georgetown herald i the home newspaper for georgetown and district i canada 1m719u tin herald 1u71k7 authorized aa second claw mall pott office dapt ottawa and for payment of postage in cash georgetown ontario thursday october 5th 1967 5 00 per year singh copy price ten cent mail carrier route now serves the glen house to house mail delivery sorted in glen williams mon day and ended the era of daily trips to the village post office to pik up the- mail postman leonard malcnfant covers the route guided by the new street signs ercctea by the township all mail including the rural mall is handled from he georgetown post office the familiar red mail rcceiv ing boxes hive been erected on many corners for the convent ence of the residents ttib mail delivery includes door to door parcel delivery wheelers general store is now i sub station where stamps postal notes and money orders can be bought as at any other substation glen wiiuams mailman leonard molenfant checks a map of the village streets during his first day mail delivery in the glen started monday council asks park board drop kid hockey charge town council on monday rcc ommended to the board of parks management that propos ed ice rental charges for the saturday morning kid hockey league be cancelled and that no charge be made for the 19676b season the motion which carried on a 7 1 recorded vote followed a stormy session at which a dele gallon disputed a move to have the sponsoring legion pa an estimated 1 000 for ice time since the legion started spon sorship 15 years ago such ume has been free legion president david bow man told council that a letter from the parks board on sept 8 advised that a nominal charge of s500 an hour will ht made this season and that a contract to this effect must be snntd the legion asked for a meet ing but nothing could be dead cd because 3 toard members present did not constitute a quorum he said at the next legion meeting the a i me pavment was flatly tcjicled he said a legion spokesman llie clark outlined the kid hocke history and said the original agreement was for the board to provide ice lime and the lcion to pick up the tab for tqmp ment and personnel later a small charge for heat light and ice scraping was added last season the league had cost the legion 2000 he said magistrate john ord who ex plained that he came as a pnv ate citizen also made a stirring plea pointing out the value of hockey training for young peop le he said it is a definite asset in combatting delinquency and that most young men appearing before him in court do not h ivc the advantage of such training later a letter from the legion was read in the corcspondence asking that in view of the board s negative attitude they be asked to resign and that council appoint a more progrts sive board most councillors cxprcsscj the opinion that the charge should not be made the arena is big husiness said may r gibbons ll wasnt acquired to be such but to br of bcnelit first and foremost to youth he said lie town has given substantnl yearly grants but is reaching the point where it should get along without a grant i fc reasonably sure the will withdraw thin demand h i said but it not the monev should be refunded in some wav by the town deputv reeve arthur speight said he realizes the board must operate on a budget and if ice time cannot be provided coun jyl should make some arrange ment to subsidiz kid hockcv i its more a question of the wav it was done than the monev involved air cr whrldon lmmrrson i d like in hear the boards stony before pa an opinion cr rnj ballcntinc who liter voted against the directive toj the parks board pointed out that the minor baseball league had operated with a sponsor sv lem and that ihis might be tried for hockcv besides he said othcr groups are charged ice time and the whole picture must be considered air travel radio modern missionary advantages in addition to the traditional modes of transportation and communication todays mission sry in certain countries also has the advantage of radio and air travcl mr george fune the son of missionaries will tell of his radio ministry and the many contacts made possible through missionary aviation fellowship jn laos in southeast asia he will be speaking during the nual missionary convention of the christian and missionary alliance church to be held oc tobcr 22 to 25 another important ministry of the mission mr fune will tell about is its work in the lep rosy village where provision is made for the unfortunate dmn of this disease to receive a livelihood and help the work of the missionary has challeng ed the government to offer mat crial aid to these suffering peo ple and while the ravages of the disease are arrested the mis sionary has opportunity to give spiritual aid and direction to the victims rev paul collins is pastor of the georgetown church t twp to vote on two year term esquesing population grows by 438 now 8037 residents assessor art benton reported i the figures show a heavy lopd an increase of 438 in population for the public schools in the in lsquesing over the labt year next ftvv years sud the sits at council monday this brings sor the total to 8037 plunkett was a long way out in the next two vcars there in his