Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 21, 1968, p. 3

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say dont fear larger school board is benefit a nassafawcya woman ac cused a departrant of education official of looking at the now county board of education from m utopian rather than a realtot ic point of view at a special meeting to dla- enss the jiew county boards last jireek the woman said there wbulittje inequality ofrettf- cntation on the new boards in favour of larger communities kuch as oakville and burlington she added i have yh to see bureaucracy become bigger and more efficient at the same tii erfc dcclimf to fdentify her- james thomson of the depart ment replied ln ny amalga tarnation between a large munlki patity and a small one it has been our experience tha the amallrr one bchefiu a gceat dl i don t think that the rep- rewntalivc of burlington and oakvillr will try to starve nu aagaweyn r esquesing town- ah ps he said the larger cominunl ties were picking up far len in reproaenution tlunthey should on the basis of tha share of the bill that they will pay officials he said this board would also have lo policy conctminff standardtza tion of teachers aalaries throu ghout the county thomson old the audience at the martin street public school in hilton when these trustees are elected their responsibility will be to every child in halton county not just those in their own area the whole purpose of the change is one of equalization of opportunity for the children oh the basil of residential and farm assessment membership of the county will be bto ken down in 18 public school representatives and two sopor ate school represchtauvps county council has been asknl to set up wards for the public school elections according t certain guidelines eu dp the department thomson said the 20 member board would be- responsible for sflrcting all the teachers for the ualton county awa and for apj lrmg xhool pointmg competent superviwiry in th the regular monthly meeting of the countess of strathmoro chapter iode waa held on hon march 11 at hie home qf mr estajdiahje wilson 14 bdtth st tbo newly elected regent from now on tax bills will be clearly broken down to show the amounts to go to the cduca turn board and the municipal i iylihe ecbool board will no get into the business of tax col jocllon hi cause this would lead to thr duplication of administra hon ho said if there wn ttomo ox tivmr iniuality ilould be up to tht arbitratbrs to make some adjustment thr nrw board vyill wvui its own dcbmlures apt br fiicilly responsible directly to the rloc- tor tjjjf 1 imord deciqej to- io 1j on a spending hlnfio th cure will be at tho ncxfballot box thomson concluded that the ontario municipal hoard will hqve to find eomr uaj of pi chool hoard ribntiiri jmc uay tint it police jmniversiry explains how stones are pdlished set for jewels mrs keith barber preejded and there were 21 menrfl present ji lettevvasrecelvej from an iode chapter in ajax to introduce a ftnerieznber who has recently snoved to george town mrs n jones member ship convener was asked to eon- lact mrs brownleewho lives on moultrcy crescent the recent also read a letter from provincial hcadquarten bt rewind the fact thai members bo reminded to stimulate pat riotiim and loyalty to thr crown and also seek out a local need and support it after some db culmon it was decided that the pntjrrt for 1168 would be for the chapter to assist the geor getown district hospitil dur ing its expansion it was agreed that congrafcu lations be tent to ikeshore chipter iodk and acion who utllshnvtly celebrate heir 50th branch fares badly in weelci sports activities a by ralph hwa sporlswse last weekend was catastrophe as far as the branch was concerned nothing seemed to go right that roman goddeis vortuna seems to have kissed 120 good bye for this season at least wc arrived at the branch as the last few hands of the provincial bridge were being played act ing on instructions received we reported to the kitchen where a group of atalwart members hi ere working at preparing meal under the direction of dave bowman there was lots of activity but conversation was limited to walch tha gravy don t get it 4oo lhnylhosepotatdcstihould be about ready for mashing now chuck is that coffee perked ycp etc within minutes after the bridge players had hid down their last card a very satisfac tory meal was served to them by three