Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 13, 1968, p. 14

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l p statg farm agent attends convention in montreal ur mr- mri l l500afnt- ace ncy miliaicm drtimnl u i ml mum r jnd wivi from connecticut r shiivin i jo it tin qlkin mlinr masuchuutl michigan ni hampshire lthxi- wand ni vi ynrk nw icrsrv verm lint ind thr four canadhui irti vlnies of allkrta hpitkh col i umhia manhpb1 anil ontario i ucri kntfed on company plans or mi i tin md curivnt murilinc re ulli and ion mori hi in industry di volopmrntt jllililh llolil iii lonrrnl iu i l in i u tint- tin mmi d d i llii i d iv mini utlnn for oill i iiiilm m iti i inn instiraii l almlts hi j nu t korea study topic for union women the n uljir iwmlhb met tint the hale in be paikicl on sept of i niiin iii hunm church w 1s u is he id at til hnmi of mi rl xniiiiluii mi unities 1 1 jfttinivin linn i urs rra it r i ictlnnild ind mrs i i hi imp un ism tin hnsusscs for th th i rt lunchi on mi ill iii ii nu uup rson m ill itul op ml h t utli i pot m m 1 nr mr our tin tripli n uith prim i m icdniultl n id i snr fnllould mr lot i ason mr 1 1 pit nf ii crnl uiuij i a r br iniliin ircsln nu in l lliiuul rri ni i i li w us ir mp un t r i t uppk i lm if lri smnl is phmu d fni ihr c wifl usi d unli r clotlun for simr uctk mlwr in im roll c ill ua- ansui ml h naming a tliurth unrlctr mrs lie campbell jw tin dodicit or pri following the rollic t ion mrs ait mikiiii u is asset d n um thi thaptir from the ludv iwwili on ihr koreans in j ipin in mrs oums mjlouii ild lhi nu etinj us closed uith pn r h mrs i slit nun tin nu nilltiiir ditf h is in en clnnied to i in sdiy iul j in phtf of tin i d t of v dnesd is the mi iv women grand lodge officers for true blues sqvbtsi members of the local loyal true bljie lodge lultons pride no 303 attended the 7th annual sessions of the jtight worshipful provincial lottie of ontario in collicmwood on june 4 5 and 6 i mrs alex bullock mrs ptor enco little mrs joan cambell mrs jessie shortill mrs hurl preston and mrs dolsy harris attended the entire session while mm dorothy carter mrs margaret hiluer and mrs annie bingham attended one day mm short 111 was i lectcd to the office of r w provincial grand secretary and mrs tat tie appointed as ii w associate grnd treasurer ottawa denies continued from pifle h pressed surprise at hie mcwh hams statements and denied the accuracy of thorn the president indicate to me thai there would likely be some action on the part of tha compahy to cl the record ktramhl he said that avian had been very pleased at the awdst ante and cooperation it has ro ccivcd from the department and from the trovcrnment pemcrally n the development of the air tiaft mr mcreuh utated lie pointed out that the fed era department of industry had spent something like three quar irrs of a million dollars under its industrial grants pro ir ram in assisting the devtlopnunt the jov niment spokesman said that proviaional approval of iiil airciaft has btui cranltd so that iheeompany could use it for ti stm j and demonstration ptirpnt s but there vnrr still two or thrc problems that had o in i li ired up before certifl laliun could be ifanted tor use nf the plane in public service i lie company had expnistd confidence in its ability to ovtr c mu uu si probknm and mr mcf cish smd he was also confi dcnl mint the pmlicm toiild lie licked and when tlify wtw r i lification would be foi th cominj from the government ifa pointed trot that thm pany has had an aconudnc his tory in developing the gyro plane and said tliat no other si milar type of piano has bceu certified for public use any where in the world the comp any started on a shoestring with very limited finaiwtnji and m ililes but it has had capable en gincfcit al im time 30 people were fniployed hut anan is now down to five people avian no lontr unplovs iti own test pilot and rami wait un i m tt c mrt um rf a test pilot who is faally em ployed at dellarvihand aircraax thr irtct diovult problem still to be cleared op relates to the rotor blade but the banpaay s confident that it can solve ihtx jf it is solved lotetbrr with one or