Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 23, 1968, p. 2

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mhuiu1uwn juuwniubwk i w t let s puy bridge by bill coats ii u just u important for the defense to inalts plinu it u lor declarer to do so to only the ace club and t diamond difficulty u that declarer cafi fellow hli ptsns through while be defense irluat rely on each other two defender tray mike different plane some dofense fllayi however depend on one smender only here li an exam pie east wul wet vulnerable and the draler in north north s 3 i hk qjm iv- a 7 5 3 c 10 7 west s k b i 3 it a 5 2 d k10 c k 8 3 2 eajt v 7 2 ll10 7 3 d jm cta 151 wme west can see that daclar er has five heart tricks if he hu south a q j 10 h a d q n cq j n suggested bidding north piss a it tail paul tae south 1 nl s nt west pais pass in sptrr of hu excellent spade atnt south should atari with one no trump iii iihiki is reason ably balanced and in worth 17 points dont foriiet one extra for a five card suit norths bid shows enough points for game and sild partner to hid 1 no trump without good heart sup port or bid 4 hearts with good heart support west u fortunate in getting off to a club lead after three rounds of clubs south is on the lead while he decides his play the defenders should do the declarer la likely to try for rouple of spade tricks and west should ba ready declarer took the heart ace and led a heart to dummy just in caae hearts were badly spill when both opponents followed for two rounds declarer left hearts alone a spado was led and south played the ten if west has planned ahead he wit duck this really shouldnt cost anything dummy was reentered with the diamond ace in order to take the rest of dummys hearts on these hearts declarer throw his diamonds now declarer led dummys last asade in order to take the proven flnesse all v is well or the defense if east was sharp enoogh to keeifc lus spade when declarer finesses weal wins and dofesis declarer by taking a goott clubhand the dla mond king maybe- declarer ahould not take a second spade finesse but most bridge players i know would once the fncwr has ap parently worked mondays results first pair bill wandcll jsck coats sec ond pair bob dickson mr art noms third pair mrs ka campbell mrs kay coals underground parking plaza huttonville apartments plan huuonvlue park apartments an ambitious development pro jtram to bouse 3000 persona with underground parking for about 1400 oars tennis courts a 21000 square foot shopping plsia and underground swim mlng pool hss been proposed to the chlnjtuscousy planning board the land is located between the credit ftover and embleton drive and runs frlm the 4th j line wost to the height of land near the huttonvill public school and is owned by mr ifasaell the area would take in the present undeveloped huttonville park the two lower flper of till 4 storey wings would fses out onto the psrkland bordering the river and the two inner floors would face into the enclosed courtyard and beneath the en closed courtyard would be two levels of parkirag as the development came down the hill towards the 4th line the levels of the building wquld also be stopped down un til the level of the fourth une was reached there would only bo one level orrnderground parking at the junction of broblelon driye and the fourth une w it is planned to erect a 23000 square fool shopping plaxa which can be reached by itlx above around in the summer or through a funnel ayetrtn up dctrground in the winter arnold rathbun sun life of canada 8774931 the development would com prise a 1520 storey towers at the corners of a hexagonal plan narxt to the joad the arms of the hexagon would be foursto roy town houses none of the tall lowers would be on the n vcr side of the development givipgoccupsnts of the towerscnrpoaslhly a clear view thajiviir la millard hall name thomas acting crown attorney in halton county i iiozin i ouds in thf bucemmt of the shop pang plat atone end would be curling rink aftd at the other bowling illtiy or 0me to church christian reformed church th line goertowii al j vandanpot mlnmir srnicen ivrrv sunday 0j0 am und 4 00 pm visuors wklcomr listen rvery sunday to the back to god hour tlmdin minister