extremely ood look ing waiters after the bridge players had been looked after the particl pants of the annual acton and georgetown hart tournament ramc upstairs and had their meal all in all dave and his elpcrs fed between 140 and 360 hungry legion members hoyever although the branch demonstrated where hospitality is concerned 120 is the tops u did not holp one bit with ike bridge peterborough won tho iprovincial championship the very happy winners who received the much coveted tro- thy also took home with them an individual trophy along with coffee percolators second place team maple leaf branch of toronto now wwns individual trophies plus transistor radios the geor cetown b team of walter biehn jim sargent george sargent and jack hooper were tide jar second but lost out to toronto on aggregate points the provincial trophies were presented by provincial vice sports chairman orrie truman while the radios and coffee percolators were handed out jy lahatts representative stan haennel whose company spon cored the event downstairs where the darts t were being thrown actons d team won every game they pla yod so the intirtiranch tro phy goes for a year to acton acton branch also won the doubles branch 120 had to be satisfied with winhing the ingles again this was sponsor ed by ibatts and the winners received pewter mugs at colhngwood where the branch iadin bowled for the regional championship the col llngwood ladies retained the tro phy for ahotit r yejr welland ncxwmarkct hamilton geor get own a and branlfowl fin ished in that order and being one of the first six branch 120 ladies qualify for provincial bowling jan hiimermin won the high singles with a score of 355 pg warley returned home with tht door prize at the industrial dart and crlbbage tiponnorcd dance no saturday uosii wilier and his group packed thou in i he ev enlng was another enjoyable oc casion where friendship attd ood will was found in abund ance again this year the branch baa thrown its doors open to youth with the ilaittam tourn y underway in town the aud fttorlum is a buxy place it atartrd sunday when acorm of young folks headed towards lio wer the inner man waa taken care of by one of the many la dies volunteer groups who will be working in the kitchen until the end of the week ihe branch ladies had the chore tuesday membership chairman bus hale tells us the dues are not coming in too good so come fellows make an effort to have thecn paid by tho end of the month and enable buster o send his report into command at the end of the month with every members name on it be cause after march 31st he ii unable to count those uho are not paid as members to announced that the provincial annual meeting would be held bn april 24 25 anvtbth at tho cotinaught ho tel in hamilton member wish injoo atend should get in touch uith the itcgcnu mrs aw gilmer reported that plans are on tho way for the chanters 20th anniversary dinner which will be held next month me will be contact ed is to date and place new members and their la dies members of tlie ladies auxiliary and their men keep jqeiday april open for thus is your evening it is gomj to be a rare occasion which may not happen jagain for many years also there is a dince buffet lunch and refreshments because of the many requests from the branch ladies who feel the stags that the branch hold are for the birds the entertain ment committer are uorkmu on plans to have a similar ev ening where the ladies will be included winner of the hockey dnw for a pig was mr w shield of town another prixe went mrs win telford in spite of the hazards cans cd by his black walking stick around the branch we are plcn scj to sec bruce hick amn taking an active part at th executive meetings the winners for rrldiy dart shoot were pat boyd two gib telford jack kerr dons mc cartncy bob hedlcy little bottonu lorn llurgiu the two roints were won by gib tel ford and dons meorlnoj see oii next latunhy con ing at the danq where some thing reilly unique his nten i services home arid abroad n jmreary mrs jt armstrong an anecdote from bruce t l die had knitting uool tcro chirjctir and wteprtly fo f j a a remind ano reproach definition ff a a dobatj0b for thb x tmtrstepaheadyyfutolaw ttvnuighlncfrtcriirfar kot a motion was passed that the annual donations be given to tho various funds at provincial headquarters mrs james lvans education secretary reported that the re- neal for the national