two otner itrms then the ro will jet its certif ication and dearaccc from the iieparlnffn of transport and be abt to co into proti- on for rominemal sale the department v l mo i n vsjrw esreftu is sivuuac eer ufictioa for all aircraft and particularly for a unique type such as the one avian la devel opine metal faiifue was one of the major problems encountered council m ottawa performed aad the national research the testing for the company in this area the modern materials the company first attempted to use presented manufacturing prob irrni and they had to revert to more conventional materials and oriti it them ttsck about two years some people may feel that our requirements are too strict but experience teaches us that thorough testing is required fur all types of aircraft a depart ment spokesman said but the company has told us they hav j been happy with the coopcrat i ion they have received from tne department and the govern men and they ucre surprised as vjl were by the statements of mr i mcwilliams as they have no thi oeorobtownhiuld thursday june 13th ltol page 14 idea of tho souno of his infor mat ion mr mcwilh mis tnld the her ald ho exptrlit vun officials wunlil ilinv crtiruation had hem tiimm mly held up by th rpt of rran port ftrs only mturd tlnv unn t uant to aiitaoni j 1 ulim they fi- hai crtifitatim within hejr grasp h aid to the parents and students of georgetown district high school summer school 1968 v- any student wishing to attend summer school must pick up an application form authorizing attendance at summer school from the guidance department at georgetown distria high school grades 9 to 12 c l j l ci d jl ci h rjh s irol roa d cont nu ng sunin or school i i i f cc v n i spror clrir school in rrn i pion the purposf of in i su i o o offer irj i qi il i r ince to mudents wlo wisli to im pi t c tt ore tfl idrct rc is n wh ch rliey tire offering courses a an onrichmont courts the- purpoie of this course is for students v t wf lo f f i in ci ool but are not flblc fo fdke thr courses offered n l r an f r opportunity for students in these f c i t improvomont courtot ap b iq offered lo students vyho iiavp been pron ot i bu are ow n or or wo subccls hip students will f nd difficulty m cl r rj v b jb hf eir ind are strongly advised to lake these a sun i fr cl ool tn voulcr qivc a f r n background to start fresh in soptem he nd lie mirk ennirh ill be u td to reise thp students promotion n irl- c mauo up courses trr offe ed for iho e students who are belpw prom o on n lard i o l or more juberts tins is an opportunity to save a full ye tr i lies ud i t trlucation il life marks from these courses w ii be coun it i lo irns r i i g the student s promotion standard the centnl peel d tr ct h gh school board has set this school up for the r purno e of help ng the indent as a result they have only hired ab ov ivfrnrjr t ichors id n n o t c t r depirtnent heads to teach in th s p ogf mi i flin very pleaed to say that central pe i d strict high school board hi kj nn nvitcd g orgetown district high sdiool to participate in this pro gram ind wo h ive gladly accepted the summer school will be from july 2 to augu t 9 uwiiltivi examinations will be held at the end the marks will hi returned to this high school and wp will inform the students of the result our furirn mending thr summer school mut lake two and only two uhpc j i id tin f for tin course will be 5j5 payable to the central peel di trict ugh c hrol fo ird on the diy of registration at central peel dis fnrt h qh school r gistcatio i will take plip at central peel district high school k nnecjy ro id and highway no 7 brampton on june 26 77 and 2fl thi tudent must have a letter from the principal sludf nt n comniendr d to tiko improvenu nt or makeup courses will b notiiiid by m ni students wishing enrichment courses or feel that they should t il e improve me it or make up courses but noj notified before receiv ing tin r r port c ird should cortlict the guidance deparlmi nl tl m c orgi town d trie t high schoofnoard i offering frt o transport i lion lo help the sjudcnls ilure will be a bus luavmq the high school at 9 oclotk on june 7 to tike tudenls