Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 14, 1968, p. 10

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y best of first crop in tni mail bao seek financial support for red cross operations p o box 7 georgetown ont doer sir on behalf of the georgetown and district branch of the can adian red crou socloty i ap peal to citizens and indutrv for rxuiclal support ducirik our thi mail bao driving proficiency earns aw ardfor lidianne paul armstrong of armstrong insurance presents the georgetown district indcpcnd endent insurance agents award to student driver lidianne beer top pupil in george town and district high school s first driver tra n ng course all fifteen teens enrolled in the course taught by ted scott were successful in the mail bag would raise esquesing fees unless library grant made appreciates good work of norval youth it chclvln drive march 8th lmfl dear sir as a town taxpayer for over s eirs ami as a member of the lahjiry board i wlui to uscuss tjuee items of ncwa that appcir ed in your iwuo of march 7th item 1 under the byline icwnship iit money to lend vc jre informed that tlu town ship tint surrounds us but un fortumtcly adds nothlnt to our well helns ins m the capital r rvc fund over 34 000 with uluch- il intends to buy t nv injs certificate mid in current account there reposes 00 000 which can earn interest for at uit jo dayglo quote cr pat patterson money bhouldn t he around die uc aio advocated shoppin around for ttie best in re t rate item 2 itns tune the byline rcid3 milton alto veklhj tnunslup library aid we arc told that m addition to a request from our own board for t 000 lrant milton alto ha asked for si 000 to jn tome uj compensate the respective boirds for the use the libraries it without adequate reeomp en e from this wealthy town h p which as i said before receives much- from its ncih hours but adds little to thfir well bung the same cr pat y liter on who found time to advocate chopping fof interest ri mtrri that the matter would not be discutsed uul ni lit because quote we have a full aitilda towrht unquote ilcui 3 in a headline report wc are told that tho gooru- town debt approaches the hx million mark and a worried linyor rtites that he cant pu fm tr on what to cliop fiom btidjit i think my fcllou ratepayers will immediately sco my rcaton for mrljn our utile town winch hi breii thnrt of moiiny fpi vt irs but ha i always tried to provid reasonable bcrvicrs to it i rtiiilcnts li bemu tan for a ride if i y usr a colloqululbvm this town ship with money to lend lias no facilities whatever to main tain no equipment to purchase for lb expulsive yet essential mrvkoi which imiko the dif fottice botween a lonws collect ion of residence without a pro twr kowao or vraur system which iti turn add to our already critical pollution problem no fire hirviech no polite poor roids poor uubtlt htitllr all etfti lilm power to ux by ipoiijflnir o tt nxo proitfc she mlifhlwiim it cu tm uu otiil uainv lliy ul ldy o ed facnities alieh an un eiceel lent lrbrury hopimh reertat ion and tm the awtimuiion that w cartahily would not aland and watch neighbour houht burn down they cn rent wcjiri 4faat our fire and polkw faelllt lea are always there e yor my own part 1 d not te fllpw thla unnatural state of affairs to continue the georgetown library board had already advired ls quesinc tint as of tlio end of this schoollenn march l tin library would not be aval ihk for the monthly school w its without ome i rant tow irds tlu pnvilete and we alwl were to incrensenon residents fees from 1 per year to 1 effective now but only collectible i the current quirt rl eir i vpu td i have isked tlio eh unn in f r i pecnl mcotinp for 1 1 i s n in ui u of the npr r th t i ime cnumentlii li r it is m intention to submit i mrtinn tint effective march lith 10f li all residents of the town hip who are lihrnry members- hiv tiicir memberships cincellid then commcneir mirth it ih rn any pt r on wi hm t i i the library ficihtics uh i i t a ratepayer of the to mi of r orfetown will he ufhoimd i payment nf i fee of i i r j r jim pt r e ir pnv ihl in full u advinei i am sure that cvcronc will understand my concern c is canadians are faced with wr mountin costs of tviothin includinj taxation io muntiin a reasonable standard of v r thn is a more