Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 18, 1968, p. 4

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i georgetown herald rbtiharl by hem nowapoptmri umttstd 22 main street south georoown ontario w c mihn pubdahw t page 4 thursday april 10th 1968 editorial lannual boobooes th acsdemy awards annual fifcow fid cohx and gone and this years tele vised affair was no better or worse than ft4aat we nave become accustomed to there is always a fascination in watcb- ng tig hme performers attempt the most fjikicull of feats synif hot much of any thing as they present and receive awards and pernaps the reason so many of us watch is tfjat we find that for one njpfit jbey become just lde you and me in fact we would say jhat the high cfoof commencement is better staged with ess obvious mlscues than this million foliar array of talent fluffecj lines wrong entrances and xits supposedly ektemporanoous pleaxt entries suffering from poor timing and no rehearsal and this year a breakdown in ftage directions which at one trm left i yi deserved honour awvd cf a canada cenlennial mrdal jp lome skuce ts a deserved tribute to a linn who hat served his counlry well mr skuce is hie type of person for whom the word dynamic can be truly ap- sited he served the field of education for what to most men is a working lifetime 7 years gaming h s experience in a one room ijountry school he later taught in town el ementary ichools faen took his university duration and became a north bjy h gh mcfiool teacher in 1930 he became an inspector left jjns briefly for a teaching post in teacher s college then became inspector in halton county there were 120 teachers under his guidance in 1938 the county s terr f c crowth saw this increase to 900 and h s fob eventually change to superintendent f ijyijoschools 4 vital organization in this world where we are prone to jrcibly retire men at a certain ago people tjke lome skuce should make us th nk ftrvice whether we are wasting the talenis f other senior citizens by putting them ut to pasture too early sponsorship and maintenance of a re idence for mentally retarded aduttiin lorth halton is the fatcst pub ictfv vice undertaken by branch 120 royal canad an cegion for this undertaking alone hie branch frvore than justifies its existence as a leader n the community first and foremost of course the leq fcn is dedicated to serving ex servicemen fights for their rights in such matters as pensions it lends a helping hand with is comment three star stranded on aiaga without a microphone made it a show to forget as usual the best apeeefta were made by norr performers who obviously put more rehearsal into their acceptance speeches carol oiannlng who has starred on broad way 6is in fhe movies miade a grand err- trance and after her opening remark look ed wildly for fhe man with the envelop before she had read the list of nominees xlrfo dame edith evans whose stage ex j penevce goes backbeyond the turn of the century perhaps hie best viewing for more senior citizens were glimpses from movies which had won awards gable and col bcrt in 1 happened ona night mary pick ford in coquette brando in on the waterfront vivien leigh in gone with i the wind and hepburn in african quten mr skuce specializes in names and faces thero are few people he has met and there are few of the older county res idents that he hasn t met whom he earn call by name ho still foltows the careers of tcicheri who came under his urudic tion and most remarkable his retirement lajtcd only one day his wide knowledge of people and places in tho county arned him a part time pojt with halton poel trust com pany the k nd a retired man would like to have but he was not the man to be con tent w th this nor was tho trust f rm con tented to have a man of h s ability only work ng pirt t me he oon was manager of a new bffice in m iton now ho s business develop ment officer for tho entire county tftudgau wouiao awt p aucl sugar and spice by bill smiley oh to fly once more we used to have aupersti tlon in my air force days about things happening in three s everything would go along well for a week of two then the roof would fall in wed lose three pilots in one day or one pilot would have three extremely hairy sftacparlauica in a row a bailout a craah land ng a fire it tappand effort a nouh so that you began to ballava in it n wamlme au partitions tand to becotpe principles it hap pened to ma ona day i was hit by mvryiklng but the kitchtfn ink and came horn with 32 holw in my aircraft tncludlnff on abouf jft inch in dlarrta- ttj and ucr two ft from rny scat i had to and without flafla gnd brakaa nothing much ft exevpt a chtvwadup placa of metal almost um and a ill meet you halfway arjri three to countys agrep staff at milton john dun ford jim jknlclns and hosemary ililson have jol iwd tin swltof the agricultural office in halton county they r replacing