to centr il peel for registration tiid will return as soon t the student aje rtgntered anyone wishing to register t it r th it will h ivi to f nd in own tr anporlalion to central peel ihortgubrclo f will be from 9 a m lo lopm eichday farh cli- will be of 90 minutes duration and will corrist of 15 minutes of instruc tion followed by 15 r morning from f e g o qr central peel d tr c li n lo the high school i am conf je i this summer school i i this offer the follow g u i v td s d the bus will leve very hqi stool it 8 30 aid will lsiv j ci h clu a vi retu n the stoant4 t ci sr dc ts v i ieogni7e tne value of tmpe ie n tik ra e man mikin acivantaom of e p cgrams offered 1 section a enrichmonl t o s nects requ ed per student thr folio v ng co r e completed tne ye ir s wo are offered for h p f able in hie studf nt rt g i in a particular sube irt typing 7 key punch op r t c 3 drafti ig i electric ly md lit 5 mach ne shop i he ofti xi o sudens who have successfully i er l i l avenge sand ng the courses o c i g tdutiion o iporlun t ei no aviil to r t i ui or tie exension of mlerests gradw 1 1 english history geography mathemt cs p iy utlrt french grade 12 english history economic matnemat c cr i p french latin geography grade 13 courses in grad 13 subjects will be offered by m i p rriington and hamilton boards all three boards kave agreed lo ac cpt o grids 13 students there will be no transportation provided for iho c courses a grade 1 3 student may only attend summer school if n i a he is taking were taken this year but failed and if the sube ts i q nl r h tor a secondary school honour graduation diploma 7 cicd all students must arrange for summer school at l c ment at georgetown district high school before go ng o c j 7 come sitionii french 8 russ n cultural studies 9 pnyscal geography 10 reiding improvement 1 i introducion to siiorhand ii section b improvement i o ubject requirel per studerft tho folio ving on l i t oif ed to u iens wik tuve bee i pro moted but who hid lo s n tik n one or tso subjects the summer cours providps an opportun ty to thf indents to improve their background and to gain confidence in tr t b cj i i inn io is will b held at the end of the summer school courses offered s year and 4 year grade 9 i ngl h h ui c oqnphy mimem lhcs vie cc french typ ng 1 gridi 10 i nt h h t ciogripti ttum st- t n n tfttn bor klt i p i g 1 shorti ir i 1 grade 1 1 irql i ii ui m ith m iti s geoqriph pns l lin ereiuh grade 1 tnglh h i mttlnmiks lui stry rench l it n gt ogr iphy honon c credih tow ird adplomi willlw g ven for these subjects iii sachon c make up two ubpcts required fwr student 4 and 5 y ir cour es of ii it d the followi ig cour ts in olhred to students wlio hiva filled in not more than thr e subjet t of tin t it scrk ind who mirk in e vch of thf subjects ailed is 10 or n or ind who e ivt rjge o i all subjects it not usl than 50 grtcle 9 lngli h ii toi gt ogr iby mtlwmitic science trench typing 1 gride 10 i ngli ii ii rtgitph m th- nu ics ieionce i tench litm bookkccp n j 1 1 ptirt- r s hoot it matics i rench s ool i i 9 i m d s i t l mix j i 3 30 mississauga will offer english history cog f a mathematics b physic che ni i i latin registration is june 27 at port l r i s from 14 pm and 79 pi i d j no lo 3 p rji registration forms to be on m j l district high sclibol before u g t ii fees 30 per student plu p i j mum of 2 credits ptir student school to operate from jul i a am to 17 30 p m di ly burlington will offer english history m iti i i registralion al georgetovsn ho chemistry biology inn fees 10 per subp ct a inn u r student school to operae from jul t- i m to 12 noon at nelson high st ho i i hamilyonwill offer english mdtu m it a v i i hysics qiemistry biology history o t qr ip i i r i h lit n german 1 registration at georgetown d t t h 1 tees 30 per subecl plu iitj ti t i nnxl- viium of 5 subcls h r student school will operjte it hinilljon toting l tn tuuta in the moriunj frcp l j 15 to aupi t j any studtmt who wishes lo illar ins projri guidancf doparhnnnt immediately i it ilit th d p turnfck principal t h van stcktertchairrnan v

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