Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 16, 1968, p. 4

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j georgetown herald puhawsecf by aetna newspaper limited 22 aaaln street south georgetown ontario w c itthn publisher page thursday may 16th 1968 editorial comment complicated refund while the provincial rohindto tome owners- h welcome relief frorh crippling municipal taxation me form in which rate- payers will receive fhli llunlque to say the feast r we agree with the idea of showing it sep afotery dn the tax bill are deduction t in georgetown v case rhisls a flat 5468 which is arrived at by a somewhat compli cated procedure whereby the province as sumes some of the tax bill on the first 2000 ofassessed value showing this separately can act as a restraining influence on town fathers who if the money was just sent to them could be more inclined to absorb it into the tax rete and spend it on some extras what is open to some crltidtro i the role that a landlord must refund this whole amount to a tenant of ranted property the assumption is that the rental value is basod on among other factors the year ly tax bill for the property and in most oases the assumption is a fair one however there ere meny other factors which enter the picture one being that of landlord who because he knows he has gc jenents haslet his taxb4ll jncrease every year or two while holding the rental fee at the former rale such a person will not be inclined to pay outrhe fiftyodd dol- ers willingly we ara as yet unfamiliar with- the governments legislation but unless there is a clause pervalliinf the lendlords who raise the rent by a compensating amount then the tenant will derive no benefit at all in fact he might suffer an extra bile be cause if the rent js reised it will probably be an even amount monthly and this could be somewhat more than the 5468 received by the landlord unless the goverrifrient is ready to em bark on a rent control policy similar to that which existed in wartime then there is nothing to stop any rent increase and we can hardly expect tthe landlords not to want to pocket the extra money on the other hand this is a first stop to revising the municipal tax structure to a more equitable base than at present where the property owner is assessed a heavy bur- len which would be more fairly allocated on en income basis one of a series assessment mill rates and municipal taxes v by martha bilr qorgtown aiaumnt commitslofwr ok mr bftln ao my assess ment is 432fibvthow do i convert his figure into the amount of ux i must pay o many times i am asked this- quostlon hare is uio formula h your assessment la 114323 then you multiply tf millrate for tho scool you support by 4325 times in otjier words if the public school rcfijdontial millrats is 8285 as is the oase m 1038 you aimpjiy muitiply 885 tinxii 423 ana the re- uu is a ujc bill of 358113 a mill rate represent bo manydouars ppr thousamd of assessment simple isnt it arriving at the tnjurato u self w riot quite simple an operation the amount of- money needed to run the town must bo calculated when these figures are ob tained tby are scrutinizod by mahy people before thy are finalized the powers that be must then tako into ac count tho rovcmio they will halton east mpp jim snow reports buying nominations attention to an unusual and unwanted political manouevre by aspirants for some of ontarios liberal seals was drawn by scott young in his globe and riall column on monday it shocked us according to mr young nominations t some of the nominating conventions were bought and paid for in cash a candidate would buy constituency memberships and voting rights for arvybody who will turn out and vole the right way according to far young all a man needs he says is enough money and enough bodies available to pack a convention a little tighter than it is being packed by his opponents and he is in ho is severely critical particularly be cause not all the voters even live- in the could lead to a rentavote organization uro constituency and he surmized this nothing to do the old story nothing to do in geor getown must be wrong the pitiful handful of people who at tended fridays performance of a first rate tittle theatre play belied this old chestnut when less than fifty people attend such a presentation it must mean that several thousand othor residents have something to do if not in georgetown then some where ejse the pity of it is that georgetowns lit tle theatre group is a superior one in every department their quality of acting of cos tuming of set design is professional in ev ery way they choose excellent plays many of which were broadway hits in their day tnd they lavish every attention to make it something worth seeing which for a fee could supply voters in packaged lots anywhere in the province the fact that voters at a nominating meeting need not be of legal voting age and that some of these are as mr young calls them teenyboppers makes the situ ation even more odd surely a voting del egate should be required to be able to vole for his nominee when the actual election tak place one thing we could tell mr young is that there is nothing new under the sun and in depression days in a least one on tario riding the same thing was rumoured to have happened we were a windsor school boy