the gillwell their common denominator chattino together during a scout and ciivd local holder of tho gillwell neckorch tecdncjition of their having xuccoisfully com front row from left are the assmrrf dis rager cubmastcr of 5lh georgetown b bth georgetown a pack miss anna van tio assistant cubmastor of 3rd goorgrto master ross coltor find district commission of tho gillwell in tho district are tom holders arc mrs rita munrov mrs dawn flshbom cub leaders recent meefing are six of stvon fef awarded to scout and cub ic itiyrs in pleied the gillwell training ccvursc in tho commissioners for cubs mrs darlcno bir- pack mrs terry colter and cubmrtor of hockclen in the back rowfrom iofi iro wh pack gord van horno district cub er norm horbort tho other icfivo holfirs higgins and murray scoyno other loc i livingstone william kinratlo ind doughy lav ells four dust derbies it was the a lings and amrtn of misfortune and the pucks uf dlorgetown raiders instead of the shafts of cupid s bow that rained upon strorufvilln dcrblei on valen tine s day dcihlc absorbed their last blow of u 1dg708 suburban luniur c itomm in the own lulr when ceorifttown raiders chant d them from tho loon play off- ulth a 01 crusher it was hfllderv third itrniffht win in tho btst of five quarter final tin uams imd- ployed to a tie in their opeot phil iivrll a solid typu nnmtrbf ccorop town a blue lint troo who likes cktcaslonftj y to flojr lho accelerator and t avi would 1h checkers stand liu m tin ir sock fert went o fridve bl thu nre jlrlne four tjoil- mid isihtlsj on another kill tiuwr paul itblijson itiry i lnwutr terry hay and livr slirppird notched the rest of the rjidtr zomm tlip only stirctvvllle derby blo to beat i red govvbroiiifh wasmiko dew i i jlu it mil were ccn at tfnil apiccr at tho nd of the fir t period but raiders tossed siv pucks pint strcotsvlllog pat tuyjn in tho middle irama to tik tin hrlm goonfetowns t n thud ptriol joals wro cmil i iiiinuti npirtmidway tli mil h the stanza ilu ri f rcot had tiieir hands full hirtflm out 27 penalties goals help from playoffs 8 goal splurge as ajax hammered by raiders here with the boys choir chanting slevc sieve sieve from their tier of plus in the cast end of th memorial arena ajax toal keeper rick morrison ind mike willourhby developed jitters ud-buuxed- cardrmiuiti llu thlrd period of their suburban junior c wini funl iriiiud ce orcctoun raiders sunniy raiders opportunists pounced on the ucikiusj to pump home eicht j oals in a little more than eitfit tninutei and liumbli the vimtnr 10 2 in the bcit of scv en seiic opener the collapse drained oil the tension out of the important contest uhlch uaa in doubt for couple of periods terry leswick ron i nnc unassisted at 10 27 and phil lav ill from brad am kiincd the semi fimls j ltd dive sheppard at by trippmr oalaille blades lt jnowyoumay borrow with confidence in phil lavbll including four ton jninuto mis conduct and fbyr jimu mis conducts all to strcctsvillc plavers georgetown otluhot derbies 81 to 20 i cost too high town backs out of cordc georgetowns membership in thr central ontario regional development council wa hori lived a week sua council voted to join cordc which indudex municipolilies in hallon peel york and ontario counties tht teapot club invites you to its gala night dancing 8 pm 1 am ucansad bar tlcjat 8775948 i7753ol f 1 so nan mamban 2 bo georgetown goif i country club f r i d a y f e b r u a r y 23 they thought member hip fee was 55 learning monday that the fee is on a per eapiti buis and would bo somcttfli courcil hastily backtracked cordc kn t for 111 a nil its for townn which are trying to entice industry away from toronto with concessions siid reeve ifuner its not worth 75c ut alone thursday feb 22nd 19t pacl 0 v7v mil mijor jiblons wh ulth thi neve ind cr bnmc fin li ti uposiid men or inilli superior food market 18 main n georgetown we deliver georgetown the oldest and largest company of its kind i is here uaideri vadcd throuurr mrt k vilk to ret lo the second mi c of tho croup plajoff aja neked the uajuc pen nint uinncri luck on thur compircd to recent junior l missels tho ranic was relitivcly clean there were seventeen minor serlenccs handed out jjul tuo fihlinj nnjors rho mijors heels in the first period uhri urro pnncd on y kent thyffliliionoda20 icadm l john hor the early ilares laidiri rot one lon uhcn thly dcu u u1 back before the pirlod ended i lt m