Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 29, 1968, p. 4

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jcvvtv etown pobbtlmt y horn nvnpjpi limited 22 militslrattsoiithgmryatown ontario w c biihn publisher page rt thursdayfebruary 29th 1968 editorial focus on education this weok ontario marks education weak with special ftmphasls in schools and in hjitt press on on of tha most important areas of our canadian life in this issue of the hera you will finp interesting bits rjf information about times past oacher names- student htj- andsomo of fiio history of our school sysr- jem natfonal thoirio for the week is ed ucatlon meesufo of a nation we iiv ontario ar most fortunate in having pnr ilamehtajiansand civic leaders wha ronllo educations value and the resources to imj ploment tho latest innovations to k cop our tchool sysiemjirv the worlds forefront comment bosldes excoltenvprlmiiry andjfteoritt ary ichodlfi and a number of topnotch uni versities tho 19 colleges of applied art and technology in various parts of- the province wllh provide training for young orvtorians to fit them for the increasingly complex world wtych they aentering it is woel lr which parents particu larly should devote thplrarlontipn to the future so radical have been tfie changes in our high school sysjem tlyif ii is no longer possible to enrpl a studdnt ther forget about itunflj he graduotos the varying colirson tho options are onol which require a doclsion in order that your boy or girl is equipped- to continue in his chosen field of endeavour afterwards lwd lhings to wafct y lh connection with education there ere two things which particularly command attention one is that while experimenting with new ideas in education particularly in a change from more or less rigid courses of study to a free choice of subject we do not lose track of the fact that education up to high school leaving is geared more to teaching discipline end the basics of lan guages maths and science than it is to pacific learning give a youngster too much choice and he will naturally choose the subjects in which he feels he is most interested arid often ones which he feels will be lesi work there is something to bo said for conquering lmln if you dont- take to tl for studying math when you would rather be taking more english literature young people will still be entering a business world whore they will have to take tho bitter with the better and if one has lear ned to master the difficult subjects to not ust select the things he wants to do he much ado a bout something canada parliamentary crisis last week had soma aspects of a comic opera who would suspect that in staid old conservative small c canada lufked the turbulent spirits to cause members of par- -jiamentto- throwpapars inthealfinthe house of commons and sing tippcrary on thoir way to the commons more in keeping with canada was the maze of debate which followed the de- will bo much better equipped to deal with the job at which he will spend his adult life tho other major problem which con cerns people more and more these days is tho continuing pressure of teachers for salary increases which are becoming out of all proportion to salaries paid for other types of employment as a school board member in the days whon teachers had no federation and piti fully inadequate salaries we were an early battler for their cause and we took pride in having a part in helping raise the pro fession to a place where a teacher recei ved a docont salary for one of the countrys most important and demanding jobs the last few years the tail has been wagging the dog to the point where school that the public treasury is inexhaustible and that substantial yearly salary increases and guaranteed increments are a must the tim has come when school boards will have to say no and mean if and refuse to buckle under to the threats of blacklisting which degrade a profession feat of a government bill on third reading and the question of whether this consti tuted a no confidenco vote in the govern ment or not at time of writing the smoke has cleared and it appears that the government maystay in power when conf idencevote is taken in the house now all that has to be decided is how to get those extra millions of dollars which the income surtax was to have raisod new entry in the crosscountry race im the mail bag warns council effluent harmful to sewage system 31 byron street february 21 i93 deir mr editor sugar and spice ss by bill smiley w an old friend writes p irawrichoes from th tfpralrfs of 10 and 30 yaart ag 195s 0 sharing tha counrrywida progressive consafyatlvii vaap which saw prim minister john diefenbalur rr turned to office with tha urges majority in history sandy best of georgetown scored his own personal tpumpin halton bejsting liberal ken dick by 11033 votes v 0 a unique event took place in georgetown friday when a brother and sis r received the highest award of f boy scout end girl guide organizations at cari mony in knox church auditorium wayne and dawn ffebjg 45 victoria- avenue received their queep scout- badge and gold cord 0 georgetowns fourth public school