vi ails that pay yea can placa an ad in hie heraldl classified sagas by plio4iihg8773201 buying or atillng the herald is where you will find the results you want the home newspaper for georgefownuand district printing publishing tha gse harald hae ij sa ruadoaergatown arid district y- prlntera and publisher for vf var a century offering tha bait in fine printing and newa covaraga aulhoriied aa second clan mall port office dept ottawa nd for payment of pottage in cattt oaorgatown ontario thursday may 30th 968 500 par year single copy prlcei tan cants tr ujj settlement with property owners honours ba tlr m tvmin slreit north eml a committee njeetln in r jiclnti who o hous- uillh- jfi attempt to arrive at a l-ltlr- rtt irtnrt agr in mcntr hrvhirr notras y kiivn irciiiji tonilbtlfi tendril uny of the meetings jrom v ililrui lovii solicitor r rvr cuii bathejboulartger new vvrcy fi w mwsacre coeur assistant n jus agreed to i picc tf father uciioit uoulanxcr tvis iaf7lkh ii vanderburgh liutf joined kajher andre slmard aireed to 524 500 and joe kin- her ami y ill be father andivs ihrvn lo 2 1 dot assistant at kacro coeur homai catholic church grant ponuaher ind ivmi tucker underteod thuy urrio lie camrto georgetown from be reimbursed for moving ex- sll amicr ue hcautro qulc pensesaid the lawyer ivhcre hs been since llwur a native of sic cccllu in frnnlenac county quebec fa ther henolt li a member of tip hedomptorist fathers he took his theological education at stc anno dc- bcaupro and wood stock ontario and was ordained lo thr priesthood in 151 he served in the minion field expect oxf am total double last years r oxfaihsu walk bad ratted 56500 by the weekend mont of it almost 30rjoq cajpo in on conhiiornmyt saturaayrmiy 10 u appears now we will hty well over 65000 wbenaltthc monoy is jo goorfio wilson treasurer of tho haltonpecl miles for millions walk repoijl- rti this will be almost double last years record figure be irr the iiu1is house is still under neotiitiou miice the town is trying to have it mov- ed ikn its present site so jhe owners will be able to slay in thai location george currie die owner of the pthcr house under exprop- in japan for four years and riation ha been asked to at- from lf58 to 1w13 in rome gloria thomson f mss gloria thomson daugh- ter of mr and mm thos h thomson llockwoml and granddaughter of mrs honuld 1 armstrong and the late sid ney a morris graduated from the university of guelph with an honors hachelorof arts ma joring in french miss thomson a former ontario scholar plans lo pursue further sfridks id western university in london whose got the steaks mushrooms slightly overdone meadowgien employee alex boudreau holds baskets of mushrooms which were well browned in friday nifjrilj mushroom plant fire high st john award to dan scarborough the second hiuhest award gi ven by st john ambulance cotjnrwiu be awarded to dan- ny scarborough 4 weber dr by lt governor karl howe at an investiture at hart house june 15 the leltnr from eric- snow provincial commissioner inform ing him came as a complete sur prise to the former george town volunteer ambulance chief the award known as the priory vote of thanks was recommended by jobn potter district head oi st john ambul ance for outstanding support and assistance to st john am- bulance throughout the years only one guest u allowed at the impressive formal cerem ony and wife gail will bo that hiest ms fry in western graduate ask second look at capital forecast on the advice of the ontario municipal board council will takr another look at the 101 capital expenditures forecast a letter from tho omb read at council monday niht stated tho original forecast made byj the town in 10fl7 for the year i 1068 was i90000 but the jc- tual forecast nude this year is 3315000 the omb are urgj nig all municipalities to stay to original forecasts because of the serious monetary situation other municipalities have re ceived tho same letter com mented finance chairman stea mer ewmcrxo it is not hard to explain the original forecast for public schools was 500000 and it has jumped to 1350000 while lh- original forecast for high school was 50000 it has now reached a million dollars deputy reeve speight urged tho clerk treasurer aild finan ce chairman to go down to the omb to explain tho fantastic growth in the area it is a waste of time writing letters he added they are concerned oboqlj the capital debt which will be approximately six million dol lars by the end of the year carol mcgilvray carol mcgilvray daughter of mr and mrs garfield mcgilv ray 8 guclph street rcccivod her bachelor of arts degree at the univorsity of western ont ario convocation tuesday she is a graduate of georgetown dis trict high school