Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 9, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald i vy hatm n limrred 23 min slrwtt south georgetown ontario w c aub0vutunr page 4 thursday aaay 9rh 1968 editorial comment the district at a glance room fi w four n d p supporter albeit porter accuses tti herald in a mail bag letter this wk of being blej and recognlring only th two i other major political parties nothlrvg could be farther from f troth the criticism is quite unushfled the herald it under no obligation to use its rw columns for achjrtisigj opcomfrvg pol- jtcej coo ajrtahsvm the hue nor do it do so withopt at lest token sup- iport in it advertising columns rowpvex mr porters letter brings up la point we have mentoned before the h- rajd editor not only recognizes the three fneor parties but wishes desperately for a fourth v t the recession ids the revort- sth the old oder or what you will we- fcelieve canada needs a group who want ito return to the days when man was not bled of hu enterprise his selfrespect and ws pride by a cradle tograve philosophy which has permeated every poltician for the last quarter century there must be more like us in canada who want a modicum of social benefits without the stifling oppression of bureaucra- cy which has permeated our provin- aal and federal governmental systems conflicting theories har porter s letter prompts one query v has puziled us for some time about the new democratic party the ndps have been most outspoken and in this they side with at least one wing of the progressive conservatives in criticism that our economy is being token over by foreigners particularly the united states i yet at the same time it seems to be a fect that a good share of the party s funds served halton well i announcement that dr harley is no seeking naelection in halton this time gives occasion for his constituents to say thanks end well done m dr harley has been no unseen back- benefver during his five years in ottawa i almost from tho first he made him- aelf heard and he has served with distinc ution particularly as chairman of a commit tee studying the cost of drugs bestde his busy schedule there he has given a fair there of time to county matters as well in his public appearances we want health plans which will pro tect people egelrit major expenditures not one which encourages running o the doc tor with every little ellmeqt and the doc tors jacking fees up and up because they know they ere assured of payment and a continuing clientele we want unemployment regulations which give legitimate aid when needed not a soft of travesty where people pay in and etpeat to get thermoney back one way or another we want old age pensions for those in need without tbe oostly accounting nec essary to pay these to averyone then col lect them bock in income taxes we want the sensible old type schools like chapel st not the architects dreams which use picture window which must then be covered with expensive drapes flooring which irritates a teacher i feet in place of the tried and true wood we wntgoveamnt employees at ot tawa and queens park qualified for their job and willing to do a day s work we want canadians to regem some of the courage the hard work the dreams that our ancestors had when they came to a new land to carve out a better life for themselves and their chidren acton membera of the st john ambulance brigade were accorded a standwvs ovation by over 100 dtixena and axfantrare fathered in acton music centre to honour the brigade at the annual citizen of the year din ner orangevtulc ontario hydros conference and devel opraent centre just north of oram evil i e will be viewed by the general public in june when jta expected it will be oocnplet ad a aped tl preas preview of the 1 8 million centre was gl veil last week milton milton council has author red solicitor da mc nachie to make whatever ar rangements he considers neces sary to bring the towns annex atton application to a success ful conclusion the town hopes tp anrrex 2200 acres most of it from oakviue and the rent from esquesingtownstip r oakville two hundred and fifty oalcvule residents vol unbsered to donate their eyes on ibrlr death to sight lesa per sons during an eye bank cam palgn concluded there by the oaavllle hotajry cipb last year the club purchased a container for the eyes which i kept at oakviue trafalgar memorial hospital one of a series market value vs assessed value halton bast m p p jim snow reports comes from labour unions who are largely dominated by americans does this not place the ndp in en awkward position should they gam power at ottawa can one deny business the opportun ity to invest in canadian industry while accepting the dictatorship of other u s big businessmen roulhers and the hoffas who mxort such huge influence on our canadian economy nassagawkva the heavy equipment school on nassaga weyas sixth ijne will be taken over as branch of sheridan community college probably this fall it waa announced re cently the school has hern in operation under the provincial institute of trades and occup ations branch of the depart ment of education for the past two years chinguacousy chlnguac ousys 1968 mill rate will re main exactly ax it wh in 3067 major factor in stabilization of the