one rout chort j now than at aniline in this generation i am the list pi on to it pnve chilclrt n am thin particul irly bonis ml the pleasure and v due tiny norval ontario tenrstr j i would like to let jour read i er know about a j roup of teen aicri in oral m hushind passed away ht wiek and piuls guild kind 1 offered to provide lunch in the p insh li ill aflcrhe fdncral hie hall apparently ua very dirty following an auction tale on saturlav ami the e teenagers un t rto j1 to t it an it on sunday i ik tinblw d tlu upstairs fl r mil uitthi n floor on tlmir inntls in 1 kne s ind cleaned tin whole hill on alrjn 1 1 i s w mi of i i in tin cl n and then th t wli t ind ik iptd crve llu 1 inch flit ire me ruber of the or d and district youth on an 7 ttion iffil ate d ith st i t il s nf in in hurt h if ue must t dk iih ut teen icer let t ilk about uic tiod tli 1 m 1 n t alwas about fn hi i m suite re thanks to nt t tm j i oup hi e iii l ki t tlit v tin bt counttd upon t i e mu tliraui h in i en i c for- t nm in common with other dedicated humanitarian ope rat to us in this time of rising costs we of the canadian red cross find our selves faced witih heavy btitfft demands to permitu3 to julfi our bbjwrtlvea and mamtajn our ability to meet the call ui our essential services many bnvo boon the cxprci slpns of opinion on whother or not theseainpalgns aioed as they ard at ertractintf contrlbu tlons from the lon suffcrjiui individual already heavily lad en with taxation and hih cost of living aro really ntsccsary the answer of course riftji with all of us in our dearco of unselfish desire to help oir fcl low beings and our fcthtijs to ward rho welfare of our own community wc all ki ow of blood donor clinics and tin precious saving of lifr result ing therefrom in this re spect the cltixtm or gcori town and district hive cooper attxl magniflticntly but do wo think from time to time of the everpresent possibility of iat scale tragcdomddtsiistcr ar riving on our own doorfdeps numerous and aried are the waya this could happen hut there is one bulwark wo can erect to lessen the suffering and anguish a sound and if fective red cross organization within our pwn community will you not therefore thinit on these thlnga and givo gen erously when your are appron ched for your financial help yours v t a j matthews chairman campaign committee georgetown ic district branch the canadian bed cross society dugout canoes usedy ancient irish crannojjs it r 1 lamohouse out dear sir wjien visiting die dublin mu veiun a few years ago i wax surprised to see a dugout canoe m few long which was found in a bog mxiio years aao ona would not auoclate thla tvpi nf tvnt wfh the iruh cu kalunafad ioib g i endlcy on ni but 1 aid is ttrctl is iv eryoncelst of piyiiu more mini my fnr nhare and these tin t reports will iow tn un i aw iro of a mo t imquitihlt sit uatioil that j qui swu whieh has uscd geortotowin for je th has no intention of paying l r anything that it t an jet for ji i ihink while havmj no quilm about reiwrtini to everjoiie that it liai over j000 in the bank that it doe n t mid r i pat patterson could have t ik en a few minutes to m iki u a reasonable li int tin r by su inj the school children of hi municipality from domi wittiou library faeilltic i prevliitid i hreat deal of cmbirnis mint and proved to us all tint tlaic are still around the e who really can rennet bin fer i ho i that voted tin m into offue thanks adultrwho came to view coffee house mlrih 11th 1dw1 ix r su 1 m th t litim in hi it i tknd hnrm h brim in li ck tln is du usuilh 5 llnill rnwill yipks no bpakbs bonil uartllni lltuiij ui it i 114 to thu mrclmilcul iniiclllicm of aukomohlln aro lout urn il in thu 11wv annual kipoit ot tin hamilton sufi ty coum il 1 01 ttlstjlliu of 1 110 whult 1 ut through tlu oil motor vt lncli sufity clittk ijiiui it v n f iimtl hut 111 lnul ii fool in iki hiui mils in in ills in ilo jji tin itnntfut muuliir of vio latlonh uiy tlio oiituno sufity lcagu sin of airs colilup s youth 111 lint i think tint lnr irttcrs plus tin out s tint followed tlu in hio d mu i nit strvice 10 outh in ot only havi tluj in uli pi oplp pi rk up uul tjkt notice but these pco pu eiiur down to our opm house lu id ma rt h 2nd hi n utn 20 interested id ills who i inn down 1 lie y uijoytd our