tr joel nejerhoej bible thought for today who hl bwrl self bare our tint in hi own body on the tre pur 1 u the crois of chrut has be come i signpost pointing men toward the forgiveness of their a 31 yar old lollcllor with the director o public proiecu lions in loronto haa bcn ap pointed acting crown attorney for ha ii on he n ronald g ihnmajf he took over from peter k mcwil iiaru who resigned to aeek nomination a progressive con servativa candidate for halton in the jiuie 2s federal election mcwjiham who served ai crown attorney jilnle 1d5u wax required to quit der i uc tinn v the public service act the resignation u permanent mr tbomaj conducted hia first batch of halton cuck in magistrate a court ut wctk tip fore magistrate kenneth ijnc don mr thomaa aaid he will hold the position of actjniicrfvn at tomty until the vatancy hu bcrl filled aitkct whether he would ap ply for the- permanent position in halton mr thomai replied whether or not i will be a particular applicant i dont know yet mr rhoman hau been mem ber of the criminal appeal and special prosecution branch of the department of public prov escutlotn murray ilouutoii assutani crown attorney is itill actini in the wme cajwcily ai he waj under peter mcwilliimn hadpock batter 53v 6reen beams 53 whitk mf i eggs 39 43 siiioaliiacr raurisrtucit srin rttick gak m peaches 36 tnacalos prem 2 85 1iiiu t toatlts i afafi catsup ss 29 gillette foamy sntavji iomuhf 109 coioair nr 55e juice 2 79 wanxi m iim0h biiinbdi iga pie ic111shs1ii 40ll cinnamon buns av legion planning second special community week bread 3 6 5 16 a own coffee 73 l 65 1 cake mixes 489 ffiffiytars 239 mrtrsisciiits 299 sinsfe 265c sarah wrap 69 lr 1 the v- dairy case slices 3 98 mid cheese tusmf mu uth hunil pmy maigarine 59c mon nutnsr nun swifts piemium jouii iionat mvoui golden ripe lden ripe a oils ananas lm skinless sausage- 43 breaded cod 65 jimal sau or j vhilust mi dinnprware tomatoes 29 oranges 589 lettuce 23 cabbage a25 cokrllti y0ui sir wui1i stock usis sricisimoaiv sivinecouron is iviiitin ti rout tocit ici sroit istffage rolls 49 steakettes ckev son cfgw lsin tkoc 1150 thin m 1007 10 30 am 11 30 hhi tm pm let immanuel lutheran church wltiilsor roail at carole st worslup service 1010 am sunday school 0 30 a ro 3 ikllpkneh pastok 8770733 and all vetenm from touii anil dutnet uill be inviteil ihether nihiiln rs of the ilranch or not ijst ear hrsnrfi 120 roal canadian lejtlon juuid a imi hini success during ceatennlal year with their fullaueek of veterans affalw sehoduletl as it friday evrnn will see the was in june of last year many branch playinn host to service observers thouirhl that it was dubs l he area and satuiday the hichlbht i the community wiu 0 1 yone st pauls baptist church mounlalnvuw rd south mlniatar mr w urrllt ttstm sunday school 11 sm sunday worship tmc oatstian and missiomajtv auianct p w collins psslor telscibooe b77m1s 10 std sunday school haw uornmt worship home uislons sunday 1 v m lveniii service cejsrveu c4tvtuiity carrur uaple and uam yks ahufus hour radio cham 1280 i i 30 pm 8lnday st johns united church 11 guslph st s77 2531 ministtr ltev itobert o smvens organist hernard shrubsole 5 30 a in church school grade 1 and up 11am worship church school nuricry to gride 1 mid week activities for all aies kvkryonk is weixomt r baptist church malrt nj coelph 1773614 mlnular rsv l m wlllen 10 a in inday church tchool wokshii kltvicks 11 i w morning woruiip 7 p m kveniny worship orjanlst mrs w lownend choir director mr doug j2l 4 obismvanct of tlj haliona bir liicby the hratd leirnm frrtm pre iitunt david ikmmjn that the wck was to be repeatnl this year and would consist of cv enu held ou the evening of wednesday thursday triday and ill day saturday as well as a church parade and service on sunday june lflth at a climax to the w4k the firt event will 1m a re pal of ust year a bichly sue eeiufful civic iadera night lhil will once mgtn brintf to sether heads of iocji industry and town ortfanttatiom and presents the opportunity to meet each other a peker his been obtain wl and a cam a dinner will lie served a veterans mlit will be hftld on th thumday iwetilti fnwt the 23 yjr3 jrctl bsssssssstabassi wewszumb ssctcntaap biljl3bssssssp