Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 17, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald pam ky hm rtawaaupan iknknl m mn srl south georgetown ontario w c ihhn pvotuhar thursday august 17lh 167 editorial comment help for senior residents soma time ago we wrote an editorial criticizing communities which hid exempt ed senior citizen from portion of their municipal tax which goes lo education had we been familiar with ihe tegis- lation allowing this wa would have been writing in reverse as we do this week now that georgetown has embarked on a similar policy the town is going to give the advan tage of new provincial legislation the mun icipal and school tax credit assistance act to those who desire this and we heartily endorse it under the act a person 65 or over resident in a house which he owns may be given a tax credit equal to half his mun icipal and school taxes to a maximum of j150 this a lifetime gift to the properly owner but not to his estate after his death any such credit is a charge against his estate and will be collected from his heirs the town meanwhile loses no tax rev enue as the ontario government makes cp this money in lis grant structure advantages are obvious lo older peo ple in our rapidly rising economy a pejqd today living on a fixed in come wfich might have been quite ade quale a few years ago is caught in a price squeeze his cost of living keeps acceler aimg while his income remains sialic if his family cares ihen he gels an assist when needed end in such leases many senior citizens will not even be in teresled in the act but there are some who after raising their families do nol receive the love and respect they merit it is here particularly that an extra 150 yearly can help meet living expenses and give a bit extra for a little luxury withoct harm to anyone olher than those who someday will inherit the property or it can be too that children are having their own hard times scraping by and cannot afford lo give dad a hand much as they might went to details of the plan are included in an advertisement elsewhere m this issue of the herald the district at a glance excellent swimming results results of the red cross swimming tests at the community pool this year were ex eel lent and speak well for the staff which works so faithfully to instruct and protect our young people in this sport tt has not been the best of seasons weather wise for either swimmers or staff with a preponderance of rain and chilly days that the instructors stuck to their fob and taught their skills to a large group of young people ft a credit to them sometimes we are inclined to take for granted such fine facilities as our swim minfl pool those of us who were in town when it was built know that only through the efforts of the lions club was it pos tible public reception to a fund campaign et the time was not good and the service dub members pledged themselves to a huge expenditure and paid it off with summer well spent refresher courses offered georgetown students et a special summer school m trampton were taken advantage of by 54 gdhs pupils who had not done so well in their scboolwork last year and wanted to brush up in certain iubects the idea should pay off handsomely for the students in many cases being the difference between a hard struggle in next term s course without the proper back ground of knowledge which could mean failure at the yearend the school had a secondary advan tage too in allowing students to take a hard work at a number of fund raising ev ents the pool when it was financially clear was then presented to the town add ing a wonderful asset to a community whose natural swimming areas had large ly disappeared whatever nature provides when tl sugar and spice by bill smiley a beach soliloquy acton at the request of acton court ei ontario housing corporat ion has begun lis survey to de termine the need and demand for public rental housing in ac ton last week 350 question naires were mailed to all tch ants listed on the assessment roll tne proposed housing would accommodate either am lues or xemor citizens living or working in acton whose present housing is unsuitable rents would b geared to family in come e rock wood due bo delays in demolishing the old portion of rockwood public school the eramoia school board has decided 1n take no action on demolition un til 1968 milton establishment ot 14 to 18 se nlor citizens apartments on a site presently occupied by mil ton tennis club is being stud led by milton rotary club fol lowing a survey that indicated applications for at least len such suites fergus for the second time this year vandals have attacked and dam aged gravestones in fergus belsyde cemetery the amount of the damage has nol been disclosed the unfenccd ccmc tery contains many pioneer graves ch1ncuacousy a committee lo consider con structlon of indoor swimmmc pools and gymnasia at local schools and to inquire into fed era and provincial grants tor the purpose was appointed this council had been trying to nreje fcnooj board to allow the pubhe to use their facilities when dot infuse by studenla ramp ton dntennial secondary school on mcmurchy ave wont he completed by september be cause of crippling strikes this summer first the laborers wal ked out and then ironworkers stopped two months ego t oak villi ontario municipal board an nounced this wck that it bis allowed a motion for a rehear ing on an oakville redevelop ment project the project cells for the town to expropriate all the land in the area north of oakville gow club and eell it to a private company which would build 700 medium pric ed houses there i little devils of boys have to i turn into hard suspicious ul cerated men a good question but i sull week l chinguacousy council havent told