folksnimrs our i iffi i juil i h ipi our coffee h in i no on 1 1 i nu d to dm jppiovo of tin pi in nor do i llnnk mis oldup would imc hid sin lsitul us th it nikht s i my th ink 1 o t ut to the piopll who i nut nnd vlsitwl the mffie houst mi a npiclal thinks to tin unknown initio in hi who don did tl t it of dill on of tin pi oplc uho came dim n to our opm iiousi was an elduly lady to whom youth in is imuli intlt httd 1 von lie- fnu slit t mu tliis lady i dun t know wli tlu r slu tl ap prtti it nu iivlnt lur iwiio l ut outhln an oulrikht dotiu lion to in u til any way we iw fit i would ilk to publliry tli ml lu i vi i iniiili for hn 1 1 n io itv it t mi ut n time ulu u it u s wi ii n i ii il lhaiiv ou ii is ninth is mis oldup if youre ihuuliil and you would llki to tonu down and ti tlu eoffto lioiisi tin offtl still utiintm liny tlini luibuil ilssjiva 1iijuuiu youth in starts campaign support for dental health plan 64 met ilv r a llir to th popu appalliitf for lntl ituursncal dear people why should dentists not he paid with the help of the ov ernnvent like ontario ilospit il itation for tho hospital psi for doctors and green shield for medicine and many more you hear them tell you that your child should no to the dentist as toon as they have all thctr teeth with retilar check up but the price of the dentist ik so high that millions of pco pie oannot afford to tike flitm to the dentist people like ou and me i feel that if enough of u pet together in this campaijni that the govemme t will nu no choice but to hear us out and do something about it i how about if aro you with mo in this do i have your sup port in trying to get this thro or do i stand alone i feel that it ik shout time someone took tlmfirst tcp for ward i iiaivc butl need vnu the peoplo to help and win this for us if you ore with mi in thu please send your petitions -to- turc but rather with our indian people r the maori qj ni zealand dugout canoes were ucd by umv t the ajicildt irish who hvetl on bhallou artificial is lands crannog ws the an cient liamq for ihtnf these islands jnuit have been very picturtsqui wpch inv use kach fontiiy had a nsomc biul island with ita dwelling tho canoes pleif to and fro to tho mainland whurr- the crops were jrown- and cattlr raicd now and thtti a lady would low her tuatml brooch or bronze pill jtolise hold articles were liwt or jot ihrtwn oil the mud ihcic articles lik- the canoe invc bteu found in a well pro- served condition tlu to the fact tliat thry we re permanent ly nnmtjkid in a mnut situa unn archeoloista are at present examinini these rt mnanu of a bionc ui c and reconstructing tht life and time of the cran nog dwellers artificial 1 lands- have been very much in tin news lately our mo t famous here iwini the nun made i land that housed the worlds j air in montreal i bcltivt thtj are thinking of re claiming part of iake ontario and makin an island to ateom- modate 10 km people today this i due to economic conditions and the scarcity of land in the vital parts of the country that of course was not the case in olden um the fact tint thev did live on u lain surrounded by watt made them it s vulnerable to their enemies primitive man uas alio ery muchoiachaldflf n t urc a n d world prayer day service for chordrill ballinafadwomn the world daj pt prayer wa obaenred on march 1st when the ladies from chorchill balunafidmet in the- local church mrs f j shortm the leader for thet afteraooa with a dumber of ladies takiai part in the fine service prepar ed by a lady in ceyfcm several musical mnnbera add- rnm huulo ttwimday march 1 ifm faob u availed himlf readily m intelligent way from what nat urc provided this cannot b- saul of wmp people todav thii was not lw choice alone but of nictsiitj as a means of vur mv il perhaps wi could still lorn a little frimii ancient man catherine graham glossy reprints of photos i appearing 11 the herald may bo ordered at the office 11 main st s or by phoning 8772201 5i7 size 1 oo 8 it 10 size t 50 ed much to the ow a mlto by mrs el- anderaoci a n from a tno wfciefa included hn ji juicuu- mrs c mr knery and mrs f j ortiu and a piano selectkm frpea mrs u anderaon mxa booert kerr waa the zmnt speaker and spoke of her thoughts on the theme bear one anothers burddens ajn r saunders was elected to be key woman for i960 