Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 13, 1968, p. 13

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1111m ii llila iii i 1 letsplay bridge iuxltxrrrrru m l toa jnrr rrrt-j- r ttrrw it it fnlrl hi- 1 the ftcult pjrt nf the jiiin it ht dr n r yo ir duf u intl itn rovi i nv i th rc i ii on do lb vj- be stn nly m si hlf e brill mir imt tly out rl i nckr i i h4 i on i n t ilwjs cover dun t hum r ith r un li rlo n h iror i kin i this wiks hand vhows aim the wayin whic you n a dp lender an k p doth re r d balance the dub r wis rul r ho tli x tr nrr ulnorahl- hotice of application north s j7j ii 4 t 1 0 3 j c a q 1 wi s- a ij d i ii hi i 7 i n ii ii 1 4 1 s 1u h q 3 3 2 dk qui r k 7 south sk ii i ii a k j ii fl iiw7 c in a defends farmers says care used on highways an anonymous letter crlticix injf haiton farmers for driving farm machinery on tha ruada and published by two hal ton newspaper ha brought swift roactlon from haiton s agncul lural reoreaentativr henry stanley surely hp la entitled to um th roads tft is paying for mr stanley said it had hn n intimated that many farm ve hlcles on the road wen not properly lighted he aaid viry trumpet was followed by dr ami mrs john 1oacock ahowini coloured pirtnres of thoir work 1 in africa they showed nones nf the hospital homn and emi ntry in nigeria where they wore both mtiiattil th y aid the climate was very worm with two dry and wet there iro many rrllyiemi thrv found eviry one fritndiv and pit usinu work with moth john and ail xplnln d arh pic tun eivhh aii insight into tlir they wrri doing thir hlddim ra i puss south 1 nt 2h nt wist pas tabs ah pavs north 2 nt opining lad two of spad hrtui i played low from dummy on the opciuw lead and in the county ourt of vast s t n forced declarer to thb county of halton w w k for road closing in th wattkh of the it lis try act ilso ltxio thdpur 548 section 01 and in till- ma vi mi of the closing of a portion of glen street in lh villui or glen williams accordim to htil fctred plan sumu r 10 and in tilt uaniit fr nor man norton applicant whekfc vs application has been made by norman norton for an order closing a portion of glen street in the village of glen willums township of ts- quesing as more particularly dene rib d in schedule a at tached hereto take notice that 1 have ap pointed thursday the 20th day of june 1068 at my chambers in the court houne on the bane lane at the town of milton at thb hour of 2 pm to enquire into naid application and to hear representation from persons af fected by such road flosinp tn havwread the affidavits of nor man norton and kenneth cow an lindsay filed and in the circununianccs to mnke an order closing the aid portion nf glen sireet and turthcr take oticc that if any person affected by th cloung of the aid portion of glen street shall fail to appeir elther ii person or hv his nun ael the matter khali be dt lit with without further reran to the rights of slid pi rson otclarir led i hi club ten and played low from dummy what w6tild ou do it you were eait wins the defense i if hast finished the hst r ast cjo relqrn ik a diamond hut declarer can take two triclcs in that suit plus 1 cluhs throe hearts and splde at least put ulnt dcclinen tmr i difcrence if fcju trreit if hast is to dn this h- must do it quickly without heuu linn many declarers would rr peit the proven club fin ease and end up wiih onl one club trick on thic hnnd ihrw no t can be nnde with only one club alum renud trick but it would be iost dlf ficult ertumly farm vehicles are a ha ard on hlghwaya he said onn of the principle reaioni is the fact that urban people do not naliir how slow a farm tractor moves as a mult thv the farm machinery before they decide tn slow down mr stanley saya last year in ontario there were 286 accid ents involving farm machinery and highway vehicle aa a re suit h farm machinery opera t om died motorists favours as rcsup q collisjonj ihe chanco oi survival ii 17 to one in favour of the motorist mr manley added thus farmer have been us rag the unpaved portion th highway whenever poaxible and are pulling off and allowing oth er