john cockburn ho has iwcomo the agricultu rj itcprespntjtue in jetcrbor ouih geo 17 tajlor now fann ini at geme and mrs ann dusun who has moved to cal kary john dun ford at mscd on a farm in peterborough county he participated in 144h calf corn and automotive clubs and um a imunber of tlte third place provincial 411 interclub beef team he graduated from the ontario agricultural collotfe in 196c hospital news halrdn xsf mhc jim snow reports 11ie ontajuo cabinet has jim jenkint the nu exten sinn assistant for halton and booming k d hockey dullt uontoy april 8 jim was born on a holitein tor the past two jears he has hen the a slstant aicultu rnl neprewntative in lambton county on pril 1 he moved to jlranipton to serve as he vssiatattt agricultural lttpr i enutivc for halton and pee countiei poppy fund to those in need it provides recreat on facilit es in a modern build ng numerous sport and social clubs and dan peel counties uorks out of the t milton ofice and commenced it spon ors league grves prizes for scholastic achieve i f m jjj county he has ment and public speaking the 1 st could completed 1- 411 agricultural no on and on l and waj a of the always jo th forefront 1lct n fn vis d u held in by other dosvor of branch 120 it n 1ivrty on an h ul conwiiislon a fur indlca even broader scale than anything in the j a ui ibdretcvun r l tilon ot l clbr of our past and indicates that the legion can tike nciiltural school njrticipatml l su hand jut place n the forefront as a humamar h1 j fini oninetition and on the ian and re ponsble group of ctzen jsakinn team in competition men who fought for their country in with the ontario amcultural time of war are equally willing to fighhfor he is a juir farmer member and in tiie christmas it in peace and haltons handicapped ct lllemied thp effective izens will benef t from their current efforts spnkitu course at albion hun by lh clark the hospital roard expects to have concrete plans of our new extension from the archi tects in the next few ueks and so a concrete start can be uuionzed the provincial trta made on the projected exten i stir urther f und to asiist in sion certamlv a cursory lookl capjal requirements under about tlie hain and rootiui fj tho ontario junior i acmcr loan the present building would corporation j hi nrojrram of convince anyone tliat it u cv s to 1p qualified en now overdue and unless a tcn etabllsh develop ami start u made aoon the over tpcrat farms in the province crowdinii uill bream lmp vw reguiations were stble to cop with ud trust announced ian uvck for the that the plan uill soon be av student aid program under the aiubk department of university af j fairs under tho new program the equipment donated by affluent students uill jlnd aid whtawd pilot almost quatfro in a little stoop with a ud ovfcr it mado by two by foufti i pushed backjjic lid and sur ted tn wrcst out one can uhich varf frozen to the bot tom when tjic danui lid foil clunked tjle on tho forehead almost knocking me senseless dripping blood i staggered off to work ly usalasi next day one of my bombs developed a hangup and i had to land with the thin dctorut ed and ready to blow dangllntf under my lft wihtf this didn t improve my morale much cith cr people started avoiding me tho third day i was shot down and taken prisoner met paddy ijyrne of dublin one of the few aurvivor of my squadron in a london subway station af ur tho war and he told rrfe the boy were running a pool mr when id get it but that was in the old daya wbrnmen were men and boys were terrified at icaiit i was houevcr the war was peaceful compared to present days now lhinga don t come in thrxeg but in sixef and scvtni same pattern thlnj- go along ok for a while and then the codi clobber you ulth cv erythinj they hao the other night for exam pie kim and i uere pr for one of our exotic dinner it uas a peaceful domestic scene she uas playinp the pi ano i uai rijht on top of the dinner the rainbow trout uero crisping niciv the hiked pot j atoo- ucre baked and i van just givmj the canned corn that extra littlo stir that makes it so delicious when tha doorbell rang it was our neighbour thaone on tho left where the bank robber were caught last year it was about 30 degree out side and his internal tempera ture was around 212 he wan ted to use the phone ha was about to kill tho man on the other side of his house because he was ntldllnjf him tie phon- ed hu mom asking her i to come and stop hun us rather difficult avoid hearing this aort oi thing when you are five feet away poking the potatoes and hidping thq fish aijyway twohoura and a cimple of bocrs later i hadn t had my djnnor but jn neighbor had and he was cooled out en oujth ttf go home to bed well thats the way things went all wcel next morning almost murdered myaplf put ting out the garbage tho cans that ucfdecrtd i was catlghi in one of those last kickofwin tcr storms and died