m time behind he and could only draw tvtn in the n lldcr t thl pet next 20 minutes eortjetown s no ahead goal it 8 03 ol the third period uafi jjij l the cue for the vocal yokel to diiss movices to to work on morrison and rtpfpatpfl in f ln while a steidy river of rubber l in uose flowed into t e ajax net they cnrior uith rfjmnfnn entertained tho ooo wineina series wiin drampion customers uith imperfect har mony for the balance of the came georcooun novices foufiht hard but unsucccssfulv ai brimpton novices captured aa pliyoffs in brampton sundiy uhtre the final jimc uent to ih flowertouners 3 2 i mike wtlloiilhhy relieved his mate and manajed to stay out of the ay ulutoraidcrs puncli ed i their final three jjoais kach team had uon one imr lwnrriin injsitttuirjnd finish prior lo tin dir or dl strutrle ed m the net after willomhb tint went into overtime befori pulled a muscle the winninj roal i4ni in off hnvlcys tick assists foiiu to ook and lampbjl rick black ended cowbroujh 11 shutout after 2 minutt s ind r ciond ind joliv bi horn put black pis into the luo j o ils hatk to turn the trick georgetown can for a 10 lend iorjt town stood astride their at 7 44 robinson put raiders rnnls ui h a 20 advantage ear on the sheet whiu ptnalt kill ly in the second period created in at 0 id terry ii iy astijtini on oils by dt in popiel from t1 tit kcin kicks and reeks from brent mcmullcn polud n n rerulatlon erately at a bl i w om lmp 0lk pimo m thc thir d deflteted lt cbmnbcll borrow with confidence look for the hfc sign of prompt courteous trustworthy money service wc think you will like doing business with the newcitollicl of h c household finnnrrt you arrange your loan in bright cheerful surroundings i lie i ii c manager will give you the most helpful serucc possible hes a specialist in making instalmen onns and he mouth pi boim in tin only scoimi plav of the iniddli period though gcdrittoun li itl leveial eiwl chanclb jflur and youn biumpon ind tjed the best if tin i f i erit s hat wct with a m vlctnrv on deoryetown let tin third perm as imlt cnl lo wll w08 loml into an unhuardid in t uith bitsi noviclw uhlnti bix attut ki i s like this n rry u wick from hiy it il j brmt mcmulltn fnnn dujtr it 04 leuwack frniu l iy nt ft jti ruul robin on from mcmullcn it h ii u ilu only bliss joil in tns uiek from bub i inn ind and i nnn wa scored bv blake mtortill hay at 0 11 paul robinson from mikt mctandhss and li in mouullu luid duut it i 47 roph i amiminif robert r hamilton optometrist office hours daily carretal bldg 116 mountomviow rbad for appolnlmsnl 8773971 wifriidntfle your iccount with consideration and understanding not only when you make a loan but all along the line in lact hfc serves more than million canadians like you every year ind tuo out of three new customers tome to household on the recom- mcifdation ol iriuids visit hfcs new oflice today or phone if more convenient loans up to 5000 take up o 60 month lo repay compare our charges an loans over 1 560 with what you would pay elsowliore then come lo household and save choose from many loan sizes and repayment plani lift tnwrxmca available on loans at low fjroup roail household finance 41 main st reef north hkl lo silvers dsparimanl slora phorio 8775221 georgetown hours mon to triors 30 am fo 3 oo pm frl v ho om lo oo sat cloisd this weeks meat features fresh grade a chickens 23 lb avg wght 39 maple leaf sweet pickled maj m cojtage rolls 5 7 maple leaf country kitchi sausage maple leaf wieners lb putur pck lb pkfl 2 for 100 schneider s cold cuts mix or match chicken loap pickle and pimento macaroni and ch6esc dutch loap luncheon meat 4 si 00 1 hllrrrvr colour i margarine 4 t oo baspberry or strawberry aylmer jam 21 61oo pussnboot cor rood chicken is jello powders v x 100 uptons chicken noodle soup mix 2s 41p0 reo assorted white pin g scorr towels 1 oo delmonte r6et7lef sat to had blue lak grtn bttuni saon wh bint fancy cr corn fancy paat 5 loo campbells tcekbycr serve soups chlckn noodl muihroam yoiato veotbl nd votabu 10loo aylm esiv3 8 1oo apple juice 3 loo allens birds eye n peas 5 100 lav srirovotuosdaypancake davfrf27 isehiv corn syrup 1 lb tin 37 shwva tuasdaypancake dayvab 27 aunt jemima pancake flour buttermilk or regular 16 oi pktj 22 canaba no 1 grade pei potatoes 10 39 california choice siie163s navel oranges 45 rorida no i crisp celery hearts- prices effsctive thurs vri satj february 22 23 24