then and it was common talk around high school that a liberal aspirant who later served with distinction in provin rial politics and than in a higher field of service had encouraged some of the high school crowd to attend his meoting and push his candidacy thunder rock was considered good enough to be included in the high school english course a few years back and when it played at the crest theatre some of the students went by bus to see the show yet in georgetown it was a hop at tendancewise w hope the liltle theatre will not be discouraged and will tackle next season with the same enthusiasm w hope even more that georgetown people will realize they have an entertainment treasure right on their doorstep and will tear themselves away from tv for an evening to enjoy live theatre at its best if all the people who keep saying why dont we have a movie thealra here tur ned out the sro sign would be up every night in the high school auditorium tb association reports twelve halton deaths involved tuberculosis twelve deaths fai which tuh- btcjiiosu was a secondary fac tor were reported by the hilton county tuberculosis and health asepcljuon for 1967 in the re port received at tlio associations eattuel dinner motuii last snrek fiiirlni the year there were itdmlsslofls to sanatoria a total of 72 clinics were held ktttjk 1063 appointment kept qsv tuberculosis casafrndsns return showed a total of to sues examined o which 72 krere suspects the total humber if tuber cases on regis- ty stujpecla was 88 a total of patients were discharged from ihnlcs the meeting to oalrrille ar- spa pin boom was attended y about 10 snasnbans and guests inohidinfe everal medl w men brie speeches com- mending the work of the social ion were gweu by halton county warden w j huntor jinieasnow mm for halton kait oflkvillo heeva allan day milton mayor brian- best may or lw duby of acton and or mt ewart of the hamilton iuam aijocutlon wd sav- thj president presided wart carbrry a palt prea- went of the awodarw exten ded creetlniu bit tohali of thu ontario tuberculosa associa tion thei ar many people who is- w m fy ipsa fpj11 our help ha aaida the hal ton aasocuuoo u on of the greateat contributor of all a- aoclatloiu in ontario in help int pople lii undcrdervefopedtouo- triear the financial itatemetat ihow- ed a cash total of 3083083 available for the 106860 protf- riun the following director were elected for th year w d tiavage if a lirarjcy j 1l klmpaon mram k luniiu mra m u kin c lair k g ad- mon kwart f carberry dt d h olxon ura c w mckliti c k hope oaavllo mrd j v armour mra j p curran c u mcfadden or w c procter tara mary tildeai burluiton vrtlham benson horace blytii c urttlon uu hlntod acton of n kujott georgetown ec catnjbfluvllle miohai m w stuary aeawlant hugh hay milton foirl limehotiae mn k 8a iv tilffn in a restaurant we are reducing our ten cent meat cake frotn twenrv cent to tuf- teen fnn receive from cranta taxes on new construction and other sources throughout the com ing yearaiter calchlatiru tho amount of money which will be needed in the year leas the grants and other fcur- castod revenues the balance represents the amount of mo ney needed to run the town this is the first- step to ar rive at a rolurate next we naai ulo- amount of taxable ashessmont rcsid- cntlul comcwrcul and lndu- strlal theno flaua hav jeeq arrived at already by the auesanuent dcpertmont the y assessment conunisslan- er had had to- return the aii acssment roll the preceding september 30th v is the facet of municipal f lhanciag that crcatos most of tho grief for the assessor the assessor must work always a year a- head of himsolf it follow tlien that we aro today chan ging dhossmyt that will not come into fleet unlil janu- ary 1 1009 if the proceed uros were notirarrind out in tliis manner ilwould tw im possible to arrivo at a mul- ratu bccause tlie ammlnt of taxable assejuaiient on- which rules of the bruce trail i stay on the trail when hiking through private property i do not light fires or camp on the trail do not carry hatchet jt or firpjriiui on the trail i do not shout or make a gen eral iwisanco of yourself do not fuli in private pondt or streainu without pt-nnis- uion of tlio landowner tfc ii bsted would not b louwlt we now have the amotmt of money needed and the am ount ot taxable aaaesament on which it la to be baaed divide one by ttie other re sult the number of dollars to be collected for every one thousand dollar assessment a millrate u on views it on the scale of one resident ial property is needed 33833 taxable aaseasment 4325 hence the millrate would be 8283 per one thousand easeesment as a town grows ao grows he need for services and fa cilities and more money is needed each year to pay the bills in the near article 1 will attrampltiieyplaln thenew- ptovincialtax credit allow- inthi mail bao fourth party gets support from reader it r- x norval may 0 1068 dear ijlr i am not a letter writer as ruch and particularly to news- paper however i couldnt re jiist writing to you and offering my wncere congratulations on your excellent edltorlalin the may 0th issue yours is the first paper and you arc the first editor with enough intestv inal fortitude to stand up and tell these socialists and bureau crats what a lot of people are thinking but havent enough guts