t georgetown herald pwmwlmlby honw nwfipiprt umhtq 22 main skt south oiorpttown ontario yijl aaaaaava- am asti page 4 thursday aaay 2nd 1 v6 editorial comment second chance j a aconetciistc for high achool drop- cuts avahatilej ceordlno to a ntwprtf brnv baring initiated by sheridan cqllaoe in brampton vyhrta thu hee always bn ayeilebla ir wghvcrroola there 1i usually an oo bar- rlajr which dehwi man or voman- from ttwindlno class with taanegara thasheru idem plan outlined thij week in an adver- ltlsesrient and news article in the herald is basically for ttudentm 19 prow who have ibeefi outof school for at least a year a three month upgrading program would give them studies from the grade 10 and upwards level mathematics english 4nd science will be followed by four weeks jlri a specialized field at the end of the not a happy one j a policemans lot is not a happy one mourns a gilbert sullivan character and certainly the job has more than the usual occupational hazards if he does his ob too faithfully hes in troule if he shirks some of the minor itmenls hes- liable tc a reprimand boss somewhere there hhould be a happy rrnedium and while this exists as a rule in georgetown sometimes we wonder jf we soouldnt havo a bit more of a small town atmosphere and do tome winking at minor sparking infringements particularly 2 a case in point last week involved iclket issued to a resident for blocking his driveway with his own car in this case jihstpoliceman was on the spot for he pro- jbably thought he was doing the owner a jfevour by tagging a stranger what we are more concerned about is jlfie fait tagging of downtown shoppers who jmight run a few minutes over their motor utlmo or the four dollar nip for one who briefly in the median to pick up a percel in a store here too wo areasking m lot from a policeman for we are asking jfdm to bo the judge whether- a parking of- jfence is deliberate or whether if is a one time infraction i another complaint and this t one jwhere we think the authorities should issue pecific instruction next winter is the tag ging for afermidnlgm winter parking of zcars when a party is in progress the park- hope for sunny skies i for on saturday hundred of psopl tfri georgetown district are joining wih jorhor grbupi in various ontario cenlrfti to tris fund for oxfam which it dedicated to helping fed world hungry the 3d mil walk i tcheduled rain or jblrw but inclement weather will of course five an adverse effect money railed h by sponsorship of tummer twilon student would bes- d and if h pwed the tetwoutd bo admitted to a regular program in septem- br loena would be avallawe from the ontario student awrd- program but h ii mphatlzed that the oourtf would no j iquejify vtudent for hit leohndaiy school graduation dtploma hit entrance fo col lege would be- dndor the rpelure student regulation sheridan is to be cdrpm ended on its interest in thlnldng of yoong people who at a tirne of immaturity have thrown away thejr chances by dropping out of high hchool we hope many will tak advantage of this second chance ing bylaw it on the books for a good rea son to enable snow plows to do anef- ficient job at night if a person leaves a car on the street all night even though theie is no snow a fine it justified for a sudden squall can occiwndthen hi car is in the way if the occupants of the house ere still up and if there are a number of cars parked on the street it is obvious there is a party and that the cars con be moved if necessary none of this is intended as criticim of our police force either individually or col lectively they have a job to do and they dp it it is rather a suggestion that the po lice commission and council set up a more flexible system for parking bylaws allow ing the police some leeway nd judgment just as it it not alweyi necessary to apprehend a motorist for exceeding the speed limit when it is safe to do so so it ts with parking infractions we realize that nothing is perfect and that by asking a policeman to ute judgment we make his job that much harder for he will be eriti- elzed for picking and choosing however it is important to merchants and to the community which depends for a share of hi tax revenue from a prosper ous business district that shoppers not be antagonized to the point where they will desert our town for one more lenient sunny skies on saturday will mean that more people in the world will eat a little better hauton iatt mji jim snow reports 11 pjn but this is not always the cue for example oh mon day evening the house did not rw until 20 minutes to 2 on tuesday morning ontfjespay the honour able ileno lirunollcmlnlster of lands and forests annqunced the establishment of a 7000 sojurc mile provincial psrk to b established in the james bay hudson bay area wblctr will become ontarios first prlmatlyejmovlncla p this new park to be called po lar boar prqvjndai park will bo ontarios largest and injpats