Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 28, 1968, p. 10

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ir ggpfgayg ilew by ralph hum after tle qensrsl ilcotlng oa thursday evening tho most lnv portent date on the branch cal endar -is- friday april 5th on this evening at 8 pm w members will be initiated into the legion yoijr entertainment chairman iahopuue joragood nttcndmt ol members and theu- wives enjoy the social pan- of the ev ening wbibh will follow the inf lation there will bo dancing and a lunch bruce collins has undertaken to handle tic lunch jfow we know from experience- that ttruco does produco tho most delectable mealsf there ipre we feel sure you will have your palates satisfied in addlj- ionto a sood evening of danc ing 1 hundred per cant membership clinirman buster hale wiu ufa ooldnk for a noh- dred rr cent turnout of hew members another interested person will bo president jean xockhurst for the ladios auxll- iary is involvoil n tlili evening jean will he looking for many of hci irr be present there will be no dart shoot bint cveniiigthd shoot on fri day was not quite si well at- tended as other shoots luvo been but with the weather us it was it could hardly bo expected to be otherwise the winners were it lincoln m mclean g telford i llaycs w hamilton il jcpson drastic drop to dwell once more on the subject of paid up membership the end of tho week is tho dead lino for paymi dues onaprll 1st membership chairman bus ter will have to subtract tho un paid members from the mem bership which could result lu a drastic drop in actual mem bers so onco more wo ask you to give buster a break stop by at the branch and see tho stew ard mrs jean calder of tho legion ladios auxiliary holds blazer presented to legion naire sid tiplon on iho occasion of his 75lh birthday at tho saturday legion dance mrs colder was alio celebrating a birthday our ladies were gliosis bronte last week where a zone crarw3shelavmcmoeraftho audliari of cisht oilier bran ches in tho zone were also guests the entertainment which was provided by tho bron te ladies was tops from reports wo have received thursday april irth branch 120 ladios will bo tho liost to the zone for another social evening at the ladies general meet ing last thursday it was decid ed to send two voting delegates to the provincial convention which will be held in ottawa in september jean loekhurst and mne ilarlcv will represent the branch at this convention comrades jenny taylor and eli labctll kcmshcid will he frat ejnial delegates something new at the branch saturdayninhtapril27lhitlie imperials are presenting a first in georgetown a pig and wilis tie night wo understand all the tickets are sold last year the section held such a night at mil ton branch it was a terrific suc cess the section members aro enthusiastic and feel that this one will eurpass tho milton night hctlc wwk the hectic week at the branch has come to on ond with the bantam tourney winding up on saturday night there will he no more hungry youngsters iri vadlnf the auditorium until next year president bowman wishes to-fkank- those members and non members who worked bard during the tonrney week in the mornings and evening letting up tables etc president dave bowman hai given the nod for another open house in june this will be sim ilar to tho veterans week of last year there will be a din ger for civic leaders an evenin for boer war and first war veterans- an evening to enter tain area service clubs and a raml dance to wind up more particulars about tills later dave bowman will be host to the men who make it possible to have saturday morning lloc- jcey in georgetown saturday march ullth at i pm an elect ion will be held for the new executive who will run hockey next season this will bo follow ed by a sociol gettogether and lunch blyrnrn saturday danco was different last week sid tipton had a bir thday his seventyfifth his many friends really rallieitar- ound an interval was called during the danchig and a largo cake with sevjrttyflve lighted cand les was wheeled onto the dance floor poor bid almost iiassud out with surprise ills friends presented him with a blaur and lajlan crort all sid could say tyrom mate howeva r prizes went to bill drydcn mrs normward bob denommu and mrs j bcattic parade square sunday afternoon the audit orium bccaino a parade square where syt at arms ilcrry bot- oiis had his standard bearers initiation team the sgh at arms standard hearers of tho ladies auxiliary doing a spot of square bashing harry is determined that these people will know their drill for april 5th he had them repeating the moves over and ov er again until they were per fect bad luck continues to plague tho sports minded of branch 120 saturday the branch inter county dart team were at bur lington for the final playoffs which the 120 fellows have won three timismid have imjw run- nersup three times saturday they had to settle for fourth spur oakvllle took the trophy with burlington second pwt credit third however jack sunnucks won- the high score 143 it was with much regret w3 received the sad news of the passing of past president john d kelly comrade kelly was president of branch 120 from 1030 to 1032 silv6rwood- make fruit sauces at 4h meeting sllvorwood fruit cups a 4h girls club met at the home of mrs km glrvan for their third meeting mrs williams the home ec onomist