Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1968, p. 4

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pjr- rfvv fc i- vibbalbbbbbaf aw lawaaw bbbaaabbmaasmmiaebeateki 23 atoln- strhf soiitjv omorqtfawn ontario page 4 thursday february jtt 1mb editorial comment z you really afean it a one oftha saddatl nttfe- itaim hlch has crossed the editors dek ttrii weak it a p6em submitted by two leenape giru tittedhooah for georgetown harat what they hove to ayt jro gfedl live in georgetown t there is so much to dp 7 like loiter in the ttreetiat night and smoke and cur and chew the weekendare just filled with fun if youre alio wad o go out of town let hope we have a village hare then we could all go down- i dont know if you feel thii way maybe youre havingfurv but unless ypu play in a band or ling your life seemi almost done now we have a few things to ay to theseyoung women and let hope that itheyare a small minority in our hundreds of teenagers they say they have a- problem nothing to do in georgetown more things to do those are just a few rarvcklm suggei- tionsyvbich come to mind from a lenior resident of dullsville but there are so many other ways of filling in the hours for girls of your age are you learning lo bake and sew you kavea rro riheporetch i6ra rk5met nd xrteday30on7xhancesare youre going to fee a hdusewife do you experiment with doing up your own hair did you ever try painting a picture or making a dreis but evenmorehaveyou thoughof giving some of those dreary spare hours to justifying your existence by doing some thing for others you can slant at home of course ok faring to do a few household chores like dishwashing honing and cleaning every home has that in plentitude unasked for advice by coincidence our neighbouring ac ton free press editorialized last week on the same subject quoting an author urv- knovti item which gives some food for thought x thii is their advice to the teenager always we hear the plaintive cry of the teenagers what can we do where we go the answer is go home hang le storm windows paint the woodwork rake the iawiajhovaj the sidewalk wash the car learn to cook scrub soma floors repair the sink build a boat get a job help the minister priest or rabbi the bed cross the salvation army visit the ick assist the poor study your lessons and whan you are through and not too tired read a good book your pa rents do not owe you enter tainment your city or village doet not owe how about for i pact a ton hockey games by the byshel in- winter baseball ditto en summer plus rugger games irv the fall and jf they are high school stud enrs footbalvoaiketball soccer wrestling ancl badminton j for pertlcipauon lawn end indoor bowling skating skiing end tobogganing skjrdooi girl baseball dances swimming special days like the fall fair- how about tennis the almost forgot ten sport have you thought of learning to play euchre or bridge monopoly scrab ble jigsaw purzles can while away an hour now and then do teenagers read like they did in our day we have a library brimming with the exciting world of books want to be modern then learn to play a guitar whets happening to the days whao it was fust fun to be jn our teen to ga ther in groups and ga to go window shopping on saturdays by bill smiley alls well at school its sort of a bralntransplanf in the mail bag the churches ywca guide and brownies r always looking for helpers you can rake the lawn and weed the flo- wer garden paint the back porch shovel the snow have you never heard the world is trtful fo fan a mber eflfiingir ftrrxo rewe should all be as happy as kings if youre bored at your tender age a toronto transplant who be- if you ar jut dlicoverinjr it what in the wbrld is going to happen to came a grartiulnun resident welcome to the club t uj uaii r raa recently contribute this re- you when you get old fefresnireniliiiiinist bill ai lnevfuhly if you have health imagination have to- part with our lede- gy- your life can be so full that your only geortnuii v1 wc achewhm tliey complaint should be that there are only 24 31 qurcn st there are heartening uns that a revolution bloodless but sweeping ia taiinfi place in edacirfion tbere ere indication that the oppreaaed people have passed the muttering stage have at- ucked the yrtw will free the prisoners an in the process ov errun the swiss guards defen ders a the ancient regime ant all will be wine and dancing in the streets and chaos an out of cheos evantualiy mervaa order tooa what cod made hut of a he off chattu and ovt of th chaos of th french ftovotutlon omaroed a completely pew concept of frdom inc quality that had a tromendoua umpft en the arid perhaps tberevolufion in edu cation will produce a similar freeing of the spirit of man allowing mm to cope with the great and relentless procures of this age and those to corno education inthia century the century of the commdn rrun has been a failure on a rand scale it has failed entirely to come lo grips with a society that has been turned upside down and inside out by two global wars mass communication tremendous ipurt o technolo gical advanceartd a close hard look at tradition educators with a few notable exceptions have been timid shying from anything that might upset the system the public at large has ignored education except to bleat about the cost buck upa smiley life isnatrtfmtbtt cpyexedhow jo stay awake for hours your only resentment should be that you have to waste time sleeping j dear sjiilryj- thoseyouhave had a you a living you owe the world something you owe if your time and energy and your talents so that rib one will be a war in poverty sick or lonely again in plain words grow up quit be ing a crybaby get out of your dream world and start acting like a man or a lady you afa supposed to be mature en ough to