Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1968, p. 4

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i georgetown herald published by item nawtpipcn tlmltd 22 main slrmr south georgetown ontario w c 1iihn puhllthir page 4 thursday january 25th 196b editorial comment 1 i east end park coming discusslqn between lions club ofir- e lk and councillors last week is hopeful ign that georgetown s east end might at nat have a recrentiorv park on the horizon 1 t the lions would be irtfjrited in dew eloping a park on munrcipatty owngd land if such is available md lhe club s past record is one which thould ensure that ms would e no flash in the pan but a substantial one of wfilch residents would be proud many newcomers might not realize that it wai the lions club which promoted a vanishing breed death of ontj of georgetlawn s srnioy physicians dr arthur mcallister recall an ra of the country ejoclor which has h most come to an end particularly in this pilai ontario tho doctor belonged to a generation of men almost selfless in thmr determine tion to servo humanity on a 2d hour sev- ep day week bas s they entered a profession where it was common to combine medical office vkj- retidocco they did business with a minimum of office work if they were busy their w fe took the calls bookkeeping wa elementary bills were sent when time al- wed vtheyliucjhrtathing df making ft- bousr call at any hour of the day or night grabbed an hour or two of sleep when they could and yet managed to stay heal thy themselves and m most cases to con tribute their talents to their community in other ways 1 and built the community swimming pool and after raising the cost by public aup- icriptlon and a greet many club projects donated j to the town x nei was a large financial pledge jo- the towns revy hospital v and meanwhile jlfe club rarried on uch well publicised activities as the annuaf santa claus parad along with thoie berj hind fhe scenes help to families who need a boot a pair of glasses for a youngster an operation or maybe ut i few grocer les to tide mem over a tough period dr mcallister for instance tervad georgetown as a public and high xchool trustee as well as taking an active part in the operation of his church they served in a different era it was- a time when men thought nothing of a 60 hour week in factorial when store clerks wovkedtwo or throe nights and their time off was wednesday or thursday after noon doctors were expected ttj pdsses an almost impossible degree of skill special ists were few and men like the doctor had to tackle everything from removal of ton- h1a andappendlxjolg major o erations as well as psychialry most of them came from farming- back grounds and perhaps their hard working childhood helped fit them for a lobfcjf which todays young people are iii equip ped politicians facing facts tn todays topsy turvcy financial world it is refreshing to find a few national pol iticians beg nn nrj to exerc se ihe judgment we should expect from them last week hon robert winters was widely quoted when he criticized the fed ral government for a senet of unbalanced budgets it was heartening to an editor who has expressed concern on several oc casions about the wilful d srerjard of sen ior governments for the elementary econ omics by which an individual must live not spending more lhan one earns or in the case of governments not making com mitments above ihe power of the country to pay for the in taxes bur mr winters failed to have the cour ago of his conv etions while intimating that fie would not be a liberaj leadership can didate and that he would be returning soon to private life in the next breath h decid ed to keep h s parliamentary teat for awh le and in a later television interview he said he wisn t realty criticizing the gov rnment at all it would be refreshinq ihougb prob ably political luic de if a few men of mr winters stature in all our political parties decided to be honest for once tell us the facts of economic life and maybe even band together to form a new political par ty altogether they could call it the csp common sense party and it would need a minimum of planks first would be to decide to run the country just as we must all do as indiv iduals deciding to f rst meet our basic ifeeds ihen allocate- what w have left to luxuries small or large which will give us the most satisfaction unless an established political party does this when it is in power or unless a csp group is formed and is voted into office we are headed on a disaster dourie which can only end in national bankruptcy for we are rapidly reaching a position where taxes and interest rates are so crip pling tbatonlythe h gher bracket of wage arnart can afford to buy a house and where cash savings for