a thousand deaths creeping throligh wind and kiiow and drifts a four and ahabt hour trip that norm ally tajccs two hours had a fight with my daugh ter which aha won my wlf is having an oparatlon my tllaa art acraamlno tha backyard bcaus wa dldn t get tha la- vas raked lait fall looks lika hiroshima ten people want ma to have a committee meeting about nothing we had a cloud burst and my cellars full of water half the light bulbs in the houie are burnt out and you need a ladder to replace most of them i nearly cut my entire upper lip off whan i tllppad en toap while ihavlnt and i haven t paid or even thought about- my income tatu i uondcr if they t ike old guv hick into the air force vhcra things only happen in three not all crows aro blnek some have bnullycolorod feathers harder to tct while those in need v111 do slightly betur tllui in the past uie eickell ollndatlon- i pected aliortly and uill fan in stalled in tho radiology iicpt willi ufts like tlus our hos pilal i manang to keep up irgim vtion dinigned to teolinologically in the field of reduce municipal property tax medical science as cwdence of es on every self contained resid tills 11 the hiui ngard our in w n ontario uas introduced in the legialaturo on april 10th by municipal affairs muustr iho honourable darcy mc keogh the new act will prov ide forttso million tins year in prowncial covernmrnt assist ance towards property taxes on an est im i ed il million iiousl holders in the province underi the new rtsid6ntial tax reducing plan the provincial government uill pa an average of about is of the property tax of eaeh b u sine s s directory j- few dah auo when ue recei ed a medical paper read before the medical aociation when one of tins country outstand ing specialists publicly paid tribute to the diagnostic abili tics of one of nur local staff and long time georgetown doc chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made duly call th zj41 30 mill st goriown zn barragers claanarsshlrt laurtoarera tr 7 2279 18 main 8 lgtl guolph all work done on premuaa- centennial medal awarded retired school inspector for nrai ly 50 years i tduc tor former hlod county pub co bchuul inspector l l skuco ins been honoured with a dom tlon centcnplal medftl mr skuce u o man with the iirc distinction of having nerv d todueation u a public and aillb school teacher counfy ins cor and iujervior of elem ntary education over a term it lmoit half a century 47 jjeaib to lw exact lorn in uiulbay hr attended lindsay collegiate institute and fettrborouyh normal school theia bean his tejchini career it a one room schoolhouse at jeittlnn talis in victoria coun i hbum iiiru ly ho immediately became a iuknb skucb 1 ihabhiion ot the consolidated i0u3 m kuce as supclln achool aystcm movint on totendrnt of elomcntiry cducat dmrmea as principal and later witli ivafaltor and later i jo sundndie hi eventually oakvilltl echooli a now public iwltched and bocame a hikli uchool in oakvillo wai named ichtol tcjicher beitiuninij this in his honour i fcevf phsk of hu career at north bay m lt23 while nsnecum in the coun 1 ty hit work krew from 120 xo ie rttclvd his ii a at noo leaclu ri ik worked ulth quten s university and later lis ilachew of pudasogy at jjafversity of toronto in 1930 the department of kducation chost him to he an inspector fend sent him to sudbuiy whofe llis district covered over 700 fell in 1938 he transferred lo hal ton county where be remained pjlul lb5ff with the exception w two years he taught at ham- ituui and ottawa teschera ool- imm trom 1038 to th and u u sctifuil boards and wltncised the demise of halton a ont room school afler a short oni duy re tinnuiil he jointd halton nnil heel trust ilecntly lit was pro- noted to the pout of buwncsa development officer ooverini the entire county and working from the milton office distemper ia conwnonly conal dcred i form of lofluenxa hospitals ms wards crowded births down tor it is dunns like this that residential taic payer in ont i miis itosemary jlllson a re imake us realize our iiofuul is i ano this wll uork out to be ident of milton assumed tho one of the fincit iloipitau in j between 15 and 05 on the diiti s of defied stenographr the promcial ijatem anollierj vast majority of residential pro in milton on mirch 18 replic inn mrs dustin occupancy of the medical and iurfiical ward at goorcttown the mail bag district mwnonaj hospital has hit a new high 106 per eeni mccortiinc to a stfltiitscal ort on the hospitals opi ration i t r uimuifh march the medical better care ot garbage and surgical uard occupancy hiw bwn at the saturation point for some time now w wants neighbors take 1c5 iuiliun cr it i sn ui jil ilayuun cn ci nt r continuing ano tin r trend tho sidtnts win moctrely hope that maternity uard otcupanty con tlnulk to drop the march re port lists juit 23 urtjia keopini thrt rate of occupancy here to juit jo per cent