Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1968, p. 3

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y snow the plunkett ropbrtw which is months ago suggested a hor- feontat split oaf tfalton and peel counties to melt existing communities into two large ur- bin and rural municipal tlei doesnt look is though it will ever get off the ground the report aroused opposition particularly from the rural north when it suggested the vast municipalities to replace tho present town township and county municipal petup jim snow halton easts mltvsaia he jjotthc impres sion after j meeting with muni cipal affairs irilnibler darcy mckeough u the fmunfceu ftc port as submitted does not seem acceptable to the provincial government he paid tho government hadnt made a detailed report on its objection and he couldnt ipoc- lfy them ses duy snow thinks that i regional government might be imptemen- tndby1070 but he doesnt know what form it might take jlr predicted j ajl woud pro bably he a hybrid taking bits of recommendations from plan not accepted shake up by 970 keoush and deputy municipal affairs minister w ii palmer accompany inn htm wooro kerr upp for hallon west plvcthalt rvport snow said that the majority of municipal bodies concerned objected lo the plunkett report mainly because of its suggestion that hal on and peel be split up into two municipalities one in the urban south and ono irt the rural north these murdc ipatities wouldcuke over aft the fervices now administered by the county ad local nunicinali- ties- snow felt that a spilling up of the area on a watershed rath er than in the present county limits would bo a better idea the hamilton wentworth study would therefore affect this area said snow snow said regional govern mnt for lialtoicct niiuhtbe introduction of legislation in tht 1dg9 session and implementation by january 1070 this would be the earliest it could he done he iiaid i got no flrpt enmmitmerit from the nriouterbn this h is just feeling 1 got aft or talking with hvnu jim snow hallon etlpp the plunkett tteport from the smith report v which auo bad proposals about regional govern- mcht from the hamiltojvwent- worth study now going on and irom the bries submitted by the municipalities concerned free vote indicated for county liberal delegates halton county liberal assoc ution held a meeting to pick delegates for the liberal leader ship convention to br held in ottawa from april 6 t but they dwnt decide whov uiey might support in the race something will be worked vice president ralph xuar out which will br compatible tojuid we will all be voting individually and not as a block so far the majority is undecided ill h said know met recently with mc- hornby 4h girls leader get achievement day awards on gratulaj ions to karen bra- dry7larlcnr leslie laurie maxwell and maureen thomson of the hornby north actionettes who received their certificates for county honour at the re cent achievement day for the campzcuaitofiiit projects con emulations to mrs james imc kay who received her certific ate for five years of leadership with the hornby north club the january meeting of the north trafalgar s communis club was held at the home of mrs bert leslie with eighteen members attending mrs dave cowling welcomed the mem bers to the meeting which was opened with the club ode a euchre party was diwnisscd and will be held on tnurxday even ing february 2ft in tke trinity anglican church hall streets- ville following th eucbre i draw will be mad for a beaut iful liquid embroidery beds pread following the business the ladies were entertained by mrs alfred mccraeken and mrs ellison ball who were in char ge of the program some very interesting poems by edna jac- ques were read by mrs mc craeken lrs ball conducted a penny contest which was won by mrs j d dalglelsh and mrs aleiyatson mrs ball alwi read the very interesting recipe for a happy new year the feb ruary meeting will be held at the home of mrs cordon leslie with mrs fred near and mrs jacyavtutaiifson in charge of the program all members were asked to bring alon a lulmorousj valentine as a valentine exj change will take phn i the north trafalgar euchre club held their weekly euchre on saturday night january 20 there were nine tablcn of eu chre in play wnh the prizes go- ing tn ih following winners mrs clifford norton mrs ma dge craig mrs joe sammit mrs jessie mccinti