Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 27, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald pumwmd by horn nmnpapan united 22 main strett soulh gorgatown ontario w c mhn rhimunr thursday july 27hi 1967 editorial comment drinking drivers when one reads of the high incidence of auto accidents attributed to drivers who hove been drinking it leads to the conclu ion thtft our laws ere hopelessly inade quate to cope with this problem educational programs such as the if you drink don f drive type which appear particularly at th christmas season are alright as far as iboy go but what we need a a stringent law which wtll give the pol tee a firm beta for charges and the courts an absolute means of dealing with thou who get behind the wheel after imbibing the fact than a small amount of alco hol may not influence the ability to drive the fact that people vary in the amount of alcohol they can consume without being impaired should have no bearing on the law it should be art absolute offence that if one has been drinking within a set num ber of hours prior to driving a vehicle he can be liable to a fine thank you general a stirring speech by general oegaulla dwr ng his canad an visit in which he hel ped note quebec separatists to demon strations in favour of a separate french canadian state does not become a visiting dignitary of his stature perhaps it will set a new trend and we can invite the president of italy to tell our considerable italiancanadian population mat they should have their own part of canada or the russian leaders suggest that it would be n ce if our ukrainian canad fans had dose ties with their homeland the fiact that t would be phys cally mnd economically impossible to split canaaa into more than one nat on does not seem to occur to the minority who would crea ate have in canada it would be better for a man like degaulie to tell them so m lead of playing into the hands of radicals and trouble makers canada is a land which has become a melting pot of races from which we are evolving our own strong nation ethnic tha law in other words would work exactly as do ouf speeding laws a motor ist may not always follow tha speed limit and at times he can be driving quite safe ly if he exceeds the legal limit bit if he is stopped by a policeman and it is proved that he was speeding he has no comeback he has broken the law and is subect to a penalty a policeman in such cases uses his judgment and does not always lay a charge in a rt drinking law the same judgment could be available to the police and every driver who has had a glass of beer would not necessarily be persecuted just as a motorist can be unfairly dealt with in a minor traffic infraction through bad judgment of a policeman so tt could happen with a no drinking law but would it not be preferable for this to happen occa sionally if it could end some of the high way slaughter being caused today by peo ple who are impaired by alcohol groups have a perfect right to reta n a pride in their european ancestry but no right to demand special privileges other than those granted to frenchcanadians under the bna act there is nothing in our law which provides for one group to dec ide they want their own nation within a nation it is foolish incendiary and revol utionary talk wh ch cannot be allowed to continue it is time we dropped our bickering developed a un ted pride of country wh ch includes our bti ngual heritage and let the world know that we are a healthy happy mixture of races without the problems which have caused trouble in our ancestral homelands from almost the birth of h story canada is unique in that a man s race has little bearing on his citizenship while we are busy prov ng that people who came from countr es once at war can live in har mony s de by side it s our present trag edy that small elements of two races which have i ved together for generations should start feuding the hte efftofg tree sugar and spice by bill smiley buffalowed bill i think i can say without fear of contradiction that 1 am the stupidest english teacher in canada if not the whole of north america i may add that i am the most dunder headed columnist between vanco ivcr and marvsville newfoundland why aside from the things that naturallv spring to mind its this crazj rolumn conte i that s whv english teachers spend their winters muttcrinc and cursing into the small hours as they read what are jocosely called essays at the ini of juno the intel ngant onn begin their holiday or run off with somebody a mis tress or et roarina dr jr the stupid one start gu column contest and spends his whole summer muttering and i cursing into the wnnll hours reading columni that make mm extremtly insecure about hit future as a columnist well i guess ou know whit ill this 11 leading up to that s rnjht chaps 1 mil invent pick id up the vi inner of thai fan tastic prize of 50 f h i k d jerk 1 didn t put a deadline nn entries and he damn things arc still coming in but thit s not the problem they re all so rottn good readers of sugar ind sp ce or at least a couple of hundred of thim arc among the most lit rrjt articulate and vtlttv m he land not dog in the manger in the mail bag a mail bag letter last last week was critical of the herald for suggesting that the municipal offices be retained in the downtown area he accused tha editor of a dog n the manger attitude by the older downtown area call it what you will rt is still n our opinion sensible to retain mapr civ c ser vices in what has been traditionally