Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1968, p. 1

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rdhfartjialpay vw tin placa n id in tha narama cluilflad ptfaa by aanln 4j73mi euyln or aattfng tha hrw la whara ii prill find tha raiulb yot jiwit georgetown herald 7je home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tha oaorialaw hmu hm wil aaajafawn nd uuli icf aaprlntara and pobllahara f avar a eanhiry offarlnf mm bait in fin printing ami nawi eavarapa aotherizad a satond clan mall foa offics dapt ottawa an for paymant of pottaga in caih gaorgatown onl thuraday january 25lh 1968 5 00 par yaan hngla copy meat tan carrra create live man industrial body happy hayripers a continuous hay ride enjoyed by youngster and adults alike was a highlight at georgetown golf country clubs wint frolic saturday it was a day fo al t f wi tobo bon ho dogs for children hiyndcs and nowmobiling with rental machines available a moccasin dance in tho evening capped the successful the hayrido tractor above is the club greenskoeper bobby hall ttffa r jim harris win of mr and mrs ken harm lilt 2 gcori town home for a winter hoi iday after finishing hit tmond semi iter in a b c course nt the university of guilph h ranked first in hi da with an average of h3 percent he is working at superior 1oods un til his return to the university in april sllvettwood piloting new town position council engage clerk administrator georgetown council hired a needs two or three assistants inn elcrkadmlnistralnr on monday in his department ho said and but the appointment 14 iub tin town inert awd its payroll ject to a meeting with councils ullh hiring of a iw assessor no 1 committee to discuss arid lau year draw up a list of duties before he iccepis the position the mayor w nrn more i outspoken on monday council voted 53 to hire diraliu macdonahi of haventwealrealv nt a slieeuville tor tlu neuljcreit clerk dmmfitrator in mr hen ed pom fhc town had advetts hjr he asked how many ed on two occasions last car m x mcn dn ut noet amd had interviewed applicmt what ue n min s j acts as own lawyer dog complaint fails after in unsuccessful attempt in act is his nun hujer in maj 1 i tntns murt wedrcsdiv n iidown nun slill does not know ulu her this loans dn control h hw in iriv titth jn unit till nu jt the iei1 hii for preparing h liws said tlu reeve the ntu mm vwll ave f0 of this cost i r 1- mmtriqn s lid il hid nrikmillj opposed ar m r istnor hut illi t e jr win ik cm ji ivv sri vll if the man was hnn ui a prl vali compliant annst his mi thhoui cli ui t ie him with al t he lo in his pet i i chun l lo run n i it liri 1 1 n lit u il s in up it nihl usi ni liwn lir i puuic u i li t i m nut nti rfirj with tht h ii tic nun lo if r i on tuq or three occas ons peeve hunter cn hole nal lcntine vounu and kmnurson rotei for the appaintirent fon da it v as opposed by mavor cibbons and crs smith and tlon i don t think wt need him at all he pid the reeve i sijtrnunl wis confusini i u in i tl our o wi stiff t j he ennsi ler tl first w lit n mr nenlnm ud h ron t t ikn he m i hr h tl the joh nnd would c irrv on in l r the sune capanty as t pn ent 1 nti fjvour it he u m i i tljp fur ulii ults n i hun in till b it li illnn u i kd revolution in education methods teacher says mrs h lmdauer market t wa hnjltem on jimnry 11 to mi mher of sdverwond worn ijn t initittitc when memhers arrived for the evening meeting thev found the linuif in tlarknts uitli only candh huhl ai d hash lluhu fhi hydro went off at 6 pm 1 and the hostess jut kept hop- mi hie lights tame on after 1 0 fur itilkind supervlmni prin ciral of isqtiesmt puhlic srliods vks khft ptaker and pa i picture of tht irhooh continued on hack puo esquesingtown talks continue on fire area esquesinif township ia stllj interested in conunulng an at ranfiement