Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 17, 1967, p. 1

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grade thirteen departmental exam results on page 11 georgetown herald 0 the home newspaper for georgetown and district canada 1471967 tho harald 1171 m7 authorized m second class mall poit office dept ottawa and for paymonl of potago in caih georgetown ontario thursday august 17th 1967 500 per year single copy prkei ten ctnti resigns council harrison gets welfare works post at a special meeting of coun til before the regular meeting monday night cr fred tut harrison resigned from council to become part time welfare officer in addition according to ttcjnotion he will have other full time duties in the works tepfrtment as assistant to the wn foreman the salary for the two jobs combined will be 6 100 with his duties to start immediately seven applications including mr harrisons were recefwd for tthe position of part time welfare officer according to mayor jos eph gibbons an appointment will be made by council to com plcte the sixteen months of cr harrison s unexpired term tlio motion to hire mr har rison passed unanimously cr w smith r ballenline and r francos were away on vacation tut harrison 10 4h members leave for visit in maryland on august 19lh a group of ten 411 agricultural and home making club members will bi leaving by cars from hallon for a oneweek stay in homes oi american 4h ers in wicomico couny maryland usa th s is the second half of the h cl change programme in 1913 i group of 4h ers from vlary land staved in hal ton cointy with 4 h hosts this j to b re garded at one of the higicst awards of the 4h piogrini this year those going from halton include the follo n doug gardhouse rr 5 mil on stuart nurse rr 2 gcorguo n doug blokes rr 3 lampvillc rill 1 asb kr 1 rock ood i bill jackson rr 1 mono roid rosemaiy booth rr 1 jul en i elizabeth nornngton rr 6 ill ton marlcne bntton rr 1 acton linda linham rr 1 lamhouse winnifrcd dunbar rr 1 cimp bcllville four ontario scholars in last departmentals crossing highway two children struck by car two children aged 8 and 41 offered bone fractures when truck by i car at the maple avenue gulph st intersec- t tion friday i taken to hospital after being treated at the scene were defcra sadler 8 of 101 guelph st and barbara vandeoberg 4 of 138 guelph street police said the children were t crossing guelph sl after be ins waved on by an eastfcound motorist who had stopped they walked into the path of a truck operated by harry mulligan j brampton also easbbound in the otcond lane debra received bruises to her temple and a broken right arm barbara suffered a broken collar bone police laid the accident hap pened at about 11 20 a m in another motor accident in vestigated by georgetown police this week ida alcorn of 21 mclntyre cresc suffered a fac lal cut she wis driving a small car west on duncan dr when it went out of control cms td a lawn and hit the front stops at no 12 duncan dr damage to the car was s125 domestic bliss afore apparent in esquesing for a happy marriage and oakville and burlington led the ftmfly life esquesing seems lo number of eases with 50 and 46 be the place to go in figures respectively however milton biven lo halton county council had 27 while georgetown only jesterday the family counsel had 12 eton 9 an i nassasaw ling service reported no cases cya i of anv kind coming from l- quesing during april may or by far he most rlfcrrali t i june and oniy one in the- a private with anonths before only oakville having the larger i number of referrals comingi whether the families are hap- 1 from family court j pier m one part of halton thar cianother or whether some places tne wlfe kom 1o hp mnn 1 are faster to seek help the llkciv cck hc than counselling srvice would not husba he figures sa inti r even guess views conducted with the hu hand and wife together mini in the first half of the year bered 57 with the husbinri einh 148 cases were handled by the 94 but with the wife l agency with marital roubles i lftr out in the lead a frim 41 unite the counselling service hind the high population areai of led 551 telephone calls charge two attempted to loot laundromat a robbery