iarkkeepers buffaloed linle burly has two brothers or sisters hinnmg in toe centre of this bison convoy is little burlington burly for short first calf to be born in the buffalo herd at hilton region conservation areas rattlesnake point park slnce the photo was taken burly has gained a couple of brothers or sislers the park officials arent suro which and a fourth calf is expected any day when this one is born the herd numbers will have increased to nine the young bison are aft offspring of bashful bobby the herd bull and his wives bonnie bessie buffy and chrissy elections next sunday for legion executive by ralph hwi i smith m ward t boji f t bull k dtrosc v bryant p ttie oneral mc iin which chamberlain w fisher j was held on thursday may 23 mur n dumper c inlay most have heen the quickest n collier h bottoms kun held at the branch for qtntr a while the business part the subject of air cadcta was c fmihrj by 8 30 thk irf5ssiroached at the above tiicelm fotloued nomination of off hut uas not discussed to any cere for the 19l49 car this length prcwdcnt bouman took another 15 minutei thus thought that because of ume everyone ui dounstars bj iooc ends still to be tied up 45 ptn thoirf nominated for those responsible should have olice ere is folou president mor time before putting any 1 feowrosn ii hale b collins motions to the floor xl haurv lit vic prcsuknt b colling ii ihle k derose ii bottoms 2nd vice n ward b collins ii notion l fcoyd j tmaoerton r smith j rjnd all executive commit lie four id be cleciinl j fcjnmerson ii jlaurs r stephen b hill it father was prominent saskatoon businessman a nqncer busirruiun in salooa saslutcheuan win i dominion convention smxrvunt 75 died in hospita should hc entflc in to lioth of tnr j his daughter thtni much knowleiuc and ex man is the u ire of hc ilobert penence can be earned by up semens minister at si johns aud comins members of any united church h hranch a convention such as the new committee room and ulfice arc now completed and it is felt by those concerned that it in a step in the nfiht direction one can now sit doun and yet uorlc completed in privacy at the time of writing the 1 three moiibers uho represented 1 tho branch should he busy wilu leyion business at the dominion convention d bowman ii hale and b collins are those choieji io represent the branch on this occasion for buster and bruce it will be their first visit to a and jin that they had performed this chore many times before comrade rod mcdonald along with members of the branch pjtecutive are still following up leads that might lead to sol uion regarding the housing of an air cadet squadron should such a squadron be formed in town the powers that be of the lome scots armoury have been approached and it is hop ed the two parties will meel some time this week and discuss the possibility of the cadets using the armoury bob and cory entertained on saturday as always with these two the dancing was good and the floor full most of the even mif without trying to keep it m the family fjoyd has bobs brother uoss hillier for this coming saturday general election this s afternoon june 2 bo sure to be on hand the in lustnal darti and crib born near siatorth ontjrio he uent vest in 1912 and lw runr rnacd in the automob liu icauc l annual lie business he seized uith the ler jnd dance las truay boal flvinj corps in 1u7 10 after the dinner an election was held for chairman and two tu4urnm to saskatoon hej secretaries one for the darts look oer operation of the au and one for cribbare after tocnobile clearing house in many nominations bcrnic dorc 1320 in 1922 he uas joined b was dieted as chairman ulnle tse late jj olmstead and after joe poirier became secretary lir 01mtcids death in 1052 or darts uith jack kin taking be ook over the presidency and over the job for cnbbage many prizes were won at the dance ulnch followed the dinner and elcition the lucky people were m mccandless m clark m simnucks j caldcr d mc cartney b maltby d end ley and f dull it was iw cause of the darts and cub dinner that the d shoot was cancelled lat i dd init lloyd will bo in husimss t week operatiofi of the entire business id 163 uhen he retired he was honoured for his contrib tition to he retail trade- and for outstanding leatknjiip in bus in as and community when he uas pxnled uith the master re tuler iwjrd b the sjskatchiu am retail merchants as social i as a hkmlwr of turd avcn te ihntcd chuch he served sev eral terms as chairman of the y eluntt- or stewards and mem j lttthbert br ol ihc baartl of truslocv sunday uns n unporlant day he um s lifi- member of tin f imperial