approximately 314 time the in of prlnci- edward island sugar and spice by bill smiley take that mr whipp the legislature wont bade to work with vengeance on monday april 22 with ihe three nujtit mssiona scheduled for each week normally these flatting hot under the collar u ttttbt aeuiotu conclude ebouf various levels of tfoverwhetit s it reedln this thine anywey cettera have been earning in ehevalfuls late ly keep it up chaps whether you aflree r net a recent column on high tax es seemed to touch a tore apot i didnt hear from the minister of finance but idld hear from number of people who re take bigger and b lager bit from an apple that haa already ieen well chewed r karhaoocn of thuonburg dlillkea conuiulmry baneflfei ha ay the needy ekar m mn test- should be looked mtitr but thot who lut dopt want ncafjtowerk hould be- ylven men ial labour if they want public handout he alto protests the costly commissions stebljihed te invosttfet tax and othar p rob i am i and- wbot rports after a- cursory mm1 nation are helved the honourable william stewart tmsnlater of aitrlculture announced further extension to the ontario crop insurance profratn whereby now after a test period carried but last year jdrasc crop lniurance wu he midc available in all counties in ontario t m win c smith of oakvllli i was vkityp1eascdonwcd- wanted to ot tny nesday evenbiif to have the w cants worth in to uupport g micdonald of toronto with a terse scots tcnte lays- tho covcrnment is becoming tophcav mrs m ferguson alao of toronto tells of thu incredible cost prr hay for u hospital bed in a public ward in that city from 4315 to 5250 a day for those who do hot have provincial hospital imurance and many dont hoiiourble john h kobarts prime minister of ontario vis it the riding of ha lion east where he was the guest speaker at the annual civic night of the oakvillo ileal estate board this was a most enjoyable 9 veil ing and was attended by ap proximately 200 including civic ofllciau from both oakvllle and milton as well as thoe tnexn- bcrs of the real estate board the prime minister spoke in dtaii on the operation of the basic shelter exemption grant system i your vlwt fastened to hu attar were three pennlaa with the postscript why the extra penny tax tho whlpp affair you rem ember mr whtop editor of thr petrol la weekly who warned ma to atopwritlnt atwut rdi- catlon and teenagers or hed cancel buckets of letters vx- oorclating mr w and encour aging your hero it seems that there are a lot of people of all ages who arc interested in these topics t a deans ef london f in some ef your columns yew stress education and youth ood for you yeu obviously dont agree with richard need- ham i do but education whether formal or informel is essentia l end for the mmoglnfl dltor of a paper to fhrjsanrt to cancel a column of referent ceo to it la comptately idiotic this was one of his mlldej par- aoraphs a teenager from walkcrlon f think that your eoltwnn isono of the pyost alive writings in todaye ncwepapere being a teenajer lit one of the rough est and loneliest times i havo reafched im tornbclween joy- ally- to my parents and anger at thorn for clipping the wings that i think arc fullgrown cri- ough to fly its particularly hard when i start to wonder u m the only one that acta this jvay and ask myself whats tbo niatler with me anyway theres more but aho ends so please keep reaching out to stu dents and teenagers ursmll ey too few people dol a former atudent maureen schwartt kllloran of coeks- vllle writes hotly in defence but she prejudiced i gave her ss in enllh not long out of har teens thes getting th matssge speaking of raising kids it is no wonder the older generation always seems to be making such a mess of thing raising the y gen oration is enough to reduce them to babbling idiots all this end my icldlet is 17 months what will i be saying when she it 17 yarst all t ean say is that you wouldnt bellsve your ears maureen give up mr whlpp news echoes nm kir haramt of 10 and 20 yaart ago did you know man of thani run 1o two or om tuinisnav ouvilnt 1 zl iy the out ot tno vary ouastl to hav ihi hf y t but u i s john arabulnc is very pleasau to have tha 1rcm f w ar nr is to tr was opporiiwlly lions club of oakvills anaual ciliitn of the year tnrard hlgbt and presenting on behau of th prima ministlr and tho provlni ca of ontario provincial scroll lo ui rccipionta of this award thitoakviilechlmrisbod rprntatlv david ndl of rrcslnn your column swings uitli own iwwt suburban rhyihm ktoj telltnif it like it is imire than 1100 lives are lot by drownlnff in canada annual ly tho object of tho anriual siva a train as many people at possible in lurti- flcial respiration methods ao lt that if a water accident does occur there will ic botjieone on hand who knows how to revive the victim i gorotown oldtst established retalfbusikess marked riothor mlleston last week when a new self serve ehopplrtfl