mains ree rinc in georgetown thi georgetown hbrai d thursday june 61 h 1us page 13 yoirvf got more than you need fulton promises pollution action if pcs are elected m blood you can take it apart but cant put it together the tciliil pnntity of blood in your ldv h about on- pint for i vi ry fourti i n pound of vour wnht lhi is more hun idcti tl for your h wht n ou jjw i dot j blood la tin lit i uk i iv at ut i of in pint y i lslly nffoid this los i jii a w ikort who li is iw pirod or undi u m s mino i krry if vu l about itlotl o you j n in mir is at your local trust company increase your interest income iulkhuiiulu-iilmiiiiiiuch-r- guaranteed investment ceriif4caxes of sli mul h pots hi th il much to tiu ophcrd icm so it ill i vliici rtioi cifiinni d v yin nn st on ins i t in would h jwllutu n he called polluti n tin problem in this ioimtr has rccciw d no tiliil under tin tl ihu il mint the on i mtiw t i 1 1 tut ion ml ixpi rt hid jus m ininisti r i i tilt ditf nh ik r i in 1 mi rd in hilt n finii id nilt n u out p l ucdnisd in i ur tourvd riding iili d n u ij sg nt sluinpin h ilton in 1 i i i iimn ii id n vste pc candidate for haiton nd ng pnter mcwilli4ms mrs charles wray of shop rite and former just c mm slr hoi david fulton chat cl r r o a m iit tret t nrj tour by fulton and mcwilhams last week tnrnitr con mmistir l vi i wcilm di m i wins t ii linn i i ion il uill ill icl on probh nii r in llw tlm mi in tin ibsti i libi n is soon j d if mi vr lol tlttni fi injuo o- urvry vou in id rvry onnce rvf stntlj fli you in mumir tol rrivr ml fir iviiuu a pi r son who ndt blood t nt lr isi two pintv wood tiuifi ud of luii mam cwnponi nti blood nl lsma and blood 1 1 ih in a donation of blood there art ibout 2 t billion white nils iim t 1 trillion red c in ulntn n ms m lw tlis i asp fij hti rs in tin bndj iti d rtlls ulncli j iw tin blood il colour in car nis of food n n ind w itrr thrnuj lioul hip svtfin illood pin m a tmw co oprcd liquid hrghv consists of w iter ind prolrin if oik donation of blond w ri hi dwi d t t him t uontd mil the following iter prntc ii ytars 7 for 4 5 years 6 for 1 year t liriinminl tur i il i in 1 h inrjl tory frictifl lln ilt miuillliim mittillnms ahnut ui- rcicitcu tipi m umkcrv md ih acv it 4in i mtn htad duunt i on 1 radii n road ftrrnc rain i jiropi t a thril sjo iio r n of ittuk on the rwil i utir n r jbli in i ii i i pi ihli i list i disl th linni d w 1 mil 4 ullh lis i lvi- mikir j dxi n iv 1 l iniiv hill dill hlrrfiil cup pmlu poon pooh illncll amount from 100 tx 100 000 lnlrtt paid halfyearly by chqu or it can ho dopoiiledt o your savmgi account ihr th tiling lliuiu plactn on bn ou n li irhon j v lieddf d ihr narticil two or three jt i k on hit inillir of short prc con ullon miltd llu before he took to the n croun attormv a post ads with ucwilllinvi hl to nm s uil lory fulton uas asked if primo ta p ml ministr pierre trudeau s om pollution nffrncc nlbui bill to amend the criminal hi vnd i sel of iccodc nhich trudeau introduced tult0 lunched il llornln nilioml vtanilardv as justice minister was a pract i towers olf club aft r tourini dniloml on which to nal approach p of he en lle rn imnufirl itt ilk next he ih n riding and spent the ifternoon rid bet in e man rmnol manu comprthenilve plan the prime minister has rf main streetink in eorfetoun future lift li tin onl he n nvearh ind imhsis to nl fectuely killed what uc wernnd milton lie ilti nded i cham givan popl thronh the lui urn li ition of possible told was come to be an import her of comim rt dinner m oik giin of tluir hlnod riim offtnts 1 uillly frtctlve locll ant practical measure by wh at 5 10 and a tl o clock blood is pn mi lit in tluv ont tiiloneiii n arr mi minis must dissohitll parliament tit said no- ll a public inn link railinl u ndiulduith j ltl j i oakvillt in suppoit of iio r r poni in lifi ll if i 1 think that s interesting live con ervativc rindnhte nl lh june 10h i inihimli n if tlx incnnt coinmen on the importance he peter mrwillumv tlood nnnr linii uj mil fi niltus for infrfntc mini u 111 hi tht btst vehicle or t niun uiduslr h s if ue took all md put ih nl to ill r in i ihitt t siniplv ttiuui not imt blond sjipie thnu mis in and ill mimp hutu is i tl il im i n hi but uonderful tiling c died hf the ceorgetowm s5 