with georgetown by which tho towni volunt ecr ilro ttppartment servos part of the township alarmed at an increased charge lint year wjutsinif advertised for tenders for a firehtll and dlsciihstd formm iu own rural department monday town council was asked to have iti fin com milloe meet with an esq in s hit tomrnitttc to continuo tilk a mi i tiny wis stt for next tuesday no action till march council tells brumac ijire s jle dev lopment of residential land in the witith- casterly par of town will not receive furthrr council consul cratlon until march at inst the land owntr llrunnc mc tro hilton developments i ked eftuneimo rorjthftl3nd for- builthnc recently offering inlf a million dollard in cash plus other concessioi s for the yl leise council has enarcd a consult inn firm to advise v hit the town should do on mnrday a letter sent hyi mivnr gibbons to the jbturaic firm stated th it council un 1 willing or unihle to submit sn proposal nt the prcsuit time i and tint it is unthnc the enn miltants report which is dun in mirch i they were in almost duly hnlitt with me askinf vhat we are doing txplnncd the miyor j thoucht i should tell them councils position and did so in this letter gibbons sole opponent to reestablishing commission a oorfictown fndustrldl com mission wa re established monday by council j the fivi nran communion in eludes herbert j herder indus trial development rcprcscniat ive for cinadlnn national rail- wis until jiu retirement last y ir alt ulackwcll united gas man iicr william mcally contrictor philip slddall prod uclion and control manner at g neril t ircproofliifi nnd cr wheldon 1mmersoii mr tnmoiionudm minte ed the m v commission mid that he lus found his position is council t hidustrhl chairman time cnnsirnlinr wdh- all cor respondence and enquiries clnmicli d tt him the town heeds a commission to help plan nur industrial fu turr he said i had this in m lecti in platform a year aro hut in view of a situation at tint time i dehyed action un llilhmfi fictllffl dtukil- the lat commission relencd when council of that day must oi on cnii cil representatives on ho commission and criticized the commissions work being kept secret from councillors- mr emmerson said h will continue to treat any matter in confidence when it la ao rcquei- ed aa often firms wish to keep tha fact they are seeking a new location a secret while the commission found favour with a council majorjty mayor gibbons voted against it he can see no reason for a commission ho said with most of the townowned land already sold it is council that ecbi tha praise or blame in industrial matters he said vvc had a commission and they resigned because they didnt want coun cil to k what was going dn they didn t bring any industry that i know of cr hobcrtteanoi disagreed they dictated their terms to council and ws didnt like it he said this is a different group well be aware of what a going on we can bo missing some-goidon-pporiurt- itfes without a commission cr francis said the commis sion could assist tho town even by locating an industry in the adjoining township as this would bring business and jobs to georgetown people assures esquesing land won t be used for dump mr m k donald who dut i will bepin on m irch 1th his hid mv vt irs cxpirutui is i municip il treistin r ind ins in om breath son si ht will be a coordimtir and in pianos rcput reevi spm hi tl yim mr benham wss alurnl from hil meeliri u he telling him uliat to do bene hjnur who has been he aid vou ve given no sound complcttd i uniwrslu xtr n h nropmirn of the move said reisnn pndink mont ion course f munirip il th i u the new nun would coordinate uhch will only create m confus and treasurt rs alt town dtp irtnitiits ind would have the ad vie of town clerk c g flenham in fctttmq famil lar wih tiun jffair mr ii ham he id had bt n