who played vi a gentleman jim hamilton and harvey dunn the draw prizes were won by mrs marg aret terpstra and clare whson tlie next euchre will be nn jan uary 27 ami they want lo examine the candidates we will he coing to the meetings in the next few month before we make up our minds he added vurul ckelc although the dele are birthday- greetings tlo the fol lowing who are celebrating birthdays glen plant on janu ary 27 joe shea on january 28 mrs irene saunders lew samp son and jim plan on january 29 william stout and calvin sharp paul martin and cordkigley on january lit j lloyd henderson undecided haltonv liberal mi tr harry llarley has already thrown his weight behind trans port minister paul llellyer oth er candidates are allen alar- jlcprcscnting the county at the convention will be bob blake vice president of oakville ralph war vice president of oakville heather miison vie president- of oakville terry kennedy president of oakville krnic zcchman secretary of oakville and george jackson of milton- ajtrnta alternate arc john knight treasurer of oakville harold young of oakvilk- and don coates of acton lite executive mreting at the hopedale plaza jiusinesi office aho discusseuttfte possibility of establishingawamciisauxiliary tti the association j decided to investigate the idea said zuar notice noticr of tha cloiir of fh allowance for road known at anbury st and part of spay in tha vlllaga of spay id notice of n proposal my iaw no 3fi8 for stopping up the allowance or road known as ashbury t and part of spey street in registered plan no 30 village of spcyside in tho eaht half of latt 15 in the sec ond concession of the flown- shipot esqueslng apd for auth or izfng the conveyance of the portion so stopped up to tfto adjoining owners ano whkreas council- is desirous of slopping up the al lowance for road known ax ashbury st and part of spey- street in the village of spcy side and of conveying the por- tlons ao stopped up 1st the ad joining ownors vjtw tnkricforu- the rotihi- cic lk hie municipal coh- iroration ok thk town ship of ksqufeslwgbnacts aj vollows from and jftrr thepansing of this bylvw the allow- ancc for road dcscrivtr heroin shall he closed and ktoppct up and conveyed tn the adjoining ownr au7and sinculail that certain parcel or tract of land ami premises situate lying and being in thotownship of es- qucsliig in the county of hal ton and province of ontario and being composed of ashbury street and part of spey street in the village ot spcyside in the eat half of ut 15 hi con cession 2 in the said township as shown on rtegistcred plan number 30 on file in the regi stry office for the said county of halton containing by ad- mcasureiiibli tdu lacres im the aama more er let and shcfc aald parcel of land is more par ticularly described as follows ffuamistncr that the north east limit of the east half of said lot 13 in concession 2 in tho raid township has a bear- west astronomic and relating all hearings herein thereto commencing at the north angle of iot 1 in block a as shown on said hngutnred plan number 30 thence north 38d5000 east along north wcid limit of sjny street as shown pn said tlegistcrcd plan number 30 be ing also the south east limit of he allowance for hoad between tho east ilau of lot 15 and ths kasl half of lot 16 in satd con cession 2 in the- saut township 4050 feet more or less to the west aiuc of lot 1 in block 4 aq sbon on said rflgjxterca plun uhibcr 30 jtmkncb tuutn udaaio eal along thcnoruicas limit of spey street bclng-also- tj juuiwcst limits ofsaldlx 1 and 0 lot 4 irit said block 4 as shown on paid begistered plan number 30 13200 feet more or less lo the south angle of said lot 4 in said block 4 the said south angle being also the point of intersection of the said worhwtist limit of spey street wilh the northwest limit of ashbury strcctjwt shown on said registered plan number 30 thence north 38d5900 aloihj the said nortlwest limit of ashbury street being also the southeasl limit of said lot 4 and the soutleast limit of lot 3 in said block 4 as shown on said registerc plan num ber 30 31671 feet more or less lo the point of intersection of the said northwest llniu of ashbury street with th south- west limit of the kings high way niit2tas widened across part f said registered plan number 30 by registered high way plan numrbcr 4fcl on file in lufl reg tst i office for ihc said county