanimously agai nst the whole deal meanwhile oakville board of education viewed with alarm the recommendation by the com mittee for immediate action on the scheme it claimed the proposed finan cial setup could result in wel come relief for acton george town and milton hut in great concern to esquesing and nassa- gaweya on a motion moved by deputy reeve menefy seconded by de puty reeve allan day the com mittee brief was laid aside to go before a council committee the committee yet to be ap pointed will probably be com posed of three councillors georgetown herald new trmrred georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfield mcgilvrey production superintendent newi editor accountant terry hariey aileen bradley mrs irene niven anne currie reporter frank mulun advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings john mcclementa myles gilson george young i 20 years ago smith stone limited plans to bring another pha of their business to town which employs twenty ski ed tradesmen when house accommodation for these can be secured gordon hariey is filling n property on john str which he bought from the town last year and w soon have it in shape for building a garage the bradley apartments berwick hall on low main st is being stuccoed the red brick will be c pletely covered and a fine stone entrance is planned fire which broke out at 4 am friday morning pletely destroyed the edgewater restaurant a beau parlour and a large bungalow at wosoga beach wi de mag estimated at 40000 georgetown councill thomas eason who with his family was occupying tage near the restaurant was one of the first to see the fir awakened by the crackling he rushed to move his ca parked near the burning building and then joined a bucke brigade which kept the flames from spreading to oth cottages 10 years aoo branch 120 of the royal canadian legion has pu chased the adjoining two properties the garage hou ing hewson motors and liquor store and upstairs apart ment an extensive chase after a 17yearold guelph reform atory escapee ended in georgetown last friday whe he was nabbed near the park ron and mike miller 1 members of a nine man posse noticed his reformator clothing near there the capture ended a seven mile thai taken up by opp constable mervyn harkness at acton h took out after a car driven recklessly through the tow limits the fugitives car hit a guard rail on a corner a georgetowns western limit and the chase continued o foot toward stewarttown georgetown police corpora jim bilsborrow and constables hariey lowe and ted scot flushed ihe man from his hiding place near the park shotgun and box of shells known to have been in th mans possession were not recovered business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments mada daily call tr 74401 x mill st tawlna chiropractor gerald w cerbett dc open dally by appearrrmerrt house calls arranged 177631 ha main st north a t walker ra dosc optometrist 12 main st s- brampton 4314474 res 4516243 hours s am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 9 am to 9 pm evenings by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview rd s carretal bldg office will b closed july 22nd to august 7th inclu- optometrist l m brown 0 d for appol phane 1774471 rati rotate ltd roller construction it now initalllng aluminum sidino windows doors free estimates all work guaranteed call s774102 barragers cleanere4liirt launderera tr 7m7 18 main s 166 guelph an work demon premises frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 13 tr 74864 georgetown wallacr thompson 3rd division court clark a commissioner tr74te georgetown animal clinic 108 geelph street dr r b gaskln dlnle open 88 pja mon wed fri xmordar ii aja w a car profetalonal engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 1774111 774300 home john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 4773013 4519365 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone ei145tt 2 water street north g alt martins sodding and undjcipiag lawn maltrtefwnca industriaj anal cemeralal 774341

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