Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 28, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald pummwd by ham nn lynhad 22 main strat south gaorgatown ontario w w wattnf r page 4 thursday marh 28 1968 editorial taxes best way increasing need to expand accommo dation in georgetown and district hospi tal brings the- problem of financing to the fore originally constructed through govern nent grants with the assistance of priv atedonations th hejspim boardand mun icipal council must now decide whether ihe one third shquld b agaj sodght from pri vate sources or whether n should become a direcf oblfgafton of residents of jown and township served by the hospital faced with a multitude of capital ex penditures particularly tor schools and in town for essential water sewer and road costs councillors can be expected to shud- canadas dilemma canadas unenviable position in world affairs was never mors clearly indicated than in a glob and mail editorial on mon day the writer points out that government leaders are outspoken in advocating a peaceful solution to the vietnam conflict nd that everyone is urging a halt to the bombing of norm viet nam but at the same time canadians are nnching themselves from sales of weapons to be used in the american war ft the problem is both simple and dan gerously complex warns the writer can a da cannot pretend to play the roles of peacemaker and the cannon monger and only a few maor politicians eric kierans and andrew brewin have had the courage to say so more influential voices lod by prime winisterpeorsontndevtertilt 1er paul martin he continues warn of painful complications canada cannot af ford to lose the 370 million in military sa es it won last year under its arms sharing agreement with the united slates canadians then rationalize that a can adian arms ban woud not stop the war but only transfer industry to the states indeed whats so different federal minister of agriculture j j greene ruled himself out of our poll for liberal leadership last week with a shock ing statement about budgeting hitting at candidate hon feobert win tors mr green is quoted as sayjng anyone calling for an annual balanced federal bud cjet as mr winter has has not advan ced beyond corporate financing and what s so different between cor porations and government mr greene is there tome magic formula where a country can consistently spend more than its income without a eventually becoming bankrupt or b eventually getting the mon- y back in taxation in some form surely one does not have to have high powered economic training for the simple antrmetic of business whether it is mdivi dual corporate or government if one pends a thousand dollars on must either have it to spend or use borrowed money comment der at the thought of footing hospital costs in a tax bill and yet if we must have a hospital extension is it yiof proper thfet alf who may use it shquld share the cost rather than on ly the public spirited individuals who con tribute ontheir own initiative if a maior share is to come from hie texpayer there is of course always the possibility of a special names campaign jeeking somof the money from those who may wish tomake a mpre personal dona tion but we are of the opinion that for something so necessary the entire oomniu nify should share costs on art equitable basis said mr marnn last fall ottawa is not aware at all that canadian weapons are really being used in vietnam the globe editorial brands these ar guments as mere apologies advanced with lirte conviction and in some cases witfi little sincerity and it includes both mapr political parties in the problem quoting op position leader robert stanfields warning that an arms embargo would harm our re lations with the united states the ordinary citizen then who looks to his political leaders for guidance and wisdom is getting neither are not enough facts available now for our government to make a clearcut decis ion and it must be one or the other they must say we believe the vietnam war sugar and spice by bill smiley tis a taxing time when he smacks ua with uxea the minister iay it to bauie the beast of inflation it for our own good and everyone should stop rrjartnitwttn deep indignation pretty rotten doggerel but 1 hope speak for the real of ypu serf when i serve warning to all leveli pf government here and nov publicy that we have had cneugh with one hiore tax hrk of any kind the tall of the has unable about taxes some are essential education taxes for example