the report aun contained the following ktatlitics yr 1e date mir admliil6hi adults children vawbom dtfhths dally nd of petlenu avsrafta adults children newborn optrhbfis performed major minor lonfjti adnnids imertnicy vlatu 47 i 64 14 bl 20 47 111 701 t tin n xt tune the uind- blow o fiurcel j fow occup iilts of lion cs at thf oilier end of tht strict will have learned how to do their ttarhai up pro perk we have picked up sheru and shetti of ntwpiper ftnipty cms dirv kleonox and a fsw filthy thini vhich aro unmen turn iblt how would these people uka it if wo fathered it al up and returni d it with thanks but j not rwpured llni js not tlie first time 1 lupptns vtr tmio it ulu win idy itrhatmi if they wer fineel for not dolnj the jfarluip up vfl si curtly thty would think twice 2q iwfoit it jvini it to itlow all ac trost tho btrttt were thinkinc of oolitic tin j tht iuriail tutu u hit h conic behind tliu urt 15 ni fillinj tin ni and if they 2q wint tin m tin y uk their 171 tho niwdally retarded ciiild is iiot ifck therefore there no cure hut proper car and train iuf will enable 20 o evory jo mentally retarded to dvolo into useful tnecnbtjr of the com munky elaiappoitint in wmb or part i jhai too wt vt hpoken to tho town ship and nothing tan u done unlisf wo know who tho cut priti an vt vt iucktul up on ltlttr clearly marktd with mnip and oddrta ao watch out uiiltts1 you want troijbu uj your tarbaiie bocinrcly many thanks ijurutf a juakin tlnnj that must fiive deal of jli fiction to all our staff u tlie numlicr of canli and icttws of tlianlcs reccivetl rach wetk from grateful expitienls on their treatment thcie ani aunt to many hundrtdi n tlw year aujone of toursi who reads the herald realils this is japponinj by tlie larj num ler of thank von cards ctntajn id in the vuekly urds of thanlcs tho ni w chuirm m dcnnt y charli s is busy making up hii list of committees for tlm en tuing jcar and will lw present inp it to the board meeting this even in l at tlio regular inontii ly nieetmn wo have a lkt of donors to mention bupunfortunately we will have to bavo it for anotli cr column in the ftitits- ireat pcrties in the province georgetowrtflerald publlthej by hcmtw newtiaars limited georgetown optirlo walter c bubrt publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintrndent ierry hurley alleen bradley news lulitor accountmt mrs irana nlven anna currle ueporler 1rnw uullin advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings myles gluon john mcclomenu gaorge young this lv act brines a lien fit to nil rtsidtntial properly tax pavers and brinf s the trreat est benefit proportionately toi those who need it most the tait credit system uill be adnuns- ered bv municipalitus vuth the full alv ice and osystanct of the department of municipal affairs die municipality will be p iid tlie full amount of the lax credit bv the province lax payer who have already paid tluir taxis will h lvt refunded by the iminicipalitief an amount equ4 to tho credit tho munic ipalities will then make claims to the department of municipal affairs for those credits and refunds under this loufalunn it is required that in tho case of rental properties the landlord pass on tht htncjit received due to tlti tax crtdit directly to the tenant till adoption of tlus bill by flio legislature will unnjj the total amount of provincial payments made to municlp- alititi lncludiug die school boards to 12 billion dollars rho total of municipal and education expenditures wi 1018 is project ed at 2 5 ulhon dollars hi in bill increastm thn ivovdnco s share of municipal ooau includ ing educstion tids fiscal year to nearly half in fact to 4bc of ttvery dollar spnt by the mu- n id pal hies mt ntal wtanlatiotl disables twice as many children u cer ebral palsy polio heiamailc heart disease and blindness do toother one out of every 33 children born la or la deaunod to be retarded chiropractor crld w corbll dc 0mhi dally by apt4wifmnt llousd calla arranged trrmt 11a main st nord wallach thompson 3rd dlvlilon court clark a commlitibnar tr 7 2w3 walker curhib omombtrists 12 main st s brampton phone 451hvi hours 0 am to b p m tuesday to saturday friday 0am to 0 p m evunlne by appointment robert r hamilton oftomtrur 111 mounlalnvlew koad south carrclal blilc for appolhtmant bmwi georgetown animal clinic 100 gelpb street dr r 8 gakln clinic open h 8 pu mon wed eri saturday 9 11 mat w h carr proftiiional enginaar at consulting englnaar a ontario land surveyor okic b77 22i1 8773300 horn optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for apfrtlntmanta fhon 77s7l monuments pollocj campbbll dksigns on llequest inspect our work in greenwood comctery phone 631 7580 tfl water street north g a l t roller construction it now installing aluminum sidino windows s doors all work guaranteed frea estimates call 177 9101 m

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