Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 28, 1968, p. 2

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presses for apartment slays town lost 18000 george thomas again appear ed before council monday night la anottler round in hi ruonm battle to obtain a building mir- mil for an apartment building oa mouatainvlew road space per unit in ihu plan three is one unit ycr suite while cr ballchtlne cbntopled 1 s spaces per suite was tteslr- able the amended bylaw stl pulfltci 1 5 spaces but the old by law says ochs space i feci im not getting fair play he cdmplnlncd m he went on la list the counr of vents sine he first appliixl tor a permit a year ago lie claimed his first application was made last spring th on gincnr at that plm md nothing with the plans said mr thorn as then a building inspector wan hired much later thr jlns werr prcsmtod trt council hcito plannlnl board h con turned i flajly ititu witlymt ftar of p contradict ion rttorled stev ontlnujnct hallendnc sta trd the school situation in the area was unfavourabfe he alio contended schools churches lib rarics and stores should be in wilidng distance of apartments cr itoforrt francis question ed the tuo foot atrip mentioned by or luuentloe was this land acquired later to coniormt cirmaikted cr rands thb olororrown 4irald thursday march u ih page a mr thomas lhn listed ihr various requiruments made wpnn him from time to time even up to producing the deed to mic land apd stated he bad conformrd lo everything asked of hn in fact much nurc than anyonr else he comrtirnl before concluding he remind ed council the own would bo getting eighteen thousand dol lars a ytfar taxes by iiow lf he had received hw permit whei he firt applied i c ito kjluitim a menihi r of tin pbnnmg board aiwiircd mr thomas there was no thin personal in the building permit trouble lit kjuj plarning board were in doubt2uout the front age which he admitted was the required 75 feel but part of it u only two foot dcep wid cr ballentinc tie claimed the height of the building did not don form to the old by law under which this project was judged the amen ded by law will provide for high rise imr ballentinc also at tacked the number of parking b mmerson who iold the land to mrthomas that all the land was bought at one bsne iulv w hunur n markref 1 t s uirow out tin church and library arjjuinent 4hey re bi far frotn ona end of town as anolhcr he maintained mr mm ma had done everything as ked of him and more if lhey hrihtwanlhjjihrse why wasn t lu told told in thr bctrminj and saved a lot of expense lit puy heeve wpejiflit tol council thty all inow the land wai zotkd correctly if i had bred put to all the trouble and orpuigc lit has id hae a writ of mandamus issued against the toun concluded th deputy reeve after an liom s hklussioii council decided to a the town solictor his opinion on the lc gallty bf the rfroltage um the property and asu the lngineer resident logs signs of spring what constitutes the first day of spring oaks r c bob ouiv icr 35 henry street 7 is it the imt robin the crows cawing or just a certain feeling deep inside which mak is the world seem just a little belter that day mr ollivln- bas kept this log maybe y l day iilxinto the pattern nomewhcre march 1 noticed an increase in the number of crows march 6 -j- snoaldisappcaring and bare earth much more not let able march b sportsman s show in toronto urcfi p husk rat sunning tltemservc arid feeding in day h march 10 grouse are show in e march 13 many varieties of small birds noted including golden crown kinglet march 21 koblns arr appear ing march 22 vanguard of mx canada gtcrte bm a in at 1000 feet march 23 mori canada utse march 23 wind blowmc now from s s west march 2fl kobins have iwcn around all winter but the mi grating ones which started to return march 21st dldn t start singing until today and art very active now social personal mrs fred ainawortb rr 2 georgetown has just returned from a week s holiday with mrs david brill of wulowdale miss luuzabetb lcshc 7 dur ham street flew to hawaii re cently for a vacation she stay cd at tho ala moana hale on the bland of oahu mr and mrs william mcnally jane and john 22 market st motored south for the winter holiday week and spent several days at daytona beach mr ind mrs wuhort bradley 13 parkview blvd and mr and mrs john todd 2 guelph st spent last week at myrtle beach south cardlina vr and mrs- whtred mlno is mcnabb sl and mr and mrs ted stlgger 55 king st e have returned from a winter vacat ion which they spent at trcas ure island near sl petersburg hoiida mm itobcrt hedlcy and dau ghter brcnda 7 bnicewood ltd spent part of tho winter holiday id ottawa where they visited is1y and mm harold robert and children 1 fdith bi were holidayip last week at