fne commercial hub of georgetown s nee it became a community while this can perhaps be interpreted as selfish by downtown property owners t could also be termed selfish by all the residents a town finances to a large ex tent on the assessment of commercial areas and the downtown area pays a healthy share of the taxes retention of such public f acil t es as the municipal bu iding in the area i sen sible if in any way t can help to continue a prosperous commercial area for should tha downtown fade t could have a serious ef feet on our tax structure when toronto built a new c ty hall the c ty s downtown was the s te hamilton did the same one finds no community small or large which does not locate its mun cipal centre in this way seeks student participation in debates model parliament in thl mail bag in ilmb c mm in tw lith now its the georgetown humour it r 2 rockwood july 21st hht dear sir swift on the heels of the ita lian polish and newfoundland humour is the georgetown hu mour some typical gems are georgetown a centennial project fire chief haly the georgetown official who ran for office though he didn t think he wan worth a salary georgetown rustics recognized a good thing when thev saw k and elected him when given advice nn a to pical issue a georgetown olfi dal stated i know what i m doing don t confuse me with facts letters by irale georgetown residents complaining of harm less but obnoxious odours from one plant sang praises to an other plant continuallv pol luting the air with deadly mack smoke sincerely w a johnson ambulancemen now all si john first aiders every member of the 100 man georgetown volunteer ambu lani service has now passed their st john first aid course certificates were awarded to the newer members who just finished the course at last week s meeting while one hundred member sound like a large force with four men on duty every twenty- four hours it doea not take long for their turn to come around again the ambulance service points out that only the cooperation of local industry keeps the for ce going tince the day shifts are staffed by men who work in town 77 maple ave w i juh 11 1967 i dear sir i am wrung this letter in i ihe hopt tint the students at i lending georgetown district hirh school especially those who are entering grade 9 will take note 1 do ml represent the youth in but a school club the 20th cciturv students rorum a group ot about ten dedicated students who have taken almost everv trophy offered hy the halton peel collegiate council in the field of debating and model cituenihlp i hope 1 don t complain too much about student apathv as youth in members are wont to do i merely wish to point out that our group plans to give the teens of georgetown the best chinces ever to contribute as useful members of our society on october 5 we ire holding a model parliament for students of georgetown high to express their political views and ideas and nn october 19 20 21 a hal ton peel model un assemhly will take place and students from all over ontario have been invited we ask the students to forget their inhihitions about debat ing and current affairs and par ticipatc in these events when tbev corrte with the help of all the re- orgctown teens the 20th cen j tury students forum may con tinue and have success in its efforts and bring more honours to georgetown s citizens we hoprt for your continued coop eration in publicizing these cv ents and making local adults a ware of the fact that this gencr ttion has just as much respons ibility and initiative as they had tony mcauley how would you like to be asked to judge a beauty contest in which every entrant was knockout and also the daughter of one of jour best friends that s how i feel a person with some method in his madness would probablv sort the entries into groups excellent very good pretty good a definite potential lou sy stinks and so on then he would put an elastic band ar ound each group he would then put aside all except the excellent he would peruse them for the eighth time narrowing down to two and he would make a decision and evcrybodv would be un happv ever afterwards except the winner i don t operate that uav i am rarked harrcwed torturd one day 1 think i have the win ner my wife agrees the kid don t like it or i suddenly r- membcr a better one that 1 read last week and spend two hours searching for it onlv to find that it should have been in the stinks file another dav i have everv thing narrowed dorn to tne i top ten i place them care- fully on the floor beside my desk and my wife tidying up while i m net around puts i them back in with the others shuffles them and i have to read the whole ruddy lot again i in the process discovering sev cral which were much better than the top ten my ears are already burning because i can bear the ihouu of indignation from right acrow the nation when the winner is announced it will definitely be for all other entrants the worst column they ve ever read ah the hell with it here 1 i am an old fighter pilot who dived into the blazing flak at caen scared stiff because 199 people are going to think vm a clod for not picking their col umn next week the winning col umn will appear in this space even if i have to write tt myself and donate the prize to ih stupld english teachers assoc iation ow here s what to do ii you want your manuscript back and have not already in dlcatrd so please write to me at 101 hugel ave midland ontario and it shall be sent then talc it to the editor of your local newspaper just say