of halton thence salilh oastarryalnng thenaid southwest limit of the kings highway number 2j widened along a curve to tho left having a radius of 5770 51 feet an arc list a nor of 4032 feet for a chord equivalent of 4032 feet on a chord bearing of south 47d07m0 east to the point of intersection of the said southwest limit of the kings highway nummr25 as widcir- ed with the southeast limit f ashbury strert as shown on said registered plan number 30 thence iithjmklroftyjp- west along the said south east lloiit of asbbury street being also tlve northwest lim its of ijot 2 and i in block 5 as shown on said registered plan niijnbr 30 abd continu- fng south3fll5900vccst al ong the spuliwestfriy produc tlon of the said soothcast um- it of ashbury strcot in all a distance of 3tft22 feet- more or less to the point of fnlcvsoctlon of the said southwesterly pro duction of uic said south cast limit of ashbury street with the southwest limit of spey street s shown on said regis tered plan numlwr 30 tllence north diam west along the saldsouth limit of spey street 1h150 feet more or less to uic point of conimencemcnt take notice that the mu icipal council of the town ship of esqucsing will take into consideration the passim and if approved will pass at iu meeting to he lwld on monday february lool loutt at the hour of- 730 oclock in the ev ening at the municipal cham bers of the said township of esqueslng a bylaw stopping up and selling tha aboa daai- bed property in the said town ship and the council will at that time and plicahear br hy his counsel solldtbr or agent any person who plaima that his land will be prejudicial ly affected by the bylaw and who allied to bo heard dated at esquesing the 8frb day of january ad 1068 k c uniisay ontario clerk of ihc township of efiquesing 213 this vital young religion one hce one world thr or s wmu orawnd ttw voru m4mf fae b- uiulhi mmlniolmnlibf u rtw wid of cod lor o4 twy coll ipwtyi bokh looking i hood toronto x bahais 6f georgetown is normandy boulevard georgetown mrs m barr secretary a full list of regional repres eachern eric kierans mitchell i entatives from oakville milton rev georgetown and acton has yet lo be mad l esquesing reeve was later miss wilma mason a bridelo be was the guest of honour personal shower held recently i m m krht 521 shenff deeds registrar watering can hovered above the gift table which was close it the jj ride- to- hes chair which i a former sheriff of halton comityrw j l billy ilimp- shire of spevsidc died on satur- w dkoralrd utl pint pr d jury 13 at llilto dis- mation and strtamers tt jtal first part of the evening was spent doing contests the sera- mble contest was won by mrs descended from pioneers who paul may end mrs garry hanr lo north america in 1b03 ilton a word conies was uon hampshire was active in by ruth mason following the and municipal affairs entertainment wilma was av- of w ad was well slslcd in opening her gifts by throughout north hal- her sister ruth following the was etquesing coun- opening of lie gifts wilnla ex- for ven years including tended her sincers tlunks to fbur i a a eounly councillor all for the lovely gifts ind was sheriff surrogate court was served by jane and catheri registrar and local registrar of ine hall at a tabl which wasidd fr ims to 1q4g decorated with streamers and small umbrellas of various col- in 1020 he uas a lilwral cin- ours and a shower cake inscribdidale in the federal election ed with best wishes wilma he held many positions in bos- ion presbyterian church and he was a dufterm scihwii trus tee for 30 year those attending were mrs jack fries mrs orest sliien mrs paul may mrs garry ham ilton betty thomson ruth ma son mary hamilton mrsfrank hall and daughters jane cath 5 her death erine elizabeth and margaret a bjrhelorhe livediih hi car accident eight years ago since i then he had lived with mr and mr ami mrs glen giles andfy s brown rr 3 milton family of niagara falls visited i t funeral service was held on sunday si the home of mr jan 15 wilh nter and mrs dclliert downs n i kairview cemetery acton larry hall celebrated his hir- thday on saturday wilh several i of his friends attending his i birthdjy party they spent the afternoon riding in snov cruis ers followed by lunch and aj large birthday cake included j worked lor 32 years at lower papermill a former employee of the old lower mill of abilbi provincial