myrti jleach sputh carolina and washington vv imr and mrs irwin noble and ons pfler ami philip xlfr aulph street motorrd to boi um and new york city for a trip durlpg the jchoo winter ho i id a vs week marilyn daughter of mr and mrs cudni mgurdson 42 halo tdnvr flew to vancouver bc last week where she visited- with her uncle and junt mr jnd mrs ihor sigurdon mr and mrb murray henley and chlldrm philip and mcred ith 11 charles street flew wet jast week they visited uw antles where the child rcn uert- treated to a visit to disneyland and then spent a few djys in sin francisco be fore the trip home with vtr and mrs brian boyd and daughters sharon and joan ne little miss kelly miersms daughter or mr and jdrs ubo mieraia of norval celebrated her first birthday monday march 2s on sunday aftcrrioon march 24 her cousins miriam and graham hill marvin and brian ionstra heather mulder sean miersma and rebecca ttass joined het for iwe iwri ty on monday evening her grandparenu mr n4 mrs s mlersm and mr andmxi wm hit attended a birthday supper in the evening of cvfiarcb 25 la dies of maple avenue baptist church gave her a surphoa pax aii great accomplishments are attained through eoopcrat ion profissor on coast dr andrew molotzl lr apend- lnfl the first six months of this year aa a vlajunc professor at the university of caluornla berkeley this summer with ms ife margaret sargvnd children he is planning to return to canada afur several years on the coast i i f trv t j vj 1 r- l bm m ui am igapetfoodzs iga mustardh m iga matches uhbirthday sale 5 iofn moat ucx tro urn nrnw mm l y too forjiis written opinion on the sewer aand water service ih the area and tlic effect of an 06 suite apartment bulidmr on themtboth questions arc to he ansdfrd by april 1st glen williams enjoyed mexico trip but find no place like home mr and mrs bob reynolds confederation st have returned from a winter holiday tn mexico lew nign nic jpute gejjthe e erty they motored down througli the stated entering mexico at laredo texas they chose the old 85 route down the est coast rather than the very new high way thus a more ncenic through the axitc villugei sierra mountains r licttf bey were amazed to see thtj erty and s9w phxiutav vdiar- minat they crave j with cartf and ox or mule they hand plough the extremely hilly countryside where they grow corn or wheat on the levol fields they row oranges the women do a great deal of the work of the farm they watched a very old lady grinding wheat between two flat stones everywhere there aire so many children who do not seem to go to school and whenever the car is stopped they flock around beggingwor pesos b cents in our money j they live in straw huts 2b out 8 x 6 with mud walls and floor hole in the wall for a witidou and another hole is th door and jf the mother happens to be cooking over some ntlcki with a clay pot the smoke h bellowing out the openings 3 hey drove on la mexico city which is a beautiful modern city then on to acapulco where they kat in a lovely restaurant watching the divers off the cliffs divo 85 feet into a gori8 which vas breathtaking by the way rhis was sein recently on wild world of sport on tv and it mast have been exciting to have been there ered from laredo texas tilli leaving they never saw a road linn or nnv nlhrr mn in kng lish if you were in a very good restaurant in mexico city there would be the two ianiuaic5 spanish and r nghsh on the me nu otherwise everything 13 spanish lhey had a spanish fngush dictionary but by the time you found the word you were ml lea furthet on fliey tra vailed through tombstone ariz ona the navajo trail visited friends in los angeles and tour ed tho citj went to grnd can yon where they took a trip in a piper cherokee right into the canyon which mrs reynolds sayt topped everything they have mcn she sayi it certainly opened their eyes as to how some folk have to live and work in tuch crude ways and thank ful they live where they do they travelled some 0 000 miles and they would like to go back but iiru learn spanish so she could communicate belter with them the virch meeting of the st albans cuild was held at the home of mr lames frank mam st with ten members pre eent the nicotine opened with prayers by the president the secretary s report was given by j hooper and the treasur 0fmi 45 main st north b77433t georgetown s finest fabric centre a taw piecas left of onded-woofc- s3i 159 60 wide per yd colorful sailcloth and linen prints from wide selection of lace and trims scissors and pinking shears sharpened free for our cuilomtrt sewing machine special pfaff cosita with used cabinet 9995 also whrt omji zig zig nd aulomihc etc butterick simplicity patterns also sewing books and catalogues f coffee and cake orange mce 17 bbxylckdiktf ubuikw nam