wo have got to kedp the kidn off the streets same how and at the same time turn tbn into potential taxpayers so hat wc will bejibjg to djjtw our old ago pension i and i don t mind contributing to thbsp same old age pensions nd help for the crippled and the blind and the helpless nor do i mind paying for sewers and garbage collection and the street lighting but i do object to subsfdlzft tho frecjoodrrj the credit carrj tnie and the october rovohi boy who cati write off enter tion of i917 will look like a alnmcnt drink food travel couple of sunday school outjthc crafty kimvc who ue un- springtime in ottawa made at the inn tune the boinl li id infnrnnl di m mii with tht 1 mn m sl ho l ho ird at the nd of vu7 hi n were 2 idult iiom jnn u rmi mil nu mtif i f hi i i br ir i ins n pit i nt i i f sjh00 t i ir of ulmli imh 1 0h is tou it 1 l flu nun i s4il ndult f t e iik oliiirtuin ti raimiij the ftc f r child i hi ilrculv ht t n in utio d 1 h ivltfemn srhml llmrd ri nitd tht pnililt n in 1 f it th ik t solut hi w ul l 1 f r llu harley to halton tovnsluy t mini i tn in ii i should continue until it is won and we will r int cuvumi 1 1 th id nil n i pledge every assistance possible to ourj m n oirjta bourstcrm a kvi rnjxo eyi j f mich f in it b hi say this war is wrong and we will have in i- hip f no part in continuing it i jn i mm i in n in i m r a- i i i i 1 ci 111 i if our canadian economy depends on arms production for a usf vwr it is reason itl1 j lr ri i h i l i if iu h to i nrm n i enough to be sad if we continue to say rnidmi nf th lc d the war is wrong but hesitate to disrupt heir indmdml itt s ii oureconomy then we are shameful hygo i ibran out of sell ul 1 crites i ilt 111 njreed tn the bill in principle but flt tint it should lw am i ended in etral uay to ens lire drut sift ty the covcrn rnent ins this under tudy at the pn tnt turn and felt uiat the bill tould more effectively be dt rilt ulth nt a liter elite till 1prung in thi nutter nt thit uhlle the hill doc ekal with the matter of pitenb it r in sfimcuaj nuke refer rnre to the question of safety tf iriu s i n ported into canada fter a ntt in the house of l nmmon the government con firmed tint the dms bill wjii not tw innside rtfl fiiruier at tin tunc but mil be piven final reiflin when the hnns rrsiim ings the gurtcrs will run with blood and heads will rotl iva nrnvmr tan guttar rurv nlng with blood but i dont think it would bother m much not tkjs nbnth at any rata and htfr would th head of th finance mlnlttar look stuck on hi and of a plica it cartainly wouldnt do much for hi image in tha liberal laadarthlp race ilememlcr what happened to he british when they went too far with taxation it was a nice cup of ten with boston jurbor u the tmpot shorllv after 1 and clothing and ujrds they had lost lulf of 1- north america eighteenth century trance ind alwcnlee landlords wo have absentee mps but the real cause of the i ranch revo lution was oppressive taxes the absentee landlord- loit thcur heads some of our absentee mj may lose their seats and if ou want to hf vulgar there 6 not that much difference come to think of it same story in russia infla tion and taxation ivan um ma king four kopeck a day tt cost bun threo to live one for tax omploymt nt insurance private bank jhe hiflle4 dogt who revel in welfare as a way of ilfo it irks nje u help maintain an anmd force fine chaps all ihit oni who eouldn t defend this countiy unnit i d tcr- minrd utlick ly led aid a a motorist i am willing to py heavy gat and car tax and licence fee vo that roads may be built but i have an b- ombiatlon for tax on building atit meal and entertainment at the moment my pet hate is jnjing taxes for a new mun icipal nou hloucr that t3hrow up on my lawn a filthy mixture o snow silt ind bind guaran tvul to kill lawn flowers and probably tree thp list is endlcsi and arbl trarj but i know i m not a lane voice crying in the wilder ness id be happy to hear from others who are reidv to ri- rpond when our lender cries aux inrncndes nu ouse who the czar jacked up the tax are ground in the milli of the on vodki by onekopcek aridit cods something had to give it viasn t ivan i tin donn not be lit v should be pro idid it tin ptnw of the gcoijt n t i pnjcr lhe dniriitmui t m til jus asked i vpu mi f r oilu tou irdi tin i ibi ir h i n n- this tir and tin i is i v tit reisoinbh um nit i in the t t which must be paid back some day with in whlch hlvl blu1 mil vi terest i the list eir iluni in imiii if one continues