the wi member met at the home of mr a mcenery for the march meetma mre f smith prrsident was m the chair the meetuac was opened with the instrtnte ode and mary stewart collect roll call was answered fcy naming a cabinet minuter and his portfolio mhv utej were read and treasurer report given by mrs w mclean motion w made to donate ten dollars to cancer society plans were made for euchre to be held on march 29 program convener mrs a- ucenery called for current fcv cots from mrs r shortiu and the motto the homer s the first school and the parents he tea cher- from mrs rb kirkwood miss iluena campbell was nest speaker ber theme was educa tion the third meetina of the bal linafad ptuit munchcrs was held on march 2 at the commun ity centre a new member jul lane fcckert brought the num ber of girls in the dob up to sixteen beryl mcenery and heather buchanan made an or enaleamcd fruit pudding the lcw members have been i busy a bees p the church basement the past two weeks and with the addition of fluorescent lights it has taken marcaret januesoa patience next week well tell you the big- news about canadian citizenship applications applications for canadian citizenship will be accepted very wednesday and friday from 9 30 a nv- to 4 p an at queens square fknlding 24 queen street east brampton ontario applications alsd accepted monday through friday from 8 30 am to 4 3d p m at ihe court of canadian citizenship 150 aaain street west hamilton ontario for information regarding documents required fees r etc phone brampton 451 extensn 12 draper d0bie company ltd stock brokers mtnb th toronto slock exchange tho canadian stock exchang noaroar branch offlca 24 quoan st e brampton ont queens square bldo no toll charge from georgetown and vldnhy tttlphone 4s9s221 reat accurate quotation and aervice on any exchange excellent interest paid at halton peel trust guaranteed investment certificates 3 yea purchase your guaranteed investment with any amount from 100 to 1000001 inlereit is paid half yearly by chequ or it can lm dposited to your account interest for 1 2 3 and 4 years mrs alice m j lainln 04 mcilvray crfonl georgetown ont phone 077jfi50 euchre party celebrates rebekah 50th anniversary the dticth annivcriiry of verdun keliokah lmlce will cileltratetl oh lliursday mirrli 7th with a ciichrt nafy wlmh attracted a full house of pi i cti to the odd lellowa hill on weilcyan street rho everuni uas convontil by mrs jean klnb mn lillian lilt clile olid mrs catharine hun cock mrs nciiil willott un in clnrno of lunch and t iblt i utui ulcerated in uold for the occi ion many nuu wcro won includ inn a kohl blanket by mm anne collins ticket no j1w and a hold cushion mm 1 lo dickie ticket no m mm strin her and jim hatiilllon won door prll4 ruehrl vvliiui i s ut n mrs 1 idi ujuieiy ii irold dohou hub iluiumk mi n snydur mrs a irolisi mu lluvtll mis i indsuy mihlud ikrlxrt mrs 11 mcktthnlt with nail scolt low iitorc mu 1 lois iraiey ii a piui fur tin most lime hniiilh mniiiimt iilwoii 1tii liullts tiuvi mini inii and mn put cluiiihecluin playing a u mini the men trlivi lllni prim special savings accounts your teal savings ecoounti withdrawals may b made at any tune in person or by mail but no cheques may be lulled interest on the minimum monthly balance no service charge 7 6 monthly savings all those kids are expecting to see you of the georgetown bantam tournament starting tomorrow night friday 7 0o p m georgetown arena accounts this account helps you reach that special rjoal quickly i deposit 7 33 oacfi month nd in 60 monlhj you ii have 5001 chequing savings accounts no service charges on reasonable number of chequesl interest starts the day you open your account and is credited to you every 6 months on the minimum quarterly balares choose the accounts that suit you hesyi drop in lo the ofhco nearest you for further details cwmw omfce tieurt won thura 0 s rrldays til 1 4 halton peel trust savings company total assets under administration member canada deposit fced 82000000 insuranco corporation ii main stiver herth georgetown tt7tu john a kddau manager icocai pirbctoit john r barber north haiton advisouy boahi john t aroutronl chalrtnan relord oardhouae heurlee c beets michael iedwith john gay dr bd youb jto

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