for halton was present canned frozen and dried fruits wero discussed for group work oven steamed fruit pudding and fruit sauces were made and sam pled excellent interest paid at halton pee trust halton s 79sc record excellent tells 4 hers helton county 4h club move ment under the guidance of dent of agriculture representa tive henry stanley of milton but tear built up a high repu tation for completion of club project about 83 young aapir- lnc fanners jrare told at boyne eommunity centre wednesday the roup had gathered to sign up with the movement and to form eight clubs for 1968- stanley tqld them tho- group iset year had a 97 per cent com pletion record for projects in 1967 and that eight out of 12 dubs had recorded 100 per cent ma rka for completing projecta shoe store is newest lusiness in georgetown the downtown business sec tion has a new merchant warren crawford has opened a shoe more on main street p which he will operate under the name crawfords family sboea the storrts located betide tbv park milk store in premises vacated by georgetown station ary and office supplies the stationery firm has rooved far ther up the atreet taking the location vacated by towne sv- log centre when it moved ac ross the street to the new wood- rex building a brampton native mr crawford lived in town a few yesxvsgo on rexway drive la ter moving to port credit then back to brampton prlurrto join ing the toronto township police force ho had worked irf a brampton shoe alcrc lie attended central public school andpbrampton district illgbschootr a musician ho has triayed trombone with brampton citliens band photography and fishing are among his other warren crawford f nobbles married to the former lois gardnor of mcadowvalo they have five year old twins wendy and warren jr ninety per cent of productive forest ares in ontario is own ed by the crown- maintain recerds he urged tio youngstert from 12 years upwards to try and maintain that record in 19ss a similar urge was made by club leaders president john mcnabb who said the leaders were only too glad to help at any time members bad ques- uons about their projects the 1988 clubs formed wed nesday will start in april they ffnt m0r61town hiraldj aedlthursday march 24 jltm pace 10 sre llolitein calf clubl jeeijf guernsoy ayrshire eslf club beef can club coroclnby straw berry club forage club a new tractor club to include girls who will learn mechanics u part of the program and a conservation dub for senior members have you heard cf b a h a u l l a h on hundred yr bqq on vale foracait tit spiritual breakdown now afflicting our world and gav ut the solution tlt th mrlas of events that surrounded that speakers life constitute the most remarkable story in mans spiritual history it is the ctory of bahaultah you o it to younalf to red it write bahal bo 164 oakviite opt there is no cost or obligation save up to 50 on extra equipment guaranteed investment certificates s year purchase your guaranteed investment with any amount from 100 to 100000 interest is paid halfyearly by cheque or it can ho deposited to your account interest for 1 2 3 and j years special savings accounts your rail savings account withdrawals may bo made at any timo in person or by mail buf no cheques may be issued interest on the minimum monthly balance no service chargel monthly savings accounts this account holps you roach that special goal quickly doposit 733 each month and in 60 monlhs youll have 5001 chequing savings accounts no service charges on reasonable number of chequesi interest starts tho day you open your account and is credited to you every 6 months on tho minimum quarterly balance choose the accounts that suit you besti drop in to the office noarest you for further details convenient offlc houn mori thurs d 5 fridays til 0 7 5 5 4 i mil a tril ri i instead ha donated it to rjmarded halton peel trust savings company total assols under administration member canada deposit exceed 82000000 insurance corporation s5 main strt north georgetown 177226 john a kiwah managlilt loca1 ihkkgtoll john it barber north halton advisohy 1ioasd i art u t cill h p imivvmitoninrciistnrrnrnynune tllfrir jointhe trig switch to plymouth nowl luxurious fury specials fury ii 2door hardtop ond 4door sedan and fury iii 2 and 4door hardtops vinyl interior doluxo wheel covprs roar window doforjfjo fondermountod turn signals bumper guards remote control rnjrror vinyl roof whitowall or red streak tiros sporty barracuda specials all models chromoplated grilld woodgrained steering wheal sports stripes wheel covers iloormounttod shiftlcuer wliitewjll or rod stroak tiros midsize satellite specials 2door hardtops and 4door sodans vinyl interior doluxo whool covors foam seat cushion light puckngo spocial mouldings vinyl roof whitowall or red streak tires special v8 engines jfcrssltemibbsstesv compact valiant 100 specials 2 and 4door sodans body sido and roof drip mouldings cigar iightor doluxo whool covors dual horns partial horn ring coloured rubber floor mats 3 coma on in you may b a wintiar no purchase aacassaryl v rollking golf cart philips food blender kodak instamatic camera kit or on of many other vajaabla gifts ujhouover specials fargo d100 pickups save up to 185 on special drossup maveal motor sales limited 3ol guelph street iast oiorcbtdwnpontwbo shrfflnsi

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