consult ed and ild he iu not uan t li urt t hv 1 1 v n i 1 i i i r 1 i in in h m to tin ticrnle t m s blick said he could not xt pisltr i conviction without certain evidence a lav mm is no qualified to prisent adjust parking meters to start at 900 am i ur turn in in u of tile lo in lie mi proof of tin ixici trrnis o tin in li i agree to 31 000 price ifor expropriated land to ipplv inr the positun lit g0a district aaid the new min eould eawily schoai a jacu prepare wl of the tm n hv ffirm ha laws at a conuimhlc sivm in rxmcnc by burgeoning vchoor for r inst s ud legal feis akreei on 531000 if school hnrd s off tlu d f n pi 1111 1111 k vc toinpl in t 1 1 i ill r df t hirnsi if ind iu h hund 11 tht th urn c 1 lurin is tht di u nd int s in d miu in tm r 1 n it i 11 1 j i r the in 11 1 t ht h id simihr un t ot 1 r in 1 nn 1 d is innltu r thi r hull in a letter dittd juiuir 12 tost whos the inv firm of tlmmp on been squeezed out of troe mmr ind mtlt m actnu j li hut h lob the conipl ninnt the dismiss il w i- only of the chirt arisiiu from the pecif ir inodt 1 namtd advimdi him to r insult hit ieormtown it tnrnt v about bnnint ufothcr bin k with c on anotht r incident ind name j s n town ntirnivs job the police for tijjn tars d in brins iclinn to enforce i when tlu hours ire stilt d n chii mi oreouns hv 1 1 he nut i the mett r an acravition for eirly mor nlni p irkt rs downtoun will soon be removed t ittfve hunters siui i linn on mond n cnunnl irei d to hie tjii prts nt t hil 1 in which appears on the mi tus al tered to 0 00 1 in it to pi stori s reeve fool 1 h to expect pi iple i meter fee before tu in opi n s11 1 th nd et we can t bluiu wher irt wi jninj to put i for the la p him tuend cr smith js uluch lwcame high school pro a 00j man 011110 super pty last fall through exprop vise a si2 7qo eiuinter our nation hew emrnref is jmni to eise aome of the uolhud r the at a mcetns monda the nui clerk and staff arid we don 1 hnoi board authoryed thrir heeil auolher top emplove aol cltoni latimer and nanus i to havp lie mnrt than tuo ao- mr siiiilh riprtsstd concern re remstered in thp nairn at tlir hi h of ml mill i u 11 ir t k unlnus huh wis areeptible sim tit 11 h ue appllt i to become deor t tou n distru lhh srhool s n s1 pnut ir nctpatthm ild i turmr ten den d his rcsij mtmn at tlu bnird s n futuril two uttk to lieome rfftctive at tin eti of the currt nt urn i he bnird will ikiii tnlirvuwin jppln ants saturd i computer speeds up system in county immunization with the assurance of acton mavor lcs duby that the go a cres of land owned by acton in ksnucsin township will not be used for i rtumr 01 jarbiie dispnsil of any kind fsqulsin council seems favourablv dis posed towird illowing acton to annex the area j the iind in question lies at the south east end of acton be twecn cobblchill road and i ir vievy cemetery the old part of the cc mmerv is in acton the ne pirt in i snucsinj i he onlv thing i v int to know sltd hee oeor e cur rtc it monti i s council meeting i this cun ou assure me von never intend 1 1 put a dump thert he pointed out there ire two p if of mines ion a p tit on opposing a dump near the cenutirv mijnr dubv assured him re pi itedlv siving thev hive their girhile pr hlem under c introl no v on mntht r ile cr i at pitterson pointed out there ire no ties cominp from the ctineteiv and ver little from the resi of the imd c uimil di tided to ask the s il ic or to dr iw up in agreement to walk on the highway cr pat patterson told esquesintf council he claimed tho dept of highways ploughs piled tha snow up on the sidewalk to a depth most people wouldn t want to dig council passed a motion re fiuesting the dept of highway to remove the snow from th sidewalks reluctantly recva george cume allowed himself to ba appointed to the halton county industrial committee if