paper ltd chester checker scott a5 died m georgetown hospital on january 3rd a native of milton he was the son of joseph and mar garet scott during the first war he worked in mihon a tho shell factory then moved tn georgetown where he jiad been employed at the papermill for 32 years until it closed down some years ip he was a mem ber of ihc mills quarter cen tury club lid had made his home or many year with mrs charles ldwidge and the late mr ij-d- widge on kin street rev norman young conduct ed the- funeral service at lliej harold c mcclurc funeral home and interment was in evergreen cemetery milton pallbearers were john kniaht john foster rill garbutt andi tom lrdwidgfv due to sickness and the heavy knowfall which made many of the country roads difficult for driving the january meeting of the s stephen anglican guild was cancelled until feb ruary theretreatiort committee of the boyne community centre hfild a euchre party on friday night january 10th there were 21 tables of euchre in play with the prizes going to the following winners mrs alfred ford mrs clarence mccann william clarkson and colin ileaty the lurky draws were won by mrs john auscmnbe debbie wright warren tusker and john law reree lunch was served by the committee in charge the next etichr will be on february 2 get welt wishes are extended o mr delbcrt downs who j a patient in llm milton district hohpital n m birthday ureetiugn to little joseph brown who will celeb rate his third birthday oftjaji- uary 31st anniversary greetings to mr nd mrs allan glllirs who rill celebrate their wedding an- siveriiary on january 25 get well wishes are extended toneilsnn stark wh is a pa tient in the georgetown district hospital j mrs jim rcid and her sisleri miss mildred reed of th tith line spent the weekend at lake siticoe where they enjoy- ed ice fibiiir y 1 mr vnk mrs garry hamiltotifj kent andkendra visjled on sa turday evening with mr and mrs kerry jepson of george- town i j birthday greetings to little shawn ella who will celebrate i vi1f first birthday on january 301 h anniversary greetings are ex tended lo mr and mrs jack thome who will celebrate their wedding anniversary on tues day january 30th v mr and mrs clyde brooke of hamilton visited on strhday with mr and mr leonard buckler and roy robert larry owen and ric ky kutledga spent the weejcend with their uncle and aunt mr and mru kenneth tyndalp of clinton worlds tallest hie worlds tallest building the 103 x lorry ejiiplre state bulbing u 1250 feet high but the worlds tallest structure u a tv tower in farga north lis- kotaath10 feet high wyn field nursery garden centre hlf mil wrf of 7lklin on 17 sidarojid tellphon s7v952 ahention home owners contact us for master doc cat food e kitty utter ice salt wild bird feed water softener salt sunflower seed rabbit pellets v please note w dlivar in georgetown on mondays of each weak orders muil bo placed wjth ui by 9 am each monday master feeds stewarttown r r 3 aarghmi dial b773sij robert gougeon january furniture sale continuing reductions up to 50 on living room dining room and bedroom suites odd chairs tables and lamps see how you save living room kfcoehler rjpt 4 sealer s269 sofa and high back chair in nylon freize foam cushion ttog 3499 2 to choose ffcoav kr0ehler sleep or lounge reg 22995 to 29995 1884238 sklar 2pc traditional looe pillow back cushions covered deck and arm caps re 49995 s398 dining room kaufman 7 spanish buffet hutch table four chairs spanish pecan finuh no lug 7995 s699 liberty- 5 ipc dinettes and kitchen suites with swivel chairs and high back chairs reduced to clear free delivery at the time payments available bedroom odd chests 4 drawer and 5 drawer r to 7450 nl s48 3 pc spanish suite triplo dresser chest on chest panel headboard with frame tug 67900 now 548 3 pt walnut bedroom suite triple dresser chest and open panel bed reg 229 si 68 sklar 2pc modern four sealer suite showood walnut trim on arms keg 27995 229 chairs hostess chairs plalforrn rockars swiveh rockers lounge chairi m il 98 all induced to clear g lojlti retf 5995 to- 21995 14 25 off alt mirrors pictures lamps smokers foot stools tv trays etc evarytnind taducaj la clan krxiahlar colonial living roam colonial shoppe i furntlura household furnishing robert gougeon household furnishing 14 main street south phone 7isaa 4

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