Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1967, p. 3

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lions offer helping hand to hope workshop employees ieorgetown ont but for a trtup ol people who october 27 1967 deserve a better deal in life mr editor every week wc read letters to the editor from people who do not agree with certain things in our community or one way or another have a beef about some thing well mr editor we have a beef also not for ourselves wer- talking about the ret arded adults at hope workshop in hornby these people are be ing helped and guided by a very courageous couple mr and mrs isham to acquire a certain am ount of skills needless to say it takes a lot of patience and aghast that sitters want higher rates 134 rexway dr osorgctown ont october 26lh j 967 dear sir i am aghast at the lee nag rs asking for more money for their baby sitting services 1 recognize they do have the responsibility of the children but most parents leave phone numbers where they can be reached if trouble arises also their own parents are nearby to lend a hand if cessary most times they can liave a quiet evening reading looking at tv and drinking the cokes and eating a snack left for them by thoughtful parents occasionally i have asked a firl to read a story to mv chil dren and then settle them down to sleep sometimes i have come home and found a girl sound asleep without a thought for the safety and welfare of my chil en parents are we going to let our teenage girls turn into gold diggers thinking of only their nurterialistic wants i believe that most parents pay for school lunches and clothes their chil dren amply baby sitting money adds the little extras for the girls as parents with young chil dren wc need a break once in a while from the demands of the household and children hus bands want to take their wies ut for some relaxation some parents just can t afford thse high rates suggested and as a result won t be able to go out at all when these teen age girls become mothers they will know how much it means to have a break at present they can turn down a job if they want to to go to a party or a dance a mother can never leave her children alone fortunately i have found a lovely girl to sit with my child ren my son says i can tell by her face that she loves little children i feel confident to leave them in her care 1 have found no embarrassment arrang ing payment for her services bv mutual agreement i know that there are some i fine girls in georgetown who will look on this service as a i labour of love and a way of giving to others to the others i ask you to please tbink ser lously about your proposed raise in rates for myself i think 35c before midnight and 50c after midnight is ample payment if a parent asks a girl to do ex tra jobs she should pay a little extra if you want to earn more money there are parttime jobs to be bad at stores etc on sat urday as mothers we dont have a day off and an evening out can be something to look forward to yours sincerely margaret gordon perseverance to teach people who have been neglected so long by society these skills how ever it is done with remarkable results it may be an cycopcncr to visit the workshop and as we d d see what a high degree of precision accuracy and craft manship can be obtained in work done by these people thiough our visit we found out the one thing that is miss ing is work what kind of work the workshop repairs alumin urn garden chairs and chaise lounges they instat new mat ting on these chairs and do h for a very reasonable price 2 00 a chair s4 00 a chaise lounge georgetown lions club try ing to help the workshop is organizing a drive to collect aluminum chairs on november 11 and anybody who has this kind of furniture and would like it repaired and delivered back to them should contact us on that saturday we will be going through town with a loudspeak er and when you hear us please rie us your chairs so we can help hope if any readers want to make sure we don t miss them that day contact alec blackwell 877 mot bill garbutt 8773638 or fred zorge 877 2841 hospital news cites davis remarks on after hour school use 5 weber drue progrsms run by the board of education georgetown ontario october 27 1967 dear mr editor i read with interest the re port of mayor gibbons com ents on the future needs for tier library facilities in geor etown his point is well made at our schools could be used better advantage throughout he year i do not pretend to ave any answers about the li brary problem except that 1 o know that georgetown ca- extremely proud of its lib- ry and the people who manage so well they deserve our sup rt in promoting library fac- ities n attaching a portion of e statements made by the on william g davis mimst of education concerning the munity use of schools that would ask you to print he ghlv endorses the use of hool plants by the community every way possible that will interfere with educational mr davis sas to aid school rds faced with planning pro teins or with general prob- ms in the construction field very active program is being ostered by the department s hool planning and building earth division of which 1 ill speak m some detail later ffiee it to say at this point that t least among the ideas being ostered by this division is the esign of schools so they can used for purposes outside ool hours the commumu of schools is a policy we fa r and we pay tribute to e school boards and munici i councils w here such a itful policy is in effect i hae been impressed by fig of the community use of jiools in toronto which has this policy in effect for nty years or more last year or example no fewer than 3 permits for community use the scnools and their play unds were issued by the tor o schools many of them pub ic meetings of different kinds t the greater number were