aughter on ewing street th oforoitown hirald thursday march ii ini page s 2 rvi stately maples go the way of their leaves workmen load a trucic with oq and brancnex which onca wore stalely maple trees on the north ide of ewtng trrcff these itwd other trees on the street surrendered to progr th week when preparations for n street widening jproject got underway the trees were a source of pleasure to residents of thr neighbourhood providing shade and tt lush green touch to the streets during the summers nd a blazing display of colours every autumn in the mail bag says our atrocities most important in documentary cs diaries street an frusodr in our imtmv can resident regrets trees destroyed for progress georctoun ont be terminated with honor lo us rcir mr ii kwinif street georgetown ont lear sir in vour editoual auounuin documentary you call it an ef front that a canadian novini ment uhsidued television net work prccntid nn and amen can vv of the war in vietnam yarch 17 lftcfljonr tiftpecfe hiil johnumani riik mean a uttlenunt that will save their oun faces thcj eek to rive the appearance of honour instead of honor itself for ue mul face the full ho ar of our mistake in ittnam vlio can err m such a scalt wht pric profiiani today i ua awakened by the whine of several chain taufi wonderinf what wai up i ha llv climbed out of bed to invest ijate what a sitfht met my eyes rv- jfuwiicutliaidnu n a row of beautiful maple tree- across the trcel an i cjfpocttinre ra way ceo oei room to mi tho point frr rhc r camniunist of that most nconlruho speak out and uje kiinsltlu continuation of the us pourt attack on vielm yclnam uar do so m order to mcic clcs qniy we addod ur salviiie semblance of sanit to toppinf the homilitie- not t1 beautiful trees in a situation which is a dark as m hc unflrtuna clt snot on the face of humanltj to of pcn trc ue are fnrcw to alas es w the kst you atucirc that moitl0 alt of vietnam m order l cancel meeting members lo attend zone function the next llalton federation of sericulture meetinc his been cancelled in favour o i one rhedinj march lill at victoria square north of toroi lo j dcnil lawrence presidr nt of h- haltoti federation and also innr governor aid the nt fed eration meeting will be hejliliji pril tlie 7onp meeting uill be a tended by reprtsentattves from hnlton peel york ontario and simco counties tlu v will he a he views of two univerfiitv of guelph scholars on tlie topics of pollution and hid use ash0rovi my fust thought was oh no i anil as the uattlud first day one the mrocles of the other side t j jodai tht threvt lnrn ail of those lovelj weie not properly pre ented in tn qur njuona cno p fai1 to h ground pre cxery war atroritii s pro commt j l 3 small country t io llic rci ft cli saw puttinr on my coat i went to inquire of one of the crew how manv of these trtes were fist ed for the axe the answer all of them nine in number to the comer across the wav mr lawrence ako mentioned that the director of the fedcri tion ind pjid tribute to geoff taylor at a socnl rumm at harold middlcliropk s home taylor vervel as extension as sistant at the milton office of the department of agriculture friendship is name for new church group on that cold blustery after noon of march 19th twelve lad- lea attended the ucw unit meet inff at the home of mrs frank riiddrll president mrs ward rrownridge opened with a hymn and prayer and devot- nal nn gethawnane was fllven by mxa uarvejr nurse with scripture reading from st luke by mrs john mcnahb roll call was answered by bring nn akicle made in jap an two letters were read fromi our foster childiti ecuador lehfl ing of incidents in her home wr i with the creccitcnt o all the ladies present the namej chosen for our unit is friend ship the new study book on japan profile was very well introduced by mrs george wilson thh bodk was written by dr w 11 norman his wife and miw suttlc dr norman and bis wife wcrr appointed to japan as miv sionarici of the tjnked church o canada in ib02 mrtttorman was a dauchter of the later dr itnrertu mm kuthe la a teach er n a fhristlan hirl s high school in tokyo ten living christians are pee sentcd in this book and as we study them w will understand the environment in which these men and women have lived rint stoy was of capt kunij- ira ono a wounded hero and veteran of the japanese camp- aitfn m the philippines his de ihrmiuation and will to live it ended with his becoming a war rior for chnst imrs jas carn ey thanked the hostess and all who had taken part and the met tiny closed with a social hour now cheer lip everyohi as ta- dav l 2lzt of march it is of ficially the firnt day of sprlntf storms may come but they wont be as bad or last too long vinter is really behind us now and can soon be forgotte compare with features costing much more guajrd stuno cover fonncrly uncd on n 79 kq t scaly posturcpodic same reinforced jm tljk sdgo mipporls from a 6905 scaly rnat- fw lb- tress una innemprink unit irom a b su 59gsscalyauatarbttimocvcrlow abaa price a better buy mrs john bellboddy modern farming melrodx hav speedwl kcuadors agricultural jnrowth and made the country the worldj largest rxporer of bananas tied mi bmh sides our busir eis neverllif less should ik to point oui the aslrocilies on our aide bemk exterminated yours sinceiel john so mm i r john 1 kenned slid in a speech held at the mencan university in wahinrton dc on june 10 1dgj tjlay should vvdllts thlal war ever break out aain -i- no matter how our two oouiitrit- the united states and the soviet union7woud heeomt the pnmiry targets it is an lr omcl hut iccuratc fact that the esquesinq resident cash support to k ii 1 ontario library ttoruutoun gorrie and u- kettintf married non a member of the office staff bald the replacement may taylor ins bought a farm neari not b announced iat a month lie wis hichlv commended for bis work with the ii groups the council of the