Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1968, p. 6

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u- jjt drivers face road tesh pobr records bad vision ted scott don saumrlandlt proposal la under study to anna t pritchart blanche goudoketung and gall ooufttt 11 of georgetown- were among those attendug the road safe ty workahopa at the inn on the parktorcmto january i9 and ljhe workahopa were spon sored by the ontario depart jnent otjtraivort the last day of the conferen ce featumi a workshop discus sion nn helping to reduce traf lie btcidcbts thtough law en orcemant magistrate kenneth v urngdon also of georgetown j was a- panel member magis trate langdon js- well known far his outspokcnviews qn teeft age drinking about 1 000 delegates from million pci york and ontario counties and metro toronto re- prtsanting provincial and muni cipal government the judiciary jau enforcement industry and unions the clergy doctors uw yers and other interojtcd pcr- sons attended an announcement at the con fere nee was that motorists with bad driving record ind imper fict vision will bo faced with toucher testing by ontarios transport department this year the delegates also heard that the vast majority omraf flc accidents in the province are due to driver carelessness ther than mechanical defects in motor vehicles the provincial government has rejected rcflectorucd lic ence plates because of their questionable value a proposal is under study to raise the speed limits highways 401 and 400 from 60 to 70 miles an hour transpor min irwin has- kettsautthc gcnerarconclusion of the conference is that were onh going toget great safety la trailc iqhepuhuc really want it laws and enforce nient cannot do the job by them selves we havo to do all we can to mike sure the- individual driver accepts his own respons ihilty driving tests ttie transport department has just initiated compulsory road tests for drivers uith nine demerit points if they fail the teat their licences are sus pended wlliam mclntyre director of the drivers branch said those with nine points uho fail the road tests will lose their llceti ces immediately they will be advised to bring someone with them for the tests to drive them borne if necessary beginning last year drivers with nine- points against them were required to pass vision sign recognition and ruleof the- road tests now with the bolstering of the examiners stfi the road test iiisbbi added it u estimated that about 00o driver will reach the binepoint level this year the demerit point system in volves a warning letter at six po nts and an interview with department officials at nine points the automatic tuspen- son level is 15 points certain groups of drivers will continue to be re tested automat jcaily including elderly persons and driver with three accidents in two year on january 2 s tougher v ior t uas impoted mr he intyrt said it will be given to all new applicants for drivers licences and these are com lug in at the rate of about 1000 each weekday plus drivers uih nine or more demerit points persons over 80 school bus driver and persons whose suspended licences ard due to be reissuejl the new standard requires 8 120degrce peripheral field of vision in one eye and 2040 i ion in the best eye in the past 20 60 vision was adequate reflectortled playcs mr hukett announced that his department had decided against introducing reflecloru y ed licence plates in the forsee- ahlo future iletlcdortrrd plate would be unlikely to have any significant value in averting accidents my department made an exhaust ive anal sis of the fcubject which included a study of con fictlng roport in other pro v in ces and thj united btates claims of effective results ware found to be inconclusive mr haskett said even fur the vary small proportion of accld nts for which they could con celrahly have jny benefit tnid maximums j marvin step bens director of mas transport departments traffic jnglnoerlng branch said raise speed limits on highways 401 and 100 from 60 to 70 miles an hour commissioner eric silk of the ontario provincial police aid he does not believe raising the speed limit on these high ways would result in increased numbers of accidents jlc callrd for a realistic approach public apathy the commissioner added that public apathy to traffic safifcy must be dissipated before subs tantial progress in this field 4 possible i has nothlhff to dp uh the numbers of police sv a liable on the highways ho said traffic safety principws could be taught in the sehooji moa intensively long before the youngster resches the at where he may apply for a dnv lng iicentc cammiisio icr mlk said james mackey metro toronto chief of police urgcd krslal ion making registered ownur- of vesicles responsihlo tor traffic violations whehtr they behind the wheel a the time or nol in todays traffic it is 1m posible for a police officer on a motor cclc or in a police car to chxie an offender without en dangturioj the lives of others on the road he said and a police man on ot iu mulro toronto is virtually ul1iss lor enforcing traffic regulation th chief aridtd y high schools h ith wallace n driver in klaktlock high sehcwl in oak scried a maior solut xillc ion tn trn traffic ml oiuik roplt h high school jrwvr in tntuun about 300 hish hools m ontario olftr srh course the tour t arn iry popul ir with part nu he said most of ttu m di not unit t teach tin it sons and djui hurs to ditvc for fur of pa tut on t hitr own lud