rates is chinguacousy pub lie school boards demand for only 483 050 a drop of close to eight mill from their 1067 request first aid for sick lawns here whether a such functions as tne fall fair or a remembrance service or as a spea ker to a service club or participant in a panel discussion he has always given his best he has the quality of liking people which is reflected in people liking him and the sizeable majorities he accumulated in elections is perhaps more a personal thing than an indication of heltons poll tical preferences his retirement will undoubtedly mean a much closer race this time in the mail bag accuses herald of bias against ndp politics ot sargent itoad dear mr editor it sems that jour newspaper adheres to the dictum of the toronto star that there is room only for tvtf political parties in our questionable democratic society x am inclined to agree but very much disagree on the choice of parties to remain thm is all prompted by your paper failing to carry a neus release lait week concentlm an nop nomination meeting whatever the reason for fail lni to do so the suspicion is hat the habit of conformity and blind allegianca to trad it ionslly oriented thinking polit- leal parties have ioj your beard of management to disregard newer parties with new ideas that will benefit the canadian populace the tories although they ere ated confederation have been unable to make change to the wta act to conform to other progress over the jpeaaiib years the whigs have beed talking of a medicare plan for the pec if new political thinking is discouraged it could well be the main reason that soon we will cease to remain an indcp endent nation albert porter i ju u we are threatened with be coming a aatethte country be cause of too much foreign in vestment gives high praise to youtfjfuj marchers 117 moore park cro georgetown ontario may 6 10ds dar sir those who would decry the activities or lack of activity of our prevent day youth would have had a rude shock if they wwe out on the highways this lant saturday lhe vast major ity of the oxfam walkers were young people jwth thote in grade school and those in high school they were living proof that our youth still has guts and that many thousands of them do care about their lesa fortun ate fallows they were there in shorts they were there in pants they were there in leather jackets and in blue jeans they were long haired and they were short haired they were tired but one could sense a grand feeling of part ielpation and a feeling of eotuf radeshlp it waa a privilege to he askoctated with these young people the community spirit met aj oug the way was also a worth while experience and one which will grow with the next walk when incidentally 1 feel sure that we shall get more parents marching along with their chll drcn by hanry stanley halton atirlcultural rp now is the time that jourj ration lawn should receive attention if you have poor areas in your lawn or wish to aeed a new ectlon this ix an excellent sea soh in which to do it moisture is available the eotl tetnperat ur ia low and weed are not a problem work the area well level it and then apply fertilizer a mix ed fertilizer such as 5 2010 should he applied at 2510 1h per 1 000 aq feet and raked in just prior to seeding a seed mixture of 23 kentucky blue grass and 13 creeping tied ickcue should be seeded at 31 lbs per i 000 q ft ed a of the mixture in each direction and then rake to cover the seed to a depth of 1b to v inch rolling should then ite earned out providing the soil is relst ively dry for eatahllslied lawns n ap plication of 101010 at appim lmately 15 lb per 1 000 ju ft la adequate this farm fertll ixer is much cheaper than ord insxy lawn fertilizer and l equally effective providing it 1 spread properly weeds are emerging dandc lions can easily be eliminated i by an application of 2 4 d as soon as the temperature is 60 degrees or higher you ahould pray the dandelions do not wait until they mature and the seed blow around if creeping charlie or chickweed are prob lcxtut the 24d should b mix ed with mecoprop or feneprop sikex the early uprlng when these weeds are growing rap- idly u an exoojlcnt tune to eli mlnate them from your lawn the one thing causing more grief to lawns than anything else ia the cutting of the grass at too low a height as wator becomes scarce and the temp erature gets warmer tile roots dry out ahd the lawn turns the majohuty of the him of th legislature for this pat week hat been qnont on the consideration of the katimatr for the department of health the health departmtnt being ono of the largest individual bud gets for the cure nt year h i takrn coniidcrubji time and e bate and m of this ddl ii on ly about half computed 11ik attorney gbxt hal hat announced that the govern ment has recommended to the lieutenant governor that the law enforcement act 11m17 he ma do effecllvd april 1st iwlft this statute which uitl provide hanls for comprnt ition for in juricn received by pmons issk ting police oftlcers in the en fore anient of the liui uill bel welcome in it application throughout qntiirio all nutttrv relating to tho administration of thii act and to cl iimt under the act should he dtrictrd to the trcretjrv v tho hoard mr gordon mullin 11 kdgewatcr avenue toronto la