Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 28, 1968, p. 14

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isg i i wants township reps on board if grant is paid r r 2 georgetown dear sir i am writing about financial rants in general and a grant by e4uoin twvto gcorcciowa library in particular with rcrard to grants in gen eral 1 believe that as lontf as the sum granted is tiny when compared with the total am cunt iuch a a small done tip n to a charitable organization it is quite morilcr when the grant quesld rr fircscnu a substantial part ofc the whole eqst it i jiot in or der the question of the library grant f 5000 unuvt hi consul ereif oji itsvmerjts the manner in which the townjhtp runs its financial affairs has no hearing on the matter and is tio concern of rrmcnk of georctown lhr fjet that the township has no sewer iliqpi r ereat jonat fjcllilir etc jrui is s loohc colli etion of residences api art jrom buntf silly is tko of no concern to eorelown peo pic if the ptopl of georgetown wish to squabble with the town hip the ujy they do anion h themselves i bcliec tho town hip council correct in dcclm n tf the people of george town wish to isolate themselves from their rural neighbours that is their prerojitic georgetown ficilitith like thdi facilities available in n o t oth ers towns is an attraction for people from surrounding areas while this may en ate oiiu malt problems foi tlu town there are also benefits ask any shop keeper if township residents arc un welcome in georgetown i am fituc thalla this day ol the nut omobllc the short extra journey to brampton with its superior facilities including nun resident library membership for les than 4 pa codld soon become a habit and people will wonder why they went 1o corji town on the first place in ctrrfsjdorinif tho request that a scant be made i say no the giving of a grant entitles ik to nothing ho iiriancial statement no representation with voting powers no share in ownortfhip and no iay in future expansion and location just a thank jou and pay what ue isk nrxl time if lhr hhrarv is to bi uirge town md rsquesing library fi nanccd in tho sum manner us georgetown jiui distnel hlih schiml according to partlcipat ing area property ismssmeiit managed in the sum way by represcntativi s of the whole area served jointly uwmd in correct proportion ind ank to jointly participile in provincial irant i siy ves the iximc principle must ap ply wlwn any sharing of cott it involved at the present geor gctown considcn only itself when deciding when where what hou nnd how much where facilities me concerned if jou say you paj hue both pay we both a labraryttss jours r lullll djo knew me at electioriltime writer tells the reeve ml 1 your council n netoti ilimis georgetown ont with jour geoijmown tountti march 24 10c0 parts who knous georgetown refernnr to the refusal of mav ctllc fo c an u n kqucnng township to enter nounced v 000 pt jon into ne otiations with geori town about the continue i u c of the georlotou 1 libnr h residents of tnu j i un vntinp this open letter to the jicce or ivquc mj township beir mr iteeve at the coiincil meeting of march lfl i letter was brought to our ukmv mi u hien i had attempted o eoninuinu ilc to on tin serious situation wh ch tlio nnpendiuj closure of the geor etown linnrv to i quesinj school enliven will create accord in to i pre s repi r you took no iciinn at alt nd hm lied niv letter aside with n tliule in levint t ucstion is tn my idcntik havint properk idcntifie i myself in m list lettei it is difficult to sic tin nee 1 for i wore detailed c planat on of my eusence particuhrlv is it would not it all facilitate the solution of the problem of the use of the geortelown library i would like to assure von i however that i im n ntepiver in the town hip in which yo i mr iteevc arc the firbt offitnl it is also inlerestinf to recill that last november or december you and one or two other gen tlemen mide what ippeared i supreme offort to eall n nu it tav residence where jou nr id me and members of mj family to vote lor jou in the then fortheommg election even thoiijli ou did not jie iny reason why we mi mid do i- u- ilavini est inlishcd then m riht tt canhtruclivt criticism t f tin policies a tlu council of the lowu hip of lquem in ly i lw pcriniltltl to in i ou onet iain not to ill iw the door of tlie gion r town libi ir to il to u seluol tliildrcn if tills township public opinion ind omiiioi aviie demand tint ou lend tarzwell holstein has fine performance record a purebred jlolstein ciw in the herd of howaid larwdl gtorutoviii his ueently