will be knawnsimply eipark public school the name was agreed lippa by georgetown public schoql tfuslees when they mat wednesday 194 r i a flaying to a packed arena last night georgetown ousted milton to win the group playoffs and the chance to enter me ontario semifinals forvlntormediat a supre- rrwoyv the game was a sudden foath affair played be- cause miltons earlier series win was tossed out onthe grounds they had used two illegal players stoff and j jscerrpw georgetown won last nights crucial match in front of a crowd of 2100 in georgetown arena win ners goals were scored by del beaumont nick ferrl max bradbury and kent storey jack rhodes was out- standing in the georgetown net the new license plates on cars are white numerals on ft black background and are the first double plates lssued since early in the war f berwick hall the lovely old homo of the late john r barber has had a complete facelifting and has been converted by mr w f bradley the now owner into a modern apartment building the old house stood vac ant for many years and through thp years neglect and vandalism took their tottnjnti it becamo an eyesore on main street south ft wormah is constructing a new store at the corner of king and union streets across the street from his present location the contention of cr yrun so u think you have trou- it is nil defeating because at last monday council iiion i wiih your two or three j theres too much of it so in retard to contradictory slat- holtcn kid 7 we all have youre the way out which is ments by th ontario water he- them troubles and rotten where i would lik be i bt s m in it waste from the paper will go- hb to bo in a jaded firrcenirh state where nothing i rauid tell you vlorics uiat really shakes me any more 1 1 would vnaie your heart ache believe if you want to find a hcr ii an rxecrpt taken from your hair curl but so could real skeptic andor cynic jookj letter ovtr the signature ol doudtleis according to for un old mother of a larci himself vastly superior to all who stay at home f especially tom whose reaction was ini into our ntwaa sstem is absolutely right- quiet- rccovcr from a general an- aesthetic nothing serious blood and the red cross all the blood uied in ontario hospitals has been collected by the red cross from over 322000 volunteer blood donor the hospital patient in neither char- fed for the blood nor obliged sitlvity well before an to replace if tho ited cross ant birth sends each donor a wallet si7cd carrrsfatini his blood group and his till type a nationwide prenatal rh investigation ser vice is operated free by the society to help detect rli sen- ex pect- word op the week acclimate to acciuttom to rlifferent or foreign conditions of climate to become used to new conditions nxt wbs word accauur to be a canary o budgie pef sparrow is undecided g h milu district oncirer o some inane schools of thought family its not thut i dont tha owhc dated may 3rd idfat the trouble i that we havent care about all the big and the letter is on file at the mu- nouh kids we spoil our one little crises its just a kind of nicipal office or two rotten and then ire numbness that i think must astoubded at the results ikcttle in as a preservative or recommended that every fe pl j low biood pressure fort should be made by the a w de is hava v coonpanied tn reduce the wute wkol raft bide mj teob- nine pm cbc prftgrammel loadings on the water pollution umt wuw vnuh tkyd hlp reporting comments of english control plant diths mkk theirpfople alwut canada what aj bd uj all lurrt out to bebloodv superior bunch i would on may 20lh j investigated g k liko to smash them exeusel comlitioiu at the sewage plant t wrilinfi am writing as i and was advised by one of the this is rot i assure you and v prunnel that they hid itad l prove im going to quote considerable trouble uth eiflu- somxcerpts from a letter ent and hoprd jtwoiitl njt haprlrcntlyfrrmflnrjldi alsomy hand is- iftthan pen again and dear frimd shes more ailc dne to arthritis it seeamr dar than old but i think her to me a poor system where exist- lls of would be catastrophic and could tnous whereof result in saddling the taxpayers j bob decided to take his with the coit of a new ieuage the letter arrived at the end summer working money tui- system at a covt of over a nul- of january when she fiatjtion fees and go off on a linn dollars around to sending out the cf discovery journey to eu- nn i i annual chrutmas cards it was ropc night before sailing he council bewarfc vnnt he u1 in tt and fits over phoned collect of course to taken on this issue lh wek5 whenever she hadi say goodbye and told me his yours truly i the ktrength r a 1 was going too 1 still dont know what her mother thinks ed a peters teacher and foster uoihorl nr feels of course i dont know what i think or feel either yippidypoop ive seen a- ban- ana i guess that says it for me loo as i take note of his fathers aging look j my main feeling is jrritatlon with such nonsense that leaves father still with them on hk back for of course they plan to keep on being college boys too for another four or five years see von someday im the fak vaguely