Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 11, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald by haa 22 main st south qaofgrtown ontario page 4 thursday apwl 11th im editorial iwhither the buses charles street residents ans griping tis trie season to be imping l5ince the council moved the buset lxff a downtown slreel don t despair it fairjpened prior f and aroused conrmjutefs fe wh result buiosers fosse caused council to retreat nothing li new under the sun and the current shifting of the ay coach route off mnin street had caused a second storm last time it was complaints of those using the buses that caused a fast reversal on town councils par this time residents of the new roule particularly tliose who live on charles st are raising thunder they protest that it is a danger- to school children crossing the street and that buses should not travel through a restdev- flal area the controversy is sonwiin ng of teapot tempest comment in the iin placv w cen fte no par- ttouur reason for moving the buses the odd tune they created bit f a traffic bot lbreck and they reserved few parking spcbs wfuch now can b used by the pubc lie but essentially with mam street not a highway who worries svbout waiting a mmule or two in traffic and lirf t a jam med aaun street n attention getter for rnerdkartts rather than an impediment as lor charles street d is a main traf tv artery whether residents like it or not and a few buses added to the general truck and auto traffic will hardly be noticed njvtten we lived or the street twenty years ago it ws busy the type of street where on must train children from their earliest years to be traffic wise failing return to main street winch we certa4njy would not oppose the new route would seem to please a maonty of tfestdeik and the object ons ae not parti cularly valid no envy caxmrihooomr witfjmomac of wmf sugar w and spice by bill smiley it lets hear from yoy pkiu5 received a letter recently torn the managing editor no less of the petrolia ont ad vertiser topic one of the pap ers that runs my column caa i wish i were a manag ing editor and could dash off mamos that would make p pie ihaka in their shoes once upon a tlma i was a managing editor it meant that i was allowed to carry the bags of newmpapars up to the post of fice on press day but i ntvmf got to write any terse memos thellc tragic one lady wrot telling me id helped her soa another poured out her heart ovrr the death of her rervc old rourth i think a check would rcvral lint thise topics arc far irom dominating the col limn i d get sick of them if ihcv did why not let your readers eltcidr all your read ers not just if cuuplp of cranks you kn w i do write about sports the family the church politic- th seasons and any we don t envy p irre elliott trudeau as he became canada s prime mini ster at the liberal leadership convention he reached a pinnacle of popularity from now on he has nowhere to go but down like a kn ght in shining armour tru deau rode into the fray with unpreceden ted support from the communications me dia he lacked the super ence of a hcllyer the diplomacy of a martin the business sagacity of a winters the fain dy type ap peal of a turner the gras roots oratory of a greene he was relatively unknown to the pub lic thought of as a young man he s actu ally older than some of the other cad dates he was a fairly new member of the party hinted at as somewhat 67 a rad cal and his charm was enhanced oy h it mag ax a swing ng bachelor an american tragedy now comes me acid test and in the iewt tew months he will be weighect in me balance he will face the political pressures wl th n his own party and the wider ones of government trying to keep a majority of people happy while implementing pro grams in wnich he believes he will face 1 kc any government the present economic chaos housing shortages minimum in comes medicare separatism bilingualism nato commiimenh only one hung is sure with each sue ccca ng day mr trudeau will lose a smidge of his popularity in a few weeks or months ne wtlt become a human being aga n d splay ng the strengths and the fra ities of ord nary mortals i wtful h can ttll b great prime medlcill as the news was greeted around the world im the matt bag hattok bast mff opposes tax grantwants jim snow hospital addition to polls reports the letter road smiley im jttlwtf woary oi those colunjpjj on rducatibn and lfeicers talk eboul adults i distrust trachers who talk about school and students you re oettw as a riprtcjtnfrt one more education column and i cancrl itpjfard rhij h hipp nu who could reit in vlcrni tilth a btlle lelut 1 coilldn t my dear mr whipp thank you for your uarm and courteous letter it bn lit ened iip mv wholp eiiy ijut i hunk yon have me confused with columnist itichard