centra was opened thej b mackenzie and son ltd firm on james street ust off main was foun ded 58 yevrs ego by the late j b mackenzie in acton end oviar fifty years ago bogght the henry lawsen planing mki in town the new addition consists of a modern one storey building adolnlng the mill norton horal now has new branch store to serve geor getown gardeners norton floral garden centre bed its official grand opening last weekend it is icxytodv on guelph st opposite dominion sefld and is man aged byxtom reed i georgblown lions won flrstprio and 4ldp t ilia fog ion 6 rally at credit valley golf and country club erlndalo on wednesday whonthoy were announced winners of the regional visitation cbntost georgo- town lions members have travelled av aggrogalo total of 7fj in vjsvation since soplombor hi i demolition of the old georgetown high school will be be- delayed because milton high schqo overcrowd ed as many as sixty southesquesing students- will be transferred here next term and spaco in the old fchbpl will be needed 1948 members of the st georges tennis club officially op- ened the 1948 tennis season with a social evening in the clubrooma friday george walker welcome those present and max hughson reviewed past history of the club end future plans four work groups have been formed headed by doug sargent max bradbury max hughson and bob smith bruno scllilzzl centre and left winger with milton in termediates last year is georgetowns neyvest business men he has purchased the llllico beauty salon business from mrs donna ryan who has been operating it since she came to georgetown e year ago clerktreasurer of the georgetown hydroelectric com mission tihee shortly after its installation in 1913 miss k d ryan retired at the end of april her position will be filled by mrs j p reid who has been assist ant in the office for the past few years did you knowt the st john ambulance home nursing course consists of eight twohour elsases is tht by heilstered nurses and teaches simple nursing procedures ttie course includes the most recent patient care procedures for home accidents care of the chronically 111 emergency child birth and disasters the district at a glance i walkers withjieople pledging so much a mile tor eity mile completed high school ers particularly have signed up numbers of sponsors with rates varying from a cent to several dollars per mile until the day is over it is impossible to estimate even roughly what the proc eeds may bring to oxfam but certainly in dications are that it could amount to several thousands of dollars i of a series assessor is responsible for valuing property by marshall bain i gvoroatoww assassnmht cotrwillsslottar when ratepayer heir the j word assessment there aeem to be a alight esnouonal twinge at the sound at the i word each ratepayer realises when he pays his taxes the assessor has had something to do with it but in lot of cases he is not completely aware nf what 1 j an assessor is a qualified person who has heen appoint- z ed by council his function in j the municipal process is to put a value on each property j in the municipality in which j he in employed he worka tmdci the authorii v el the ontario assessments act the alectod council does not die- tale values itt feet it is pro- talbited by law from doing in addition to valuation the aaseseor must keep a great deal cl utistlcs some quest ions may seem strange to the x person being asked at leaat all required by law aa neces- y information for the aa- when valuing properties the assessor is interested in whe ther each property is asses sed equitably or to be mora specific that each ratepayer pays his fair sltare of the tax burden in his particular mun icipality when a property owner in georgetown looks at the assen ted value of his property he realties that the value is only a percentage of actual in market value as long aa the assessor can value all proper ties at the sne basic percent age of market value he is ob taining lha equity which be requires in tome communities in on- taiiatliiyitsnloljl properties has been changed in order to show an ansessed value which is equal lo or al most market value in these communities the millrate haa dropped to a very low figure however the net tax bill to the ratepayer has remained the same other than normal uicreaeet which must be col- versa however the tax bill remains the same la the next article we will deal with values as they relate to the sale price of houses and touch on todays market for property we would appreciate any letters with questions and comments which could be ilualt with in future articles fcfecj lo run these communl ties so as you can aee the larger the assessed value the lower the millrate and vice continue tree planting in credit watershed tree planting in the credit valley watershed is going ah ead at full apeed superintend ent n- j afcmahon reported last week planter and crew are working near