eational programs in the mmei on saturdays and on afternoons and evenings ng school rooms auditoriums nasium and swimming la as well as the play nds and involving an ag gate total of 1500000 pers- tbis figure does not include igbt school classes or other except in the case of a very few civic organizations such as ratepayers associations and home and school groups which are admitted free fees are char gcd for all events to defray the onl actual cost of the accom modation and so this astonish ing use of the schools costs the school taxpayers as such lit tie or nothing il might also be noted that torontos wellknown education centre is another community as set of great value in 1965 1217 furctlons were held in it by organizations outside ihe school system and in 1966 the number rose to 1 370 these figures do not include the very heavy use of the buildings in service training facilities bf toronto teachers the figures are dramatic be cause toronto is a large city but they do set an example to other school boards large and small community use of such buildings outside school hours and of such a nature as does not interfere with educational needs is freely permitted by the school laws a considerable savng of public funds may be made by this type of cooperat ive use it has always seemed a shame to me that the schools arc de oied to the public when it is the public that pay the taxes the public however must take full responsibility when they do use these facilities and coop erate with the school boards in maintaining good order of those parts of the schools that tney might use i think that or ganizations like the little theatre hould not have to re hearse in a cold drafty con demned building when better faculties are available for which these good people have paid taxes bui tbey like every one else must assume respons ibility tor seeing to it that any rooms they use are left in the excellent condition m which they found them true we now have ccdarvale but cedarvale cannot answer all the problems i thnk it would be well worth the school boards earnest con sidcration to putting to better use the costly facilities that we now have in order to assist ge orgetown in having the very best for as many as possible in as ecoiorntcil way is possible yours very truly mrs max english by l clark the regular board meeting for october was held thursday evening the 21st and points up the alarming rate at which the year has gone by least to the writer it seems a very short time since the last annual meeting was held the past year 1967 was an excellent one we think for the hospital certainly internal operation of the hospital plant has been very smooth and we think has been the most pleas ant one yet for everyone as sociated with the institution there has been a marked increase in the occupancy of beds in both wards and while obstetrics remains dotoi ser tainly georgetown must look forward to a rather large ex pansion in the near future ac tual occupancy was down in the early fall but has once again reached the saturation point the number of doctors contin ues to increase and we have added several to the staff just recently one of our surgeons dr gerry o dwyer moved to the much larger scarborough general and has since been re placed by dr b duff who has also taken over dr o dwyer s old office and home on the cor ner of edith and church sis ttie board is now faced with a very necessary expansion of hospital rooms as recommend ed by the ohsc at the pres ent time they are busy corres ponding with the commission about the proposed addition it is expected that an architect will be hired in the near future to glve preliminary drawings of the proposed addition the building will of necessity add at least another storey and will vastly change the look of the building the finance committee is al ready delving into costs and concrete action will begin as soon as preliminary drawings of the building arc made a number of people have en quired about the new nursing school project that georgetown hospital is a participant in so we 11 endeavour to give a few of facts about the school a brandywine tea party sometimes its hard to tell a coffee bre ak from an acting scene on trie set of quen tin durgens mp some of which is being filmed in georgetown here a make up depart ment girl and props man foreground watch as srar gordon pmsent and other members of the cast fake a tea party the scene was shot tuesday at the home of mr and mrs lou pankenin 36 mill st georgetown is moose falls in the episode a time for hymns and brandywine which will be aired by the cbc late next year ents are housed in single rooms and the remainder in double by means of a split level floor system the rooms ire dividrd into small groups of rooms or houses to prescne a senv of intimacy in the interior of the standards building each house shares and old mi a kitchcnctt sowing and iron presbyterian ing rooms etc and by so doing er 7th for ii will in the philosophy of the ol ann he phiti designers aoid the institutio al atmosphere the fulh air conditioned school which forms the base of the building follows toda s educational thinking in prowd ing the utmost in floxihililj to accommodate changin ula and method flexible clnssrooi kostuikhepburn wedding vows in knox presbyterian of while rlad oil now n town branch canadian lm ns decorated kno penal bank ol t onnnercc is church n octib the daughter of mr and mis marriage of car vincent hepburn 17 union st micha1 the room son of mrs aura plus uj mhttbcr manitoba and the i hi ndrew kostnik is etnplmr 1 with domtir pup thi oioroitown hirald thursday nov 2nd 1967 wrights variety 7 james street opn i am to 9 pm 7 days opposite mackanxias personal attention phone 8779589 ampla frea parking proclamation whereas georgetown has for one of its greatest assets one of the best equipped