Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald num by hmm hn umltad 22 main strmt south gaoroatown ontario w c mmn pummmt thursday november 23rd 1967 editorial comment cutting the cloth hiring of a new town engineer at a 14 200 salary has caused one dissenting councillor to oppose this in a strongly wor ded mail bag letter the week prior to the hiring mot- ion which passed with only one in oppo- tition the debate was not so much on what one man should be paid but on the feet that endorsing this move meant a total expenditure of up to 25 000 in at least one council members mind he mentioned that a man of this calibre doing what coun cil had hired him for would require a draftsman and a chainman as well the question then seems to be first does georgetown require an engineer in the 8000 to 10 000 class which has been the custom until now or in a much higher range higher if we can believe one councillor than surrounding towns and counties are paying and second whatever the salary range olthe man engaged has it been de dded that to expect a professional man to do his work without adequate assistance is not feasible if the latter is the case then assuredly the town hat really decided to triple the al location for engineering which has been made up to the present and if so could il not be possible to hire a less experienced man who would be gaining his experience in a town of outsize with his eye on more remunerative future job in a larger centre if he decision has been made to triple the town s engineering department then the question of salary paid becomes some what less important although every dollar saved the tax treasury should still bear con deration but if council has the idea that by pay ing substantially more they are going to get more mileage from en individual with out giving him staff it is bound to prove unworkable elm trees now menace s0uhds differeht this year stately elms once ontario s pride are now tn the same position as a family pet which has developed rabies once afflicted with dutch elm disease they should be destroyed as fast as pos bible a pointed example was a news story last week which told of a diseased elm blowing down and causing a three car smash which sent people to hospital and inflicted heavy damage on the vehicles removal of dead and diseased elms is castlv those on public property should be diverting pastime the game of duplicate bridge is be coming increasingly popular in george town fcvery tuesday night a group of town people are omed by some from neighbour ing towns pitting their brains in what is surely one of the most fascinating games devised to be played with cards as many as eighty persons have atten ded and it is seldom that there are less than a dozen tables of players for the uninitiated duplicate bridge is further refinement of a game which de rived from whist to auction bridge and la ter contract bridge duplicate pits the skill of a couple against a number of other cou ples each plays the same hand and the winner is the one who uses the most m genuity end gels the extra trick which can immediately removed by the responsible municipal authorities and the central go vernment should consider also a bonus pay ment to luckless home owners who plant ted these trees with pride only to find years later they must go accidents like that reported can bee ome very frequent as years go by and without some incentive it is certain that many of those standing on private proper ty will not be removed when they should aside from accident hazard they are a blight on ihe scenic landscape and take away from the natural beauty of our onta no countryside be all important to the final score the club was the brainchild of wei lington duke wilson who belongs to an avid group of men who get together fre quently for a friendly game the club since its inception two years ago has out stripped others in the district and boasts he largest consistent attendance of any outside of toronto membership does not entail playing every week nor even coming with a part ner for there are always others attending with whom you can team up the club is for both men and women it is an inexpensive even ng a half dollar admission also covering a cup of coffee and the occasional snack anyone with a basic knowledge of bridge should take advantage of the club to further improve their skills harley to halt0n weekly observations by dr harry hurley mp for hilton sincf olr last column most of the time in the house of commons has been devoted to the deba l on capital punish ment it i hard to tell what ihe re nit of this d hat till b sugar fc and spice by bill smiley this is not my fault oh bo i know every nan yes and now get to bed leads a life of quiet despen lip hluck out about three tion according to thoreau inches she remembered to in id settle lor that if imn were form me that her mother had even quiet called while i was out and wanted to talk to me it was 16 this has ben one of those hours ffln ld sccn hcr days that make me wonder how the hell i can be the sweet since mv wife went back fo gentle person i am underneath i college m phone bill looks like i the national debt of egypl but it started at five am when j hrp j ahe he old ladv alarm clock fa ftas in tpne ucallrn led to go off she had checked talkcd for on minutm it four times between 11 p m and 5 am switching on the went off at 11 pm to attack light and waking me up each the column while hugh was time at 445 she settled into brewing irp a lillle snack for a sound sleep and woke with a himself consisting of onions great lurch and a scream of cheese beans and salami all visitors see tots routine at nursery open house dismay at 5 30 she takes off in the same pot from my kitchen window looking forward to winter and its sports by margaret gordon one saturday morning recent ly the children burst into the bedroom with the exciting news its