torn plotcd a fine reeord of perform ante production test as a si year old hi t05 days on twici a dav mtlktnt ilillmac mastweikd ablickrrk prwluced 2 101 lln milk containing 111 lbs fat av rage test 1 5u buttufat ihu record has a breed class average of 100 fn milk and ibf o for fat hillmuc mukttr4lin ahliekfik la clataificd very twd fm body coiifujiution and u rami tho very good ami oim st u brood ctw hllnuir comnuud r abbkerk her ave is tc very good and claa icxtra wre rayoioudal sovereign muler u- niit c ti ll clmies mildebrindt halton east mp p jim snow reports ihuung this past week two important pieces of legislation portaining to our area have been utuodiicwi to the legislature tilb r irbt of these bcinc uc bill introduced by the honour able williapi pnvls minst6r of education to establish boards of education on a county wide basil in southern ontario and lo lesignatr similar largtr units of hciiool administration in tor thepi ontario till mjnlytrlt of ajritul turo introduced a bill calling for arjit ntlinents to the oom ntunlty centred act which in creasis the amount of grans paysbjn to municipalities for agisting in ho construction of playgrounds arenas skating rjnks and swimmlttg pools as well b rommiinitj hnlls 1 he m w rant byjji m will provide up to 21 of uj co t ot oim of hum f tcilitie with a injximuni 1 rant of si 0 000 for a coiumun itv centit 15x0 for an out doer swimtring pool 0 000 for a combination community hall and skatin arena and 25 000 fir i combination community h ill and wi mining pool nuhimg till wilk i itun ded thret intetini s along with represent ltive- of tlit out ino licpartment of education to ex plain ind discti iil new pro posed ii ilton county board of j ducation i he e meetinj wire lilld is follow one at the i a orr school in oikvilh sponsor jid by the la orr home und school assntiatwn oiu in mar 4 n slret s nior public school in milton sponsiiu d in tin hilton urban bmiid an i otw at tho north ilalton gif omitrv club in georgetown which wis t meetiru of the hilton junlv lltru nnd 1 re a sun rs ssoci itton i s pi i asld tn welcome md visit with two i nmps of wsitors fiom hilton ii t who toured the ontario legislative buildin s hs weik the se j roups wen tin appleby col i lej e hoys school at oakille and the trifilir ompinv of cntmcr scout iioop ntso from oakvillt norval frank black instructs at art club workshop the palette pencil ivt club was host to a work ahop spon sored by the central ontario art association with mr black opp activities for week march 1723 during tho week of march 17 lo march 23 inclusive person nel of north ilalton detachment ontario provincial police wor ked a tolal of 084 i hours and patrolled 8 251 miles on area highways a a rcaulf of patrol 48 charge vh ro preifcrrcd 57 traffic warnings were issuod and 32 vehicles wiro safety checked there tfcre 110 con victions registered in mngut rate a court there were 0 property dam age accidi nts lrtvcsilgatcd 5 per spnal injurs accidents resulting in 8 plcwns being uijtired 1 fataj accident resulting jn 1 per vou in ing kitcvd property iam age totalled fl 000 ausej of aecidi nts were speed too fast lor road or traffic condltl follow too close did not have rifht of wic injilllntive dnv log ind dl iver lost control ihui wtri 7 charges laid as a nsiilt of these accidents ihtie wete 37 general occur ences dun tig tlib periwl inclu ding 1 hn ak erlter jnd theft in vchtigation i thefts ami tother crlnmnl code mtiau being in jtltst gated 1 minot bshaiill 1 fraud invesligjtion 1 missing ybtrth from nivugaueya iwt located in kingston ontario liquor conrol act investigations resulting in 1 jenm being chir jcd i premises found insecure jt night several ouicroccurien ccs were of a minor nature as instructor held in the scout hall on saturday march 23 in the morning session mr black gave d cm u nitrations and jn the afternoon members pain ted their own pictures mostly landscapes la spile ox the very bad wca thcr and driving conditions there were 24 present they came from georgetown bramp ton acton rait prc toron to and norval on ilmrsdoy march 2iat holy communion wat celebrated in t paul s anglican church norval hj monibcrs of st paul s and m atbon s anglican church glpn williams i allowing tho special servii for lrpt slides were shown by hev ii uewellin on tho his tory pf the prayer book members present wcro shown writings of iho first praye book in inglartd infhc year 14 and reviscci editions to the present day general discussion folowed itcv tt i lewollin sta ted that the 1rayer book was tho anglicans handbook 75 per cellt