gincer ompaign chairman lets play bridge by bill loais m zxz k c hopper an employee with the downtown georgetown bra ch of the canadian imperial bank of commerce k c hopper has been named chairman of georgetown cancer soc ety s 1968 campa gn mr hooper is a toronto native and grariu ate of st michaels college school an acoountait he transferred to georgetown from k ngston mr hopper s marr ed and has three daughters ages f ve four and one lis week must havr hern a low point at the acton bridge club so fir as slam bidding went one slam a nilil is about av erafic for a iliqlicalc ramp with 20 to 25 hands last week there were three hands all of which would produce thirteen tricks on two of these hands no piir even bid a small slam let alone a grand jsam one hand depen ded on a twotwo split in trump to make seven but six is cold with anv trump split this hand was the worst of the group board number nineteen from last mondav at the acton bridge oluh the dealer is so uth and habtwp t are vul ncrahlc north 1 q 5 4 ii 6 4 i k q 4 3 c k q v kst r st s 10 6 1 s 8 7 ii 1 r 1 2 ii k q 10 1 12 n j r 7 5 u2 c 10 5 4 twelfth night end of season there are mam anci nt and modern rituals surrounding te i observance of the twelfth iht or epiphanv january filh vwmi marks the end of lh christmas holiday season 1 piphim is first obscr ed in mpmnn of the baptiim of chnsl it was first mentioned in a d 194 and bv the 4th ccnturj was a widmv accepted hohda toja epiphany has a threefold meaning the visit of the wise men to jesus and the miracle of cana when jesus chanced water to wine at the wedding feast in bth cenlun frngland king alfrrd decreed that the christ mas season would include chnstmis da and the 12 days following the twelfth isht cake al one with the tradition of burn ing chnstmas green rv on jan uarj 6th was in ogue when charles ii ascended the throne latin peoples regard epiph anv as not nnlj a olomn rcll gious festival but also the be ginning of the pre lenten car nival season mexican obscrv ance of fpiphanv includes a march of the devout to the shrine of the rmracoulous lord of chalma in a valley southwest of mexico itv a jamiarv r ritual at tarpon springs florida involves bles sing of the greek sponge divers and casting of a gold crucifix into he waters to sigmfj the baptism of christ decorations you may find the ingred ient for chrisrmai decora tion in your own backyard collect iprayi of holly pin cones and evergreer bran ches spray paint them in sparkling tilvers and told or bright holiday reds and greens arrange them with christmas tree ornaments into an attractive center piece or add some ribbon and use them to top off the christmas gifts i paint toy boxes th children love to pi boxes so why not decorate them for chnstmai gfits a wooden box painted m bright colors turns into a pretty and practical toy chest turn it upside down top with a colorful cushion and you have j child s hassock design lev era i like circus cages or a kiddie train stretch your imagination and create more christmas fun for your ehil dren ii void i 10 6 t a j 9 8 7 6 s ijgeted bidding oulh west snrth 1 piss 1 i llpv however whrn norh bid dia monds south must make a lor cing bid his band is worth twenty points at least and there is no misfit when his partner hidt diamonds the jump shift lo two spades is a game force when north then shows preference for spa des south bids four cl litis to show longer cluhs than spades it k now irp to north to show his strrnglh blackwood would find aces but little else north cluhs must solidify the south s stilt he has good spadi support and his diamonds ari good he is worried about two heart losers so he bids five spades and leaves it up to south al this point t is a bt of a gamble to bid srven hut six spades al least should be rea ched to reach seven accurate- i would require asking bids and void showing bib which are not in the average plavers bck on bidding mv onlv ronclu ion is that hoth pair mm i have un lerval ued their hands n order to miss slim on these cirds i mondav s rciulls 1st pair s nclair 2nd pair bill ind lona coats 3rd pair tic mrs mary manning and mrs hay campbell mr and mrs jack coits lucky winners announced at senior citizen party the senior itiicns annual christmas party was held on december 14th at the cottage at ccdarvalc centennial park mcmbcfs sat down to a houn litul pot luck supper wilh an exchange of christmas gifts afterwards the social commit tee had planned an evening of pnlcrtainment which included rontesls and the sinking of car els ending with we wish you a merry christmas rvcryone wont home wilh a happy feel inj thai nnee again ll ha 1 been a wonderful party i urkj winners win drawn for the annual t hnstmas draw they are scotlish yule lg mrs j t mclnlyre canadian vulc log mrs harnett christ mas cake mrs j bailey scot tish pudding mrs m t amman shortbread walter richardson baby quill mrs muckart colon tal quilt mrs m camm n deaf school flu epidemic means classes out early despite a major outbreak of flu al the ontario school for the deaf millon thero is no i major epidemic in the count i said halton county health lmt the school t feel laid vpokel smart hn addnd that them were no other major illnesses kotng around 1 the flu virm struck the school for the deaf last week and rea ched such a major proportion i that the school had to he closed 1 down for christmas early i we felt there was little point in attempting to keep things open the virus is hilling our staff now superintendent don kennedy said twelve teachers and 10 cnun i sellers were off sick and about 40 to 50 students have missed classes is the school s 32 bed hospital w as expanded to sjfcds t0 meet with the epidemic fht okororrown hiral thursday oic jilt 1h7 this epidemic is confined to ravs pass thrrc is no problem to the pla of the hand there arc four hpade tricks plus three in diam onds and six in clubs for a totil of thirteen without any ruffing at all mv comments arc on the bidding souths club opener and norths diamond response arc standard if north had respon ded one heart as expected south would be content to bid three cluhs a strong but non- forcing bid were thankful for our many friends and wish them happiness ait this very special lime merry christmas armstrong insurance georgetown paul c armstrong john t armstrong uolim greets candy cane and holly herald the season of good cheer time to thank you for your fnendly pat ronage and wish you the best of holidays from everyone at delrex smoke shop phone 877 9284 to all- a merry christmas jims service centre sales and service hometite pioneer stthl saws snow blowers 4510571 r r 2 brampton corner 2nd line w 7 hwy may santa bring you joys galore jacks snackette 10 main street south beit withes for a fine old fashioned chnitmat season full of good cheer kings cleaners ethel and frank and staff mill street 877 9361 1st anniversary we extend sincere thanks to all our customers and ll wlsh them all the joys of christmas and a happy prosperous new year ron and bev breen rb milk centre 160 a guelph street georgetown mayjtheljoys of the seasonlbetwitfryou wishingfyoiiipeace rexway bp service guetph and rexway drive john ellis a joyous cirisimaf jmay the hoir fwnfff fbrov year path to a ap m chnatmaa and may all the days to come reflect th peace mud joy of thta bhaaed holiday glen taxi jim bell phone 77 737 christmas brings thoughts of old friends good times and all thats best in life may this christmas add richly to your store of happy memories best wishes from all of us to all of you pr i 1atai ll iari ii w1i lbon bonnif bl i i bob hyde murrai brigdln don maviai howard hamilton bob bon held body shop ft ed maveal maveal motor sales ltd chrysler plymouth valiant fargo trucks 361 gilphsttf georgetown 7769