estimate commented will be one thousand additnnal the asscsor he estimated frs school children and only four quesing s population at 7 600 in hundred leaving said cr ill 0 patterson looking at the fi in s esquesing electorate will set council and school board terms esquesing voters will vote a two year term for council and school board in the december 4 elections council decided mon day night if the plebiscite fav ours the two year term it would not take effect unpl jan uary 1969 clerk k c lindsay pointed out that esquesing is the only municipality in halton county still on ihc one year basis reeve george leslie explain ed the two year term could be established by bylaw with no plebiscite or could be done by plebiscite the people should decide stated cr jim goodlet this isn t georgetown we want to give the people what they want commented cr pat patterson and not be like georgetown and tell them what they are going to get in georgetown the people turned the two year term down twice then council put it through themselves laughed the clerk a parks board member cr jim young said he had sup ported the rental fee but had assumed the board would be discussing this with the legion rather than making a flat re quest actual cost of ice time is 16 an hour he said and with this year s town grant not so high as anticipated the board has had budgeting troubles fxpcnses have gone up but so has the arena board grant said reeve hunter and kid hockey should be continued on the old tnsis cr b ii smith als a parks b iard member said the board should be given the opportunity to deal with the mittci without a council directive but voted or the motion when the word inj was changed to make u a recommendation council briefs at another ipecial council meet n tuesday nicht council heard a report from the i finding committee on the bru macowned lind on the south side of hungry hollow council authorized the committee to proceed further in the matter in his last report to coun ci a lown engineer nick kirew kie listed the services required ot brumac developments be fore house building can be- start ed in the area on the west side of mountainvicw rd just soulh of ccnlcnnial public school r winters of winters and osociatcs consulting engineers fo brumac discussed methods cf alvviating the mud and dust prohlem while construction is yotng on in the east end seek cost for new river route as the aftermath of a joint meeting of esquesing council and the credit valley conserva tion authority last week coun cil passed a motion asking the cvca to obtain cost estimates of relocating 1000 feet of the credit river the suggestion at the moment is to cut off the point of land behind the glen williams school yard and to straighten the curve behind the dawson prop erty it would be necessary to obtain easements from the prop erty owners as benefitting municipality esquesing would pay 45- of the cost members of the various wo men s institutes in esquesing may be taking a traffic count for a roads study in esquesing township if they accept the pro posal from esquesing council council decided local people should be given the chance to make the twenty dollars for the eight hour duty on election day oct 17th plus two hours instru etion the previous afternoon in addition to the annual count at intersections by the twentv women if they accept there will be a twenty four hour mechanical count- township owned land right beside the present municipal building on the 7th line has been chosen as the site of the hew esquesing fire hall as yet no definite specifications or plans have been drawn up dissatisfaction with trailers in the township prompted discus sion on prohibiting all trailers coming into the township at a previous meeting council passed a hy law upping the trailer fee from ten dollars a month o twenty dollars a month effective january 1st 1968 the people who are here shouldn t suffer for the ones who might come said cr tom hill we shouldn t raise the fee it would be belter to keep anj more out all together he explained a by law prohibiting addition al trailers in the township will be discussed at the next mpct varlans maiirice viant cecorvoe park benches gift from businesswomen winner of design award name harrison purchasing chief for town business t red hirnson recently np pointed assistant to the works foreman and acting wclfire ad minislra or got i third po t mondav couneil has appointed hmis purchising manager for ill municipal departments and i sued instructions that all purch ases are to be channeled through in tr- hc s full conversant with all the supplies we purchase said deputv bpeirht and he will be able to effect many ec onotiics mr harrison was a ward 2 councillor prior to joining the town staff in august maunee ianl a design en gineer at vanan shocutcs of t arilhli georgetown won a co vetcd design award at the rc cnt institute of heclrical and r leelronic fngineers j xhibi tinn in the ulomolnlc build ing in the cm- grounds lverv eir an iward is giv en for th outstanding nt v component which contributes most to us field and this ar mr iant won v it h a millime ter reflex klvslron eleetronic tube the t ibe has a vtr special lzed use and as vet is used only evpcriinentallv