the gradua tion ceromony in alumni hall was followed by a rccoption at somervtllc house she specialized in french in her university course her bra ther hosj now of peterborough graduated fom the same univer sity in lotio attending the convocation were carovs parents mr and mm garfield mcgilvray and licr brother dote 8 guclph st her sister gail london and her brother and sisterinlaw boss and donna mcgilvray peterbor ough they were joined by mrj and mrs calvin clark wyoming and mr mike schercr london for dinner at hooks hcstaurant teaching career i pkl 1 mb sktow miiiajii uliin mnihmrm plant manager aurveyt the smoking ruins the morning slier a blaze of unknown of iglr did an eatlitita loci 60000 damage i scoungil briefs a stony alienee greeted jim mccalgfl question to tho may or monday night at council he nskod if the special meeting tuesday night was a cooimijicc or council meeting you have repeatedly said you would not have jelosed meetings but this one was held in tho committee room behind closed doors he stated tho mayor did not answer and went on to other business o cyril clarke ewiug street complained by letter of no act ion by tho town on damage to his property by the workmen re- con nt met inti ewing st he clai med his hedge had been torn up and a water spring cut off the mayor stated the damage was unnecessary and should be rectified by the contractor o a request from irwin noble president of the chamber of commerce for the town to match their contribution of five hundred dollars for a landscap ed sign at tho outskirts of town brought the comment i titink the chamber should raise the money themselves or get help from the service clubs whose names will be- on it from the mayor o in a letter to council ev peddle charier street ured a ban on sale of fireworks clai ming they are a hazard to peop le and property o nine tenders for the construe- tion of the first phase of the silvercretk trunk sewer were received and turned over t0 committee -0- keven applications for the poj sition of summer help in the assessment departmejit were re ceived and alto turned over to committee 0 i cr john hole suggested the old town works yard adjacent- to the ccdarvale property be j turned over lo ccdarvale he stated it is only old buildings end rough ground now but a part of it could be made into a wading pool four departments fight friday fire estimate 60000 loss i it was raining sparks streets in tho neighbourhood of meadowglcn growers- mush room plant for a couple of hounr friday nutht when a tiro of un known origin levelled a large iniilding in tho conirc of the complex on the towns northern limits the spectacular blaze punct uated by explosions was baulcd by firefighters from four hal- ton communitirsnntil the small hours of saturday morning manager ernio skrow has es timatcd the loss at- over 760000 tlic joss included company re cords an office growing hous es a refrigeration room lunch- room washroom shower room picking equipment and 700 bas kets of mushrooms the flames had made good progress by the time the alarm was turned in at 1015 pm and at its heijfht on hour later was sending clouds of fiery particles over the entire area some fell to the ground as far as three blocks away neighbouring smith u stone plant was in danger of becom ing part of the blaze as sparks showered on the factorys roof and roofs of nearby homes firemen atop smith it stone roof and residents qn tho peaks of their houses had to dodge the flaming debris as thy- fought the threat with hoses skrow said afterwards hti firm would be out of imsiuess if it had not been for the efficien cy of the firefighters jthcy did a great job in con taining it to one building i cant say rnough about their work ho told tho herald as a result of their speed and effi ciency there will be no loss ol employment and no loss of pro- duction he said georgetown fire chief erwin lewis put in a county mutual aid call as soon as he saw tho hlaxc and drew assistance from oakville acton and milton a number of pieces of eq uipment trucks and tractors were moved out of danger by tom mcglashen and boy tiz- lard before the firi rucks ar rived- they were first to nou ice the fire whilo passing ip a car and alerted the watchman mr skrow naid work will start in a few months on re placing the raxed building it was one of tho older purls of the complex and was scheduled to be used for just one mure growing reason he said hf t glen wright fatally injured in accident a georgetown man was kill ed saturday on highway 103 fifteen miles north of midland police believe glen gerald wright 20 of 7 william street georgetown may have fallen as leep at the wheel of his car it crossed tho middle line of the highway and collided