main street joha edaar gt r77 23m conwnlant ooica hours thursday 00 s 00 friday til o 00 local nmjxtor john r barber north malton advisory board john p armstrong chairman kcrford gardhotlse maurice c lt it miehael ledwith john goy dr b d younf ited i ro si halton peel trust savings company head office oakv1lle other 6mces ilrjinvpton hurlintoti simto 1chs miltofl oookwille dunrhs member canada deposit insuranc corporition total asset under administrjition exceed 82 000000 oopiration s nd from fait lady preps for november presentation jiil lob ir iixtn n unit f irtiyts from iiortfio n itr pton and llrmiih i m i ln been htn tu rt i n in lit in bit ml r of tin llr iinplon ms club sirui uill nit r hi u i immednttly for a nominbir op rninq of the musn i cnd my b iir i irlv i in unit s pi duclion of i mini s hunlwiu in 1967 wis uill nn md in ii i 1 udiptins nl slioutd t hi ii jiulik o irtisti ii i in i i il talent tltin trnnt ui br liil i in hie i d in th oiniiiunit lcptrr in or i town in week undir iht mi inl limit dont mix radial bias with th lolllli ol inntiti m slflt i rs n nr old r u tin spin sti i ht n is th it tli u radul pl tiro marlcet in lirjt anadtan hi kb unnl aarru lriv n tlirm uth ih nt on il bus pl ttr r i it d tin s i iimii corni ntioinl i f ur if vou plan to 1 iir s buv four act 7tvc for even the ild nntcb i on for this uarnm o tvx s of tirts bt natural gas is or itilnh i rsl f dior i tow i luvi diftfnnllv ulirn running and show pmdur r ilrv m u iri md if mid could throw an inji of ilnm ih i tutiiiiiobih out of control rent a ross root feeder only 1 per day plus 5c per cortridfjo bf phnt food or imocticidfr carrie p food or i nt t c do d ro t to root systpm tin df il nd rht tp t w to prot ct and nourish your tree f d if qrr to c h idn n n pltj u it or in n shrub rov hotlqnj ntc acres of iris peony now in bloom come out yo see yhem good selection of annuals evergreens perennials flowering shrubs etc hedging material peat moss -t-mulch- grass seed all tyj3 of fertilizers for lawn and gardun wymfield nursery a garden ccnyre v m1u wl of 711 line on sg 17 sideroid phono 8779952 cr witi h i he trolti rn k tlnoiifrli tin ir put ph low not tlm indhor ilicunv whot with thr s rd ih uliiir lli cm itrnlf nt vou inns in vrr h i v nolnil tlint vou hiu inniphtly ctmf n i jblt itut vou tin 1 im v r om nt of ibfir wti o i in irr vour innifni i vunlrr tr siiiihih r niwl tliov vriloiu it wild nn i ura i flu i rum the i it in fr t it air vih breithr 1o thr omliiknn vour dinin r inlili niiturtl gai bilinnl tin kimni ih pupil ioutribuliiik to vour oinfoit iii fin i tin tliingr tiuil mth donik nl tin u unlwir ftarw i inn im ha punting lo u bun ir ownrr iik ihr nn loi ut th u orvjiij wlndowii n ituril jim ln ph lb hif n 000 suit kiiuhihiuihi wuritieil with icuu ldtrsj frpnli uir i ik w hmiowh put it to tin i this wl tv linn uint dis mmiiwi tin uinlbir bui hum lln fiih bfiiliii svntciii ihwriii t jilhlw jmii or frol build up nf rtoiwlrnsxitinn hi tllkr plucf lwciiliavr tiu iii llltsl viirtll i r ii owners k you oio jocolodoo ifaa sonvo sado o thajslrootos4 fjos imo which mroi insaoflod ptiar lo apnl 1 19a7 you may qmufthha 50 if you chano lo a natural fjas conlral healing system botwaen now orwj splotrihm 28 1968 you w ais0 receive ah ffek aff k hfkodvini klklieni i lm rr fulu i pnpwl w lib nut ii i il jis iipphiiihik lln i in ft pn fi r tin in for ttpiid pniihiiiii iifiiiiiiii mih in fs li iih ii m ilh r nl ri i i imik nl it tins u in ipnirui i nn ik in in n i ii mi ikt uit h mill nt 1 1 jj is fur i klllh gihm uf thtapii i rnni fniiulhtniiil tn s ilili s tn pinliifu i windsor raiewiiy hl so knuny hig umiplmtea iti smiuiwmlrn on la no chowr litiluml piu lscuufle oujv tomturul huh dor ho many uunpi o well ftfticiciilly thonotmculiy dependably and natural kuu cuu do t koudb for you jjmk into it tulk lo your oon- lrm lor or liinttxl ju auowua 0fupt0 ni u ifmlllllll kl liiuilid suppu nl piping bill uihi pullnii iitlt i a illnii uf il n our limin nil fir uil ii fnn lion imiiihii ifiniiisi bill jilh will l t mill till hllltlf hwsj tuwj uqn ml ilnlily total energy fof tola i comfort gel walur hoator ul iho some tiino a you convi rt lo your nolurot rpi n ntt il booting sjom r your boobnq conlractor dnpiitlinont iloro or col unilud ous