lnbils hr con eluded jtosmtal nfws some use lobby furniture as playground equipment by us clark this column hasnt appeared for a lew weeks due mainly to the very excellent job that is being done by othcrgroupa in hospital organization and as proof of this we d tuke to point out that last weeav there were three separate items in the he rald carrying news of the llos- tal activities as well as the picture of president inez crich ton presenting magistrate ord with a magnlficient cheque for 5 500 as that took place at the annual meeting and elec tiun of officers a new presid rnt pf the auxiliary s now in office mrs ucth clark who has taken a great interest over the years and who we are r sure wilt do the same excellent jjjop to hsvd come to associate with the auxiliary indeed it is certainly true that they are the real backbone of tho hospital we have received a number of donations lately and wc hope aims for tighter control on spending tighter control oicr sicml inurui lawliiitii v lng by variaiu town dtparl uould b looked jttir uliinl v nln to b the a 11 ro so me 3 m lcni ance chairman steamer hn as 1 10 ho bdli sjunt uithout mersoai and council as shown council ipjtroi il by motions passed last utel and this week fn hackid the mo tion hut tuuil hi committee chairman should ik consulted winch wh to list them in the near future quite af number of ladies org unnutions have contributed var ijut week a motion a uasjpa sed that no account uill ik paid unless approved bj tin purchasing agent prcd harrison j cr jim young opposed it con tending thitlmivhtllcljnarw sible to find the purchasing j ent in an emcrgehcj vlnt would morctte do then if some thing broke down tul iiu turn passed su to thrct ihither motion in the same vtin uas pj d mondiv ni lit 1snis irsj tiqc3ciuiexinx tin idlict iu p rtnunt uould lw pnid unli ss authori7fd by mil p utt commission uoull this ntiltze tho only cr young opposed this chief m immints askta motion more opposition as register ed against another motion this one took away a committie chairman s right to pend f if t dollars without council approval and gave the authority to the purchasing agent cr w smith claimed the pri vllege had never been abusi un any chairman since he had ben in council should a purchasm agent hava the riiht to spend cnmludi 1 fifty dollar of m hudet with should bi cr jimvtmt remin ded tcoun il tl i men to court and so m turn have o st i for lunch ilu uould hae to uait t i hi rejuid lie aefded vt tlu val i uc paj them il s no hr i li p to u it a ueek ri orii d u iut ittc spu hi onee acain ue should like to remind parents that adequate meaiun should he takn by them to supervise their child rn whil vunting patients a number of complaints have been riitcred about unsupervised children laying in the lobby and ue arc afraid much of the criticism is war anted hecuitl u alon ualh 1 nmhcllojl other isitors observed tu a out my approval he asicd ixtrinpl oung ladsusinu thf hacks of the seau an slides complete uith snow boots and snou covered jackets when re strjined from tins they brought in their hockts sticks to have a jnie of hockej and uhen ih ii vas declared taboo uo thay- wttlod doun to rather nol sily tearing up magazine magazines we might add that arc paid for cah month by vi some rood hearted donor ou wo don t condemn the children for a moment however we be ksrrbot else has to uat the xr involved to ijp reimbursed for expenses th nnu r thc w in d h jtlie snnie should aso reason in the age of the children they leave unsup- erviced in the lobby certainly our nurses and staff are much too busy to tby sit and in deed it is most difficult to ex pect them to discipline chil dreri wbose parents are qn the preoiisee a reasonable sol utlon would be that if two par ent are visiting the hospital then surely one could remain in the lobby while the other visits tv vast majority of people are most eoopcratrvo and help ful in this regard rt is the small minority that is tlepreclatlng the furniture in a rather alarm lng manoer wo do hope that visitors wnl all cooperate to kcej the lobby the attractive place it has alwajw been there arc bow some 2t doc tors using tho ilospltaf attend funeral of chesley relative mr and mrs irwin noble 118 guelph st were in chesloy last tuesday io attend the fun eral service for his brothern law stanley mcmulien who died a few days after suffering a stroke a retired cil railwayman he v as a native of derby tuwn ship andjserved overseas hi the first world war ife leaves his wife ilcitu mnblc three stop sons cordon gra loronlo ralph gray gutlph untl donald clay chat ham a brother william of tara and sisters mrs herbert ash chclcy mrs llu sell cunnlnj ham laporte indiana mrs uoss shannon chealcy and mrs thomas shcclmn toronto construction about fiooooo canadians are now employed full lime iu con struction sun life assurance arnold rathbun ior scriceand appointment phone j774931 12 gower ct georgetown want to get married costs 5 moreflow last year after fifty years of holding the price line the cost of marriage licenses caught up with the coat of living they jumped hi price from five dol ars to ten dollars during 1067 thirtynine mar riage licenses were issued in town and thirtyseven in the township this does not mean only a total of 76 marriages were performed an the area sin ce many couples do not purch ase a license but have banns called in a church the town or township does not keep the mopy from the marriage licenses the