you why 1 like the councillor james cat i beach so much ive discovered that it s the onl place in the i world where my vwfe will shut her mouth for two or three hours at a stretch with summer on ind tov- ho around here i dicoverv w ith lht of nnlouibsemcnl comes lo teaching swimming nothing can 5pf tnf re 0 beat an artificial pool and there are hun b hum dreds of people who have benefitted was much i it has always been our hope lhat the biaih life in some day the pool could be improved by d am m nci i t l bill not al brduic converting it into an indoor pool tor tne qh winter months adding still further value an divnir all hormni ii to the town this would of course be an to be lioihrrcil hin on i t even more costly proposal but not outside a rrew a he irhp the realm of possibility perhaps now with had little altrachon m h 1 i r i imri om plan 1000 acre dam could n t in scotch block area business directory would knock sour u both of them muon region conscrvat p on the sand a bit is inn authority should know n a ue crowd- thr ton few daj5 what type of dam can imtucrcd nur beach this i hoiil sixteen of thm d in a loose circle heads tr built on the upper rcachc of the middle branch of ihe nv residents realizing its more to share the cos ler ob to tackle value and it would he ar slttlll ihr ilon t tan i ju 1 so i of turn i fli burnt irnnc beaches wrre fm nmen little kids ind fid pro pie 1 preferred solf or fislunt indulsini in harmless sixteen mile creok xjav hushing punchinr mtiwiti ant making their intn he ileus for th ecnint bui lu re drccnt vounjtslcn who polemize when lhc hit ou on the head with their football no hippie l hank the powers the authority has made soil tests in the north hilton re gon atxiut two miles north of hlghwav 401 on highway 25 when the results of the tests are known the tjpe of dam needed ran be determined chiropractor donald a cay dc appointments made dailv call tr 7m01 30 wll st gertown barragers cuanersshtrt launderera tr 7m79 18 main s 166 guelpfc all worirdone on premises subed whirh would not fit into their nexl timetable those who conceived the idea of the summer school and those teachers who gave a port on of their summer as instruc tors ara to be congratulated on tneir ef forts such courses have been offered n people nkmrth i prematurck well i rn nol a woman o 1 tie kid ki i misi he turn somn v ii ih rk ihit it ii ini that h mr this is merck a hi if ti i m not partitnlirl li ihe lent of ntt some of ihe nliirr plaed n mildli ir tha othtr li rr tunes an eldcrh ger man rntlcmaii whn must have drunk half the beer west of the bcrln wall in produce that nbrnifiicnl pot there s a ounj jewish father tpoillus his un rotten there s a hun da murra an authonu of ficr said that there mav be parous ground near tho stream hich would affect ihe dcsisnj cf the nam chiropractor gerald w cerbett dc open daily by appofeitmant house calls arranged 8776631 11a main si north frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt sendee po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown dan- ail be designed to pie lannrd ihe col prowdr continuous stream flow t our of nr with two beautiful throughout the summer months a5c bl indr urchin- the dan mould be located in l v i scotch block conservation and speaking of urchins nn t cst s of h hiv 23 at the foot of ihf csca-p- ment thev ai its cities in the past but this n the first time townd that fatcinat i light that town studenls have been able lo take advantage of tnam in large numbers that 54 from our school enrolled shows that il was a popular and apprecia ted move on the part of the school board and one which we hope can b carr ed on in future years don t like tha hug commvrcialltad baach spiral in ma with hi n cluttar and bawling ir and ltreaming humanil ins hut nausaa th real fun of th beach through over and ar ound the prona bodies they build ciitltm and dami and the lao created mr munav forti they hurl lhamsvlves into ctplaired vould be the equi now tn ihritkinu with da- dent of 1000 acre feet of wal- wded l and havra ail so brown rr that is an ares of 1000 ln and lirm and smooth you could ares under a foot of water walker currie optometrists 12 main bt s brampton phone 4514474 hours sam to fi p m tucsdav lo salurdiv fnday ft a m to q p m evenings by appointment wallact thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr 7jf and eat thei whi chubl bn thf beach rt the v sn t shin civic holiday fatality free despite peak traffic on 401 rnt t een nol like ihit ii 11 h in mr and rool blue water n i inendu relaxed people 1m arc no loudspeakers bellow u the lolrsl bent i ine in t hot do stand ur i m t r- a beer can in mht that do qinf teidtrs for the job will pro- all thrxc darlma bablv bt called in the fall mr near old girls have murrav mid so that construction o bored neurotic i can start in the spring the omen wh do all dam will probably be complel less turd happy ed by next summer he said news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 20 years ago robert r hamilton optometrist llfi mouuauuc rnad south carreltl bi for appointment 773971 georgetown animal clinic 106 gelpb street dr r- b gaskln clinic open 8 pj mon wbd jrl saturday 11 ejr w hcam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyer office t773211 s773300 heme n 1 me- iliureh traffic on highway 401 thro of traffic many holldayers hes central halton county risched ided home on sunday evening a new peak on thi past civic or earlier on monday police holiday weekend said minute t one point just after nine oclock monday evening a lur vey indicated approximately 1600 cars an hour were palling in the four lanes of the busy thoroughfare there were at least 900 ears an hour travtl ling through from just after supper until close to midnight