need ham of the globe and mail who prcarhc rank anarchy da after day exhorting stu dr nls lr drop out uorld xorjjtt about flhlnj ehc that ji part of mod urn life i next you say talk about adullk i do hut xhe adults an erely teonaoti out o their tecris tve itotiung agmqn thrm some o my best friend arc adults but how would you like your sudor o marry one then you ay f distrus teachers who talk about school and students i ilonl distrust mini i til ldttnrh uho atlc umut njwswur or dentists o ti ibout duiturc who ould you tnlit tu tdlk about thool and stmknk manakiiif editor plumbers lioctors hair irv in ai iin you re belter as a non cxnirt dcir mr w that u ixatlly what i mxi in thn field of cducition and any oth cr field ou van mention and 1 think that s why so many si tlu n non txpcrtj rtad the col formal um lly- uttle diilluv 1j luron sirtet vpnl 4th l forlh i dare to hop that once on a ui thi door hu been opcnnl thr q r publico of my fears and anxi ot nlroductd a rcwlubon dcir mr phm wll tncouralp othcm to the luslature calling for pic isc find mclo id copies u share mv fear and anxiet lhl in urslnj horn of letters hi it i lnc written to lm hecausr rf rnal mcid es 1ndcr 0ntari opltal the tnrc nun umiti dr n to speik out publicly cs coinmuon plan a nvmond jnd lion u i mc the purpose and ioal kl foliio llis iusoullon keourh mitlinini mj objections bem no to condemn hut in mu inint maty jantalcs of ind anvimic u th proposed sp1 f hfully by cureful im l a uhlcj t u hospital cxpiimn i am slnd nrtnl and snctre enquiry and j l tt j tlusc copies thereby investigation undtr proper p u inr ul making public m concern ind hon and suprvis on elm p care if the mursinc resultant actions fikin bv mt in the t fears and anxieties iio uer t0 handie p which 1 hope will- eliminate iherehv letune u the public u mimm thr lack of ffuuno sense of f sfe n tht knoulwlue that i hollh rved only to personal n ponsibilit and h n ta and all relald mc- lnn m to thp communu dion connect d with d ficlitien arc oneratini a l of he government who it this hospt immmtim cmcency within the w doubt mvc further cod rnr an we w u hm well at he takettat mv onlv objective ind pur px t svstem and tluit iwith fclcr3tlnn lo th lution education live and love l wlt tjlc c lulion of the exn rts and identify with they come as my dau hter whoops there a tecnatcr plnv braatsn iq can wm assure you i deplore the cel unu ply other ukc of drink drut and demon hav rd on mrations by students i uac advertisers preach them to drop m hot out and lhr dn tabllsh- ow lets you re weary have a look columns on ludents tcenafcri 1 here 1 vo id ill the dirt j uords it s a over as canada t no 1 c tuenv poe is tn re tore overill public innnn i id medical staff are the new legislation wis trust and ccnfi h n including fulnwaro of thisyjtem s cap- in b the lion arthur mv oun o tint we nny feci abilities and limitations wishart saf and siturt m our tlep nd i an re which is not is universal i fhis concern of mine is not ai ou impli in nur editnnal 3 fivolous one but somo may of mircn 20 in the institution choose to call jt ucstional ind out whit the mystericsof to n bu nv life are all about lr mano0 edtir tavbi i should iw flittered lut i don t flatter or flatten tint eisilj pducnlion schhol education and tecnaj ers why wire jou once bitten or intltn by tocher ho frcc cm lncr lt jd uu jou ttcrr a iienccr nmpr mm my mjd am si cond education takes nr mnr about half of our tax dollars n ard without rar cour and uilhin a couple of decades j s dulls will be outnumbered by m smilev dolecents a couple of hor i wluip nrhf im of nblr thoiijhts but surely worth t headers jrc lnvitut a column occasionally l0 np p opin to him at third my columns about the piper pctroln ont or iheso topics bring more mail mi n jot hut 1 up midland thap any others the letters online or to their local edi are funny poignant symp tor lei i heir it death of dr martin luther k ig by an assassins bullet last week was tragedy en ough in itself dr king was an outjtand ng leader and sriokesman f th am negro population and under his leaderch p trem endous strides hive ben mde to g ve americans whos genealogy goes back far beyond many of their detractor a proper place under the sun but the greater tragedy was tnat deaih of a man pledged to non violence to rjam hit ends should result in a wave of arson looting death and miivhem unparal elled in one of the cradles of democracy thinking americans white and black are revilefd by the lawlessness which broke q mtnrneygener al outlining the prooedures for the province s takeover of ill ntmnuorfal responsibility for the diini one yes t is an emotoml con r of juitl thl l iherefon lu ui mm irtiful ct i but a very genuine hon ei lhp j lu and if mii w uld publish mv letter sl md real concern