with a transport truck driven by ger hard monzar of ilexdalo -mon- zar was unhurt the deceased was a son of imr and mrs william wright hi main street south husband of clarifi cormier and father of sherry and ttonnld he also lea ves six brothers and a sister funeral service was at tho harold c mccluro funeral home m edith street tues- day afternoon and interment in greenwood cemetery town decides to have subdivision inspector garth wtllthy majoring in psychology lur ins his university course gurlli wnglit received liis bachelor ol arl degree rnm the univers ity of western ontario on may 20th son of mr and mrs james wriht iis kdwavd st who have iweit georgelownresideiils for two yearn he received his secondary schooling at st an drews college aurora comi- lotintf his grade la at algon quin composite school north hay tho wrights moved to town from island vails north of cochrane garth will continue- ins stud ies next year at althouso col- leg at vjlucation in london ami then plans to leach public school a warning from town engin eer gordon fancy that new services and roads particularly in subdivisions are not beingl properly inspected spurred council monday night to honour graduate use for a full time inspector on wu mnmi a this job alone at present vred harrison is tha inspector but is also wel fare officer and purchasing au- ent neither council nor tho en gineer hail any criticism for ijlr harrison only high praise for his work but ndmilted no one man could do all three jobs adequately cr itoy hallenlne claimed mr harrison had saved the town a great deal of money ns welfare officer while the mayor emphasized his savings as a pur chasing acnt they ilid not decide whether anv inspection duties would lie left with mr harrison set restrictions for cars parked on property remand youths on drug charge tim rlniiriavnilnjty will iron out open culverts with developer letters read to council monday from two government agencies the ilalton county health unit and thir italian county safety officer staled they hail no authority over the openculverts in the hain ct and vagan dr urea the health unit letter went ion at length to slate the hazard to the area with open excava- i lions open storm suwers and a j hundred acres of mud hut wound up saylg it dh not fall georgetown residents owning more than one car will have lo watch their ps and qs from now on if a zoning bylaw am- oodment voted last week by counciris enforced aimed at residents who ibun cillnrs claim mar the scenery with old automobiles on their properly thelaw now require that no portion of a front yard can lie used for parking unless it has a paved surface hilso bans parking foi- vehicles of more than one ton and r quires one covered girago i space for every two vehicles on the properly some councillors doubted that the amendment would hear up i il it came to a rout tise how far can w gn in telling people lliey can t park on the property on which they pay iascsmonilcml cr hull frail- cis i no use passing i it cant be nfiirced was cr jim youngs wit it maor gibbous a reeing it is shaky at the annual spring convoc ation at mcmasler university hamilton on may 31st marv kvans daughter of mr anil mrs lanis k- kvans valley- 1 view ltd will receive her hon- ours bachelor of arts degree heeve hunter and cr y itf a graduate of georgetown 0 n nmendment in a lltstrict high school mary spe- vu whjl c ti eiabzed in history during licr four years at mcmustcr litis two other minimi amend- fall she will join the stair o nients at the meeting alluded i tho smith west grey distnclj two small areas of lown hoard of vducatuin where she will he a member of ihe history following a successful court -p- tmil-mwl-tlil-iihli- ltauh art jirampton youth charged april with possession of drugs were remanded until june 111 wlun they appeared in court tuesday may 21 fourth member of the group arrested ipcared in juvenile court last week and was fined 23 lor possession wilh everyone disclaiuiinif re sponsibility council decided they would have lo net in and iron it out with the developer tho first step that of establishing own ership of tlw innd was assign ed to the town bollcitor then council wilimect with the dev eloper wi i e a nienuier oi ine nisiory dparnen hunover listrick- kuei to rmiraed with fin apajju high krhaol davie fulton pays a visrr tha iliwuiuravli k davie kulton lc qc former minist er of juslicti unil public works was in georgetown yesterday with ic candidate for ilalton riding pelcr mcwilliams nieiit building on llnfry au h2 residential mio eoimctl voted an amendment allow ins this a ihinl feinojidinent created more residential building liril on the north aide ofking st in what has been a lljjhtmdus rial lone l-