yet despite the density of the traffic there were no accidents er serioui tieups during the peak busy hours of the wtek end in fact just one accident was reported en the weekend ee hwy 401 when a toron to womans ear left tbe high way and ilid down so embank ment causing 400 damage and a miner injury to one of the occupants north halton opp wtw patrol hwy 401 from the east to west borders of halton count were breathing a flirty mg sigh of relief at midnight sunday the men were thank ful they had no accident to in tesugate no fatalities and no injuries to mar the holiday weekend mondays threat of bad wee ffher probably helped ease the eopected aeonday eight peak opp constable who patrol led hwy 401 both sunday and monday evenings claimed the traffic seemed heavier on the sunday night they report the cars trucks and busses kept rolling through until sam both sunday and monday mor nings the count at s o clock show ed 1 100 vehicles an hour while the nine o clock count indicate the peak had been reached 1 600 vehicles an hour or i he matins chilclrn the ki fijjhl and m by 10 o clock the traffic had stretch out on ir slowed off to 1 200 an hour jdtp nd the s and by shortly after 11 oclcck v ins aw i ii wai just a shade over 9fkl the tnsmns its vehicles sn hour police later v ere hearing it isld it kept up at thai raie ion wool until after one o clock in the morning llimnli ihrnuh rot eshmalcs showed that abrni one in ever 25 senates was a truck or bus while about one car in ever 50 or 60 was low ing a boat tent trailer or house traiw indicating a lot of drivers were holidaycrs head ing homeward from a vacation or holiday weekend outinc road toll outdoes war deaths beach his liecnmr i moici i newcomers to l imdi horn n cr ns we used to rail ihem ir the old unenlightened rli ou can lie there ill d i in scarcclv hear a word of fnclish and vhm a pleasnnl chinni that i ou could he i odrvs n the rlaik sea ms lluiunr and tolish and german nasi mptcd tremendouslv canada s 108ft highway acci dent tot dead injured property damaga 650 000000 during the last twelve years there were 45141 fatautiea in traffic accidents in canada this is greater toll of life than canada suffered in the second world war 446031 another 4 comparison last years highway accident death toll of 9258 was far more rhan canada auffered in the famous battle of vimy ridge f1rt world war 308 160 656 riinie centennial year 30 000000 visitors to canada are expected most of whom will travel by car the year 1967 could be a black one on our highways by driving like a good host by showing the common courtesy that too often disaappears once we get behind the wheel of a car we can re duce the possibility of accidents and mak more friends for ca oida bot thayr great ptopla thithy lova tha tun mind their awn business and pick up their junk whan thay laavc which mor than can he laid of good many tenth jeneration canadians ii to atch over heie are a cnnple- ot hat in grandmothers m hlit drcisca both butll about lii by five yaltermt awav iht miles an hour just over then fj a majeslir voting woman with slavic features a bab a 1957 a ma n si bus nesi change will lake place next week whei mrs al whcatley assumes ownership of limicqs beauty salon the business was established here abi out thirty years ago by the late howard lillito and con t nued to carry his name under proprietors mrs don- nfl mirchmeni bruno sclisizzi and mrs joan mcpher so i six georgetown residents are off for great britain on a plane chartered by silverthorne legion branch of toronto they are mr and mrs sid hulme 22 vic tonfl st will am mcclements 7 kennedy st mr and mrs hugh dickie 2 temple road and neil wallace 32 gue ph st two georgetown firemen were burned and another ov ercome by heat monday afternoon when fire destroy ed boms on the farms of james mccarthy r r 3 and gordon kidney r r 1 a lightning storm is be- 1 eved to have caused both blazes injured were fire men gordon inglts and jack cunningham end ano ther bill hyde was overcome by the intense heat 1947 t e prespni populalion of georgetown is determined tv e survey ust completed by the georgetown lions is 3 115 a contest conducted by the club with pn zes for the person making the closest guess drew qood response the guesses ranged from 2945 to 8 705 the four winners were freer- bretsby jean beacll who tied for first with 31 13 end cecil dobbie 3 111 nd joe stamp 3105 i coming here from the brampton store norm smitt has been appointed manager of dominion store in town and took over on monday from russ mernn who has gone o bradford optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 8773471 john b love architect t 17 chapel st bramptefl commercial industrial and institutional baildings 6773032 451ts45 general b insurance sfobert p 8773374 h fabart smi estate ltd monuments pollock camphll designs on request inspect our work lb greenwood cemetcrr phonf i2175m 02 water street north o a li alfred r spence licensed auctioneer halton peel dutfrln 1773306 the next public holiday is labour day sqpl 4th followed by ttnjim oct fllh yid then cfanatmasl roller construction it new imtejllnfl aluminum sjwno windows j doors free estimates all work gorened call 77lm tf oranoivilli oranseville fall fair officials arc optimistic that attendance at thi years fair will top lest years 8000 figure the fair to be held saturday september 2 and monday september 4 i orangevillca 109th georgetown herald published by heme newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintendent ncwa editor accountant terry harley alleen bradley mrs irene niven anne currie reporter frank mullin advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings miei gilson john mcclecaenu george young

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