about the nah vihich require alter js wnttin ti tht ciuihiu is op t0 and trust which pat ii postd to i pos ihlt pnnttd re jnn place or have placed in tredly to tne u s and will probably be ferf tn my objections uinf this bosp ul and too min tim interpreted in those countries as protests read at the cr until mcctini in cs it apptars to the layman has this weiks i iif of vour piwr j to have been nusplated i he iiiui r s of u rut nn will jmi no atisfaclory proof has thus he ill mule iu in of mylh n nffrnd remove the con ojt n the nat on i capital and n oiner mor otes the mc dents wil many make powerful propaganda in foreign lands un cjjrui tne vet nam war two fads emerge from the holocaust continued efforts must be made to f concern aid objecti ns as pri s solve tne bsic roots of me troubla an acord betw en warring factions elim na t on of ghettos and a concentration on edu cat on and econom c elevation of a sup pressed raoc but xtern acton must also b taken aga nst lawlessness and a clear understand ented to ouncil hapi feel fn i oun rt il ni li pro or c n nun in i u ill per mi cl their nd minions private dislu si il j rni fu tile as 1 have found out pub licity of this matter i have con hided must hi the only way positie antl npmihle ins ng given thai misdeeds will be pun shed u in ht nblaimd positive kj mob rula not allowed woids finest natons in the mail ba sonally da not believe all tbu diiat i hems dwie by school children or our teenace pop ulatiau but that aonie in commit ted bv irresponsible adults our cooperation is urcently solicited yours sincerely one of the n sponsiblt actu n can im period and hop f til i v octivat l i nou i hi n md only tht n should we di cu s r debate tin justification of pinsion atmns and amendments all of which wire riven first reading nn nincement was also made bv tlie prov incial treasurer the hon t juries mcnaughton nfthe tirncedurrsandpaytnrntt to be made by the province to thi lountus and municipalities not her r lu tmstin buildings iwinc u td fr tht administration of ju tict in some casei these buildings u ill be purchased fro n th municipalities and la olht r casts w lit re the boildints j business directory tern rrtamly slnftine respon sibilitv from one to d cs nothing to correct or pre v nt furl he r incidents or d es it do anything to elisprove the cons ant supply nf ruinoun circulatinj an to lack of res ki i i i a uic for other munici ponsihle ceincern shoun touard tl ij varinus incidents of varying de jnes nd vvluch art erewling if not olimtmtint what little con fiele net up may have left sure chiropjiactor donald a cay dc appointments uida daily call tr 7wl 30 mill st grjtown barragers clnrt shirt laundararg tr 7m79 18 main s 161 guelph all work dn en prmnta pil purposes tlie space occupied in the dipt of justice will be u i d from the municipality c v siiurdson chairman georgetown public school board stranger in a town know uayhe a imtle hello if lucky curb school vandalism board chairman pleads a2 hale drive hool property in cood coftdit annl 8 iw3 ion imprcu upon our child i ren that thjs is our tax daliar d s tluch u ufcinjc drtrevl uvl as chairman of the eorce- hat diricuy in i town public scliool itoard ere paying th ntoi feel obliged to mike a state- went prompted by two tucid white all rtitcatxe thai enta which happt neu at lenten accidents do hath m stone u- nlal public school i refer to ude the clasrtmxn a flajc pale v j the nteahn- of the tanadun rop cut dowr or a lijtht ft ywmtf difficult to hac and hed cross ha from ture pulld froa tb uall iisdj- the flag ptile and the culling ates that the dawat u vibdi doun of a totlin pole uhich etive and taalteittu the pupili of centennial sclum plac in go hr to ja it n t look to lb bu nur perottil lmrwrty b ir wry frim illy ii k riffllll tn n w jou uy uvly vo d w tuth incmsulfj r hoi hut h wbwl of uiiluui m u tf ev ry pircnt tills lown x ur ilfs call rllbr a uoaai taw well u riiry taifiulr shuuul utenilwr or lh locil rulbut r w i that is beiir done tn our whoou bv irrtspemsible persons itrak inii vvindous uitb tolf biii stones and air riflfs damaging class bloks enlernal hht liic turt and equipnuml defacing ij bunny with achool walls with various typi r of mattrial which cannot br re- moved driving car over lawn and play art as even during re- carved painted and erected entennial project the easyft feummy was once a blfto hut to on to listen and no one td ear uhv do another name anotlier face awcut tk another comihhtor in thw race uhy i ajje ax peoplo ao cold bxauw tb brijciul bunaiy tbercv no need for ma wu a bird ube jet i hairm to be told k h tixhtins a battle each opli wmm farjlto than vandalism confront by thu rararch- lf fw board the staff and pupu tm toatr com ur md- t k and for aoni taua at i appeal to