vwkw 3free jgfree sfkei gifts eaton food interested cppd l a dance in the veninj sunday will aee th innua decoration day and parade fitting climax for the weelt open your eyes lecture subject philc0 colour tv winners tout -ami- osiine lltlluul0lj0lllo ijimtllllloiiutiiot it k iuci1 ciu osl lbtoltlt msuuj ii j im betty crocker cake mixes 2 for 79c st georges church anglican church of cattsda sunday apter ascension day 8 0m holy eucharist choral euchae 5 30am 1 1 00 am v mofining ml euchafcr iningijayeb norvtil presbyterian church organist kilken janji bkst x min1stui hkv hd nuncanson no service this sunday ejiiium jhijluviriiiian oiiunoir annivbhsahy sbbvicks hils sonday open your eyi saoina is much mora tftah a physical proceti it primarily an understanding tlim davel ops from our daopast prayrt and light the world with tha reflactod lova of god its called tplrllual parcaplion ft i the only way wall eir know what s really going on haar this public lacturacallad qt2 your eyai by martin n heafer c s b a mambar of th christian scianc eioard of lodurethlp witt aw wot sij pm thustlday may joth muhvuw cellealale aodllrlum s2q lillnalon ave n at 1h bj mortin nlwtr iga lucky shoppm- a dmjny ocorrfsmwetiom s olen wikums 19 09 winner of heinz baby ifood hampor- mrs fwtt nuttsrawn k 1 oaoisjeeown blind vocalist vera smith will visit daughter here ver4 smith a vocalist well moat of the lesions kitty hat known in northern england i learned aoidinc obstacles and ilnce before tha srcond world obein thr commands will be war her husband alan and anreliined am ring labrador retriever thfi georgetown hmrall thursday may 23nl 19u page 3 named kitty will arrive in ge ortfetown thiv weekend to be reunited with a daughter imxs smith has never keen she hfla hen blind imcu 1d44 tuo years btfowt her twin daughter and son uere born she uird to uatch for traific apprdachmc frony hrr right br fore allowink mrs smith to itep into the road when it v as all clear she then moel to the rentit of the rnad and sat clou i a vehicle v is lra rllinr from the lei they will atay with her dau ibter and un in law llr and her trainer miclnel csernnv i its has to roxeise this i jtrklw ulh kitty he ha spent georaatown while they look for jm vnw m a masu bom hare thir son is also orwm our kyra in tha title nf a free lactura to ba delivered by martin n heifer csb a hribtlan sclenea teacher and practitioner from houston lex aa he li a uraduate of south i rn methodlxt university in ma miemutlcm served in the untied staten army air corps during world war ii and in currently on a peaking tour as a member nf tha honlmf lectureihlp of the lrst church of chrbtt belenlltat in hoslon masnachua etu hli irctura on christian sci tnce iponsorm by klrit church of christ scientist ktoblcoke will ba held on ihursday may 30 in kichvlew col leg lata au living in ontario mra smith now livjntf in blackpool was onca a faatured hand singer and has continued to entertain at clubs deapita her lack nf sight kitty a seeing eye dag or guide dog as they are termed hi kiifilind leads her and off stage and generally takes the place of her eyed hecause the smiths arp emu rating in canada kilty lus heart going back to school to learn all over again bow to crow the road tke three year old yellow retriever has been ttiada to forget her curb drill und prepare for facing traffic which travels on the right hand aid nf the rond illtorlum 520 iillnglnn ave n at itlcltview side ruad lsling ton a better tindcistrnding of blind pr so it iilmncc rn the guide dog mra mmlh hai been takinr n hour inll ferv day with uiti u lu i il i u r in ttic shi i a in 1 bin kpiml clubs u- il mrs smith hi s i u a hundreds of charily s ws lv this month muffler special genuine gm mufflers installed 995 s4 44chvhole and fsnhac ix and elghl cylinder and moat bthera clamps and hangers exits andrew murray motors 45 mounfainvtaw road suth 877a944 sponkared by kirst church of christ scimtint ktobirnka ad mil si on krr kveryona ly choice bedding punts begonias and geraniums baled peat moss window loxis and ccmithy pots ulud r0sedale floral 7m32 s3 albert slrml v s 4 place lef your fingers do the vrnlking thrg yellow pages

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