accept some of hie responsibilities your parents have carried for years they have nursed protected helped appeajed bogged excused tolerated and denied themselves rumdtk comforts so that you could have every benefit you have no right to expect them to bow to every whim and fancy just because your selfish ego instead of common sense dominates your life per sonality thinking requests end demands in heavens name grow up end go home unknown author fcuijjr out of the ntst and flap off to god knows what who doesnt sit luck feeling forlorn and deserted wonder ing if it was all worth the-ef- us all worry irgf ever since before christ mas when a neighbour had to fori and sacrifice put up the lre for you giv us a break- we are practically to the point of takinii up a col- iwhiort for your funeral wreath iv listened to cracker barrel philosophers before but never have i heard fvuch a consistent voice ok doom ijfe is tough all owr sut heart and as for your mate she is just tryintf on the latct fad called v now woman let her have wo are getting a little wor ried about that receding hair line and increasing waistline yrti keep m no heed to become an emotional wreck over xnch minor prob lems all you need u a little conslructtivc advice there are two wiys of handling the sltua- uou one is to alternate between vic tannys for the battle or the bujgc with scilon at reliable derma tologist or hair transplanting as a result education hae been a generation behind the times luhas become a monolith of repression rigidity and con formity it has been an elephant waltzing with a giraffe but fresh wind blowing in the mail bag harlty to h alton wwkly oburvallotw by dr harry haruy mp tor hiun tob housk if coroiueoj continue debau on wneiwl ncnu to the broftdcutlnf act- bttween comhijttre work art ihu bill and debate in the haue of cocahlua thla tnattel ba dow taken up kpnxlnute ly 211 day 0 debate and there if yry indication uiat th mat ier wilt still be before fee bouaa of cmnmona or tome jmuldmble time onb of tvc meaaurea r- antljr introduced by the gov ernment u amendmenta to tha unemployment insurant act some 40o000 bew contrihulmj will now com under the termi of the act because the maxim um allowable salary haa been in creased from mm to 7800 an nually this means that employ ee earning up l to 47800- per year will now be covered under the act and this will add extra 400000 contributors the district at a glance lights before accident is ratepayers plea 140 prince charles pr tinn thk pmksent behrfits und er the unemployment imuran cf act depending on the salary range abd the number of do pendeuu of a marrietl contrib utor ratine between tdqo win imurn and t6 maximum jr week hie new iwinefiu will change thtnn figures lo 13 tninunun and 33 maximum abd inaddition to thu a higlier amount of casual earnings over and above the benefits will b allowed there haa been change in the class of people who are cqvered under the plan ivraong still exempt id elude all selfemployed persons farmers teachers members of the armed force the hcaf and special other groups ab out three or four years ago the unemployment insurance fund was badiy depleted and govern- tneii loans tq the ynd had to be instituted since that time due to- increasing employment these government loans have all been repaid ud the unem ployment insurance fund la in a reasonably aolvent rendition on sunday fclum a replacement value of j1w000 was estimated on the lou when kays mobil feed ltd erin mill adjoin ing the cpu station was levell ed by fire last week ollangfcvlllk orantfevllle police have been successful in solving two of four recent breakins there police chief jack kent sild a ttikti has been arrested aiter a hrrakin at tiu hrnadway hestmurant and an other after a brealfln at mar lihalls mens wear aiko lilt were filtro equipment and iga acton atforttors pouring over the town books came up with na pece of information which indicates cltlzans there are civic minded clerk 3 mr- geachle told council btfti ptr cent of the ififlv tm were col lected fjw municipalities can even come close to that f inure commented he eve h in ton mltton two sfcranne ob ject flitted about the shies ov er milton sunday evening jan 21 between 7 and 710 pm and three residents witnessed their manoeuvres one woman said i was always skeptical about these things until i saw the two ivar sir 1 am sure that i am speaking on behalf of a lot of ccorije- town motoriib what has happened to the traffjc lights at hip intersection of guelph st and mountainview ltd if- my memory perves me right a light was to im put up there a while hack j last friday i had fo wait fori four minutes before i oould cross cuelph st the same thini has happened to me on many i occasions not only that but i have seen a few near accidental happen- therehoes an accident have to happen first when ih something going to tie done about it j sincerely jacques da winter the other is lo radiate ro- guuh xhariuaichas richard burton manages to do while his phyairal appearance becomes in- creafinglv more decrepit and degenerate each veer lig real ly quite a potent blend of sex her fun shes earned it fori appeal if youre interested in years he been the old wo women over thirty we can man to you not to mention eliminate that under im sure personal slavey to the kids she they wouldnt appeal id a worl- will be baric to her ever lovin i dly philosophical types such as after shes midc up for a little yourself lot time i t as far as the rest of the in the meantime why dont world goes smiley top wor- yoii treat yourself to regularising about it youve dona and frwjuent excursion to ajyour share good sweduh steam hath you would he surprised what a lit- 1 ketp your chin up we wou tle tender loving carerfrom a wiut y to trio owsyour sympathetic maiseue