vehicles to pau if they find they are holding up traffic he aaid the anonymoua letter writer who signed himself concerned fait that farmers should not be on the roads with their machinery this is an absolute necessity in haiton a county which is being overrun with rural noti farm houses and un acre lots mr stanley said charh n lin ih inlf of stringent rulea were in effect and being enforced on farm hide lights irom a half hour after vunset ngrkatioii with a f w ap- to a half hour brfore sunns preciative words iw senlod llw n farm tractors must havt two with a bibh for whit h tin v x while lighu at the- fiont and one pi 1rr mi m red light at the rear htfxaid wlcknon think d ihnsf taking are uoool v f pn m 1r nil mrs r l rd light iracocj for kharinj their afr iii thcturti 1 unth contliubd the farm lmpvj t th rvenn so carry a red light at the rear and if two vehicle ar over 20 feet long- lights must br car nwu inn t hi invrjv time ned shewing a greed or amlx r nf thr vnr tulip nnd ipiia light to each side at the front afod soon tin ro is 1j h iut and a red hght to l side at jj all hieir beauty loo had the rear mr stanley adiled when vonccrnrpl ktatcs that ue rf mer remains one of the prlvil eged few is he really augment ing ihe farmer be banned irom the roadst is he really willing to payj isfio per cent of his taki hojiic pay on food similar to european countries rather than the 10 per cent he is now paying or is he willing to appreciate the farmers point of view and hiow up when he im farm vehielis on roads provided for the iiit of all citincns hundred dollars to best of bands one hundred dollars will go to the winnar- of the battle of the bands to be held in con junction with the brampton klowex festival the weekend of june mtb japk osullivsn fawner of so nic kntcrtalnnuot organizing th tvint now has an tevn bands lined up and wants only one more he is limiting the number alpaply because of thi time ich kand will play 40 minutes and the winner wilt b judged on appearance music nd bv audience reaction frlday night june 14th in tho junior farmers building in ilrampton aboul 800 young peq pie are expected ah have been asked to bring a real flower as part of thr admission price th remainder is 1 50 there has to be wars and hat rd among men and shootings ill wim pahs of the world mrs john bemboddy page ib thr georgetown herald thursday june 13th 1961 he said over 40000 acres of as a d nder you should not take every fineisc that is offer m1 to you uut keep it varied take some hut not others keep declarer on his toes ho he will never know what yoj are up to 1uphcat bridge koes on at the cton bridg hub every and said if it were hot so the county would be an unsightly mass of weeds between farms mr stanley asked how else can a farmer move between larmn without using the roads rhe farmer pays taxes on the roads not only on his house monday muit until the end ofi does the urbh dweller but june vi liy not try it some mon day liulif monday renults mr pair netty anhlov hill coats 2nd pair sue sullivan duke wll son 3rd pair mr and mrs pat jeffarei 4th pan mrs kather ine coats mm gloria coats on his barn implement shed and all the land he owns aihgrove doctor and nursewife describe african work the friendship unit of the ucw met in the church has ment on tuesday evening june 4th as it was open to al the hillcrest congregation an at tendance of 95 men women and children were present president mrs ward brownridge welcom ed everyone devotional was in charge of mrs vern picket i david austin played selections on his electric guitar then a singsong of familiar hymns with mrs james carney at th piano and kiev keith hawkes on the il if homes motels lodges cottages rinks cee der log ii- patented cotttuct10k a complitsly manufactured lf bulmjug lav for auambly naturally intclatinf raqulrioc m twtlw iniulation lining or plavtarlnf ts tha mile economical 1inaiijall4f chana mmd fc irt caa dar lo will ba lad hi thaw yau tka aanilna saddla back joint syitam and aar l that hava mada mji- product o bjeaulat ceederlog buildings ltd blsplay at bon mius and davis drive 8 r 3 k4ewmarket 195294 