Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 18, 1968, p. 1

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ads that pay yeu can place an ad in the heralds classified pases by aliening i77m01 buylna or ailing the herald h wtwra yeu will find th results you printing publishing the caw herald ba earned c and district aa printara and pumlahara for the home newspaper for georgetown and district fcest in fine prlnrlne and nws authorized aa seco class mail feet office depl ottawa nd for payment of postego in cash georgetown ontario ttmreday july 18th 196a 300 per yoer fiaeji cepy prices ton conta week to ten days and lots of water speight a plentiful water supply in a week to ten days was promised by water chairman arthur speight when queried by the mayor at mondays council mce- tint deputy ilceve speight aid jhat the now no- water- well had the hrick work oh the pum- pine slafhon finished that day and the roof was in be put on and electrical installation made on tuesday tl a week to ten days it should be in operation he forecast meanwhile a restriction t on using garden hose at any liine remains in force as a- conserva tion measure for the towns limited water siipply at the meeting a sslittoex- hydrology -con- p a filth writ in the trinccxs ann- drive ared was disculsod trie firm sivs pense to jtiave sultants develop slate 7 member planning board for esquesing at a hrief meeting monday night ksqucsing council took the first step toward a zoned township r they passed a motion setting up a severi member jmanning hoard the members of the roanl will bo decided a i a later meeting theres nodkilil we need sonlo plan of orderly develop- that no treatment other than protective chlorinmiosi is re quired here as the water hjs low iron content strawberry picking now do it yourself project the doityourself trend has i picked out in a few hours a i extended into the strawberry kcrri slated the ion holiday pach countless pickers filled weekends arc no longer prob- the field- of the farms in the hem previously the wait for area picking their own berries j market until the stores opened it was thufint venture into this system for hriieside farms and terry hujihes one of the owners feels it was most auc- cessful they too-injud-oli-bup- ruineda tot of harries j ervisintt they advertised the i specific days they were open so it a verv big year says flro- no one would be disappointed h fernhar kami reports city karms hut we do insist onj they came too late rather than savin money and having ball families turning the lcrry pick jng inlo a family jaunt with many seeing a real farm for the first time apart from the picnic aspect the pickyourown plan saves the farmer marketing and lab- our costs especially now when lh prticular seem to labour is hard to find en pg t supervision so that the wholcisrnd them away emptyhanded area is picked mrs john hrown thev lutually directed them to pointed out that children under another farm where they were twelve are not allowed in thei still available berry patches some children would be fine but others miiht a lhe ncrs p to p iramplc the vines she claimed ihl kvitt ptioii since they feel there arc fewer head ache this year the cool rainy wea jfcrris whd claim they star- if ymi dont cet good onosjlher delayed the season a week ted the pickyourown system when you pick your own you or two but the present hot wca- fiftech years ago report vsry have noone to blamo but your- the r will keep it in operation food result with th patches adf abe concluded a bit longer cant wait says wee lynda tisor as father d h he is picklno draoside farms lyndas brothers o they poift for the herald camera nds her one o holp f the luscious borri q to cat up the profils loo mrnt remarked crpt pat terson m a factory could be erected next to 35100 home a letter from mrs anne me arthur councillor for nassaga wcya reminded council the wcjls in milton hrjghta bad been condemned two years ajfo add nothing had been done as yet she stated reeve w coulter had fried to call a rreeting of milton naksagawey and esque sing councils but milton stated they would do nothing until the annexation was settled a petition signed by one hun dred residents accompanied the letter iteeve coulter had the right idea we should meet but first just the council ot esquesing and nassagaweya later milton can be asked to join with u said lteevc george currle- it was left to the reeve to ar range a meeting with reeve coulter of nassagaweya council okayed the loan of 50 feet of snow fencing to hornby community park for their annual barbecue provid imi the fence be taken two days before the event and returned the next day council authorized tornjin son and associate to conduct a drainage survey of the roads between concession 8 and b from lots 1 to 10 w ksqucsing public school hoard asked councils approval of a 5411700 debenture for six room addition to pinevlew school and requested council to sek omb approval thats about 210 more pupils they expect commented reeve currie i think we should aik somequetions before approving this he concluded i heard you wcr dead said deputy reeve tom hill to recvr currie yeah i heard it too replied the reeve somebody at the county court house said that to warden bill hunter and he answered i dont believe it if he were he would have phoned bark to nee what was gointf on residents fight to save e apartment dwellers protest councils building turndowns many engagements for towns girls pipe band the geortetown girls pipe rand is still enjoying an active season the led th gcorge- own true rlue lodgrttftattorts pride no 3a3 when it wax jud ged best appearing tba lodge on parade immediately follow ing that parade they played for the red cross barbeque at ge ortfetown community centre last wednesday the girls travel led to dundas where they en joyed an informal social and massed band practice with dun- dai pipe band of which mr