a rainy day are virtually impossible sugar and spce by bill smiley thank you mother nature ffe lfs hot pursuit in the mail bag hippies farerom jt j youthln leader says an interest in whatb really hap pening at the mk of being pretentious viy i conclude thath mifjhimne i makihej- an attempt in tins ire i sti p port it your siueerelv lb que en street dear sir hekrdtn tile nulhln rof house is not nnlv i phee to jo fee house w have been accused hut i meeting phe lor the or tony mcauipj vnit pit iiliui nii iil lhcr kids hv lliry comr ihr coff faffa 0 to of being hippies and lnrbonn hippie i feel this kind of crit icism is unnecessary and 1 will try to explain the purpose aims and past and present project there are 1mi members in pir youth in nranufltinn between thr age of m and 20 question mr editor ire there 150 hip pies in georgetown am iiion help disabled folk toronto 17 ontario 12 ovrrlfl niwl jnmnrv lit li 10w1 theres one thing that bringi people together and mavea them forget for a few hours at least all their normal rotten little miserable petty private troub les this k a goo sm in the midriff fromttwfc gentle old lady mother nature whether it f fir or flood blluard or drought a blunt r minder tvary to oftan from good old mother has fatutary ffacf on th prptially whlrj ing dnlant of th twentieth century ibis thm it war out told xniip in january i like thai term it s tjpical canadi iri uidi rstntpniwil and u drth hi m it us wi do it jn n fin s hclit pi us it 1 1 ibl thundi i storms lu null fill uiluiitn nul three fom miowf dlt it vcculinly camd t in ind it m ikes us alj btpim hum tn iniii if only until it i ovet vi oj u ulif norm i li ti udu uioiiml uitlr i f leo likt in old mhbi i b iot peoplr vlio uould not in tntiutl di il hi i ditili ton hit midd nly uit tlioiit mi uitliti ms hk cold miff fti leli be iniin hiioulii diippinf no l ind purple toun ten met 1 npb uh i umldn t be t iu li t il in j to t icli ollu i in i ho hi uk jlol nf calcutti find tlu hiv i jieit deil in com mon mi titer umtd jet ins cir stirttd thu morninf ilun there ire tin bralp ut i la uc e en put up with tficm uitli the greitte t of good pint llio eom in different wr ippi r ll s sjy it i jo b i lov outside hut there s ulways sonn chiractet wlio lived in kfipu kjsitu or yellowknifi who mvcar i ltsno lilow k 1 somt n opr projects hive been the hrejknut dance youth i orum i ill 1 nr oxfam hed rnss sorels ymc cliten nul cir uin iwolh with the jas uul rommg up march of dimes wit- sure v c ore an inrlive croup of hippies all w isk irom ocnrkcloun is cooper the aims of our orcanlation it on uith ulnt e are trjintt tic are to train young people to be tudn u hiu cjntelled at nur lu moua j x responsible citixeiis to provide l m piojeit because of i on tbt monday eienmc some an organliatlon for ounu prop- hcl nf ro- pention ith tliejoooo mirciiinj mothers uill llio ilitnr dear sir onee aiain ur ire seeking jour help to publuue nur march of dimes eampjitn elunnt the month of januan parfieuhrly 0 there ill winter ind wisn t ev en told just lefreshtn hack ih2 tlieir limj nut tliev i 1 his ivnotbinr nd ihere s the re t hnoh ilirnuli rittling teeth ind bun hed shoulder in too claim llns is nothinj in 5t it wis down n 50 below and stiw d til re for i week i he n there s the ruieti tpr roundnil i im elf on tho chc t he burbles this is ril this is the real cmidi this is whit mikes us a nturel independent people thrar days later you get n cord front him frrom horid i two types are hippy every- uimg h golden when there n a told snap they dn fhe fuel mm jnd thr tow trntk chap and bully for them a ty i hut my point is tint i nitiiro exihia uu pi opb out of i him selves nil p rli ips its better th in inudklui in tins pr urotic 20ih renlur 1 oit nlti n diiln uii vobl mi tip iri tin viljri jut wr hi jher luxe s orf 7oxa ind fiv yom oten by ind mho fief th it jnii eri t lii jhml r wet k witliout in lutotiutje dish ualii r i tin n is i ti t jji joyous dnwiij t0i liut i nn t tho u mi nts i net a tit mill pruu iji tlie f left ih it ou e in rope lot orki iritluflllit i xpo there is t tim l tn h ud is wi i lib out i li ind 1 1 imp our feet aid blow oli r nnji m i jrit paltetnur flmrnn th it to hit cx pit ps ii i n 1 sjii it of cin id i itul it lr i t trmpor tfily fr ees ml thou ht of spirit ism rlunm ill itun ind w box oin t i he the new ulilr il le idn when ou m oul in tlio mor mn mil find th it the hiltery i fl it von don t fn h ind eiifs tu fe 1 sort of piouil tint mm ire 1 ikin put in i hcioic itl venture leu i no i uurc not exittlj scott nf the antaiellc ind tint vbu e in phone i e ib but jou know tb t ill vcr tovji other cirs ire omi arj h arui r iliuhnn md i lmw 1 jou i use of shiild dincpr and it irelship there t e tingling