Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 16, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald pubkhd by horn nawipaptn umltod 22 main stret south georgetown onlarto w c whn pubrther omimown ontario ttiuncuy november 16th 1967 editorial comment deficit spending from lime to time the herald editor who does not pretend to be a skilled econ ofnist has wondered how senior govern ments can blithely budget for huge defi cits while admonishing muntcipahhes if they step over the line in yearly spending we have surmised that gust as an m dividual cannot spend more than he makes neither can a province or a country in definitely that is for it is accepted today that one can legitimately borrow and en joy an earlier luxury if there is reasonable assurance that the debt incurred can be patd off in future years it is heartening then though some what frightening to read an address by neil mckinnon chairman of the board of the canadian imperial bank of commerce warning of ust such things as have wor ned us speaking to a conference of financial sooner the better action by council to provide a better bridge over the cnr tracks on main street north will be welcomed by residents par ticularly those who live in the northern part of georgetown the bridge is a relic of the pest con tructed in the horse and buggy days ade quate enough when highway traffic was limrted and the community a village but censorship necessary as one grows older the gap between the generations becomes more apparent where a few years ago one was in dined to side with youth on many subjects today we find ourselves in the ranks of the middles and inclined too often perhaps to dismiss youngsters as scatterbrained end immature we arent too old though to under mtand young people as they grope towards the maturrty which only years and exper lence can bjng a valedictorian address at high school commencement mentioned censor hrp of a student publication last year as unfair and unust by chance the daily newspapers a few days later showed how necessary adult executives mr mckinnon said govern ment deficit spending combined with a per missive monetary policy that allows con tmuous inflation really involves a massive swindle a swindle perpetrated on the great majority of the populace who are least able to protect themselves against the con sequences mr mckinnon expressing deepcofi cern about todays inflationary spiraj quo ted the late bernard baitjch to the effect that people who talk about gradual infla ting might as wet talk about firing a gun off gradually and scores economists along with many of the public for accepting mild inflation as a more or less enduring condi tion all of which leaves one in this quan dary either mr mckinnon or our senior governments are naive misinformed or deliberately misleading what s the answer vhere be re the wreath is a bit wilted the year long past the point placed lets hope that with the new bridge scheduled for 1968 the highways depart ment will get perking also on a long over due widening of the highway exit towards acton at present this is a narrow dan gerous stretch with a couple of snaking curves lying in wait for unwary motorists censorship is and of an older age group than high school i we refer of course to the fuss at mc gill university when the student newspaper printed an obscene article and a number of students increased the trouble by pick eting the building where the newspapers editors were scheduled to be on the carpet for their actions the university of tor onto student daily compounded the trou ble and reprinted the offensive item a few days later harley to halton weekly observation by dr harry harley mp for hilton sugar and spice by bill smiley a day with smiley history of perl a history of pi county compiled under the guidance of cv charters former editor or the brampton conservator has just been issued the handsome book row on rale and an advertisement else where in this issue gives the do talk it will make an excellent ad ditlon to the libraries of peoplt who are interested in dlstric history life do go on always the same and alwaja different bits nnd pieces make up the patchwork quilt that covers our nakedness and its difficult to prolong that sinful feeling that oure keeping a mistress when ou go to bed with a woman and there s a great lump of a dau enter sleeping on the floor tjpical weekend will make upi a mallre5s and a lpin mn i m nn richer nr mk two ic and hits and pines of this column i m no richer or poorer sadder or happier wisr or otherwiscr just a week old cr iilh a few more patchs o some red some black some yel j this cute sal on ourstarl had t from jou that air mattress allow me to deliver one of th is great pirns of my life i knew low making a kim otley a friend of hers m 16yarold before discussing any of olrl wa killed an hour after the mvrs before the house of he wi talking to her the commons at thu time i want childs neck was broken the io clear up some misundrrs by driving dldn t have tils lie landing concerning teachers had prlence hit if older students in responsible uni na unemployment insur an icy patch and couldnt cop versity positions cannot be trusted to use ance ct the government has v nhd point mattress we talked about badly hker whnl j f he da in the taff room i asked in loud clear tones miss s could we gel together on that mattress discretion and stay within the bounds of good taste one cannot expect less mature youngsters to have acquired the judgment which only years can bring from my kitchen window ards some facts about the gordons that i r md was happy to u appreciated thei margaret garden jour though on paper we also hac asked m habysitter and her friends to help mc ga thcr a list of girls who are lime to baby sit at a maximu before i so