ontario ditrivg tins ueek tho log islature gave ucond and third reading and reruved rojal as sent from the lieutenant gov ernor for bill no 110 an amend ment o the planning act which will affect the rural irem of tin halton fast hiding as it now delete tho chuip u hereby pir i eels of land of 10 acres or more do not require committee of ad f jibtment approvrpnor to lindl om wednesday afternoon the honourablo darcy mc keouui minister of murucipil affairs introduced the jegiil it ion for the setting up of the iirt regional government area in ontario 11ns is tho ottawa carleton area and ndudes main ly the city of ottawa and the county of carleton alont with other adjacent are several studies ha e been mide throughout tho province con aldering all aspects of regional government including the ono w are most familiar uith the by marshall bain georgetown asses tment commissioner when the assessor views a properly to place a valno upon it ho must realize that the typo of construction is similar to other buildings in town therefore when he na- kea hi valuation he must i sure that he is placing the samo valuo per unit on tbia building at he has previously in atvesslng similar indldiniv the onus it oil the assoswd taxpayer to point out to tho akseswr that he 1 not equit ahly awwd in rouuon to similar prppcrtiet m tho low ii in firaorgetowij wo consider aiao typo and quality of ton- irutctwui plumbing licatitij additions auch as rfinuhed rooms in bvcmonts ujui ar get also tho iwe the build ing it put to and in the cjko of inconlo producing proper ty wc lso cotlsidor tho rtp 4al vahu if tlio avstsior iu his guidet and manuals in the bet pouihlo w jy iv mds thit the ansemad value will con tinually rcpreent n certain percentaje of actual or mr ket vilue when tho market value for houses increases drostically at i the ciie in georcetomn uie asf mtent mirt le in croud to obtain ipproxima tely n or market vilue whin proprty telli it mut he assumed tint the typicil jnle uiui typical fm ancing uoiild indicate that this wolild hi the x st prxeiit day niirket viluc of on prop rtv and oilier similar to it a true ij mast be considered arms iynfth or deiintd is a tale from a wil linj ccuer to a willing buer with reisoniblo tune to dec ide on tlv pirt of both pir ties ind tint the ale v11 no under nnv economic pr ssure all uie juides m inuils and balen diti do nt cotr ovary situation for the as cssor ho mu t rels in minv exqes on a lense of jomi judgment end his experience in the next article ue will deal m itli vssevnienu as the basis for tixntion md its relation hip to the taxet and the mill rate news echoes from tho haralda af 10 and 20 yaan agp steel milk tanks new township industry a iww indil try manufactur in sltcl milk tanks fw irm kport trucks will hoan build a ltfooo wjiure font factory and six mpocos liomci m hsqufl munkclt jtiport for the halton uc townlnp ncjr milton and peel arm tho carleton leg township officnls rtnortod illation li tho oulcomo of thotuovli a inuldini permit lus report mado in out arcn alone lw isiucd lo raul krohncrb with many consultation wilhl of krohntrk manufacturing i im the rcprcscntativis of local uov i itscj west hill for the 50 f00 eminent plant 11m finiw outis 30 acres on thr formtt nlirshall farm on tlio rise lino ttdulierc hlll hrovin bj ktcping the cullink way 401 crossci the itm line height at approximately 2 i the firm ako phnito build thia can iwt remedied tit honwa on tho titc well youth dona georgetown lncerdly wclura c perrolt expect 45000 voters eligible in halton approxinimoly i5 000 volera uie lap poll ttiero will fca kro l rtalhi hlafll mamiju rllma t im jbm jttt leodon ntmln offerer cor don blake nported ymterday llareo hundred and tnwenty fiv numeratora xrill work at mini bom wa mi it wen m the m rural twlla the iso polla will be brolun into leht pouln dlatrlcta out will b 36 poll is oak- georgetown herald publuhad by hahta nwpar llmlud gaoriftown ontario waltarc mann publisher cihiid mccmvray production superintendent forry harley alleen bradley new editor accountant mn irene nlvan anna currle reporter rrnk mullin advertlilnk manager reills clark save hajtlnifi atyle ollaon john ucclomenta ceortfe younk vlu wot 33 in oakviue cm in xt ia oavvilu haat 31 in m 11 in krln there will lie ona advaiioe poll in ach or the polllhjc dla- trlcu sugar and spice by bill smiley please keep it simple don t ho surprised if jou hear of chas ujnpp turninj up in rio do janeiro under an as mimed name like horace n buitfio whipp ul s talcing i terrible lie 1 1 in on the polk ill the wa from chllliwack bo and north bit tlhforil sak right down to the csrt coflht mayba chirlle h received the same amount of triall on hli poll but i doubt it and thanks all you kind warm pao- pw who took the time to encou raa ma to go on telling it as it ji tnd talltrto charlie that wall nvtr mind luts tirft it hes probably a nice uy who h to snarl at sam- body avary so oftm to retain his sanity i do lailoe rluht now my witx ulio has been awny at college for six months is lying on tlie dies tield after half a year of cooking im atill doing it mie had an operation hut it wasnt on her mind or her tongue iheyra as active as ev my kid uho has alwut 0daya to avoid ik ing a cruda v2 full ure and at the mine time