to borrow without ca rcison- cunmeted h in iprovmcnl jnn stiuttirt i immediate prospects of repaying the loan wollm h l s ll f ihl eventual interest charges become so stag- rant to he paid tu lll iuljil gering that one is paying more in carrying mown cnuiwil ruin r th n hut r to the i ilirar im 1 charges than the original cost or the item the ontario municipal board specif the ibnw is i hi ii t i n of tin boirtl pit u i in ii weekly obsarvatlont by dr harry hiruy mp for hilton i 1 kino nir past ueek in tin hoiisi of commons full it ti ntion ins been fiven to sup pit nu nt in i sunutts tin onl oiist indin nntter in tin hoiisl ifti r tt i i istinnei uill hi 1 1 ti run snpph which is the ip pr i of the iioii t of ommons i p dun rniiu nt hills up un i 1 the i ml of pril es its silt n s in april ii is i v ctlh tint the house will recess sometime next j p i u e k aftt r the supple nienlary jlstimates nnd interim supply i h ie pnssed iiii tun i mi ically set up to oversee municipal financ if ing has laid down a rule that if a town i c0 sn f has a capital debt more than 25 of its as i what aitnn it tessment it is in trouble would not tht future i sin i some solut same rule apply to a country or are there iiht ill i ipn two types of municipal financing one for towns one for senior governments on this point alono mr greene ins ion of llu prot ii in iii i tin it iv 11 x 1 l i ft i i nl- cnntinui to list th i ibi u the piese it or hi tti r ti nn he politif il n all t ilt irl mind th it this sli 11 n t i i iniinui tht se r miiuitt df i nl i ii i imiltlfllv irt eloine tin- to tr- to yrui the governnien i t pi nee tl with the prut hill lio whith vull illnw impeirt iti m of ih us in ttu ir fin il fin isht il ffii in into diiahn ihe ten i rv itive i irtv during the t ii i r dt bite on the dnif bill georgetown herald publithad by home jewtpapart limited georfelown ontario waltar c buhn tublisher garfiald mcgilvray production superintendent ierr ihrlev ailet n bradley news 1 dilor accountant mrs irene nivcn anno cuirio koporler i r ink mulliti advertising marnier islic 1 irk dave hastings mvles gilson john mcclemcnts george ildunij twiiviwgoorflevllahiiir ton ilohespierre or lenin hut i do have a shot jun and when 1 11 be there fully loaded if i can afford a druff at current prices or of lcmpcr or and shoutinj biikuaii a bu les taxes uxt weak word acolyte i don t uant to sound unrea word of the week aclrnity sourness of un- npe fruit sh irpncss also har- i hness or s expression business directory tin lint in i news echoes from llio horjldi of 10 and 20 years ago chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made diilj call yr 7m01 30 mill st corjlown barragers clanarshlrt laundarara tr 72279 18 main s 1gg guelpb all work dan on pramlsa pe iibe proven his inability beyond question to llu de ori low u l ip lead canada through what are going to b difficult days ahead for the liberal conven i tion is unique in that besides choosing a leader for a major political party dalagatat will actually be choosing canada s next prime minister i inn ii t l knurl helium e iwii i ilbhe renovations no says need new arena books ihe board has refrained ikan took uq jn lrom mlroducinc u membership i ttl tl wants children to read but not at towns expense march 22 1wu ihe floard has not jet intro bear sir dueed a membership fee for ki there ha been considerable nuesiril children iho only dif publicity and corrafipondeuce in fen nee between tieoruelown your columns about the ute of and tsquesinj junior membcra the library by tjquouiiji iesi is that the former pay 5c for a dejts i should appreciate the ibrarv card and the latter 10c opportunity to put the i tbiary lach card covers the issue of 54 board s point erf view lrom introducing u membership ba law the board may not fee for the children on the same charge a membership fee foi basis as for adults because it any reident of the mumelpulityj would inevitably deprive a which support the library but number of haqucami children la free to charge non rwaidents of the use of the library the ani fee it consider appropriate am the library haa approximate ly 5000 active member and need a total of 20 000 from lo cal tax aourcc to run for th current year tha cost to local taxes la close to 4 per number per yaar thu la the basis on which the board raued the ad hit non resident fee to 1 a quarter instead of 1 a year la january i we that loun ren i novated n am th a true it ind front in ids i n u hlh le s iml the h ih