familiarlooking one limping along way back there cheer up fear heart you wouldnt limp if you had a broken leg and if you are way hack there the bund might be playing the saints come mar ching in business directory ikir than old but i think her to mc a poor system w in viw of this any allure ul evplod that pop- surviving the rlrnr or e of council to jorhd accepuwe f ibout urse families v- is penalized by the ill of any effluent from the mills slu his y alld a eil an chir0praq0r domald a oay dc appointments wadei dally call ttt ymol jo mill sk geotow ever by tarry hsruy car of a ta lilllbcsidi lthat chirped up and confessed the age old nursery rhyme doesnt recite the gettysburg r ui mu hear of a talking sparjto bumping off cock robin mrs joan laidler of 10 hiv- addres and he wont attempt nutvi dthalii4fslickarchryinie onrr- itwcrrnhefirvrttrtamfartiicaf allan pos th luvrn but he does say his name which is jeremy and that alone in the world of feathered friends qualifies him as some kind of a wtmdrrr we almost lott him twice mrs laidler recounted once he dove into bathtub full of soapy water and another time i ftvfrthnt viy kftiildffr wliila landing and plunged into the dishwater villi the dinner disli- es itolh timiss he was fished out covered with sudv wra in i didnt know if t could ev er get bun to speak i just kept relating his name to him from tho time i ttfot him and after about a year and a hair he started saying it hack to tue mrs- taidler told us when wo discussed her unusual pet to dispel the last stubborn traces a skepticism we visited the laidler hotyjo find- tlie domesticated and very con tented little songster do t deed know and say his moniker distinctly and with just a hint of pride jeremy will w four years old in if arch and has nevtr knon the spartan life of his species 11a was rudely introduced to mother kartli ut the ajit of two weeks when an ovt-zcj1ou- brother elbowed him out of the nest at show time a friend of mr laidler four jeremy on thf ground aurri ed by his peeping protrt shr took him to sooth his rujhed uellngai and foal iters mursed him fu two weeks and then turned him over to air iaidr ter who has been his protector lowrl and given a cltip as pirin with his regular seed andj liwfjy hes noun the worse for his duck imitations jeremy was fed egg yolk bread and milk at first and his diet gradually clianged to can- ry food he also gets the same vitamins and other health foods i on the menu of tho most ex- 1 pehsive pet shop canaries i somewhat of a prankster jer- jiiiy likes to pull out the pin f curiervrnen mr laidler is doj ini her hair and steals kernels from the children breakfast cereals and hides them the family gets back at him by covering ins cage at nigh wilh a brilit patterned touttj instead of hu regular dark cov- rr and his reaction is an angry pitched squawking which rmild pa for tlie jabbering of tvs kipper j last yrar jorcmy moulted and he was left in an undigj nificd statv- when his body fea- thcrs did tit grow back mrs i laidler has cocaultcd kepcrs of aviaries and tried every stig- krotrd remedy but to date no thing hks restored his plumes eiprts on staked talking aoni sparrows it acnis ars hard to hy j so then bill had mononucle osis this was enough to chance his plans about college ndhe n s i lyeeidd europe too they are only on a great larking holiday was it better when war got rid of this restlessness xom fliilnt gil1lt fir chir0praq0r crall w cirkhoc oin dally by ahmlntmht houu calls amused 11 main si uorth- barragers cuatmrtshlrt laundrra yr 72379 18 main s 16v guelph all work don on pramla year at college dan u in flrade 11 after a spell nt bum mer school jenny i an out patient having urinary tmcl xrny as followup to aurgery in september 1know jlob is in israel now woilciiu on a kibhuls for sbellor fonil and cxwrieim hut no money- lies working in u hanuiut lrovo i can tell lie is suffering from truvellera ego and thlukii walker cukria optometrist 12 main st s brampton phone 31il74 houraribnirtolfrjitmr tuesday to saturday 1vldiy s am to a pm kveblngl by appointment georgetown herald publlhd by hum nwtpapart limited georgotown ontario wllr c blhn iubllkbtr ghiid mcgllvry production superintendent tiny hurley alleen llradleyl news kditnr r accountulit mrs irene nlverf anna currle lteporter frank mullin m advertlidnif munuger ijibiiu clark iavrt dusting uylea g11kip jotin moclomenbi georg voung kobtrt r hamiiton opfematrltt lit xlountainvlew iload soutli carretal bldg rr appolnlmant 7737i optometrist l wl brown 0 d 35 mill st pol- akpolntmnta tbn 77347 1 wallaci thompson srdblwlaloti court clark commuslohr tk7sw3 georgetown animal clinic 106 golph strtet br r b7gatktn clinic open s pm moni vrerjr prt saturday ii atm w h carr provisional englnaar conaulllngl enalnoor ontario land 5urvyor owic s771211 1773j00 holn monuments pol lock campbkll designs on request impact our work in greenwood cemetery phone 631sm 3 water street north g a l t kollpr construction it now installing aluminum siding windows a doors all work guaronlcofj froo- e5llmalea caut 1779102 u

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