on to introduce you to people and happenings of interest in the community during m first vrar of tea id like to tell vou a little about ching 1 met my husband who i myself so that ue can become english and was then training better acquainted o be a fighter pilot with nato forces n canada since nur i 3 born into a miniilcrs marrscc due to circumstances familv and am the first of sccn ark mv husband s job we hae children so often when i see moved 23 times tour of these my mother i ak her with awe moves were over the atlantic hov did ou manage so many our ion is canadian and our mom 1 find enough difficulties daughter was born in england tike each other and other peop pfce of 50c and will try to mak intention of bringing leu ers under the unemplomcnt insurance act the prl iament ha- gn en second reading to the broadcis ling cl and referred it to committee for detailed stud during the prolonged debate before this was done it was m ident that there was much un happiness among many mem bers of parliament concerning the cbc while many have di tesily tins cletily a all heads swung low rd us with fascination i waited for see whether shed slug mc or laugh ihe laughed so did the others but some of the old ducks rather ncnouslv itlle ap- that list public in some as possible district news at a glance raising my two at times two years ago we were offered the opportunity to settle perm ancntly we hope in the tor onto area you can imagine hnw we longed tn vrttle down b this t me she assures me that we were no trouble although she admiti that she did get tired a time now that wee grown up and lefl home she has taken an in lerest in au and exalts and up urt 1 this year has held a tounto in all directions cas teaching crafts in wind friend introduced my band to georgetown i staving with my parents u windsor at the time nursin the children through red meas lost hard tn lake when you re oung and m daughter sj w1 has took it hard and its pretty arlmcnt but o hard for an ordinao muddle ncarlj dime me up the cur headed man to explain that t tains there s nn plac to hide god is loo busy to go running and rcad or at 1urso around precnting ecry autou tnc mirror or cut our toe accident ind catching every lit nals except the bathroom parrow that falls regard and yqu can onij suj ln so long at homp thci crannies for ivel or pick ing fluff out i helh but well 24 hours of telling her milton bubble bath indu tries a chemical manufacturing ive looked in and around until hus wis we lived in several towns in aoulhern ontario until we mov ed to london where i became a teacher at teachers college ifieit in between times i ve the last lime i had cen geor ivcn a bank clerk a sales girl gelown the dominion seed and an invoice typist house was on the outskirts mv oldest brother is a high he p lh school teacher and one 51 he p j a primary school teacher as j and how he i was nother sister became a dt to dental nurse before her marn the older part of town is pic 5e acd mv youngest sister tureque with all its trees and uorked for the red cross blood establish gardens the ne bark until she married a friend sections show great premise om my husbands they live in with trees sprouting on 1 england at present i have a and many landscaping projects brother in social service work although he is working towards the ministrv and mv baby brother is a draftsman one of mv uncles is a doctor and writes books as a hobby his latest tbe three gifts is is the hhrtry here and the ib- rarun tells me it has been widely read by the townfolks underway the main shopping district is off tbe mam highway the country with its conserva tion parks and vegetable mark els is nearby still we re not far from the city when we want ti enjov the amenities it offers is it any wonder we decided o live tn georgetown we like it her you xan tell thai generally p s thank vou for vour peafantt were a family with letter newcomer t had wnn uae pfl of tbe gab as they dered why i found myself writ ar and soma of us like to putting th article and letter after- commons will now iirm now m dunnville is build i turn to capital puniihmcn ing a new plant on a section of j this bill will differ the wilson farm on ontario st main respects from n in milton presented in the previous ses sinn of parliament it will ah acton pohw have warned 1 0 vf hmcn ex t people to be on lhe lookout for fw murdcr of bogus s10 bills following the ap- 3nd m ds it wu on pcarance of a counterfeit tcn m force a vc icar this week in the acton bank ume whlch l wh the faded bill had few defecu return to parliamcnt for orangeville orangevlilc as to whcthci kinsmen club has started the cninup permancnlly lrss of the old hvmi nearly cracked up myself on s0ti of nooks and salurdav burling hlppily al looking at r t agreed with the way in which ong the highwav when we ran the secrttary or state the hon smack into a stretch of wet ourablc miss lamarsh talked snow with no warning every concerning the cbc and thelbodv on the brakes thought lh could pass th year i sh method and place m which she was going to mount a volkswa i ouid top worryins thar lid so it was obvious durws 8 m fronl of mc de lok railing niagara it could b the debate that there is much ro around him rather than m mc trout tirtmm f lt discontent with the cbc on over took a beautiful four skid woyirf rt falling parliament hill it is cxpcclrd hiv during which two othr rs passpd mr one on each and home with him driving and mc twitching nd column to write and lesion to prepare heart mopped thuddinr after iililouc cn camh tt bc 1 i passed two cars in the ditch turnrd tn h whos learning bought and that fearsome wi tn drive and said cook didshing machine still to be lark you notice that technique for i um getting out of a ikid just turn js thc wnpo1 m lhc skia shc