end a jlng ling in the troophere people are grinning end shaking their head end ihoeitlng lint ihet brut of a day nd oi en the domestic proh lems ibite the other night it was jr below 7rro mj wjfr is ilwij s ijin unt slie miht as well lcie unless i cin show some unrlerst intlmc kim eon- tinunll threitns to run luny to vincnnver ind become a hip pie i opened the elonriml did koodbje ships ij hteert sec onds liter tiiej were irpsturs watching t good old mother one in i while she nudfcs us hick to normil ecn ihourh the hiulte knocks pie wind out of u le to help in community better citizens nirnt to provide responsible social activities young people a place where they can plan and execute hen eficltl programs for the town if gcorkctown lie calling on more thin 50 000 homes icross onlitin ringing and to ive i mitier or inteiest the bp outh of the toun nf milton hae stilted i ruth eirljnizit mn simi is ours ciled youth hi im ihu youlli in- executive iflppv flower power inftucn nundcd i meeting there 1 isl ce will be in strong evidence thursday it the school tor the is a quote from an edition of dl if uc weie really taken a tins herald but i would like a mc t some of to expand bn this quote in our the idutt nrgmintinnn hive jot coffee house we have a wilertn cthe l nd ifi vrthrrg tev btnld meter and copper pipes runninc i milhoit tlnlhr oulh centre from it well this is an uglvl sight ho one nf our members whit hi mother made five or m flow a l era from kleenex to cover up this utilltv hippie flower pow ork f 1 it ie my orlaniza er is evldenf the mail bag says students best judge of abilities of teachers or m inre- v irk iesl iced ent acainsl this or tint stud dear i ditor hi subjeet 1 ile l is i hsinii a teailurs t 1 ir ictoitllng lo i merit with the problem then arimiig who would judte the hient it came to mo tint the bfst judutrt nf a teiehei s mcr it or lack of it an the students itimsehes i d in t mean only their nnrks stutu nts aie ih itntvint ind i don doubt lint yoy would let j much more ob jtshtiw ind honest opinion f i urn tlielm th in nrii ho ud irinillll ts tniisnuss and nhould hi tn ittd ucnnllni ihe mote ou put into our job tin mon vou t ike bme in miir pi ehtuc h the aaiiit token if vou uii a bumb lint here toelav lone tomtit tow type then jnu slioule nbow you the door whit rt illy 1n0iuhl the sub jet t up in our holm was listen jugjmbcn ie ihdihcush diffi l ent traeitns c anuici me the opinions they have of arnne of their pciti what in more ant ang the t it hern tluy were discuiain hive been uachrii in ytmra llm nujorjty opinion teems to be that jtound aoa claiu is a laugh ibis one eloe not eveu check on algnmrnth that one u coiteislently prrjuej i ltstn lo these teciiateis ibryre not out to pull the wool over anyone s eyes but they an well aware of who knows th subject and who can tfet it across to thejit i ht y 8re alhn aware of the rarr lea cher wlio can and doen inspire- them and make them think j hose are the teacher who give the utudents the freedom to think a problem out and din cuss it openly in clasn ihe others are more inttresled in memorizing and yes sii stud enla on may believe that i think thui o should be chaos in the classroom on the conl aiy it taktut ietct to jjet respect it also takes ttjeherk who think for themsi ivch to enable a hlu dent to put the jrey matter to woik lo honcally rehpeet i teacher ami underbtflpd what ha or she la trying to do la the grjftti st ae compluhment ani they ahould le paid aceordlngly the othtra nwil a tloae cheek for thev ari still employtd in many athooln and are paid on the aame kji ary acale 1 believe we parenta are willing to pay but we wnt ti know what wv ai paying for in teacher ihe reeulta are very important it la far bet ter that th next generation bf taughl io junk and jijoy tlieir knowledge than to have a gen oration one half dropouts the other half great montomers sincerely mrs it s nutk 1 im the mail bag delay in publication of issues newspaper january 20 lfmuj dt ar sit the st rv in your ian 13 u sin concerning he publication enle of the first copy of lsauea malaiiie was apprtciateti by llmse wlio have worked on iu stdff unfoitunatcly the ptiiu in schedule wjs delayed court e sv of the bliuard last week end and the aale may not atari until ihursday or later while we do not untlclpato major cli malic catastroplnts to coincide with eveiy publli atlon dale in the future w- would caution our roadtis from ejrpectiiib hi to maintain a clockwork aehed tile si me we arc all employee of thn department of kducutlon which cramp our atyle aa new paper bar ems rather noticeably we do leijtrt the delay ain only and hope that out many kind advertise u supporters and contributor will bear with ns your allien el kogor