provin ctal treasurer receives socn of the ten dollars and the issuer keeps three while some hecrises arc kept on hand in the municipal bull dhig theres no large stockpile usually no more than twenty or thirty are n hand so any great onslaught by cupid could lead to a crisis t ii arts steering service whml allnmnt whml balancing complal braka sarvlca ganaral rapalra park sl gln william 17745s4 flowers for all occasions wedding arrangements cormatfaa a 5pcalty cut flowers and funeral designs w wire flowers rosedale floral 13 albert si tk 7ttsl agba thanrarrawn hjralb humaav jan mv 1m tmu l ml brown od optometrist l 35 mill strt georqetpwn uj off aaetn street phone 77j671 wrights variety 7 jamcs stmt open am lb 9 pjn 7dym qnnctth madraanwa personal ahention pmone 7799 ample free parking improve your herd daughter proven dairy sires rated for ability to transmit pluvejl forboef milk prcdtjckon cert1hed body type saeax sires test m staor ons totod for cjcjuuiirj abtlity and cutout central ontario gatttebreedino association ba tuilif tu you can call he c o c ba office nearest you toll freel check your local directory for zenith numbers of phone oollect illcv itfceve hunter pointed out onl c- jin oun that they uere not ulltinr about iil ninmnn op105cd norval three championships at jacobin national ed mclean attended the las tern jacobin meet held uith tht grand national iigeon show at atlantic city on friday january 12 and saturday january 13 he brought home 3 champion ship trophies champion bbck champion blue and champion a0c he jiso won 2 firsts and 1 second with 3 silvers cntirul 2 firsts and 1 5rd on blacju and 1 first and 2 seconds v ill hiiaoc s he uaa accompanied on the trip by clinton handy of dto- gclown they drove hoint through the ice storm and r ported very bsd driving condt tlons i union treshytenan church wmsheld their iirvt mlelin or the year wednesday uflernnn i january 10lh at the hoim mrs frvank dolsou assistant hostesses were mr don dol son and mrs trie leilie the w president mrs clarence and erson vas tn the chuir for tho meeting the rolpcill was an sue red with a kw vtar s thought the scripture lewon has rtjd by mn alec taylor follow ed with prive- by mrs it ipu ic an ton ttie dedicator prayr was given by mrs willrtd les lie ihe kew year mc s i sos given by mn lrmtr mat donsld jnd the closing priiif by mrs leslie young mrs lee campbell was chosui as a delegate to attend tht urampton ivcsbytlrial of tlil wms at ort vrit on jauu ary mth unit two of hforval umttd church met at the home or j in president mrs veler ponitrov m wedikday even iig januuiy lutk lollowlng the business the devotional wat given by mrs stanley t iuiburn and mrs t 1omecoy on the theme the new ycer mrs wiltr ludlny gvivc a vorv inuri tin till on iu r ptfoml i xptru nc s the wifi of a mis ion jo in japan mrs gordo laldfju and mrs amw sim h assisted the mostc b m itr n lunch and a srfci il tinu ui tij cd noivnl residlul- ar- busy di nifv tli nselms out following lh i i in v itn m on sunday 1 villi 1 lie u r crytfor t in t th it lii indro pouir a n it off i soim of tht t inn in ii di tint wcruuitli up vi i r i iu n luili n em r i ci 1 jr hl srmi had th i 1 tin so i nll drifted with hli v tint lh it farm tractor w is nil ihl t i if it and so v u un ihl t 1 1 1 tin i ilk out mnniiv i vi inn si w ril itpor tid thvjr mil t inks full mid umind ib ml jiat tiny could do- tlu ntt da n in d i tin u wa hool for th isc vh i tould walk o tlu srhii tl hii the busts vurt not uinn ii to liiinii the oiu s in from tin coiujtry or to t ik radis 7 iik i to stlvtjit town lit di diool i tndt iitn wre ahli to dtund 1ioml js tht hu huay v is k p opiii mi v mclean all allen president sr citizens club alfiwl allen v is ekclod pre suit nt of tin on i town s i if or illfns cluh it t nilcting in tht ir club houi at cdarvale community crntn 1 hiirhday vici prtsuh nt is mis ltiiu fond tlu icri tuiy mis lorii i ai iiu r tr ism r john 1 urm it utt ilainnunt toiumuui mr alu 1 1 lu mrs 11 jjjy ward and mi h 1 alio i vt fn sh mi ut toiiunllti i mrs mos sop mis saiiint apd fttn i- mi irliuy and visiting com nutter mts j muiin mil clfexacofuel chief is on the job ctuan ootn vh4t inc oil tba dqmodaua aooecml- tj hl ed kluua oocafoct aud aarvloa yux t alwy oaoat xi giv m a call you too will ay aiuuiuav tuavuw bailey oil sales no y hlnh watt oeorcjelown mercurys bobby hull viinmarnnal is happening now for fast action i2icigi atiuini linns sikviw consult a muuii of thi brampton real state board win ons of the speciallybuilt cougars with sliding sunroof or any one of mora than 10000 great prizes coma in to any morcury showroom lor iho oaslost groalosl prlioo over all you havo to do is rofliator and you can win a tpecially built sunroof cougar or a phllco portable colour tv enter boloro lha lth ol fobruary and you could also win a trip to a stanley cup playolt garno as guaala ol bobby hulll wlnacartilval time is also tho bost tlmo to mako a area deal onjny modal trom your morcury doalora ureal 68 lineup meteor cougar montooo falcon or morcury so coma on in to wlrvacarnlvul mis play shoottowin evoryone gats a prize i tiring the kids with you end lot them play shoot- towlnl all ihey have to do to win la tire the puck throuoh one ol the target holes wlnacarnlval lima mean greet deals in lad ttta bast deatoeverl mercury cougar mercury meteor montego jtmxon dodge brothers 61 oiklph st 7t69m rr

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