fhb mora ao wmoks oars sa rap toffmg 247c jf39e 17c iithuy fktkv i birtbdaykj loempsth ulslt i0us 17 cjiimy ml 49 you r invited uwtimt m tolnct treesweet juict whole kernel corn chocoitf mgesrivc 269 spaghetti 1 viktift tt t4 f filit beans 17 1 v mi laiiir ia clarks soups wishing well drinks tiealu tuttt raymond quibs 17 17 ciiuum i lit strawberjues ul unit i i tint pel potatoes bunch cabrots cbisp ceuby ebeen cabbage 49 89 235c 239c r239 239c catsup 1 aarf mitmm mildcheese59p 29l sfree 3free sfree gifts food eaton uwibumbtil bmmiumtbllik red rose coffee u faceue my au tissue cilhcihtkm tuui 1111 um wai i ml mu uhi post cebbl sugar crisp vmim1uwu fiesh gbobkb chock sconie facial tbsoe j w tat iu m v uj mhuhh ymk ftozeh lid itaialuf v mu bri uhi h ulml iki wit w hzti u kaster iga luckv shopper mrs j chamberlain 3 marker st 19 67 they truwlled tliru a silver mining toun taxco which is jkopt as it was when they mined the silver back alontf the uest cdat which seem nwre prores- 4ive and up to date mostly in habited ny spanish crowiint the border into nofialas calif orflia lhey visited an open snarkot once but the stench from the meat and fish and files wai once too ofun the alm and food foi tourist is n problem rhty iay to avoid drinking uil t water and eat only veactablrs tfrown tinder the round 1iyy say the meat niuht have been aged on the roof liu womui eorry uiter on thtir buds while thty carry ihc baby in j linj on their back liny do their laundiy in eri report by mrs lcn murd oek the innual iiazoar dile was set for may 11th in the parish hall further arrangl nicnts for the church dance i were made for march 23 cater lnfi jobs were discusld and prices iet matcnil was ijvep out for ladns to uork mi for liazaai lovtly lunch wis served by the hot less die next meeting ii at mr len murd ock i new home on the ninth lint on april j t i on sundi much 17th lu ghn ladies provided he liclp for servinc the lwys supper for the hoeky tournament in town fvtnin communion uivice ns held at st albans church mirch 24 ueint mothering sun doy each mother and child wan presented with a pink carm hon lollowinfi the service a letter ua read by he rectors uirden lorn mill announcm that hev i ituellin ui u lu viny st albans and st pauls need spring shopping money sehfc to the old fashioned delicatessen featuring a wide seccon ci fine e imported foscjs asrj 33ma style specialties f rem our own ksttchsn 53 m3ll st former halton peel trust location hf nvcr in ihc mountain 1 lu 1 n vuy lay aw our psh ilamjiun o clock wacli naku th3 veuit i alion m tla hurra most fr 0 l and krcn ihr pine tros hut ilin and re hit nioht lituwul the itoy sink children h jlnspiljl loroitr for treatmrli we hop he 11 soon bt ull no h to come lllinlt are tilt moht ivtuutwul the itey mold have vui etn 1 licy took a boat trip in acapulco and let aiuif of the boat ubnut 0 at p m mri iteynoldl til a little hand ia hers and hcrt was a littlt fellow no more than 4 or 5 yearn old wautln to help her down coma atop expecting to let a peitoa they ataytd at motrly and rath night the kate wort locked they are enclosed by a wall mnd in an enclosed com- 9011114 lo prevent theft of con tenovof can u was quite coirl- jnii tn b aiopped alona the fsatya verjf aiurly man in unl im liljavir imrpection they remar- ja4bt from th tkna they 0- kay to id famttys spring clothes thltifls for your home nnwlawnorgardonnquipmbntwithasprine shoppers loan from household finance we ii tell you in advanca what your spring shoppers loan will cost wa lay it out in dollars and cents no hidden charges no extras no surprises at household finance baora yonalgrt on the dotted line know what your loan will cost i lu aihi sociliv t iinpaii n u cominl p in april our vol unleer canvasurs will lie on the lob aiin i lit y did an oxucne ly kood job last ytar and tin ytawe hopt for tven bettir if yon havt a half iwir to sptnl you would find a programme on tv on saturday march 10 at 4 p m over t hannrl ii very worthwhile and liiv m ymi a b t ter luslifht into the work nt thr society mia c burin borrow up to 6000 yaks up to 60 irionth to repay ask mbout cndm ufu irtiutvtcm on hrtt l hw atoup rtlig household f1nah ccoroctowm 41 main strewt north teuphcn 8775221 hmi l snvars dhrtntnl iwe aj albilt bur dvtiung iwuis now open daily 900am to600pm thuh3day and friday til 9pm saturday 900am yo6 00pm i european style coccd meats imported cheese canned goods norwegian fsi specialties casserok or hsh cakes many others yoo numerous to mbntion in th formtfr hallon a ml truat location homemade flavour from our own kitchen aa home mada broads j meat piei o frutl piaa o sausaga rollt 10 potato salad m cou slaw vie whole chicken spam ribs mo ituls ajajajj v

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