in halton vote georgetown headquarters phone 5942 attention farmers crops not weeds noyv la tha tlma to b planning your waads spraying program we carry a complete line of weed sprays it includinfj 24 d amine atrazine i md fster brush killers mcpa amine dalapon caution alwayi atop and raad and follow tho inatrudlons which tha manufacturar hat printed oiw harbklda and intacticlda laball thli will rjlve yei fyrthar informatiojl on how to apply thate chamicall and on condrhont vrhjch vnlt affect results thti will tave yqu money and help prevent crop damageh baler twines we are agent for plymouth and master baler twines baler twine comet in two lengthh no 9 9000 ft per bale lanille strength 325 lbs no to 1 0000 ft per bale tentlle strength 290 ibi baler twines are down in price this year call us and order your supply today vv vl ell i full line of master feeds master feeds dial 8773513 georgetown stewarttown we te liver tn g4orgtown mondays of each wook dated at milton this jjrd day of mu d 101 r alan 1 vpriliie judge of the countv court of the county of hilton suihr i all and sismtiar tint certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lyin and heme in tho toyship of isque ing in the count of haiton nd province of ontario ind h ing composwl of pirt of glen ftrfcet lyinti between block i- and d a shown on david jteesor s survey nf pirt of the village of glen williams in purl f the last half of lot 20 in concession f m the r town ship and filed as- iteeistcrcd xlan number 10 in the iteiustrv office for the sud countv ind which said pirt of glen street is more particularly described as follous premising that glen street in the said villa of glen williams at shown oi said ren lstered plan unihtr 10 has q bearing of north ifid tl 50 west and rehtinc ill heiririls hwein thereto commencing a the point of intersection of the south v st limit of glen strett in thr saui villafie of glen williams as ahown on said itepistered phh number 10 with the northwi st limit of lot 0 hloek i a- alio in in hd phn tftftber 10 thence south 10 il 11 r kast alnni the iui s nithwrst limit of glen street 310 00 feet i more or less to the kjiih nf in i teriectinn of the said south utst limit of glen street with the northwest limit nf ndil st eis shown on iirl itikisttreil plan umher 10 mid point of inters etion brnu il o the 1 ast iiil of a t i in itlixk i at shnun m h ml iui ti i i iman numbi i 10 thfnci noith gd hi ksst across gu n stint hhool bfee1 nuirt eir ls to tin point of inter ition e f tin ninth i js limit of tien stnet with tin westerly limit of rnlit stre i as slmwn on s nd ilitistend plan numlwr 10 ui 1 point intersection iwinj also the south annle of tut tl in llleuk m j how ll on sml ltijmiiel rht uumlver 10 the kick north mid it v west slnntj the slid northeast limit of ien stnel to the pnnt nf interseetion with a i me drawn through the point of omnn nctv- mint on j hearniu of north 2d 30 50 ram thence south noreen miehm kinette prexy noret n miehm wsk named preirident of georgetown kin eltes at the clubs may meeting at the home of karen harrison olivers clerted to office wertj secretary karen harruon trei surer janet wickett relstrar jackie kent and directors hona milne gail collett and donna moo res reports were jfiven of th6 rummaje sale kinette kruue and marathon bridge othei pro jccls durinc the sean included i fall fair hako sale and collec tion and repair of used toys i for welfare hakets sixtyeight at hancock picnic sul4iiht attended a han cork fanujv picnic in wolf park terra lotto sunday where mrs besme wilde of hlzlibridg somerset fnland mit many of her fimdnn relatives for the first time mr wiide is spending three weeks with mr and mrs herb haninu in glen williams mr hancock is a coiihitt mr and mrs nert crewion ind mr and mrs charles han cock had iharjp of the day a program which included many competitions for all ayes w nm rs ot running race in their re etive ae ifroups were sundra hancock blake ilane ck darlent hancock dl aue gilmour dean hancock ltn in mccutcht on jeauette ii mcotk ollu i u inm rs were move hancock men s shoe kick lin da crew