geogra phic magazine had been atteod- d to this will be forwardep to the adopted school in new foundland tufnting op distinction a statements letttbheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald try 22oi the gtirsl spenker for tne ev enlng was mr john farmer of georgetown who was antroduc ed by mm barber lyr parmer rave a most interesting talk on emolo or the polishing and setlinj of stones the various specimens were passed around for the member to examine mot of the stonc are found in c inula ihe polhhcd ktones acro iiniuicllnto beautiful einrinps necklaces and broach heres a nice little number udthem wtr libpuycd af ter mr kumars ulk imn wmluoe tbampma than ked mr farmer and presented him with a amall ut d apprec- tatkm xuncb was aerred by mn wilson anlitad by hn r bar ber ma s foirice and mim m martramie iney were than ked by mrs- w ifeompeon invite chuich women t6 hear kenya speaker the march meetlnc of st an drew united church women vai held on wednesday march 13 in the board room of the churclr the programme for the even in waa a lively diacuasion on youth during which the lad- no go trains here yet government says the provincial aovcrnroants trains wont bo notth thia year despite a suggestion by hal ton east mpp jim snow in the jcglsutura this week snow had aucgasted in his maiden speech pt queens park that the government ertead its rapid translf co trains torom munitlea north nl the hamilton to pickering line now operating snow wanted the new trains to be put to use on existing cer and cnr llnea to cooks- ville streetsville muton acton and oeorgetown but high ways minister george gomroe the minister responsible for go hss already said that it is very unlikely a decision on a second routo will be made this year hie dacislon he added 111 depend on a two to three year study of the lskeshore line that hss been in operation since may this line now sverages slmost 17000 passengers a day al though it was only expected to carry about 13000 a day laf ghowad than intaratt h th efforts being mads by young people todoy several games were played and lunch was served at the end of the evening the next meeting wlu be the easter thankoffering service wheh tho speaker will be miss audrey hckim the ladies of the churches in tot nommwm mould thupuoay march tnsv pack a the community im basal tavtt ed to hear miss mcklms ac count of bar work wlh the national christian council of kenys everybody is ignorant only on different subjects before you get p rnlraffic let your fingers do the walking twgh the yellow pages 1868 oi rot ol liy tnon mum uuqitj rwltnl pnc lor tliw vw cuilon inol tucludl ij local lani ttrxi ftiiqlil u cltidaii 3j hi loi lo ilia qollon ol qoi on uir cooud ano na in hi ro adullobla buckal unl with liatiiri puddd doth und iuiiwivofi un wnaiqy ubiorb ny ilax q cou iv litdapattdrtt iuipfiiioiu o four titaad yiichfqttaait trunim u6ti uifaly fim wliaalf d haolar nnd hrtlair booilar rallauabla fat bali i iluol biul fifj yilni uir u body ihal doli i yl rhunrjed avary yxof uil lo inoka it look dllfaianl 1 dm lihla i u nbar rnoka a tolpl tattl lo you your naurail volilwoijfi daulaf you con 0 ontbar ut iha yallow putjat tafimim comfps 4 all this week starring breathtaking new styles at savings to set you on top of the world see whaf rww in tt world bf horn fatilontt comfi bat all th baaullfol arwr faaturlho k uktancllftt crtlotti fiom lajlki ttwrtu furr a vlalt is a trtut for brld tob mwlywad and vryon in lov with a homa s todays llvlnd autfantly kmp11flad wbthr you ilk tb roinahllc branch and ltallan dnlo claislc traditional hltorle colonial or th look of slaalrtortfariporaw s dacorallrttf ida a i era saitlo wr nvar battar and ilia savings during our pabu- loo hotrm pair ar iruly autraordlnaryl living room suites living room suites by canada n forwmost erajijorwh naio kiicii as mueller housa o lrarmortt nirwtvort sklar noxtnti sim roona jeru dl many more art your auaranti or quality all routed to your oriee suit rarrl izya bedrooms ucdwoom5 the dream of every tfliiialo how oftpn iiave you vutved for a now brdroom wbv should you not bi the iniiina vatale 1h your hmlnrul lifo come in to comfi a nou njind mnlcr nur wish come tru vako jmlantafc of comfi s jjcaty ndtkvtl prices bdroitib irom 179 comf1 interiors and decorating consultants n maim inter north georgetown ryyx anal 29 mcmurchy north mampton

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