Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 17, 1967, p. 2

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mr and mrs eugene mckella mckellarward wedding vows in st johns united church rev r a scrlvcns of st john s united church official ed on saturday july 15 it three orlock when janice patricia ward became the bride of eup enc montgomery mckellar ii was i double ring ceremony the bride is the daughter of bir and mrs norman ward 4fl mcgllvray crescent and the groom is he son of mr isab ella mckellar cr arthurettir ew bruruwlc and tne late duncan yckellar bernard shrubsole was organ 1st and mus brenda mcneil sang wedding prayer and 111 ftalk beside you the bride given m marriage by her father chose a trench ehantilly lace sheath gown with scalloped edging and lilypoint sleeves over which she wo e a sleeveless coat of bemb r organza with so t flowing train also edged with handcllpped scalloped lace her four tiered bouffant illusion veil with scd pesrl tr m v as held in p ac with a handrollcd petal head i dress with seed peira andry ital tr m sh carried pink anli white earn at on s with baby breath and fern mrs den e pav 1 c of toron to cousin of the bride was matrm of honour she wore an empire 1 nc gown of summer pink bombers orjjanza with laca trim and match np coat with bell meeics and lace turn miss jincy wemyss and the brides sitter alison ward wore similar gowns in sue blue with flower headdresses dyed to match their gowns with soft velvet petals and shoulder length veils they citled cascade bouquets simil ar to the brides bob goldsmith georgetown was groomsman and ushers were daryl giberson and romeo cassista of georgetown a reception followed lthe delrex restaurant the brides mother received in an aqua rose dress and jacket of italian shantung with white accessories her corsage was white carnat inns baby mums and fern tha groom a mother wore a blue and white brocade twopiece suit with white accessories and a similar corsage guests attending from out of town were fron new bruns- uck nova scotia montreal port credit and new toronto accept tender work to start on water reservoir construction of the credit valley conservation author ityi orangeville water reser voir project is expected to be gin this week approval of the tender of capital paving construction guelph was obtained from the conservation authorities branch department of energy and re sources management last wee 1 tins bid was low when tenders i ere opened july 4th i th s is the climax of ten cirs of authority endeavor starling with the purchase of most of the reservoir land at the head valers of the credit river in 19a7 the reservoir when full w ii flood about 500 icres northeast of orangeville and provide s oragc tor 624 mil lion salons of atcr the main dam jut north of highway s will be 1700 feet long and 20 feet high at the maximum point it will contain n concrete control structure to allow complete control of the water level the north dam will be 1 800 feet in length and 17 feet high this is to prevent overflow into the nottawasasa river which lurs through the hockley val ley in mediately north spring runoff will be collet ed m this reservoir and used to augment the low summer flow in the credit river during the four months of summer 10 cu bie feet of water per second could bo released to protde hve times the present low flow in this area of the river thp ontario government will pa 75 percent of the cost un der its reservoir assistance pro hospital news maritimes honeymoon follows marchand emmerson wedding wearing a full length gown of silk ofania over taffeta carol cnn emmerson became the bride of joseph cecil march and in a double ring ceremony in h k cros r c church on july 22 the church was decora ted with white gladioli and pink carnations the bridal gown had an aline skirt and a bodice of ehantilly lace trimmed with rhtnestones and sequins her net shoulder length vc 1 was held by a crown of organza rose buds trimmed with pearls and rhinelnnes and she carried a bouquet of white carnations and sweetheart roes she was g ven in marr acr bj her unelp wil ham hayes mri bctte perkins was mat ron of honour for her niece ana the groom s sister miss idarlenc marchand brampton was bridesmaid they wore iloor length gowns of sapphire blue silk boucle and ehantilly lace with empire waistlines and lace bod cei they wore lace pillbox headdresses of sapphire blue with match ng veiling and carried bouq lets of pink