to do or aay anything ab out keep up the good work yours very truly alan macintosh news echoes from the herald erf 10 and 20 wart ago 195s in the mail bat bringing dogsjs a custom to iw discouraged it b alxl- titely nectwuiry that dogs be on a lrauli through farming country avoid large groups if your rmip is oerslred why not break it dovm into smaller units and separate liy stag- erini tho starting times owner of land through wliich the trail piisrie have kiven permission for lukcrs to uie only the trail itsl as the business of the cur rent session moves forward several of the committees of which i am a member have been mojtt active during this pasf week the commiteo on etiuca- uon end university affairs have been meelingtuico weekly dur ing tho mornings for the past 2 weeks and w continue to doi so until our work is completed our maw agenda of this committee now consists of the consideration of bill 44 being the bill to implement the coun ty boards of education delegat ions representing several org anizations have been heard by the committee including the ontario teachers federation and tho federation of ontario school trustees tlio objections tf any from those organizations have been very minor in nature pertaining only to the mechan ics of tho implementation of thej bill and our committee will now be proceeding with clauso by clause study of bill 44 as a mkmber of the ag ricultural committee we had diiic and an arthritic knee a most interesting presentation by profesor norman pearson o the university of guclph the planning of land use for ontario conflicting theories b7 sargrmt road dcsr mr editor your editorial was very apt ly named conflicting theories think fondness that ovo lib erals and consrvatlvs do wot subscribe to this line of mason- irut if so with many corporations run by computers w would all be slaves to blk business and the machine or ara wer albert porter onatof lh itw remaining farm propartios within geor getown limits has baan sold for a futurn subdivision it was annovnead this weak that an 85 aero portion of tho moor farm on main street north has been sold to a company with long range plana for residential indus trial and oommerctal development miss isabella moore is retaining a ten acre parcel including her residence on tne southeast corner of the farm the former kirk kraft studld on no 7 highway will rev vert to a church building next week when the oongreg- j etion of christian reformed church holds its opening meeting in the building the property has been pur- chasedfrorij mrsmh moyer who last year moved the artcraft enterprise to norval new york ranger defense star loufonlanntowas guest j of honour at the legion sponsoredcittlc nhl banquet in the legion hal thursday j948 council on monday heard details frommr taylor of nep tune meters about jhe advantages gained by installing water meters in town goorgetowrr used 600000 gallons in 1947 a per cepjta consumption of 200 gallons par day the installation of water meters could cut consump tion by 50 per cent he said arrangements are being mado for memorial labials to be placed on the cenotaph and at the m arena thoy will include the names of ihoco killed on active service during world war ii x three georgetown girls barbara faram shirley tapp and ann bowman are numbered among the graduates of the university of toronto this year announcement was made monday of the allocation of 22 houies in housing project no 1 on churchill cres cent the successful applicants chosen from a list of 72 are arthur armstrong fred j armstrong herbert arnold don arthurs george h barber cecil brown frank carter james cofoll joseph cox j r cuthbert clarence freestone a b guest r j hume fred john son gordon king frod maveal harrymcmurtry h w roshier joseph stamp c e stapleton l f pat vance and trevor williams sugar and spice by bill smiley stop the world gomoudcs you feel like at las trying to carry tho world on your shoulders with a nhp- vall wlut can you do you jcant drop it it would break i into piecci and you cant net i it down for a rest you mow you could never pick it up ng- the honouiiahlk william in pvi minister of education thif u jh prdiclwht i hu announced that lebislallon wweh wr m will be presfcntcd very soon to h and fathr find hlm implement regional funaratr molt fh tim- wcliool lioards mnular to tho new eounty hoarli for the element thats the fellow you find ary and secondary school sys- wandering dazedly in a super- tmv this will have tlio effect market or blundering through of greatly reducing the number of separate school hoards within the province and bringing their programs more cloyly in line with the public school system on monday may fith the honourable j ii simonett minister of energy antl rewnir- ses management announced ap proval of two additional grants to the halton region conserv ation authority ono for carry ing out capital improvements in the ksqucsing conservation irea and the other for capital improvemenu in the sixteen valley conservation area as thklte is a wido aprcad red on tlio part of many of ofr olderiy cltizeim for wlf-eon- tained rental accommodation at a rent they can afford i would like to point out that any muni cipality may ask tlio ontario housing corporation to carry out a iurvey of need and dcnti- and for senior citliont ilou-i- iivki