section of church uvuiin i branch 120 the socllon held an ifr llarrso u alne n the c 1 orwnrxlc of olver ul 7 j l 1 iv iierous to 1st hire comrade home fur senior citiiins and 1 iwri knnn r prank bu was elected presld etfz f ipjwh pe h i u duirman for ucc ilu p lre0 the winners of the monthly draw were b itobson g gras the building committee for con ueuod tif a new lodge and continued to kfrve as a iward apemher urer was not filled this office will be filled by an appointment by ihe executive jim murphy will look after the minutes for another vear the two executive lie wa a momber of saskut committee members we bob cbrwau lodge ai- st am and acuthbtrt and les mnllahon hrtember of thx scoltish hlte i ii a pt pudl and lion i wc wm fiuur cosrhiohtan club lie leaves hui wife gruie uur uui gordon and davis both of sjukatoon and kussell of afontreal two daughter lr kraik iyck of saskatoon amd un itolmrt semens gcor celown thre- brothers hoy of north ilalthford william of kclona and davis of st thorn as axd three snteri mlu tllia beti uorruon of sla wat mm kov ibbott011 of ouelph mad alnu jean ivice alevand kenur and kuu btephenn ran the clpctlmi and ihstalled the new executive oiw had the fee- six traffic accidents in north halton area dunne the week of may 10 25 officers of north halton dc tachment ontario provincial police invlt jated total of b accidents there wlre 7 prop erty damnne accrdents and 1 personal injury accident which resulted in 2 persons being in jured property damage totall ed 4 155 2 charges were pre ferred as a result of these ac cidents inattentive driving fail to vh id right of way ind driver lost control were the main causes of accidents there were 3 break enter and thefts investigated which inclu ded one in esqucsmc twp one at ontario rock drillers where 50 lbs of dynamite were stolon and one at a garage in nassagawoya twp where 2 chain saws valued at 435 were ttaolen the 2 uwi hary been recovered and 2 pcrlojjeharg ed as a result there was ymin or theft and 2 other criminal code offences under investign tlon 1 thwt from a ivcrvlce sta lion resulted in 4 persons being arristed and chirked 2 liquor investigations resulting in 2 persons being charged under the liquor control act i per ion charged with assault and possession of offensive weapon 1 premise found insecure al night 1 mjsslntf perwm located for othir police dpt and 1 stol en motorcycle recovered for other police dept there were b0 charges pre ferred durirvg this period m warnings uuuod and 116 vchtc lea were safrty checked need no private property for maple improvements no private property will bo acquired in the widening and paving of maple avenue from main street out to tho 7th line said town engineer gordon rancy townowned land in front o private property will be ucd however and from this town- owned land any tree deemed necessary to remove will be cut down vol all treei will go from the town owned land explained the engineer but certainly some will maple avenue is not being re designed at a font lane road primarily it mil be used for two lane traffic with space for parking and turning on the hill between mam and kdith street here will be an extra lani for slownovlng traffic a sidewalk will he laid on the north side of maple with provision for a future hidewall on the south side any agreement- necestsrv between the town and property owners arc pimply to allow the town to enter upon private pro perty not lo aiquire this may be necessjry during the recon struction in all case private property will he restored to its original condition i while the town wants to do the job this car there i no guarantee this will lnppen since both tho department of highw lys and the county hive yet to give their approval cookie sale is success sell 2604 boxes glrlouidtf and brownrea in georfelown and area aom 2604 boxes of girl guid cookies dur ing their recent cookie day it was announced this week by district officials north georgetown district and part of credit valley district sold 1s2 twelvobox cartons for a net profit of 200 to be divid ed among the eight georgetown packs and companies and those at norval and umehouse in south georgetown district where a shortage tn cookies al lowed jhem just 65 cartons packs and companies kept what ever net profit they roade tor their own use thf ttlotaltown hmalb thursday may jorh t9l page 8 rrnrrtrngtitdpcunipany made 17 b0 2nd 13 20 and 3rd 4 79 fourth browjile pk made 14 82 2nd 13 20 1st 7 92 and slh 840 spiritual need exists here speaker says we dont have to go into prisons hospitals or far coun tries to help those m spiritual need