car nations and white roses father moss of the school for the deaf milton officiated and mrs w mulder was organist the gtooms cousin phil boud reau of mlmlco wai grooms man and ushers were the brides brother in law hugh jackson of hill burgh preston wolfe rex dale nnd joxcph thalsjon g orreton at a rrcepuon at the delrrx flowers for all occasions weddino ajkanqimints csrssfs sswistry cut flowers and funtrn dtslgnt w wire flowirs rosedale floral h aftort st til 74953 restaurant the bride s mother received wearing a gold colour ed dress with matching lace coat an i a corsage of bronze baby mums the groom s mother ore a light blue lace dress w ith matching jacket white arccsones and a corsage of white and pink baby mums wedding guests included the br de s grandmothers mrs a haji georgetown and mrs wlllnm enmicrson hillsburgh other guests were from petit de gtal cape breton toronto georgetown milton brampton orangeville oakville rexdale mimico guelph stouffville hillsburgh graven hurst hall fax king city and belleville the couple left on a honej moon trip travelling by boat from montreal to the east coast and then a motor trip through the eastern states the bride travelled in an aqua blue linen suit with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses the bnde is the daughter of mrand mrs john emmerson of orangeville formerly of georgetown and is employed at the school for the deaf in mil tor the groom is the son of mr and mrs joseph marchand brampton and is employed there with chubb moiler taylor safes prior to her marriage lha bride was guest at showers flv en bv friends at the school for tha deaf by mrs betty chaii- son brampton by mrs w brcen and m keir by mrs black brampton and by friendi of the groom in mlmlco they will make their home at 76 farmingtan diire peel village brampton gram and the credit valley con- i ser alion authority will finance i tie balance out of revenues j pa d hv lis 16 mcirber munictp lilies i preliminary and design engm eering was prepared by m m dillon miled toronto and construction is expected to ta e tvo years parents entertain or daughters anniversary mr and mrs alf collins 102 guelph st were hosts on sunday at a party for their son in law and daughter mr and mrs george blth of waterloo m honour of their 25th wedding i anniversary relatives from torotno and acton joined them for a buffet dinner mrs gordon hilti of glen williams who was their matron of honour was among the guests mr collins wto has been a patient in freeport sanitarium kitchener was able to be home for the day in the evening several local friends called in to offer their congrat ultaions mr blyth and the former el sine collins were married in st georges anglican church on august 8th 1942 and have lived in town orangeville and water loo during their married life they have four children kar en who is mrs paul berg of kitchener suianne collin and deborah conckfti oravil buildino sand road oravil fill and top soil itoni work tom haines mm wllllm i77oj01 brighten your garden with uraniums uoon1ai fuschia mums and pottto roms bt ur mikhwi f iviitomfni for fill planting wynfield nursery and garden centre half mho wt of 7th uim of 1 7 sidaroad 1779952 by lei clark the influx of patients to our hospital a state that remained constant for over a year rtwwa no sign of abating occupancy remains quite high in fact at least one bed in the corridor was noticed recently this is probably due to the growth of the tojam and the district one thing is certain ha time is not far off when the thoughts of ill osneerned must turn to an addition in fact we believe tatt at present a meeting is be mg arranged with the commls sion and the medical staff to dscuss requirement and tar get dates etc with tv apparent growth o the town extending in both dir eciions east and weit the central location of the hospital beomes even more ideal we have all the land available to service our foreseeable future deeds come time ago the com mission gave us an approxima hon of our future bed needs and the commission ml t at we had adequate land for town growth a second storey would help to eliminate che crowding prob lem tor acme time to come and we should judge would be the most economical way of adding to the building our reader will recall that some time ago we had rather serious problems with the air changing equipment happily these seem to be in the main solved and a number of tbe doctors tell us that ventilation is much better