on women a ihoe kick ilrion and ann tmccutcheou win e ibjrrow race joe hancock and murjoiy lune birthday prnc et 1 dith hancock oldeu ludy irnlvn iljiienck be tin contest lie ie wild tiavellinc prixe anne mane hancock youngest and januu llnncaek peanut eruinble the georgetown herald and cooperating merchants mtsinblei nv crawfords family shoes 1 main st s c4r4twh 177 5w4 sv bravviv llinl stuaft scot wchita whit cras lalm da pari up to date me kept on your child s fitting largest molceua of children s footwear in the area comf1 interiors it main st n georgetown furniture aa drapery a carpets tai arfs77y thbncb souih lil 111 llll u4 ii yrnrrtnxwt bud haln hi feot lnor or kwi lo tho puini set commanloiiicnt cohcrbti gravel builditjc sakiu road gravel fill and top soil oant clan wlllm i7731ot golden j fish n i chips iamai aafe i a ztefyit w try halibut only contest cash prize 10 each week g delicatessen 140 gimlph eatttr i77a03i beautiful srlaction of gifts ceramics stklma inelanl pdttary ceptrwira souvnlr tit this waak only 10 discount ciokcitown turkeys lb 39c 4 ta 10 lb avragtf plymouth chrysler e valiant fargo trucks isajy aitd fartdar work maveal motors saltis and sltvicp 31 gualph slral tu 7 hwy 877694 out of omen supplitts vu ii llnd all you haadt at georgetown stationery office supplies j main sirw marti ix7345j big lilection t bathing i suits i nw ttvl fabrics colons clrll troffl i ladibs irani e jacksons ib main si n country kitchen ou raihlonad diumiiih mill slrit european styud cooked meats wld varuty of imported cheese if ntry sccompinitkl by saleti tlipt or ttjm frtmi 6n ef the advrtner in ihlt fture 5 00 if no idi slip or tap ntlaia kadi week for tlirt net 12 ueoks the hrrald and cooper alint mtrilmi til otfi r us reader- a ehanre to win a su prize how to win ii ihlid in pi he d vltirtlwill appe ar in 1 diffeient ds eich we i k conte iim n ui 1 ti look thiouh the ad for the scnmhled u i i 1 hi thrii words spelled correctly thmild lu i h il m thi foupon iiliiiu winnirx name will ippe u e i li weik in low tin eoipont contest rules robert gougeon i household furnishing 14 main stra south operotinq th i colonial shoppc at 28 mill st i tel 77 3s5i quality furniture by kroahur i sblar ate harding carpets g refrigerated fur storage barrag ers cleaners ft dyers main si and guolpli st john boughton jewellers 5 main street north expert welch and jewellery repair r fresh grade a i chickens lb 39c host fl sib i i he ihiible mu t b fiom one of the firm pirtkipitnu m tins ft iturt i2 ml iriiri mu t 1 brouj lit ir muled to the herald ml mu lit tn thi officii inlrs toupon which appears in low hi i mi 1 if lhe hirild in not eligible 4 1 nlru fi i i ii li will s miiu t inilst be in uu hinld ohne h 111 iin on tin fullowliu monday 1hc wilt in pi nd ii tin i m i imi whin received 5 hi fiit i irnei niiswer ill nvn fnun the contest box will hi jini id lln winner ind uill he announced in p ici indirite d w low d lln decision of tin juili uill he final in all aspects of tla tcilltist luthii isnii winmi om ulikthe ss 00 prize uill ive addid lo th folliminj uitks ceintesl entry coupon i nwil i aiidiiiss i i vi uiilil il u ml air i i tast weeks winner mrs jean puetlrs 77 duncan drive oeargatown t0wne sewing centre 45 main north i77u131 srwing machines salrs and rbntalj repairs to all makes si i- lilt widi ltnl- oh kaiirks 3 to 4 lb average the nm i i j i urchin lit i li u ii m i iinpnii tl i i in our i u tint blush 300 t ere s9 95 j139s superior i food market garners main street north x main street holmes i ryders tv scrvict i 49 main st n 077 9794 si to j1 00 store 11 main st n expansion sttlej tv serv1ce starts today gifts door prizes i licensed by i dttpartment of lohour sea paqo s georgetown cycle sports 1 water street 177 3430 gearuetown out hkvrle silrs k servilc inrls 1iinpnu nl li phi lub discount plihi ih i don jakvie proprietor blue valley for father s day meat markkt 141 guelph 87 6331 brigham ilils pipe racks impoitej touaccos delrex red er blue brend chuck steaks 55 smoke shop c i georgetown market lll c

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