all of ujlave people richt on our own doorsteps who heed a sympathetic ear com passion and understanding whin we eivc of ourselves in this way we are truly living christianity was the urgent plea of sister juliana of the bisters of the church convent arrgncart oalcville when she spoko to members of tke angli can church women and their guests from district churches on monday may 13th in st geor ges parish hall mri kenneth kwles presid ent of the acw welcomed the ladies the itevd eric mills introduced sister juliana to the gathering mentioning thai their friendship dates bade to the time before her retirement as principal of st mildreds school toronto the order to which sister juliana belongs primarily a teaching order but which originated in england is sister julianas talenu are now employed in the field ol counsel ifng in the course of her talk she told of many harrowing in lances in which sh had been abl to be of some help at lti tervals during the evening sis ter juliana played her guitar as acompanioient to some lively hymns set to folk tunes mrs ewlcs cipresscd the groups appreciation to sister juliana for her inspiring well as entertaining address tea and fancy cakee served by members of tho a c w con eluded ihe evening draper d0bk company ltife stock mokiiw js mefnbavsj ina lespont w ff the canadian stock exchange i nearest branch office 24ouaen st e brampton ont ouebns squam bldo telephone 459s223 no tojuharna from oaorcjatown and vicinity fast accurate quotations and aervico cn any exchange fell a i oita hi before you get bv in traffic let your fingers do the walking through the yellow pages reprints of photos appearing in the herald may b ordrd at th offlc 22 main st s er by phoning fe72201 5 a 7 size x 10 size 1 00 150 did you know you cunnot put irrto a small oul jones t great hope jphkln h randehildrrn kuaral service in lllird av rao church wascouductcd by bev un macrory mrs icriveoj returned hocne last week alter apcndlng some time ia saskatoon following mc jul her fathers illness mim nineteen will graduate at maple nursery school ninrlcvn lots will kradualcawpsii house tuesday may u in from maple nuriwry school and on lo higher oducullmi in kin dirvarten ihls v m wll kcanlon v tyresjiijirf of i i iff ib lltld uili wcrk hie schiwl wlilch lii limited ly law lo 2b pupils will likelv ik at capacity or the fajl 1 tho registration received at a re cent open houso are any indlc atlon uunnij the display mitht and cedsrvale community centr where the school operates 10 registrations were recciued cmprat- if fiirrm li vr nursery wiui m vr nursery wiui mcf children astislinf teacher mrs k hall ol brampton on a rotat ing basil mothan ajso provlda the transportation taking- turns in operating a car pool the children raiajfa in age from three to fiva attention farmers crops not whds now li tha tlma to ba planning your waads snraying program we carry a compleyk line of weed sprays including 24 d amine aj atrazine 24 d ester brush killers f mcpa amine dalapon cautioni always stop and raad and follow tha instrucllons which tha manufacturer has printed on harblclda and intactlclda labals this will fllva you further information oh how td apply thasa chemicals and on conditions which will affect rasulfs this will save you money and help preveht crop damage baler twines we are agents for plymouth and master baler twines baler twine comes in two lengthh no 9 9000 fr par bale tensile strength 325 lbs no 0 10000 ft per bale tensile strength 290 lbs balar twines are down in price this yearl call us and order your supply today master feeds dial 1773512 georgetown ft stewarttown wa deliver in georgetown mondays of each weak new low maytag t wash big loads fast dry all fabrics at low temps these are the longlife new generation maytag auto matics for families with a lot of living and laundry to dol j iuot niter sitbten famous uaytac thereat bftu acbon built in underwater filler aol nutlc soltner diipnir nutlc soltner diipcniir fmy5btub built to lurdlsbialmilej losdt uvmi whpome automatics bj unjs orsmtll loads uniformly clean aubeutle water iswl cmreli zma ol tut vbi adjuus water laml to aba el load mttenki lill hk wane mt call walk tej piahbuboa salctnis kive you the right tnperatilni ler i laundry- dallcales to duneareas ne or oi j 10 bt e st llot1 rrt a k vpnajly of ulna fckhled maytag u within tint yeati shar inridlaaea t buy a mahag today be washing tomorrow 10 hbhhbhhkeh mmmw television a gglvtt feeds wluu and ltd si north haltona largest tv and appliance outlet 33 main street north phone e773j76 rasnatnbar with wigo tv b a spejarty net sideline s t