snowing nothing would do except that i rise immediately and view this wonder with halfopen eyes two minutes after breakfast the had me bundling them in to their snow suits can we take out the tobog gin muiurar the asked the drucwav wii while hut the grass held only a glimmer of stinw what do ou sa in the flee of such enthusiasm no doubt the recall the good times thc had last winter on the hills amund georgetown there are good hills for tobog gans and skis from lcdarvale park through north halton golf course and eastwards through the rucr valley for more professional skiers there arc clubs within casj drmng distarce m al directions georgetown is noted for 1u ooekc clubs also as a teen ager i can remember coming here by chartered bus to attend hockey games many parents are up at dawn on saturdays to uke their bovs to hockey practice at the arena children trailing toboggans and sleighs or with akii oh their shoulders trail past our houte on wintry daja bound for the valley one hill in particular it named toller mountain be- the bottom and a tree in the middle to miss my husband and i were waiting at the bottom the first time our son came down that hill all the way down he kept repeating holy cow holy cow in awed tones some days tne snow is just right for a fast run children will whit down hit the bottom hump and go sailing through the air above the toboggan landing in all directions they pick themselves up somehow still intact and head uphill for more of the same snow can mean fun and 1 missed it when we lived in eng land how can you my eng hah friends wondered generally speaking my heart belongs to both countries spring in eng land is beautiful winter is a season to be endured with gray foggy damp days the occas lonil snow makes headlines england is not equipped for this and pandemonium results here snow is cleared from roads soon after it touches the ground except for the occasion al blizzard people can be raug in their warm homes do you remember the blitzard two yean ago that sunday morning our driveway was und ex nearly two feet of snow we decided to dig out and appear ed armed with shorels at the same time as bill and har anile smith neighbours across the road hit race to the road i was on the shouting and laugh jtcr made shovelling casj they jwon about five minutes bej fore the snow plough came through leaving more drifts to dispose of this winter im going to try skiing some years ago i en joyed it but can remember the exact moment i sat down and used the skis as a toboggan my husband is urging me to join him on the slopes please wish me luck district news at a glance erin in a few days all rest dents of enn township years of age and over will re ceive a questionnaire from on tano housing corporation which j attempting to determine if low cost rental units for senior citizens are needed in the area oakville diane lacroix of oakville is out of danger the german shepherd dog which bit the b yearold two ccks ago was in normal health this week when checked by halton county health unit officials aft er 14 days quarantine actov a report to council last week stated the growth rate for the town is projected on a three per cent basis esti mated population in 1971 will be 5 050 not taking into consid era tion any major housing starts bratmpton bramplon sec ondary school principals have decided to meet friday to dis cuss the youth drug problem and preventative measures their decision to meet steins from laying of marijuana char ges agamst juveniles at streets- villa the otc is expected to be quite f the city at 6 close it is of course a fn- otc go couple of hundred f which m aiu tint confidence in scnmbling tei inrl tmst words of soggy prose down and i the government is not involved kt rubbed b sandpiper he came up and interrupted and if the hill da- not pass the turned on the outside light sixme for a chat about hit prov gtnr njlnt docs not ha to i- mc of frsh snow first of peers which are nil sun o vould h the case if it more scrambling for limi ant was a normal h 11 in th i ua winter boots long laid awij in wc w some hidev hole mimbcrs of pari lo vote as they nt arc trie fit nlo the snow and tottered about from fi until having cups of tea sha capital pjmshment except for an1 anvtn pl that vas this bn l will abolish the murder of peace officers and prison guards the bill will he w kim no reviving off into the- bhzrard i lins natur ally was going to put them on in effect for five vears at the end of which time it will have this week lo be reviewed by parliament while wis first thought the taught all da bill might be voted on after oae atchmg television or sleep ing because it turned out to be a lousv column as ou have just discovered just to op off the dav che cked the closet and found i didn t have a clean shirt foi tomorrow said gosh darn it and hit the sack at 315 heads meeting at 3 30 until home at or two davs of debate it is now obvious that it is goirg to take much longer than this on one dav for example an attempt was made to adjourn the debate which has fie effect of postpo ning the debate for that day on ly as the hojsc was only jo minutes from the end of the dy s normal business it is hard to understand what the partial lar member s creditiste had hoped to accomplish bj this manoucver incidcntly it was debated relatively easlv ndl the house went on to the other business as listed home at last for peace quiet comimltc citizenship department requirements 30 co to wnlam n a i j round to the saree to get the mn ure on three hundred pplcauon i i a cltiz other people had the same dea v h mus hc r r line kun lantlit 3ffmihrtr useless hughs home sittng listening to records with the breakfast dishes in the sink blew up got the dmnr organ aed and a few home truths off my chest but no rest out into at 7 30 lasted until 10 accom pushed zero has been legally admitted to two kids that canada for permanent