but could be usd in satellite communica tinn mr viant is the ontv man in canada doing this work but there are manv in the united states he came to georgetown from england nine vpars ago mrs ada wilkinson presidpd al the regular dinner meeting ot the business and profession al v omen s club on monday ev cning at north halton golf and country club dm me the business portion i f the meeting correspondence i as read from the town of ge orwtown thanking the club for their pntrv in the rair parade a letter from the hamilton club vith an invitation to attend their idth anniversary dinner al which charlotte whitlon wilt b- the guest speaker members were also reminded of the tri regional meeting to be held th- weekend of november hit anrf 5th a most tuiccssful report of the recent rummage sale was given motions were passed to send a donation to the raraal loh school and also to author ize a ommittcc to purchase sewer repairs could cost half million corrections in sanitary sewer line in ifi prince charles shelley area could cost as much as half a million dollars it was intimated at monday s council meeting council recently engaged an engineering firm to study condition which has caused sower backups into basemnts during rainstorms the report now beins studied bv council recommends extens live changet in the tines ndp leader visits town queries home rumours in a living visit to town on tario leader of the new demo ratic parlv donald macdonald ogclhcr with hilton last candidate william billies were greeted hv mivor joseph bib bons in ins office mondav alter noon mr macdonald asked the mayor about the home pr jeel which he had heard might be coming to town the mavor re plied all he knew was what he had re id in the newspapers he pointed nut that the land would have to be rezancd and no une had approached the town on anvthing mr micdonald then asked the mayor what amount of assess ment on a house would cirr itself the mavor claimed tint 52 of taxes go to educition and udor the ho mr project the houses would be assessed ar ourd five thnusind dollars this would vicld 400 taxes staled the major since it cost s250 to cducile one child ind most ho ises have two children s nbvi ms this is not sufficient in other w macdomld ti rrfirm ho mr irds mi lie s there is la would mike the w ii r donald macdonald and the mivor briefly consider ed rcional government and its i iflucnce on the communitie then returned to the homi pro j eel dondld macdonald pointed out that the government bought the lots for six thousanu dollars and sold them for nine thousand you would think the government would try to de flate the cost of land rather lhan inflating it he contended re they more interested in pu t ng i minimum floor value or ihc real estate market lhan the pr cc the working man can aford queried william cil lie- llo s his going lo help the people with low incomes ask cl the maor the discussion ended there with ihe mavor taking mr mic i laid and mr gillies around the municipil building offices introducing them as he went i park benches as the club cen tennial project for ccdarvale park this meeting took the form of a refresher course on the objectives bylaw s and consti tution of the local club sev eral members joined in presen ting the material mrs margar et parker was nitiated as a member there were two guests present mrs libbic crawford and mm rhona gadd complain kids cause rexway traffic problem an unexpected problem has arisen on rexwaydnve where manually operated traffic lights have been installed this year it a crossing near harrison public school the lights work fine during school hours but on weekends and after hours the problem begins l there have been numerous complaints that children are making a game of this stop ping traffic while thev cross from one side to the other urv necessarily monday council decided to ask the school board if the system could be changed to allow only a warning flasher for off school hours two youthin members ln34moxfamwalk in a walk to combat hunger two members of georgetown youth in gary glaude and paul egerton trudged thirty four and a hair weary miles saturday i when they participated in a i walk a thon sponsored by ok fam oxfam is an organization which tries lo alleviate amine all over the world the georgetown youth in paid the two bojs fifty cents a mile each for a total of thirty four and a half dollars which was immediately turned ove to ox fam one thousand marchers start cd among them minister of ed ueation v llliam davis and brampton councillors but four hundred finished including tbe two georgetown youth in mem bers 1 hev hiked from brampton to bramalea down dixie road to cooksvillc to slrcctsville nd thirteen foot sore hours later returned to brampton thu walka thon composed largely of young people raised 20000 mayor g1mons greet ontario ndp leader donald macdonald at mumc pal building parked at curbside cycle is damaged a hit and run accident oppos ite 30 main st s sometime early monday morning did 150 damage to a late model motor- tcle owned by lonnie j nel- ugan of hamilton police said the motorcycle was parked at trie curb when th owner returned he found it ly ing ob the ground damaged cst firth investigated tht accident