township of esqucsin xl it 1 georgetown ont two m the mot dan cr of de vastatinn ah we hae built m would he destrosed in the fnt c lo the ilcrald gentlemen some time ago the georfie twenty four hours the pcrivl of uhuli lr ken nwhuarntd his nat ouha not town lown coumii has approa jehed you to obtain from ou financial participation in the maintenance of the george town public library an insli llution uhich is of great bene fit to township residents diminished since existing over icil may equ il as miicn a- ten tons of tnt foi every person on earth we face the possibil itv that an allout nuclear war todav wo ild annihilate the hum an race lakinq this into ac the requit by t town of count i cannot bin sympatuue was ccwmpletely ig wih peopn uho find tht big nored by yiu wllh thc conse american brother a raher n t that township school rhildrathave now iwvn denied access to the townow ned lib ghtemim merutior of the family o- wars row the uar in viet nam has ixmn kteaduxalaledij lit and we cir lie sure llul if the ualmn and must immci be tt hvks hie it their way this war will be e calated further unil somebody honiedsv will press th button we shouldnt be surprised under thee cir cumtance that a giowinf num iwr of piople mov find aiheri can impln ilism just as much a nieiiac as lonimunim it is ion oveniue that ue atop blaming the communists for evrrythmj uluch isnt as it should he in the world grant you that some of their ideas arc as iil is ome of ours hut the corny saying that to cotne under communist influence is a fate wor c tlum death is laugh abl llieie was a time uhen some people in i urope thoughl it was a fate worse than death to be under the influence of a catholic gov eminent jnd they fouiht loni and terrible wars to prevent this from hupikmng yet today nobody is frightened an more hy the catholie and we non ciholict manage to livi quite pear fully with them how tan we end the war in vietnam hy admitting that we happen to be there by mistake and by getting out m there as fast tts we ean lln- li the only honourable way open to us to pretend that we hve a ngll to ih in vietnam is hypocrty of the worht kind the kind which will hurt ds mou in die end orville shell uii american writer about vittnam wniet in the new krubhc wo ctaini to want a peace hntllemcnt that is honourable it m ittconcelv be to me low so dishonorable ualion and must immediately rcclified by the council of the township of esquesing you are no doubt fully aware of the importance oflhe comprehensivo education of the growing generation an educa tion in which the reading of good lioolts plays an important role lwjuesing council should oho use its position to make the facilities of the georgetown u brarj availably to tlie many ad ull reidcnts of tha township lo whom borrowing of imoks is an important privilege j while the consewnu of funds is necessarily a prima consideration for the couueil the amount in question which is still subject to negatialion b ncgliblrt wlien viowtvl in the context of the llmiuesing bud get yours truly charles ilildehrandt use this column to bring business onlv last summer i took a picture of those lovely trees in their beiirtifn slndes of fall colours to me thop trees hav been i much moo than to the average person thev have been a sym i hoi i have looked out on them in the winter standing tall jnd i naked bare of every leaf hut i knew that in thc spring i thfy would once again bnngj forth their beautiful plumage and i could glory in the work of their unnderful creator to me thev were a symbol ofi the resurrection to all intents they are dead in winter but ml the spring they live once i more so many people profess i to believe in the resurrection but at thc same time what thoyj actually iwlieve in tha they go lo heaven if ood but to hell if wicked nore the pioiuuo ol ressurrcclioii fioin the grve in spite of the fact that the son of god said in joliwj chapter 5 verse 28 marvel not etc that all thnl are in the graves shall lieai jus voice indj shjll come fort if etc many people will scoff at this dea lo lie it is very real no more shall i he reminded of gods promise hv the trees kw mi street will be bare of the bejutv that so many of tia loved true trees ar a chore in tlie fa when the leaves ure tailing hut their beauty fa outweighs the inconvenience of falling leaves how sad it is that in the progress of building for mans convenience we have to tear down the rreation of god i have taken a at picture today of the tres a sad remtn der of iwauty hut will have vanished for at icait this end of luintf strel i this nud i hur will have new ewer8 tho road widened etc in a growing town the a things muit come to pass life goes on and with it progress and progresi takes its toll the price we have to pay kutherine cordaio your hairdresser comes to you inhome service by experienced licenced hairdresser day or night service call 8531353 m ne or mrs jistihsiki 8530443 anyllma your to the public acton bridge monday rrulbi at attoii undue club inclutliil lut juiir 2nd pjlr mr t jcmurii mr k coau iid lull mia owoll jellaris ulll oau gto you are the victim of an uninsured driver you can claim damages from the motor vehiclo accident claims fund for tuitltbf infoutuilon vvnta director ol claims motor vahlcu accident claims tinni ontario bepahtment of trawsfort 10 st mary bt toronto b ontario n ouunji new duralux deepojiihirtg sutaptuous cameobfllin hac3asi c6vcc id deepquilted for luxurious blirfaco comfort i try it today i sealyhealth guard 59 95 your best buy of price worlds largest selling firm mattress dcttignotl in cooperation with ertho- jyxlic uurtfaons for comfortable jirru support no mominb baclmche from bleeping on a toosoft miittrci from sealy postorepedic 95 f ca i free customer parking at rear of store enter off mill street easy payment terms household furnishing robert gougeon household furnishing 14 main st s 8772522