in tho jmujiiciiullly h on completion of the survey by the ontario housinit corporat ion and lieod is found then ut tlio rciuejjt of tho lmujilcijiahty tlwe ontario housing corporat ion will proceed witli construct ion proknun to fill thi uimhi the municipality doe a tvot tiharo in tlie capital or operating txlu of the project but it must ag ree to acctitt a reduced rate on municipal taxation ou tho build ings henuon tile ontario hon- j- a iiai hjnvr nilflll m o i jjr tj tntm7 to j43 per tikinth and are bas ed on the tenant income the corporation la preontly askhig for prquosau from builuvit for the ufltruhii of 3j family unit and 30 senior citlrrtw a swamp trying to catch a sav- cntnch ipcclcled trout or play ing golf with intense ineptitude 1 if you nsic him hell nwiar that hes not quite over the hill yet that ho can carry his world for another few steps but if you corner him and quiz him youll find that hes not only over the hill but filidinjr down the other side so fast therell be nothing but a greawball left when ho hits the bottom hell also be broke if he has a wife my old tody after a couple of quioiee nt uwvka fol lowing an- operation is in full cry again what do you really think fcrbout that crumby old bedroom fcuito w bougiht it on aal 16 yeara ago as far as im cdn- corned it is fine theret a raised pltform cilled a bed on which tosleop and a num ber of drawers without handle which 1 can open with screw driver its perfectly adequate wlut do you do in a bed room anyway except to gv to ttloop and got up and nimblo around in tho morning i ask in all homsty fiho givtsi me a withering look apparently ther aro all aorta of otlut things a bedrooni hi handy for liko putting lad- its coats in whw you hiivo 8 party or cutting your toenails k sloap exactly my point lur ideas run toward a new bedroorii suite fresh decoratiatf and m lot of other things that going to nuke ma aleii or do anything else any better than i do la the presant shabby lo mt little join v ji i oant ior ocsji4ils tasa lyinif nvy tlo wtth any mora flair with a nam badroom suits in tha backiround 1 cant sea that a new ettstt41 blue interiar la kohls to make ma look or fl any bellar when i sit on tha edge of tlu bod ifroaninat gently slid scratching at 730 am i fail to raaliza that broadloont is koine to e1v me anything but a bitt bank loan it certainly isnt kolntf to nuke mu sprlnjj out of that new sack every mor ning carolling here hath been dwninfi another new day drmwnauhe havo sccma quit sultabla for tmb these and othor minor activities jlut my wmo feils it lloeant have tone class tsleganiu or pracucally anything worth nltii in the ttowofc itv j think wilt thou let it slip uwley away its not really that vm tn old curmudgeon its just that 1v been throonh it before w onoo staked out wlui a new sink in the bathroom- eventual ly x wound up ittltli somalhliig reaunblinb a sultans bath cham ber n black and pink and debt up to my ear jus to thnr eld alias up this wsek kim has bean diaa- naaad as tha tasesmr at infec tious blooonucuosu it sound trtty npnuiva but ilka hst thlnos that da if lust a georgetown herald published by how nwwapers llmltad georgetown ontario walter c blhr publisher garlleld mcgllvray production superintendent terry hsrley alleen bradley news editor accountant ffjn iibiiu lliia bl pain in the arm ik bad out arguing or being anlppy nouoh to have a teenaoer ar ound the kousa anytime but to have a sick enel ute doc said she wasnt- to study work or play the piano but he didnt aay anything ab- or throwing cold water on her parents hopes and plans for her if you hoar a tremendous thud one of theae days atlas has shrugged business directory donald a gay bc introduces bio engineering tha new painless spinal therapy far appointment call 773401 jo mill st georgetown chirop c0rbett rattic clinic spinal xray service available tly appointment 77eo3l a mill st old post office barragers cleanershlrt launderera tr 7m79 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on premises walkait currih optometrists 1 j usld st s ursmptou phone l74 hours s am to 6 pt tuesday to saturday rridsy 9 am to 0 pm atrenlncs by appointment anne turrie ileporter irrank mullln ailvertlslng minsger leslio clark dave hastings afytna rtibnjn john mklemntl mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyor wlllowdale anjsja lcahllessk ols 6771274 residence homrt r hamilton optomstrut 116 mountuinview koad south carretal blifg var appolnlment 1770971 omomietrist l al bwn 0 d b tu i hor appelnlmenla phone i77m7i wallacb thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr7m3 georgetown animal clinic 106 gaelph street dr r b gaskln cunlo open 0 8 pm mom wedv tri saturday 1 u ajsk w hl cawt a professional enolneer a consulilntf enfllnear a ontario land surveyor office 1770211 773300 home monuments pollock x campbgll designs on reqltesr inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 4717580 3 water street north oalt roller construction is now installing aluminum siding windows 1 doom all work guaranteed free estimates call o777l03 u a gift to the fuowors of hope fund will help to build a new group of cltlsens for our com munity retarded children who can giuur into iimductiva slf aunoartlnjr sill i

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