of it being rxact quot ations from tlie bible a hew i evrscd book is alreaiy bc4ng prepur d but could take 10 cars to complete hev lltwcllin closed by siat ing that tho lenten meeting would b held tuesday march 20th at glen william- with holy communion at 7 30 pm follow cd by two vciy good movied ailed janle and the summer we moved to llm street ilc jn shim nts w re served a dine was lield in norval pirnh hill on saturday even mj march 23 pojisorcd by tha worval and distrit youth org fertilize now with sogiecn or vigoro aviilible in ujgs 20 lbs up its time to spray lilies lorsjthia nnd liowirin shrubs to prevent san lose scale vaymfifi r nurseryamj- ff i 111 illu centra hlf mil w of 7lh llrx an u sid red phon ttt9il if you own 1959 savingsbonds heres a special offer just for you the government ol in id 1 h is ca ilul i spcci il new hij yicklint snirny lor the icl iikl rtluiulinf of 19s9 cinuli sumps bonds i htsc speci il rtpl iccnnnl honds will be d itcd m ly 1 1068 md will m hun in 10 yi irs s monllis on oclohtr 1 l7x i hty will lie iv nl ililc only in cicli intt loi inciiiil nmounl ol 1959 c in uh sivmps bunds nnd not lor cish ilicir average minuiil lcll in lilulnrily will ik 6hko i hey will rel nn ill llic si ind ird feiturcs whnli hue nude c inuli sivmps bonds the most populir invtstnicnl in c in id is history i ins in eludes the right to c ish them inly time it any bink for lull i lee v due plus c irncd inlerest in iddition specuil repi leemcnl bonds ofler the opportunily to double vour money ii jou ehoose not to e ish jour repiil ir inlerest eoupons during the hie ol the bond 1 c ompounet interest cerlllie itcs then become pijiblc for a tot il of s2k0 00 etn on e leh si xx x bond this amount plm otir regular inlcrislcoiipmisdoiibles voiirmoiuj you e in like ids ml ic ol this compound interest le ituro in various w lys and th it s not ill there will be two prepayment coupons cishiblc m ly 1 196k ill idled to ech speci il rcpj itcinent bond i hey represent the 6 months interest alnudj tamed by sour old bond ind tile prcpynunt of the 3 imntauble premium ori due november 1 196n on a sickxkx bond these two ircp lyment coupons will be worth a total ol w x the exchnnge procedure is simple tikeyour 199 caindi savings bonds to your bink authorised investment ileilcr trust or loin compiny they wdl m ike ill amngenienls for you lschingeyour 199 inuh savings bonds lor the new iiil1i yieldinr spceid rcpl iccmcut bonds without del ly ihisolfer expires on may 15 198 how to recognize your 1959 canada savings bonds r l u t i n i nhm nrilltl itnppfc ifolwirhhot t iipflcjij i y su mack sscon 1 l h ni i ot it a tn ctfalasbu uillu i nyifi nil nwnjuit blow tin itnil nutnbtir stzatioa of 81 fault aalwn 9 onbujra canedlthi oborortovfn hralj cn church a good turn oat of the bevfced editkut from tmursd a y march it imt teknmgen enjoyed dancing to brampton r t i pack 14 rv rug centre savings guelph pug centre located at the corner of paisley norfolk streets 5 examples triton broadloom teg is so vd sale price 5 95 sfl yd rmmjoiti isimar thiurv cut nd uncut 1u p tm colour mint nrn blo kii brown 12 it width i unique nylon carpet bi- ji3 q yd 7 95 st- yd xmmrt 34ot mttam dv gnj cwitfl mxirm ppar net to hw crpt colour im sritfl quacrvarin pom 9 grvatv bioe 12 ft untifed qunhty propycel broadloom r0 s10 9s yd sale price 895 tlnelurarw crfro tculpturod broadloom spoil and stain tc sponoo away colours brortio grn antlquo gold fmtn groan shell brown mint groan or lt sandalwood 12 ft width large selection 50000 in stock n mail rniidnw uuui will today s1mfons sears limited mifnstm strvot cuolpn ont yupkoo 1723380 ext s3 i uould like frefc titimatts oh installation of ttoomsizo or u all to- wall itu s i undertjnl lint i am under no tblijtinhtaberj vddrei i s2 behergardening gms everythng for home and garden now available at your coop 4p card n fttriilixon y wed sprayt ay lawn fortilixtr y lawn foncing 99 grais sood y sloolpoiu t volabi sods y woldad wire ay busts and sprays y rrtcrt stretcher m pi most ty laddort 1 0 tkfl food 0 wator softoner salt ay comont 1 rabbit polldts y sprayors y work clothes jl forillixr spradrs ay gloves ay lawn mowar 0 appliance ay rcta yilurs m kitchen utotuili ay lawn rolurs y garbage cans ty garden hot y coniplala lino of hardware ay lawns and garden tools y power tooli y wufel barrows united cooperatives of ontario 4s guelph street georgetown a7r1271 opmn moixliy thru situitl i lay 400 we deuver nr 5 30 p m mian or drop in today for all youjr spring roquiromantt

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