and managed libraries where citizens of all ages may obtain books of their choice i respectfully submit that all citizens should avail them selves of the library opportunities that are theirs and celebrate centennial year by pining the library therefore i do proclaim the week of november 6th georgetown public library week in the town of georgetown joseph gibbons mayor kostink rc ori mrs hdfj isl and lorn sing uiddn ntfiti i land ii n able walls can handle iarg or small groups from the entire school down to indimdual stud ying in the srmll seminar rooms of teaching double rinr ccremon with opcr floor lentth a line go i tin brocade with hell and i uaist le ipth c carried a bouquet of ro mil stiplnnolis with i iipri sice vi she parr ninfs ijiiien st hi pbiiin held a trntis li i f r her daughter and nd mrs wilnm mcdon ir cntirtaiiitfi the wedding foil in everv a this has been designed in of the most modern grcssivr residence in of nursing in the irm building will be n i tial occupinc b september 1968 when the first class w and be enrolled finil comnmion f om sati is expected before he t nil of veil 1968 jelli building be nc ind pm t schools inn 1h- for par miss belh honour her elh milton another cons do wis 1ui1k atttmhnis in sharon lo as hndcsmiid the n nearsi the hi id ted dl foiii howirs ham mcmunlo mrs mcdonald jr ind mrs tonelli were hostesses and olher- was fe- rs ui william koocrt at one mrs n hchn miuur jktn tir7wlll avcr brnlminici 1 h and mrs ft mil you are warmly invited to a- bah a i open house to explain the nature of this vital young religion there will be a speaker and slides georgetown cedarvale hall at maple and main saturday nov 11th 815 pm everyone welcome fr admission refreshments idre- of nd rarrud nd bnmo inurr brothe the cost t i his pnijoe eluding land furnishings and hepburn wis roomsmin lsh equipment is estimated at crs were the groom s brother al 3417 388 00 a grant from thc kcsluik nngara hills and provmce of ontario for s3 036 674 will enter the major por tion of the cost with the bil ance being raised through a mortgage loan from the en tral and ho ising orponlwn get acquainted party for town ballinafad churches lommumtx mall rrandmoth thr bride s uncle willi don lid at i reception in tin thu hall the h ide s mother rec cd earn i beige trip dr and matchi ig lace c it and cors age of bronc rose ale host i ik recetid r brother in 1 aw wearint a low rrepi dress blick i tes les nd a corsage of while ros guests included thi hnd r mr willr mi don ild ballinafad omtminit was the scene of a gel acqu ted dance for the congregations l on a lior of bauimfad and st andrew s nor oman united churches which ire ser worp a mimr a cold ved by the itcv kehm johnston hrown accessoncs inrl a large crowd enjoyed dancing 0 r0 roscs to the music of the bel ains and a change of pier is pro the 1 ride in i mpl vided by square dancing lo the talented calling of mr jesc the south american kissing mcenery backed up bv mr and bug ran tolcralr ridntion i trip bride tnrstgc nf 11m mrs lrnie mceni and fiddle i the pi powerful enough to kill a i the credit valley school of nursing located at hwy 10 aridjway upper middle road cooksvtlv the architects and engineers are dun lop wardell matsui aitken and mrs grant grcnn mr and mr- imtirrav ia rose and mr and mrs howie i hamilton took home prizes from the spot dances mr and mrs austin mchee won a pme in the elimination dance construction is about to com mence on the new school this several cclcbations addd to building located on the land to uh festivities mr and mrs the south of the south peel jvyank smith of ballinafad were eh hospital m cooksville will celebrating their house and educate 300 nursing l an1 m students cooperating in programme by providing dim cal experience for the students will be hospitals in five areas namely brampton cooksville georgetown milton and oak ville the building consists of a rr sidential tower rising from a 2 storey podium containing the educational areas though not obvious to the casual viewer the residence planning is very different from the typical student residence with its rows of identical rooms strung along endless corridors while 00 per cent of the stud wedding an ghosc of georgetown a birthdav this is who lo see for a good deal on auto insurance this is who lo see for the same good deal on life and homeowners i insurance jimmys barber shop mens hair styling 4 chairs s77m78 ope tucs v ed thurs- 1 to 6 rn q to 9 sal 8 30 1o 6 tta market citrt sec him now george e drumm 42 langitona cr statt fmw itrsomnce compjutles canadian had offtc scarborough ontario candleglow lace table cloths 100 colton imported from scotland fashionable designsja or 15 98 pillow case sets heritage genuine hand embroidered pillow case set 70x54 70x90 excellent gift items appreciated by all 279 ladies high bulk orlon knits cl pullove d ca digan s rs 10 io 20 rcqu ir lo 10 9b now it 98 requ r lo vps now 5 98 brok en s7c and sty e ran ges plenty to choos i frorr brocades and metallic fabrics ideal for festive season sewing regular values to s3 98 now 188 per yd your chance to huy and save and plenty of time to sew for christmas host makes carpet party clean in minutes 200 sq ft you cart do spotleit ob without watting i make your carpeling look bright and new with the remark able host electric up bnjsh and walk on it immediately buy host dry cleaner compound and borrow our machinp host cleans all fibers wool nylon acrylic polypropylene rayon and cotton and il is approved by leading carpel mills 400 sq ft you simply spread host on the carpet go over it with the electric up brush and vacuum it revives color brushes up malted pile its dustless to excellent heavy weight inlaid for 995 for 1395 linoleum specially priced carton lots of 96 tiles 9c ea

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