can doj for your bursitis not to men- jjy goldup the t ire wintii aic pjw through the concrete boxes in which young minds are suppos ed to be exhilarated excited and liberated anclwith many another f cry a loud sincere halleluiai go into an elementary school today you may he shocked to death instead of sitting in neat rows facing a teacher and put ting up their hands so they can spout some meaningless infor mation which has been memor- hd youre apt to find the children- wandering all about the room doing things looking up information actually talmeg to each other which of cqurta is pure heresy j it looks like anarchy tmt it isnt the teacher is teaching not just telling the kids are learning hot being uught no longer are they uttte ap each in his own compartment there is- a flowing of ideas a joy in finding out for oyselt go into a high school the- teacher i supposcfl to be ead- irrg a ptfbro preferably written at least 100 years ago then he ie upposoacto elicit frpm the students ith a series of childish questions which bore the bright oricsandaro by the dumb onc the meaflihtf of the pp4yh thpr there is sup posod trfbb the research tor si- miles knd-tacuphor- then ha is to put an analysis of the poem gnthc blictboarcv the kithr copy it down and every one is happy thoyhayedone a poem they arc being taught jho joyofoctry they are be imj educated but whats this theyre not even sitting in rows but in a circle theyve arguing about the poem which was written 3 years ago they relate it to thoir own live tho diwmsslon may run from hippies to drugs to broken hearts to rchaon to joy and to beauty they may still he fighting about it when they leave the classroom dread- fuxjmsovganlzcd ifs all dlavgustng and deoeft rmlm but ifs happnln0 and not4ialn the cuwootn -there- are field trips in eeography imagine going right etrtside where the geography is a visit to parliament by m history data shocking history should be in books where 1 belongs a trip to th th lire for an en- llih xl shtmf dapravlty that shakvpeare can be pretty filthy stuff if it isnt carwfulh censor ad my wife tells me that some of tho professors at university are actually teaching these days instead of just talking at you where will it all end the iron hand has been removed and one of these days we are going to be faced with a gener ation of kids who like achool so much theyll have to be kick ed out at 16 business directory fitianii wsjch0es from ihel aids of 10 ahd 20 year ago chiropractor donald a cay dc appolntmenta made dally call tr tj40i 3d mill st georltowit wokd op the wfctkjk absconp to fie ttt lvlirc in hayle hide onestlf often to avoid tha lu klxt weeks werd abslnlh georgetown herald published ty hom newspapers limlud georiietown ontario walter c blehn lublullfi osrtlld micllvny production suiwrintnihltmt lvrry ilarliy allccn ilraclloy news kdltor accountant mrs irnjio niven anne currle llcporkr tyank mullln advertising mansuer tslle clsrk dave ilmtllim uylea gllson john mcciamenu george y6unj t95b a bill henderson of 39 mill st and six orertgovilla men had to bo taken off the frozen surface of lake simcoc by an army truck last week whon a suddervnow slorm hit that area trapping a number of ico fishermen in their hlls for 47 hours unttil the truck got to tfiem 9 georgetowns nsw hospital will baarlh name george town and district memorial hospital it was decided at a meeting of the hospital association thursday in the council chambers t subject to ratification by esquesing township council residents of tha township council willpay double rates when the georgetown ambulance is used by them town council on thursday agreed to accept the town ships proposal also discussed wow a 50c per mile charge and a flat rale of 35 a call 1948 9ft fire which brokjfc out early thursday morning at the roar of webbs bakery caused damage estimated at over 10000 to the bake shop promises and maccormacks drurj store the bake room at webbs was gutted grief motors damaged while most of the stock of sugar flour lard and othor baking ingrodients was a complete loss had there been a wind the flflmos would have swept through ilia entire block mrs lawrence mccllnlock was elected regent of the countess of strolhmore chapter iode at a meeting on monday other officers are mrs w g oi thompsorc mrs waller biebti mrs r h ireland miss hilda erwin miss helen macdonald mrs harold grose miss jean mackenzie mrs lrn balkin mrs wallace thompsor and mrs jack armstrong john bingham was elected chairman of the georgetown high school board monday other officers are rev w g o thompson m h mayer bruce mackenzie doctor f r watson cv a mcallister and p b harrison rval- lor t evans is the secretory chiropractor gerald w corker dc open dally by appointment house call arranged 774431 11a main st north barragers cleanersshirt lkunderers yr 7m79 is main s ilia guelpb all work done on premlsee walker curritl optometrists 12 mala sl s brampton phone ilu1 hours 0 am to 6 pto tuesday to saturday friday d am to 0 pm evenings by appointment rourt r hamilton optometrist lit mountalnview hnad south carrctal tslrii for appolntnlent 773y1 wallacr thompson 3njl division court clerk jl commlsslonef yr 7m63 georgetown animal clinic 106 geelpb street dr r u gaskln cllnle open b t tua mon wed frl sahjreuy 11 aj- w h carr professional engineer e consulting engineer e ontario land surveyef ottlce 0772211 1773300 home optomjtrlst l m browri 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 7tu7i monuments pollock s campbatll bicstgns on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 4217580 03 water street north g a it roller construction la now installing aluminum stdino windows l doors freeesrtunatet all work guaranteed call 7r9iw tf kim

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