the equipment was repaired and overhauled a couple of summers ago and since then with adequate and proper maintenance has given eilollent results a firm was also engaged to report ycafly on ihe equipment and thus it should be kept in top running conditirn the grounds or the hospital looks as beautiful as alwas and the flover bds in parti cu lar have been something extra apecial this year once again we should lic to eemmend the man responsible for their main tenance our admin ulrato f wh t laker has reason to be pleased with himself these days he re renlly completed and submit ted a thesis on hospital work if memory is correct e bel ieve it was sbout computers in hospitals tne wor was a lengthy ore and toe t a great deal of time and research it is quite understandable thrrc fore that he was most gratified when he received his diploma and notice that vis thes s hi 1 been accepted with h s other deijree in hospital admims ra tion this makes him an cxtrcm elv well qualified administrator and georgetown is fortunate in uvlng him to head our ho pi lal and lastly hew big will the addition to our hospital hate to be this is a question thai it would be premature to even haiard a guess until the hospi tat commission finished the survey and gives a report on present and future needs this wa can say though and that is that it will have to be comple led in tha next two or three years to provide the necessary beds for the growth of the com munity th1 oiouorrowh hiraldthlfmbay aimust if 197 fresh chicken legs or breasts 21 stdfspare ribs59 steakettes u 1 shopsiwiehers 53 ftozen food deft orange drink i 53 c haddock u 53 c uolden ripe bananas 2 lbs 29c yy cal thompson seedless produce of u s a grapes 25 h oranges 49 bradford gr gdn fra can no 1 or celery 25ea f ig4 are reaof cre afemt samgs allens drinks 3 89- van camp beans 499 w baby food 2 390 8es9 i a t omnia t m bbbbitettci s corn syrup 410 iwtuat nabob tea bags gcjauilmg rdnerhht a e facial tissue r mian txookjrx iiano b 1 rodeo biscuits h marshmallows 4 990 gnpfelra m fly i 2 wrar wrnrr apple pie 390 1 cssxnrt taunt bucsbesi turnovers a 330 twist rolls r320 georgetown iga iucky shopper mrs kirewski25 moultray crei 515 3000 a yfcar broken school windows costly for taxpayers an otimated three tho isand dollari a year is the co i of broken windows in the p bl e thools it wa revialrd at last eck meeting of the forge tot publ e school board harmon school teems to he the favounle tarket w th 114 panes hroken this vrar follow ed bj wr gglesworth with 46 i chapel with 21 kennedy 7 park w ith 5 and entenmal with chj i man jc hn minlern aug gested a program s milar lo the eine safety aw ards for the fewest broken windows while g sigurdson wondered if the drinking fountains should not be is en out the one at kennedy school has been broken any way he i rrpd the parents to explain cos o their children with emphasis on the fict the parents are paying for the da mage n taxes the newly erected totem pole al centennial school is al read badly damaged and cov ered with obscenities trustee sigurdson remarked a humorous note was added when secretary jim evans told of asking a grade three 1 ttle girl why she broke the window os one of the portables i wai frustrated she replied sketches for the proposed ad dltion to centennial school showed eight classrooms a lib rary and a gymnatonum with nhowers and stage o the lander of georgetown transportation co at twenty seven dollars a day was accepted this will cover all the public school children sjio are trans ported in the fall ch idren on ann street who previously atlrnded chapel school ii bo bussed to park school secretary jim evans spoke to the parents and met with no opposition he re ported robert r hamilton optometrist office hours daily carretal bldg 1 16 mounfa nview road r appo ntment 8773971 bargain town 239 queen e brampton across from cdn tire next door to howard elliott motors free gin when you cash family allowance cheque mai spicial mens sflavr suits 19 compare at 45 00 limit 1 per customer pencils with araiar limit a 1 pens 2 mini ioyi socks drn or school limit 6f7 271 shoes limit 2 pr per customer 97 jackets t ta 14 yars for school or play sl47 mcns sport shirts 97 childrint adults squall jackets all slnt a colon 97 short sets pieco compare at 3 67 pants for school or play umlt 3 pair sta 7 to 12 ufl shells all colors nd shea 57 bed pillows blankets 97

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