attempt at a linn dromat on mill street w as thwarted fndav whin an ittcn dant discovered what was going on and called police a a result constablejohn glasijrpriscd and arroslcd a pair of men from toronto and hamilton one of them with a police re cord mrs ann lindauer who lives iox door to the laundrv not iced the pair acting suspiru us- iv near the washin nnchm horth bofon i p ni mdph in cd polite when s gli s am d ho caught ont of thi m n fuciii out a batk door he order d the piir into the cniisir and rulioed for ass stance fifth addition gives high school 1 41 0 pupil capacity work is all but completed on mi ic mom a tjping room a is an c timatc because it was the most rectnt addition lo go- busmt s midlines room a mir handled bv the north hilton orttown distnt high school ketinf morch mdising remm two district if h school hoard vinor ta en is arc all that re science libs i boys occupation which wis dissolved minis lo b- ta en urt r 1 1 the room two di ifting rooms and m l 14 i om adutnn rh hi a mtjo t sunn k 7n height the schoo s tital num w his 1j8 1 12 square fctt of floor ber of rooms to j wilhlhcnew space the school to ne k pl c and 2 104 2h can now accommodile 1 410 tll fit spite to bo heated ihe project added four stand students in ttlcorv although the during the winter but dt spile ard clissrooms an instrumental teneral opinion is a school is szc it is stilt shirt of stand full when it roaches 90 per cent ar classrooms of its maximum accommodation f as soon as next icims en rolment is established in sept tne most recent addition is the ember the hth snro boird fifth since the high schoi was ft s pli a ymc thit built m 1887 all of them in the become a hbit ver the hst 12 vears the first a a p1 few years it involve pub- roiir rom win on tho w st enronnt fgutes snk tf hie orifinl school in an a trvs al bill as tb y fate 1954 t thl rjoms wc o added lnc t isk of adding still mir nl18 12 in i960 and l when ldc spac i w the t betame a connosjtc school ucholars affectiona el call thtir acidomit mil tochni al in 1962 h brick brain fdctorj rhesc p is tho m i recent ad ditum total more han 53 bui roger smith jane collett david farnell albrecht conle qualify seek traffic lights at two intersections georgetown coun il made ip plicilion to tho deparlncnt of irunspirt lo have tntfic lights inst illod at o nn re nnm in terstelms u their mitin monda cmncils ipplicition tks traffic signals at the mapli a gjclph st md mountdinv rd guelph st corners thrv would be ihe tow third ind f urth inti iu i bo conlroll d bv tnffic hi i signals arc in opt ration dr town at hie main mill sin intersection and guilph st tohn st w suspense ended vtednesday morning for 98 town and dis tnct young people when re sults of the grade 13 depart mental examinations were rec cued at the high school r our ontario scholarships each worth 5400 were awarded here for scholastic standing of 80 per cent or over heading the list is roger smdh son of mrs esther smith guelph st and the late lim smith with an ontstandmk 89 57 janr collett daughter of mr and mrs garnet collett 9 mc abb st and david larn11 nn of mr and mrs graham iarnxil 19 albert st averaged 80 57 ind 80 14 and al brcchl conic son of mr and mrs fritz conic 14 mill st av erased 80 ihe averages are based on ihe marks received in a stud ont s bst seven subjects tins year for the first time english ew during the pets elmu iaed n s 1 hie pr ije it 2lfitlh obsolete room ts ha of the proj asi raise more tax reducing water money by minimum st rtn nzie onstrnc turn built the first addition for aboil 55000 mcniily on vtruction the second for si 17 010 i istrto on3trulijon the thrd fr s4j0ooo mcnally tth tnd motion did not sa the two ml rsert ns mnuil fourlll for si 010 502and mat would be oil mere is in wt momliv bv coined imf bin i the fifth for s6j3 000 rnt lnslnrt it said the to the sccncb of frequent accid w1 rc the minimum wa ents ihe tost of the first addition hilling frrni booo gillons water will n nct morlh iccording lo motion pissed at a r in in eouu ril mctin moim n gh then grace birds 4h poster on view at winter fair 1000 jalloi ask detour changes for bridge bypass 1hi v 11 pp i irt th 1 r nidiiitu ii i t nil aid fliibth