Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1968, p. 4

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babr v- u vr 4- huuaj t klaaaiiai ltej nibaivvrmi mj iteeffero feoweyeranws ajaeeejeea 32 malrt street south9amgtownronlo wcbiihnriiuwmr page 4 thursday february 15th 1968 editorial comment no cause to be lonely hats off to a pair of enterprising now residents of the moore parle aubdivislonr raalzlng that small towns can be ion- pface for newcomers tftey rave starty d the teapot club with plans for dances k tmrd parties sleigh ndes something lo gat peoplo together for a bit of fun- and ojdallzlng and itls true that the vary nature of m town ouf size tends to isolated a new per on somewhat until he integrates himself into community life through church sery icia qm lodge or welfare organization trie reason of course is that we live much closer than do those in a cty after few- years people tend lo form into somr- what tight little social circles it isn t that they want to te exclusive that newcomtfs arent invited to om a group its more be- oause of thiftphysical limitations of an over- widening circle of friends for there are only o many nights in a week only so many parties one ctin attend loneliness of course can happen whe ther the community be large or small and it is up to the individual to deal with it time to call a hah reckless expenditures by our senior govern rvmen is makes one wonder some times rf we wouldn t be better to separate into small city states like the ancient greeks where administrators could be mora like our local civic government men who know the problems at hand who are conscious of the fact that the taxpay er hasnt an unlimited pocketbook and who on the whole do an excellent job of providing the best possible value for the leas possible itax take himself the teapot club will certainly fill its function in getting people together so cially and from it will come the community integration which finally will mean the end of the club itself for it wilt outgrow its usefulness meanwhile w advise newcomers not to sit back and wait to beased for their are dozens of dozeis of groups waiting to extend the hand of friendship it shouldnt be necessary for churches to makesurvcyi vijui new residents every chiwxh has an open door the yaaywca groups like- the cancer society red cross hockey and baseball associations will wel come you with open arms we have cubs na scours guides and brownies always in need of more leaders rotary lions club kinsmen iodc womens institute have plenty of room for new members- an ac tive legion is there for veterans and their wives and there is such diversity as an anglers and hunters club duplicate bridge club lawn and irdoor bowling leagues golf and curling revolver club to mention only a frac on of things to do where you will meet people these t nought run through our mind each time we see a national film board presrnjajion lmtweek irbrampton there was a well filmed travelogue on ethiopia of all places and nofmg the engtny credit list of nfb staff ve wondered what it cost lo send all these peope abroad for tn mov e yet here it was unadvertised and unheralded seen ovy by lho vho were attending the theatre to see a certa n mo- vg ttow you cah see what youre in for district news at a glance not so in ottawt according to an hide in a week end newspaper about ottawas new cultural centre originally estimated to cost four and a half million dollars this has skyrocketed to over five imes this figure and the reporter indica ted that costs would still mount substan- lally before the building complex 7s com pleted add to this the problem of securing sustaining audiences to fill an o keefe type structure in a city of only 300000 and on wonders how much thought went into the initial planning then e hae the coiy evvsion product ons wh ch in a season run into millions of doiart for v ewmg on a sub sidized netv ork already talurg unod mil lions of our dollars to mammm isn t it time to cji a hilt to balance our budget ad da away witn sorre of the frills which our politicians drem up while apparently ignoring a mounting national debt which can evenualty destroy our whole economy compamei and mdivd uals have gone bnkrup beciusr of gran diose ichen s and ignorance of business basics is government any d ffereni letters always welcome for the last few months the herald rnalmwighfls beena growing feature and one which readers are enjoying we hope as months go by that more people will take advantage of stating iheir views in print in tho public forum oi the district newspaper our requirements are simple the writer must agree to have his name end address appear with the letter unlike the daily press we take the view that as editor w hide behind no pseudonym so we expct olher residents to have trie coor age of the r ccnvct ons tn getttrvg across their viewpoint and jre reserve ne right o edit or omit altogether a lefer which we cons