nvr mc a long hard look that c has learned from her moth v and snorted which she has ilso icirned from the mine iiurcc that the bill will have many changes proposed to it before it is returned to the house of commons for final consideration the news echoes from th runldi of 10 and 20 un ago 10 years ago seventeen rees have been puanted m the swanek sub- division first action in a plan to movetrees from th old reservoir property to barren streets here its a joint procct of council ratepayers and the horticultural soc iety north halton public schools held their sem finals in the public speaking contest at howard wngglesworm pub lic school friday georgetown pupils taking part were mark llewellyn sonja berg and ingnd langebeck arrangements have been made to broadcast most of the georgetown raiders regular schedule games this season by the oakvime radio station chwo bob mclaughlin who handled the commentary in the playoffs last year will bc at the mike 0 georgetown skating club elected their executive this week rev alex calder is president mrs alistair mac intosh vice president mrs douglas davidson treasurer and mrs harry shortill secretary 20 years ago mayor joseph gibbons was returned as mayor of geor getown for his twelfth term when the annual nomina tion meeting was held in the public library friday night acclamation was the rule at the meeting and others returned included reeve alex maclaren and deputy reeve jack armstrong both for second terms cr artrjur herbert in ward i and cr harry hale in ward ii also for second terms cecil davidson wilt take a seat on council as a newcomer next year being the other nom inee elected by acclamation in ward ii business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made dailv call tr 73401 30 mill st ceertown chiropractor gerald w corbatt dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 8776631 11a main st north barragers claarwreshlrt laundtrtra tr 72279 18 mam s 166 guelph all work dona on pctmlias frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown walker curr1e optometrists 12 main st s brampton phone 1514474 hours flam to 6 pm tuesday to saturdiy friday 9am to 9 pm evenings by appointment wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr 72963 robert r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainvicw road south carrcta bldg for appointment 877 3971 think 111 hae a o to the com laundr nort ind georgetown animal clinic 106 gelpb street dr r b gaikln clinic open 6 8 pm mon wed fri saturday 9 11 mjm w h carr prefuenal engineer comtultlrtfl engineer ontario land surveyor office 877 2211 8773300 horn georgetown herald illc will need much wider rcc discontinued it is expected to ter eation needs in that town a dpbated for pcrtnps one club report told council orange w villc nil need much wider rcc 1he changes in he c rim reaton facilities within the inal codc concerning birth con next few years that would house lrol recom by accommodations for hockcj rol icr skating conventions danc es and scouts cobs and guides meetmks we wrrr on our wav la spend lhc weekend with the old la idjch at her pad in the eit bciwhat a peculiar feeling to en published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontari i strange building co up walter c but levator walk alonj a hall publisher knock on a strange door and have vour own wife answer it seems almost indecent nr some thine as though mhi had a kept rrrra iiar garfield mcgiivray production superintendent nc oakvilll the shell oil companj application for a re search centre to come before council this week is expected to be approved without a hitch all concerned predict council will vote unammousk in favour of the centre as did oakvillc planning board n bradley as tditor accountant mrs irene nrten anne cumc reporter frank mullin advertising manager optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill 51 for appointment phon nj7i general insurance h fetert rml erth ltd health and welfare committee which i had the honour to bui three or four hoirra lal chair have been introduced in hsvt imm the senate along mth rocom i fishltng oer finances apolosi mendauons to mend the law to nceause vou haen t eot control the use of lsd which ul i on y and trslio clark dac llastincs becoming a serious concern utv jhhvjtf snl mlcs glson john mcclemenu ill be dealt with in the senate i k hcr ulm firat and then referred to the are righ back to nrm1 house of commons it is likel theso chances will become law by christmas george young auctioneer alfred r spence h iaa ucenced glen william 8773306 monuments pollock ft campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 3175m 2 water street north g a l t winter holiday deciding tn split the school ear into three equal parts the dept of education is dropping easter hoidas in favour of a march 1624 winter holidaj good prida and easter mon pnl 12 and 15 wtii alsa te holidas under the new sche- the georgetown heraldip under house arrest on du which comes into effect jtrtii spring good penalty the ontario safets league j reports that the ad ice of former italian premier could i help reduce the accident ratio i tte sas dnvea who repeatedly nlate trafficas should be sundavg and holidajs printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald letters to the editor letters to the editor are ac cepted for publicationprovided the writer appends his name and address and the content is free of libel personal insult or oher impropriety writers should attempt to deal with a subject of puhlie interest and hac their letters in thc herald office b mondaj for thc aame week s edition koller construction it now installing aluminum siding s windows doors free estimates all work guaranteed call 177 9102 tf

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