all parent toi tbuuuod ymr tbm eawtar raav 41icuj with their chhdrni the bit haa been ftlliaui grrnm bksu lnortanc 0 majntainintf with rolourful xaatef aaa jtkndittl ivllaokicwiu i td bei prt into nbkt bcnml- ihanlinr vnu for nlloum nie this picl in the interest of con munity he ilth inel utlfire i remain mr dorothy it urns liillenn i i i i wish to fen mally inel pnli- i licly convey to vou mv re iction to the proposed expansion of the ttenrie town h iistrtcl mi niorial hospital anil to express absolute objtction to tlu rep orted syjnpithelic attiuiejc ta len by icorttown council and editorialized upon concer nlnj the allotment of mumcipil funds to cover the cost ef this expmsion whether partially or and no one i c1mpl t ly to ho ohl y j assessment u uinst tht tux pay ern of denrj clown mirch jfl issue of llu de ore lenin her aid 011 will find jtticluel c p- le 1 of letttis wnt to tho van ous deilniu 1 people by me bit nuse i hive re achat mv point of satuintion lor many mnnlhs my hide of indecision and confusion us tn tho morally ri ht course i shoulel follow could have bee n tejuatehl to vesuvius tlu n a further in i cblent occurred which ion vine ed me that still tliero is a real luck of commnnuutioii co etrd inatlon miptrvimon anel author ity at this hoipiuil and i fin ally erupted the dim neit fcnany people wttlina to ahara t1er got to b oieoh ommme to care i i am pleased to report that 1 ue the community deseyve xhc corutrucuon proeram of tha i etter than this surely we ontinn depl of higlwayj in lue thn nt ht to expect and chides five projects for the even demind the twst when ia eonstruetinn season in tho tin hospital achieves that lev halton iist nidinr they aro tl cm we dare to contemplate as follows exjansinn tlie expansion 1 oi this particular hospital w a kryi c oiustruction of the pew debatable question and tlie jus uakcshore lioad bridge over the tifuation for such a major and mxlccn mile creek in oak erioui plan should lie debated lli which is already under pnhlielv uithm the community o then taken to the polls for a voc snco wr rr vo b held 1 nsponslb financially ulmnt of the qurn fill j both hikhway from the tjmth hut fir t let us let the most i me cloverleaf westerly 3 4 and the best from ubat now ix miles including intersection ists tlie tasc for or ajainst e improvements at the south pinsion can and must be dealt service road west entrance to with later in a democratic the rard motor co sensible and economically jusu c clearing grubbing and fled wa refencinc no s hwy from sincerely misstssautfa road at trlndile westerly to trafalnar road in dorothy rtim 1r for future recon struction j anv feiol can crltlciw cond cieavlnfi and irubblnj the emn and eomplam and mtn r way of no 7 foos hw from georgetown westerly lo clon in preparation 0 fut lire reconstiiicliou c coiustruction evf llus stops and turn irounds al queen hi urahi th hw and hronte iui chiropraqor garald w c dc opan dally by app44ntfrrtfrit house calls arranged 11a main st ntfrht wallack thompson r 3rd dlvliion court cltrk a c6mmitponr tk 7 2w3 walker cuftrie optometrists i main st s brampton i hone 451h74 hours oam to b p ra tuesday to saturday friday oam to 0 p ra ivenlnls by appointment georgetown animal clinic lofi gvelph street dr r b catkin clinic open e 8 pm mon wed rl saturday t 11 nu now uil tllu tnlk of ritpan slnii mid worsu thut 1 am iiip posid tu ik lp pjy iurlt l uie aamo limn u any ontario hut llal strvktk rutn liavt altnoat tluubkd 1 mil icjly aimjwum georgetown herald publlahad by haii nwia4rs lihiltd cicoretown ontario wllr c buhh rublislier garflald mgllvry production superintendent r rry llarloy alletn llradlty niws 1jlltor aceountant lira irene nlvea anno currie heporter trunk mullln advcrlillik mauler ijoio clark davs llutinifi mka oilaon john mcclcmcnu fftorfl young rosert k hamilton otstomatrtat 1lb mountanview ilnad south carrclal llldg for appointment w hcarr proutlonal ettginaar consultlno englnaar ontario land surveyor oflc 877 2311 i7733o0 how loading bridges fott air canada i herald publisher waller lllehti attindeil a wriunony at toron to international airport last w ok or tlie official openultf of four loaduif bridges for jot air craft wtjlhr protection noise r duct on and ramp congestion are among tlie advantage to pjlmlienl a rtopton in tllfr actoquay rihnl follow d tlw hbbon cut tint by metro chairman wllliajo auen optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for apolntnlatlt tlhon 773471 monuments pollock t campbell dijigns ov hi- quest inspect our work in grccnuool cemetejy phone 621 75so 3 water street north c a lt koller construction is now inslallinq aluminum siding windows x doors all work guarmllod fteo ostimolos call i77103 tf

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