smith x tcnri e town got to mm i don t want it we are willing to f i it i tinns in town willing to sit down and decides whehtr this town a few of our members hac onc n n so how arc loni hair and two have be inls ut join to gn almut if citizens of the town see tlice guys find out they belonk t lf inlcusti i nil me it 077 youth ittaml immediately thcy5 i are branded as dirty htppiesl m n rxtftnrf fln jn ulult cltitrrih of tome down tei business directory u i clli aml t ilmn lo tin cepls them then be orjianlzat ion must be as bad as the youth if we go back to tho time of chrht we find hi hid long hair and alio a beard lln was forming an organization called christianity trying to help the people he was a hippie in ii sense breaking off from tin trend which was dissatisfied youth in i tryinif to do this for lha youth the youth of corge town is dllsatisfied bored the want romtthing to do and a placti tn ga i hat is the answer the coffi nilht at ee to h bouse anv ralurel iy edrrvnlo community ceptre ta bavo a look n round ind meet some of the hippies ertri dunk some toke or orange on the rocks orstraight eoflec i h ink oii foi the pace in oiu newspipn etuis sincere tim i t ei ton 111 s dent you ih tn port the objective is u1j0 000 and the mnnev is vit il in tha cairy liv out of tin preprint for the rehabihtilion of oui diibleel people your past aimilaiu ins been atrcmcndmis help our match ing motliexs lne been loud in their pruscs e f the publicity tho kmjrch nf dimes li is lece ved in so many ireis mi hive made a bit contribution in in forming the public and helpin preparo a welcome of our vol unteers we are all mist inte fill within the next f w das member ot one of our oluntetrl committee will be nuking a personal cill to supply informi tion and to sock yont support in again publicizing l heir ltij campaign ma we idil oui one to unit of your local tommitlte tlu need is greit ind the c him most worthv any lu lp win cm mc its- will ht ipprctiited bv so i mam i siteielj i biiiiiuii of iuhhe hehtions 1 1 meclji chiropractor donald a oav appnintmenbi rando dailj cll ttt 73401 30 mill si gorjalown barragers cleaner shirt l tr 7 2279 ib miln s lgtl guelph all work done on premise chiropractor giritd w corbett dc open dally by appointment house cills nrringcd 877663 11 a main si north wallaci thompson 3rd dlvlnon co ur clrk comwll w 7 2943 ontr accepts criticism wants adults to take an interest 77 maple ave w januiry id 10011 dear sir j i hope in ho hurf mi lorn froigravfl has criticize mn for a recent jelter in the herald and rightly so however my purpose was not to wc my views on student espon llnlity merely to point out tho incon alsteney of a hypothe si i vhlch ran counter to my hcllifi why wattle aluable heiuld apace wuting about sin h a pit a tion when 1 have set elowrr four page iuiy lu hstie s magu tine to achieve this end ihere fore in order to reconcile my seilf i will mtt a copy nf istuuh magatin to mj tuit not out of spite but out nf idmii ition 1 1 1 me i pla u i ir too fi w idulls urg taking an intercut in how mn si hnnl i aro being op rriud and whnt liberties aie being given to student teach er and admlnisliatorti mr lor grave is obviously intel ested in our pi obit in vi ipeuk us a atu dint hue i lit it fine i hanhy rvliactall insults and lutuvaiit comments untl jtisuad ut lo mole mjull to takti initiative slmllui to mr toumvi aftti all mont of etur t iu s k lo oui schools use jour influence in this way help tu combat jpjlhy take wottd of the week vuitogaii to abolish iniiuil or ipal bv authonlv next weeka word abicond walker currie optometrists 12 mun st s bnmptou thnnt 151 1174 hours 0am to 1 p m itiesdaj to saturday i rid iy 0 4 m to 0 p m i veninrt by appointment georgetown animal clinic 10u guolph street dr r u gaskin clinic open b 8 pra mqn wed fri saturday 9 11 um w h cmtu profeuionil enginttr consulting cutjinaet ontario land surveyor office 877 2211 8773300 horn georgetown herald publilhd by hohw niwcpapari llmlud gpnriiolown online wallar c bllm illbllshtt ghi id mcgllvry lloduulon siiurlnttndint irry harhy ailuun hvadlcy nowh tditoi atcountint mik iumio nivtn auw curricj ittpoiu r rrimk mulfin ailvirtuinc miiimur l ihu luik davit ii i tus llu ciimiii tiihn m itniliitj jcotllc ihlllli robert r hamiitoki optomptrlit 111 mmilluimiem hind snuhl t until hwi for appolnnitnt 877 391 monuments pollock campbkll dls1gns on nioulsr insict our work in cm nwnnd c mitory phon6 421 75bo rt water btreit north g a l 1 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st hor appointment phon i77so71 koller construdion it now lihtjilino aluminum siding windows doors i roo estinidlus all work guaranteed call 77 9101 tf ea

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