terra cotta and krln and will move to meb dowvale next week it u easen- hal that all the tree ordered are planted within the faw best weeks in the spring during theaaasan tree will be plants ed on authority and privately owned land in the valley over the last eight years the credit valley conservation authority has planted about two million trees in the watershed dip you knowt t loer hi ifnm m of the st john ambulance bri- gade aye more tban 00000 hoursof voluntary public aer- vico across canada nassaoawiya the humane society will be called in to help nassagaweya township council rid the town ship of packs nf wild does which are roajninfi the area en dangering livestock and resld- enls last uwk one pack at tempted to attack a young girl as she played in a field mnr her home hut were driven off by ihe girls mother milton record snentllnj of 512jw17ofl is roflcctcd in miltons loaa budcet that will increase taxes 5000 residential assess ment by 33i council in a spe clal session adopted a mill rale of 5m residential iup 707 and kitm commercial up 859 acton a 30 house nululivision lan in acton including a small shop ping centre is being considered by acton planning board mrs matthews of starr ileal kstate rxiprciontintf gclleny riuiders of weston presented tlve plans last week the proposed homes would be in the 17000 to the 20000 price range oranckvilli orangevuie residents and all service clubs and organisations in town havo lieen asked for assistance by the rocroation committee in preparing a rec reation plan for orangevuie a circular has been sent out asking for opinions on what kind of a recreation proifram should be carried out within the next 10 years brampton canadian kodak limited has offered to buy 200 acres on the northern brampton boundary the land they are seeking is bounded by highway 7 bramp tons northern limits the cpu trecfcrndthe wret-une- west chlnguaeouay thoy plan a fac tory tluit could eventually em ploy 1000 rockwood ire last week destroyed at least iso head of cattle on the farm of joseph lundley r r a illlwiii euaeflgklna i mrs mln wiv of curgi town relt impallad to writ as pr invitation i hvar mill rsdlno you doss that main anything think yeu are kinds ood thank yeu mam semetlmse im kinds bad foe but it uiuslly mskas me fl kinds uood mary mccaughna of keswick swings into rhyme tell that managing editor tn jump in the lake i subscribe to the era mostly for your sake as to teenagers call em younk adults perhaps then by semantics youll kt lutter results as to education youre in it well brother so are we and besidis as you mentioned it certainly isnt free georgetown herald publlthtd by horn kjwtf3apri llmlud gcorcotovvti ontirio walter c bichri publisher girfiild mccllvry production superintendent ferry harlcy aheen bradley news editor accountant mrs irene niven anno currie reporter frank mullln- advertising mmacer lsllfi clark dave hastings myles gilsonjohn mcciements georfie younc t business ptrlpctorx chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 73401 jo mill it oeoramtewn ed their effort to saving two nearby houeoa wliwi tliey lrriv- ed to find the barn engulfed fa flames ecimapucem sotiteoneskeart cdvetothe ftedskkw appeal corbeh chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appolnlnnnl s77ee31 if mill st old post office barragers cleanersshirt launderere tb 7m7 ib main s 166 guelph all work don oh premises lthe unwanted children iho i sfied tha destilulo the alcoholics the potential suicide all tho thousands in distress turi to the army tho salvation army never refuses a call for hslp to provide tho homes hospitals clinics and other services necessary for tha difinity of i humanity tho salvation army needs your help j pleasbrlotlt ftasldenra era raquastaol to mall their donalloni in the blue anvelopaa vhlch are available at all h t i can imp bank of commerce georgetown treasurer mr donald m winorovr mgr walkkr currib ottomitristt 12 main st s bramptoa phono 4mu74 hours 0 am to ft pm tuesdsy to saturday rriilsy 0 am to 0 ym evenings by appointment wallaci thompson 3rd division court clerk x commissioner tr vmu ceorcetowh animal clinic 108 gaelpb street dr ft b caskln clinlb open 6 g pm m0n wedv cri sahjrday t ii u mcbaiti and hulme ontarla land surveyars wlllowdale lc millksse ols o7fli21s residence robert r hamuton oplometrlit 11b mountainview ltosd south carretal bldg for abelntmant mrtsm optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st llile fu 77371 w h carr provisional engineer consulting engineer ontario land survayor olflee 177111 1773300 home monuments pollock campbhll designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemotary phone e317sm tt2 walcr street north 0 a l t roller construction is now intlalllnoj aluminum sidino windows doors all work guaranteed free ettlmatel call 77vlp2 h teaeher use infonn in a aontonce i i pupil r john hit jack and now jacks got it inform-