residence tt is expected that the next item of business for par liament will probacy be the conclusion of the debate setting up the department of consum er and corporate affairs under the registrargeneral the hon ourable john turner this does not add a new government de partment but is an expansion and further development of an already txtsting one the new leader of the opposition mr stanfield has now taken his scat in the house of commons the conservative party were present in large numbers ard one of the few members noticeahy absent was the mctnbt r from prince al bert the honourable john diet enbakcr did you know that he has maintained his place of domicile in canada for at least five vears is of good char icter has an adequate know ledge of english or french or has lived here for at least 20 cirs has an appreciation of the responsibilities of citizenship intends to comply with the oath of allegiance and to establish permanent residence here earlv recreation lacrosse i think of i georgetown herald published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintendent terry harley ailecn bradley news editor accountant mrs irene niven anne cume reporter frank mullin advertising manager tj she wanted to know whatilslie clark dave hastings that was i explained that if mjles gilson john mcclements you have 5 000 in trovcmmcnti george young bonds the bank will lend you 1 50 maybe the onlv as els she could her bicvcje lea relaxation kim hit mc the mi nute i got in a proposition she d been asked to pla the organ with a rock group it seems the in thing for groups these days is to have a girl in them shed also sing no catches whatever except that she d have to buy an organ for 150 and spend about 20 hours a week practising noth ing to it she has a hundred in the bank from summer earn ings she could easily borrow the other 50 from the bank brief lesson in economics what do you have for secun fast moving netted stick game was plavcti in america before columbus landed in 1492- or iginated bv the iroquois indians and used as a training require ment for wamors this strenu ous game was adopted in 1840 br the white man it is now re puted to be north america s ol but do you know nrw much dest orgamicd sport i this means to me dad mng against a tree in th in the backyard unndden for three year a portable record plaver with a broken arm a guitar that was worth 40 in its heyday ten years ago and tier piano which i pointed out was owned by her mrthcr printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes weddgng invitations georgetown herald 772201 it was open house at mapk nursery school in cedanrale comunity centre friday nov ember 10th and parents and interested people turned up to see what goes on at george- tiwn s only nursery school among the visitors was may or joe gibbons who ended up reading stories to the young stem the nursery school is run by mrs k hall a qualified nur sery schjol teacher and is as sisted by mrs j goebel a school teacher one or two mo thers help out every day their turn comes up only about twice a month the normal daily routine waa shown the visitors this consists of free pla in which the chli drcd choose the game or craft they wtnt then they have a circle time whue ihey play games together or sing or play rhythm band in addition they plav outside when the weather permits due to transfers there is space for three more children in the ifursery school news echoes from th heralds of 10 and 20 years ago 9 the dept of education hds given permission to north halton district high school board to replace the old georgetown high school with a new building for the third time in the four years in business here wigo tv has been forced to expand originally loca ted in pert of the cordaro building wigo moved across the street to large quarters in october of 1954 their present store was formerly the horseshoe grill jim costigan 29 market sr won a pinto pony worth 300 when he patronized the georgetown open kit chen recently the ony was a pr ze in a lucky con test 1947 9 with the lifting of sugar rationing the local war time prices end trades board office which oper ated in the munigpal office in charge of mrs w v grant has been closed work is progressing on gord harley s new garage on john street and a second story is being put on the buil ding simmons jewellers opened their new store last week in premises between the golden gate cafe and geor getown furniture sales 9 extensive changes are being made at provincial paper limited including a new office layout painting throughout the plant and a telephone switchboard installed business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 73401 30 mill st gaottfvtown chiropractor garald w corbctt dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 1776631 11 a main st north barragers claanersshirt launderers tr 7 2279 18 main s 166 guelph all work dona on premises frank pbtch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown walker currie optometrists 12 main st s brampton phone 4514474 hours 9 am to 8 pm tuesday to saturday friday s am to pnx evenings by appointment wallaci thompson 3rd division court clerk commissioner tr 7 2963 robert r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview road south carretal bldg for appointment 773971 georgetown animal clinic 106 geielph street dr r b gaskin clime open 0 8 fun mon wed fri saturday 9 11 evm w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 877 2211 1773300 home optometrist l m brown 0 d fer appointments phono 773671 monuments pollock 4 campbell designs on request inspect our work to greenwood cemetery phone 621 7580 2 water street north g a l t auctioneer alfred r spenci fully ucenced oi william 774306 roller construction it now installing aluminum sidino windows t doors free estimates all work guaranteed call 877 9102 ti

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