lie achool library the stewart town visits became unnecessary ihe board has been concern ed with the problem of non resi 1 1 n t plnwet in tin 1 ihhv dent use orthe library for swne the front step tin n uifu time at tha end of 1ww it a k j i where the nnivilirui rutd eel the ksfiieinu council to con sider a tfrant to cover the costs of library service uiven kseiues intt roiidenta but receiveel no aeknowlediiement or reply in ifh7 the subject was under dn tu uioii betvieen the deorttttown and tkquesini ouuells and in i i i mil only action to date affect int ktmiueslnij children haa been the cancellation of claaa visits of limehoune pupils to tjm lib rary during school iumji- over the laat eighteen tnontha twiuur clasa vlalta froni the stewart town iineview and llmehotua achoola have been nthr once a month but iineview nov oea to milton and with the opening of the ktewarttown senior pub dependent uctjnn in the hope that ftatisfactor settlement would be reached purine loot tlnvproblcm lte amo more aeute mt non res id ent patronaife of tlie library in creased ahurply partly due to the school viaits arranged for huh laquuaii children the jan uary decialon of the board to raise the adult non resident fee was one result but the fee wat jncreaned to 1 a quarter in lead of si i year in the ex pec ta ion that by the end of the fimt quarter more aatlsjaet ory arrangement could bo pi up il il ed ihe i inn ml si t i jflntor inup ii ve tirnfic j il willi line 1 the e vi leipnie nl or the t or e tou n in n i illume th it dm nut t with the pr st nt out cl il itkh i su est lb it un in m h not in t d i uov ilin it im t repl uiiij ind the e one i tt better im u ml did you know olltiulo fun t lllilu tile have hpent mon thin si mil lion huililuu niuit th in n hu tnilis of all u illje r rtttid i in forest utt i built pinii iulv to burvi st tht fou t llu alt ulso providi iuee for piotiet ion and rtjouieu nun iluiient 1958 f i he rtmujal meeting of the georgetown night school connttio wis held on tuesday at the high school tlofted to office were mrs john glynn misr jean rud ht ii m so dorothy stone alex hendry mrs rdy thomp on mrs w c reynolds harry savings cyril brand ford wifreci mmo al zeravlev and nekhai x georgetown ond district scout pitrol leaders attenl jlci i bronze arrowhoid course in milton on ho weok nd they were boh burke alex kirkwood roland h incock wiyno fiebig leonard taylor nd keith bull t mr w sloan wis elected prcident of the chapel street hotr o ind school ajjociation at a meeting this week other officers are mrs tred tucker mrs reg broom he id mrs al curnc mrs henry helfant mrs gordon king mr joe cnimerson vorn mccuniber mrs john cumin ij mrs j turnbull j mcbryde mrs russ mc- clure ind mrs murray moloy 1948 m irking the offin il opening of the new garage building which houses the local general motors agency mr and mis art scott held open house list saturday afternoon ind evening wjion over q00 peoplo from the district hni to ooo tho modern new aulo centre the garage i built on tho site of the former ba itation at tha car- iii r of queen and guelph streets a georgetown and district libour council has been fofini d to ict flj n central locil body to promote coop erition ind socnl ii irmony between tho dffiiatod lo til- ind to ducuss and work toward a solution of any problems tluit may affect tho workers in georgetown at a congregational meeting followed the evening ser- vicei in georgetown united churc las sunday a dc lion wij made to extend a oil to rev john smith of nfolk county chiropractor gerald w corbam dc ofat dally by appoint ma nt house calls arranged 11 a main st north wallacn thompson 3rd divlion court clark i commitioriar tr 72j walker currie optometrists 12 main st s bramplon rhollc 4514474 hours oam to 0 p m tuesday to saturday friday 9am to fl p m kivenillks by appolntmont georgetown animal clinic 100 gttclph street dr r b gaikln clinic opon b 8 pa mom wed phi saturday ii robert r hamilton optomatrltt 110 mountaumcw hold south corrclal hllk eor appointment v7 3971 w h carr prouisional enainaar coniultlna amtlnar otttarlo land survyr oftlc 822h 973300 ho optometrist l al brown 0 d 35 mill st per appelntmanta phona 77j7l monuments pollock campbull dlsifins on request inspect our work in greenwood cometery phonh 61 7590 2 water street north g a l t roller construction la now inttalllna aluminum siding windows doors all work guaranteed fre estimates call 1779102 tf

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