you hint to put me on it its okay but there ii be no fee paid to mc by the township ita not worth it he commented the members of this countv com mlttee are paid by their own municipality b i ighleen mights in stewart- town would cost s2 2h0 and would lie paid by the people af fected the cos will he apportioned on an assessment bisis then a public mteting called if tho people affected agree to tha tost tho lights will be insalled hi l is t iie missing cadet uniforms i counted for almost nil of s7 m in 1 m 3j pud the kectiver intnl la countv last month closin nut the nub ht ilth ir about mounting mmncipal tosls georgetown the new t nmct r his kaid he school would levy parking fee for bus loading area brumpton look them off thtir uation some yejrs afo when want slntt why cant we oln a requekt from council to stocked library will hi mad i ibhe i il h in 1 1 nu up f 1 tht sp it mil pi iu 1 1 ilu tlu m 1 t tl un t tir i rt ikthi nit h is tht hilton int ht ilt 1 i nit schools tspad infoi 11 fio cljlt est mmnd other qntaiio lit alt units 111 tlu pro ns- pf ii il ton s ept rum nt ht n vii i m thools sponsorship of a cailtt corps i uc shortage uu disio ered durinj find totk taking lorn c rt ument ins takt n the corps under its wnu hie hiili fcchool s wtll i ttocki ked cr john hole monday dur eliminate itops on main st the availauh to tlu puhl four int dtmhitom about gray bus firm moved its pickup to 1 tuthts h wtck startuil i ehrinry i he infoiiiution or unit sihods is ilrtid tip mil bunk 11 id hv tin u in n vn i m to t nuilm unit fo this jciri innoiuhlion or talk to invone itnolii d in pu ne prortm ik un protrim i blic heil h tin first think im nudicil officer of i asked it how our cliti procts nlu hull ind rir ho computer scins tlil t pe ainr ls uo out he said coach urns oum ell u thciding a charge for bus ktoppng areai on two aides of main strtet north in the vicinity of the terminal i agrte tin v should pa but i npjmike anv list of our mjiu street by hiws said maor and there are traffic jams pjr ciblwmx i v asketl why they ticulsrly on triduys and satur cant iue the municipal parkmgdjis lot behind the terminal but 12 tluf library will he opt n viiuiiiw from 7 until fl 20 is a rt ference cenlri borrow ink will not ht permitted the playing field is a howrver he said council is uep closer to the long discus working for the majority not mm i n construction program tic minority who use bust h sutveving has bicii eomph led the top of main st hill ilople came to cr until in drovei he iaid and council reverwd its wition ried 11 uncli r tl ii it l tin hilton expf rinit ntin with t omputers as i int ins of stn imhniiu its npentum wlu n the prorim wis b run wi uertnt t vt n sun it wotltd ui lv hr lljy sitd this urtk so om lint vur used ompulfis for an mniuiiintion operitioii rwi b m h id i tie vise our ow n ctwle urcissor dr frmn n scno1 spi3 he child unit is um an tle a c shot and then prints an add res punch cjirdi und plutitt art in iwiartl fitagi the dfauin sd pjrent consent card sonitlhnu it would tnki our stiff stvi ral dn to d cm now ha done 111 i matter of hours ir ha haul by he old me thud our office sdaff must re id throuili each liiiui a record fik lire out now long om lie hid his hsf sii tbi n ivpt ami ul tin ss the parent comtcn form h will be about ib mnnth ht vi t re i fon the rt ejrds f 10111 t vi ry had school in tlu countv can he transfirr tl to computt 1 tape a medical officer ol hi ilth from the ijkiauad rtcentk jounuv ed tn milton to apor use tin proct ihe rt suits o fir h ive hi 1 n good dr 1 1 ijid i here were a few minor mist ikt in llu s stt 111 but these were e is ily corrected is we wtnt aton data procitiing bu they say this creates difficulties rhe police have re com men for cxprt vs hlpmmts rd hhi be stopped slid its up i to coupcil tn decide he said