dct 4- libelous or unduly offensive by this we do not mean that we cen sor anything controversial on tne contrary ust as we deal editorially with facets of community me which we behove cn be improved o it is a rtsder i right to con structively cnt cue y milton the ontario municipal board has set thursday march ilst for the heanni of a motion for directions n millona long stajdui annexation application the ordinal application would take 2100 acrrt frem oalcuh- and 580 acrrs from esqucin township rockwooo a caw of rabies ha been co fir in th noeloinod are 7olusnn trstiint of a skutik killed on the farm of harvev bane h r 4 itnckwfxul it v discover m a pen uilh iovrn plfi acyom rumour circulating in acton that micro was be division of building products limited uerc contemplating a mote to mon treal ere vigorously denied by plant oefwdau mjnuiacturnfi maoacer john arnold said 15 men mre laid of but they could return to uork a nnn as market condition chance oakville a si 330000 budget for espl tal work over the ncu five ea had been prepare for uhmiuiort to qavwile council b that towns recreation com nuttee it includes a second in dooroutdoor wwimmirt pool at a eot of j500000 for 1060 kuildllu prrnu irl total va- luo a787m were recorded tn uellincton county tn 1w17 according to gilbert maceach rirn conitructiort safety irupee tor enn vtllaccs total was hottowvillb huttonv dies rier hoail res ideals are keeping their fmtf trs croised that flood uaters still threateninc the area wont rise uith meltini ire cuherts caroint water to the dam were frozen turning ne road into a rlvftr harley to halt0n weekly observations by dr harry haruy mp for halten turning back time series the bill on ih broadcast inu act ha iinajly tuoed the house of commons during third readlnir ralph cowan attcmpl- el to send the bill back to com in it lee for further study on one particular clause without the aid of tome of the members of the new democratic party who votefluiib the government not to do this the government would have been defeated as thlr was a sujrcuon to refer the bill back to the committee for study the defeat of the government on this fcmetidrrient would probably not have prec ipitated a general election but it would have caused acute em barrassmtnt to the govern tnrjit it it a reminder that at any tinu the opposition parties in full force decide to vote atf- ainit tho govemmrnt that the government can be defeated admiring the noble steed was popular pastime ah ms am on the stalllon being ihown off bj a proud owner in front of th hollywood hotel at norval round ttie turn of th century the picture was oaned to the herald for use tn th turning back tun sane by george oreepswwd because we are jn a minority position jtiik constitution ranter nee has ended and all parties seem to be in agreement that it was a success it has granted linguistic ritfhts to those oi the french language outside of quebec equal to those of en lish canadians inside of que bec riffht across canada the house or commons is now expected to debate the am endments to the income and kit cia ta acts which are the last budget proposals to be brought in by the minister of utajbc it is i4kely that in the very hear future the bill intr oduced in the senate concern ing lsd and birth control will be brought op for debate in the house of commons and will probably pass without incident word or th0 week abstemious moderate and sparing in us of food and drink temperate nttt waaks werdl abtru georgetown herald fubllthad by horn nawspapats limltad georgetown oritano waltefc blehrt publisher garllald migllvry production superintendent tarry harley alleen bradley news editor accountant airs trono niven anna currle beportcr frank hull in advertising manager leslie clark dave hasting myles gllson john ucciements george yonti hiwse4hol from th haraldi of to and 20 yaart ao 194 fcd hiill ep6 morgarat slrot ws elected lo his second term as chief of th georgetown volunteer ambulance service thursday when the brigade met in wriggles worth school 0 classes at harrison public tchool have ben put on a daggered basis because of overcrowding there evory grade lias been placed on tha half day ichedule fy council in a 6 3 vote on monday turned down a delrex development request to release additional land for erec tion of 500 houses council on monday reviewed a report from auditor h a which gave the opinion that there would be a 5000 yearly tax deficit 1sb 0 a georgetown historical landmark will disappear this tummer when the old high school is demolished to makie way for a new 12 room wing 0 arthur seotty johannson 5t an employee of provin cial papof coating mill was instantly killed in an accident last saturday morning at 1hs cnr crossing near ttie sta tion hewai a passenger in a company truck which was itruck by the torontobound chicago toronto flyer 9 a business change occurred in georgetown this week when tho pries crothars of walkerton purchased