n i oune 1 cnluiei tin ddiur ink i lb ii lion harm sihtv n luth o whim will re- arou the moimtainvu w bnd nut i lhi dn in tl biml c m si 00 tho winning poster gl construe ti n m ndav ni ht rorm of tl ontr lplof w 11 exh bud jl the rma iunter daim rd the slop lights re ton close to the bndt whil cr inn agnriil un st miltrn ju smile the tains km it f r hdli praves i ht u cl in pni first concluding men go night god ow sta timid f clarcnec ni s r r ff tie rid rood 181 mun winti r la 41 i i ii in ill mnpde toronto i ho 1 r i m o i tin no firm shet tl tlniversit ef onlendid the lnrn it th of the bill is leo nn ti ue luism u n i lhi nun i t i 1 r h w ii r 110 i ust n vis n i ton i i i ill ru v slioo foil w david u id h md hi lpb n mirth 11h8 th p s wen hie on the 10f7 ik m of the onlnio firm sif v t l dmbtd if ouncil pesticide sa- spi i ht agreed to nurtw mt trirli r iriilor tb ideis weie onunal h tboukht provoking and mid i igi it thov instructed the ciimi er to have it rectified commented lr steamer fm i merson as hr asked deputyl reovc r speight water chair mn kft wlrt noney is invol vd i ii eliimed the townftwould be lininl 40c a billing or be itveen si and sven 1 ousind dollars a vear returning to a favourite theme ma or loscph gibbons bhmed the necessity for th in creist on the water tov er he praised the dtputv reeve on his astuteness in savine lets not s- were nisinr the rates lets tii them less wale- mi supported the mohon company wants fire hydrant split cost request from general ire- proofing for a fire hvdrant close to their building was tur nc i ever to committee at mon rin s council meeting rt speight pointed out that the hv drant would be on their own propcrt and the company had offered to split the cost was not an obligatory subject to include papers which coun ted as two credits could be sel ected once twice or not at all with the exception of matfis a and maths b or thlbethe highest mark rctcived can count as two credits and the other mark as only one principal domld turner told the herald todaj that if stud enls who failed in subjects wish to appeal thej should immed lately contact the scnool for the propc forms st idents entering grade 13 who have had difficulty obtain ing books may order these through the school with pay mnt in advance required any student planning to make a change in program fof the up coming term should contact tho guidance dop irtment mr prouse s in his office week day mornings this year i hiati nc for it is the last time grade 13 depart men al cxims will be written h students next veai cradua tion results will be the bole re spnnsibihty of path high school not in budget ratepayers claim where is ill thi extra mon ey coming from lo cover the col- of tawvers fees extra c uncil meetings ind travel ex penses connected with the pol ice investigation demanded jim mctaip of council mondav night he reminded council he had heard of no rcprnt on the pol ice investigation if ouve hid no report hnw did vou know to re n tali the thief he demand ed ms evident now there wis ho justification in the first plice he adtbd the mavor staled thiy had no rtpeir irom ifn ontirio police commission steauu i plain d that tho everything from wigs to pancakes for sidewalk shoppers a bazaar atmosphere was in scalps were quality hairpieces the air as shoppers sorted for sale at bargain prices here mrs john zorgc admires one of them centre free pancaiccs err the united gas compai getowns idewalk silo last attraction and attract thev weekend at left john olln icrj sitting on the stores front step of christell s hairatyiltlg was enjoying the flapjacks are kar the only scalper but the i en woods and belty ann wood throurh the bargains during the i three dis of downtown geor imeison e mnistiation budet has one thousand dol lais for travel and expenses htch would cover any coun cilors travel on town business if a renuisition is submitted and approvce below the front of sijven de partment store is mobbed as clothing shoppcrj go after sale items on th i jr walk tables the sidewalk sale w s the sec ond to be hld lerc thi vear two weeks gcorgetovi market men staged a suc cessful outloors sale 4ill

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