is opposed to be preparing for lb aatttc piano xarii u lying my ttm left monday for tlte wilda of northern qinet to malce bit fortiitw lor the 4th with m litila aialw from dad just to get him started oh vi there j alu i wimeuung to clier you up 1 vo luvn in alt teller hlo curficil iince my wife decided to do my income u tins eir an3 save the tost of jn auditor right at tlio momout ure thounands of dolhri ahead of the game it h a delirious fcl ing but i don t think it will latt 1 hore are a couple of clauwi gjifl ia not suo of 3ly tho wuj did you owr try as an ordinary byjnan to read ono of those dandy little book lets your friend l revenue de- paitmant is putting out to jitlp you in tho first plan as mi old printer i sweir it cost a million dollars to punt in live second who niods if llw booklet is written lit auditor lantjuae which is meeond only to tint of lawjt ra iiwomprejat nihility tf it takti you 10 puges to- tell you how to fill nut your income tax form tlveras same- thing rotten in tho htate of an ad a j specially if you dont haw a cluo when you ve finish ed reading it i lutvo a suggestion for tho government jn booklet could h m isjsjaajsjmr utirrwl in fvuin jjinffllan oy reasonable competent wrltor with an auditor at hu ahouldor and i can toll you aomothintf rlcht thvwr ttj handy llttlo boo- 1958 ft speaking to homo and school association momboea on aaorvday vering a halton county health nurse tfttd georgetown public school children have as many cavi ties in their teorh as all of the orhor school children in tho erfre coimty combined the information was based on a recent survey of counly school ago chrldren by the health unit i sod was turned at a ceremony sunday evening for a new rectory for st alban s anglican church glen wil liams it is the first stago in a budding program whicfi will eventually ieo a now parish hall and a cloister which will house tho church rectory and hall in one building f f mooting foes for eight georgetown councillors were incased to 13 and tho mayor allowance to 1500 yearly a mondays council meeting the coynct irw croao passed by a slim 5 4 margin pn a recorded vpte lawronco raynor 11 son of hhx nnd mrs orval reyner paper mill rd is in guelph general hjospital recuper ating from infuries received in a shooting accident sat urday the boy was shot when a buljot fired by ano ther boy ricocheted off walor corporal rog reynolds head of the georgetown prov incial police detachment since its inception here has been transferred to police headquarters at dundas y948 tho lions are planning to erocfa bandstand in the park and are selling tickets orx a number of valuable prizes srrrith and stone limited have added plant no 3 in geor getown by purchasing the former georgetown manufac turing company plant on acadomy rood kurt is not dcignrd to help you it i deliberately cloikcd in languae th it the ordinary mm uk not undcrrtand ada pantion plan contribution paytbla oil self employed earn ings the total credits tax de ducted per t4 and y4a flip w 1 it amount paid by instalments for the guy on a lalrry ii iij c petuion pin 0vr comparative 1 nmplc jks tflx deduction houvhstr they hurt are made at source but for tho wnall businessman the farmer th contrictor it s a maze of pitfalls and pritfalls heres a sample of the spark- ling pros of- the revenuerc its ntltld balance payable oft refund it says a indl cated on the t1 general form your balance is to be determ ined by subtracting from your total payable tax andor can payment uhat doej tint mean and why tho hnckcls and why the capitals it snot english its not comprehensible its pure gobhlcy gook ah i gucm i houldn t get so annood i can take it im still working but my heart goa out to all those on the fringe iio ve worked like dogs all their lrvos and wind up with dog food business directory donald a gay dc introdutc bio engineering tlu now painhvs spinal therapy for appointment call 8773401 30 mill st geeroetown barragers cuanerashlh launderera tr 7179 18 mains 1g6 guelph am work done on premise corbett chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available by appointment u77oo31 if mill st old pott oflc wallaci thompson 3rd division cauri clark a corrtmlmlonar tr 7wa3 walker currie optometrists 12 main sl s brampton tliono 4514474 hour 0am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday mday 0am to 0 p m evenings by appointment mcbain and hultite ontarld land survayon wlllowdala 222 2534 ic mllliisk ols b77ii27s rnldcncc georgetown animal clinic 100 guelph street or r b catkin clinic open b b p m mon wed eki saturday 1 m w h carr profaulonal ennlnmr contultlntf eh0lnr ontario land surveyor ohica- 877 2211 1773300 horn robert r hamilton optomtritt llfl mountaunlew lloid south carroti nklg por appolntmanr w73y71 optometrist l m brown p d jp pnu 773a7l a 37 monuments pollock a campbdll dtsions on itequest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone oil 7s80 2 water street north salt wi i i ifllj st roller construction la now imtalllno aluminum siding windows doors all work guaranteed frert jailmates call 877vl02 ontario forrjl industriea dir- ectlv emlxlny 00 00 men 48000 in mllu aqd 12000 lit uie wouda mcludlob about 100 prolcssional forcatora

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