rut the mavor warned tha1 fc 1 council chjm be a slorm cental ur yodng said tyers hvvt totwy meter fees to park on f iujm irom nrr hi th rtrrct they owik snd it is uiw i worker- and retires prom s j s mr anne ollins a smith and stone potliry tltpirtment employee for 17 ytirs wan pn iu uled with coisile and flow nd at fu t when u iisin punch cartls doubts tint all tin iuls in transit rr- tl to compult 1 tape formation would fit qn them uiirhnuin u in finishetl first lietause jnn ton onlv punch so tlu n oikville and then mil on jnjany hohs before ou run out and loorji town of canl if they doll t prtxtl with cnu wnsible tor thrrr arw 600 people a week py a fee fclso nalnj the buin he said vou or juo yquni recalled a sit- year h aaid i v1 hut u major dt vt 1 ipiiuut in compiler ti imolouy tht iue of a 111 ikiii tic t ipf insti ail of 1 irds has olvtd 1e lpice problt 111 private firm to au kunl of liml y fr u wt lljm mam plant on ht r irtirrmuii nlrdint tvtrihiui tiouldi n we 111 td at the 1 nd of tin vi hottirv suiwrmtcndcnt rd dnt dau n chlldrm i hi 11 it will just be a innltt r of adding m w tluldren as they rnif kcliool or ir hroiikht 1o fiur public cunits dr hav haid vo will have a maiiur tape frtitit which wd can instantly u hula thild tiai had tlu lract uw rrltiuu t un what vutritit hi i alltr lifs on lipnictf made tha pityntat mi- iiijlui uheii h i rds ual child 1 1 a whole chixt 1 nejcl liojliriiot lr uay aidl dr uy reports great inlcr- ntnw tint most of llu hive beiu iroiud out he aid tlu re 11 no doub eh clronte dull prnei sm cm ik ad tpti d ud mil ibly public in illh as our population ntws he said tlnvimlhod can buuudl in our lit follow up proiram and in canctr dttietion clinics if we dt cido to start hit 111 ptisiui would be put on a tape wlititl he jiuikts his futt vmit to u dilittlnu rliiur ami tlun the compuli r eould kilett hu name wlu n it was tiuu for anothrr cbttk uj and hind a card asking him to bi it the rliiiu at a tltaln day and time halton peel building mam enauco co was hired as care- taktn of the municipal bulldinif snow on the 5 tit walks in and 1 rounds at a cost of 211 so v ml is fori infix the ehildrm a week rent delrex building as temporary municipal site with expanding staff in an already crowded municipal builtlinif council on monday took action to secure temporary quarters for two town depart- menk if metro halton novdopmculy accept an offer the aseument and enuiuecruib departments will ha housed lu offices in tho dcliuc building on the hiifhwv the town would pay hijnu- 1100 a vfar for rt ntnl of lto0 ktjuire feet ot tpace ihe departments uill be per manently located in u planned m w tow n jar jtfu and utor ko buitdini suiiijestlou hy keove hun ter that the third floor of th townowued ccdarvale commun ity centre might he used ot only minority support from crs emnurstiu- and hole plan switchboard phone system at town office a telephone svwtchbo ird svs ttm was voted by council on mondjiv f t r the municipal of fn i w mild rtplice the present s ti in of t en or eijit ht p ar itt tilt phoms for tho vir ions town dt partments itei vi u111 1- hunter who proposed the plan said tho switchhoird uoulil cost little mon thin at prist nt and would hive the udvuntam of ill cills beinii chmnelltd through a central office sor will it require extra of flee help said cr hoy hallen ttm as it does not take spec ial skills to opt rate a switch bo ird social a personal mr aul mrs hm ewrley of llellna saskatchewan v were rect nt visitors wiui mr and mrs rrtd ltlcrs 2 haxlis stuet mrs ivcrs and mis teverlfy ar ajtert the elcht of nine small up stairs rooms coulli nut be readily adapted for town offices said cr jim younii and mayor jv seph dibhoiu aaid this plus a poor roadway makes this inv- twuiblo

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