kem sheads bakery established in the new mackenzie build ing on mill street year ego dr sttlleys remedy well the old va bug ar some- on the weekend this column cornea to you vu gobs of aspir in hot toddles and sheer will power sunday memlny i woke ua feeling like a mackerel net ua euf of tha aea fresh end quivering no one etlneae that have been gutted packag ed frozen and than cooked avr a not fire and refreien and ev cookad my wife had several theories s usual first 1 had a hang over plain and simple theres no such thins but i reminded her that wed spent the previous evening quietly witching tele vision and fighting as usaql proof positive came when she offered nui hair of thedond i recoiled in horror next she decided i was go ing through the charter of life with those hot and cold flush- rsi i pointed out that my breasts hadnt crown7 and that i wasnt growing any more hair on my head face or lcci which have always been like an aircdalrs she wat diwrrblllaled 1inally she proclaimed it was food poisoning becaikr kim and i are always thawing fish and vlurf and then n frrczinj 1 for some reason obviously id had bad fish turned out ued had steak all frcah couldnt convince hrr that i might have the flu which has been knocking people on their kchteis for weeks at a time around here all u inter thats because i never grt sick or ra thcrrlm half sick all the time but nover take a day off when i do about every three years she panics and starts demanding to know where the insurance policies are i never have a clue so i just groan and say lemnione which mn- creas her anxloty problems which are already grade a whatever it was i uke bactj all my public and private utter ances about peoplo whove had the flu th uhnr tn pnhlle pampenrtg yourself tajce some whiskey and an aspirin or to myself what a slackc do any thing for a few days off work i didnt have a hoadache i wasnt sick at the stoniach i didnt havw a sore throat or the snuffles or the ani tnmmtfelt mtrthit tofaer 1m4 when five burly germans set about jnewkh fists boots and rifle but for some trifling crime which i cant even recall e and i took the same eacepe this urnethat i did that thn read that umo after they cool ed off the gerrnams brought me a couple of books but i layhcre in a bocar on a siding in the ubcht sta tion yard in i o j land and read upton sinclair since i wes l dangerous criminal my wrists yre wied together as werey my ankles there were no hand cuffs it took soma physical ma- noouvriog and i could ee out 4 only one eye bu readand impaiutooaum away about thr third night the teldwcbcl in charge actually brought me a tin of poisonous coffee and tc dlkcd in j jrrrble of knglkh french man we had only the most rudlmcn- larv idea of what the other chap was talking bhnnt but it buck- rd mr up i think ho felt bet ter no it was about the same last weekend i read i could read for only about ten minutes at a shot without half fainting fiut amidst the fcir and the cups of coffee prof erred by my per- fcnnal local cldwchel i r thrlat enemy bynrfohard hillary aand the new and now heres max by max ferguson by max kerguson cllc and sree lance radio comedian hillary wm a voung gnghsh- trimn oxford upparcuu ag tistlcl uucantrvd who realf- xmd through his own auffaring ha was shot down and tarrlbh burnad mans inhumanity te man tha univarsallty of foffar- ing it was his only book he wi idllad latar in a nlght-flgh- lar it took m back into a world of training and night flying end splhir that was ilka rat bring an epoch ferguson w book is conscious ly funny but it is funny and bohrrtter ar tn who offer some hope to all the rest of us who fear we era be ing ground between the uppw and nether millstones of the twentieth century get the flu kead 8hnplt business directory chiropractor donald a oay dc appolbtmenu tnade dally call tr 73401 s m mill st certown chir0praq0r cralj w certxh dc open dally by eppl house calls arranseat v77u31 11 a main si north walker currie ofimmelrlsls 12 main sl s brampton thono 451-447- hours 0 s m lo i i m tuesday to saturdsy lmdy nt to- -p-wr- kvenliu by appolnlnicnt robert r hamilton ophimlrltfr 110 mountsillvtn hoad south caiwtil hide for appoihtmsnt 17 3971 barragers clsnrs5hlrt laundffratv tr 7m79 ib llain s 166 gueh all weckdoo on prirtl wallacm thompson srd division coot clark a commissi- ceorcetovvn animal clinic 106 gelph street dr r b gaslcln clinic open a pj mom wdttr sslurdsy f ii ajs w h cam profossjonal englnoar wconiutllngndlnmr ontario land surveyor office 171211 1773j0o home optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st por appolnlmehlsphone 77wji monuments pollock a campbkll dlsigns on iiequest inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phone 631 7sm 2 wsler street north g a l t roller construdion is nawlnilallinfl aluminum siding windows x doom all work guaranteed fra estlrnatjn call 1774101 tl i i

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