this column won honorable mention in the smiles toexpo contest hell print it if he doesn t he s a cad and you can tell him so from me there is some absolutely first rate stuff in the heap and in almost every case it should- be printed notice nottci of the closing of part of the allowance for road known aa glen stfeat ji the vlllaee ef olen williams notice of i proposed bylaw to close part of the allowance for road known as wen street as shown on david reesors survey of part of the village of glen williams as follows all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of es queslng in the county of hal ton and province of ontario and being composed of part of glen street lying between blocks e and d as shown on david rcesor s survey of part of the village of glen wil hams in part of the east half of lot 20 in concession 9 in the said township and filed as registered plan numbr to in the registry office for the tald county containing by ad measurement o 684 acres be the same more or less and which said part of glen street is more particularly deseri d as follows premising that glen street in the said village of glen wu hams as shown on said regis tered plan number 10 has a bearing of north 36 degrees 33 00 west and relating all bearings herein thereto commencing at the point of intersection of the south east limit of guelph street in the said village of glen wil liams as shown on said regis tered plan number 10 with the northcast limit of glen street said point of intersection be ing also the west angle of lot 1 in block d as shown on said registered plan num ber 10 thencf south 36 de grees 33 50 east along the aid northeast i imft of glen street 450 78 feet more or less to the point of intersection of the said northeast limit of glen street with the north west limit of credit street as shown on said registered plan number 10 said point of inter section being also the south angle of lot 8 in block t shown on said registered pi number 10 thencf south 37 uege 22 00 wesj acrossf cfcei street 68 68 feet more br h to the point of intersection o the southwest limn of gle street with the wbbterly liml of credit street as shown said registered plan numbe 10 said point of intersect being also the east angle o lot 16 in block e as shrfw on said registered plan nu ber 10 thence north 36 degree 33 50 west along the said south west limit of glen street 452 15 feet more j0 less to the point of intersec tion bf the said soulhwcst limit of glan street with lta aforesaid southeast limit of guelph street in the said vi lage of glen williams said point of intersection being al so the north angle of hoi 21 in block e as shown on said registered plan number 10 thfnce north 38 degrees 29 00 east across glen street 68 32 feet more or ltfss to the point of commencement take notice that the municipal council of the township of esqueslng will take into consideration the passing and if approved will pass at its meeting to be held on monday august 21st 1967 at the hour of 7 30 o clock in the evening at the municipal chambers of the said town ship of esqueslng a jjy law stopping up and selling the above described property in the said township and the council will at that time and place hear- in person or by bis counsel solicitor or agent aty person who claims that his land will be prejudicially af fected bv the bylaw and who applied to be heard dated at esqueslng the fourth day of july a d 1967 k c lindsay ontario clerk of the township of esqucsing 810 new safetv rules for elevators in ontario increase the depth of the apron from 32 to 48 inches business directory lr chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made dally call tr 73401 30 mill st geortfotown barragers cleanersshirt launderere tr 7 227 18 main s 166 guelph all work don on premise chiropractor gerald w cerbett dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 1776631 11a main st north prank fetch licensed auctioneer prompt service p 0 box 413 tr 72864 georgetown o t walker rod ojc optometrist 12 mam st brampton 4514474 res- 4516243 hours 9 a m to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 9 am to 9 pm evenings by appointment wallaci thompson 3rd division court cltrk commiuionor tit 71961 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview rd s carretal bldg office will be closed july 22nd to august 7th inclu- the worlds largest stadium holding more than 200 000 per sons is in rio de janeiro brai u georgetown herald published by horn newspaper ltmfteel georgetown ontario walter c bteftfi publisher oerthld mcgltvray j production superintendent news editor accountant terry harlej alleen bradley mrs irene nlren ann currle reporter frank mullin advertising mnii leslie clark daw hasting john mcclementi mylet giisob george young optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st per appointments phone 773671 georgetown animal clinic 106 gstelph street dr rb gaskln clinic open 6 8 pjn mon wbd frl saturday 11 ajek w h cam professional engineer consul tiny engtneer ontario land surveyor office 8772211 8773300 horn john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 677j032 451 9365 real estate ltd monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 611 7510 d2 water street north g a lt alfred r spence licensed auctioneer halton peel dufferin 877j304 did you know a dam being built for a powf er project on brazil s parani river is more than twice a large as the famed aswan dft being built in egypt

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