al len munn the former pipe mu- jor of the girls pipe band now pip- major this friday the girla will be playing in bur lington in parade sponsored by the national teenage safe driving championships firemen soon douse minor stove blaze only one fire call summoned the firemen this week and it was a minor blaite in an electric stove a small fire under the 1- mrnts was put out quickv when lhe men arrived at 1w naylawn orescent friday even ing an unusual petition was rec eived on monday by the town council signed by 73 residents most of them liviptf in apartments it ob jected to councils refusal of several recent apartment build ing applications the reason a rrsbrictive pol icy drives up rents in existing buildings the petitioners claim council referred two propos als sent in by building inspector tothe planning board for study one was a 20 suite apartment planned by steve fcrnjnerson the other a 48 suite building by camilla developments the areas both are n- r4 rones building inspector eald which until a recent bylaw change were the only locations where apartments were allowed council now hasthr authority to deal with eachapplication on its merits regardless of location turned down list week on a plan for a 7 storey apartment building on kdward st council was advised by bob ijut through his solicitor that he considering smaller 2 storey building now he has sent a let ter to properly owners in the vicinity asking their opinion on this copilots cherokee 180 in powder puff derby copuotinc a cherokee 1b0 ingle engine four water plane mrs barbara brolherton rr 1 liraehouse camejn 21st out of 80 planes in the well known powder puff derby the powd er puff derby u more correctly known m the all women air transcontinental race but dubbed powder puff derby al most irnce iu inception the race atarled july 8 in california and ended july 11 in savannah ceoreiathe time was extended due to severe weather which closed most of the air ports along the way mrs brotherton was copllo with mrs a bliss chapocwa new york ten years jo her husband tw brotherton general man- ager f economy forms bought a plane and his wife was bitten with the flying bug since then she has logged 5050 hours this was only her second- at tempt at the powder puff derby sorry blame it on the heat the heralds scrambled words contest last week slipped in stead of three misspelled words there were only two main and operating- and consequent ly many people failing to find three words didnt submit an entry for those who sent their cn try indicating the two words it was decided to choose a winner for those who were disappoin ted the herald has decided tn extend the contest an extra week and it will run 13 weeks in stead of the planned 12 at no extra expense to the merchants involved mail strike yesteiiy marked the lat mail delivery with postal wor kers on in starting at 500 am this morning 15 slated to go in road widening opposed to the threatened destruction of fifteen huge trees on maple avenue west neighbourhood residents havi organized a save the maples campaign a petition signed by 58 area residents wasprescnled to coun cil on monday by john mint ern expressing their concern and asking that reconstruction plans forthe street bejlelayed unlitpians arc chanced to vave the trees surely the engineers can rome up with an alternate plan to siivc these he said it would be a loss not only to re sidents of the street but to ev eryone in town maple avenue is one of our prettiest thorough fares wants more parking area before buses back on main i xrrrttttfffi jkm ptlnty of action in tw kent at braesids farmi norvsl as eager strawberry pickers load rhoir boxes with tho sea aons bumper crop breeide is one of several district growers wlio decided this year to make berry picking adollvoursell project gray coach lines is still br llntf itr tsmflr aril rtsru et route a storm centre since the bus firm acceded to councils request to move the route from main st the new route brought protests from residents who claimed residential street should not be used for a commercial venture two weeks ago council rever ted its stand ami asked the coach firm to return to the old routing then the question ot a bus stop area arose smtflan to have the route return to mam on july 15 were cancelled on monday a maple avenue resident james mccaig asked bow come iteeve hunter told him that he and cr ballentlna had been delegated to meet with the par king authority to discuss stops on main street we met them this morning and they are tn send a lettt stating their idea of the best stopping places he said the present route s quite adequate remarked mayor gibbons who stands firm in his opinion that buses should not travel along main street ap parently some councillors have changed their minds since a mo tion carried 81 ill march heove hunter was the solo op ponent when the change was voted on a letter from a ray coach official read later in the meet ing said he had visited george town and could not agree with a 45 loot loading apace btl one aide of the street and 50 feet on the other some of the bua- es are 40 feet long he pointed out lie requested a larger area by removing one more parkin meter on each airje of the atreet 1 think someone in the police afaaaamfloak duhilhl ml w aw to kaap that o main stixet laid or young the merchants all seem to want the buses on main street but not in front of their own places of business said cr ijal- lentlne maybe the parking authority will come up with the right suggestion yotl better be satisfied the coach line wants to come hack there are four trees east of parkview and eleven west ot that street all on the north side he said he mentioned the possibility of widomn the road on the south side or installing a nar rower north sidewalk as alter natives to the present plan and said residents would like to meet with engineers and council for a discussion surprise was registered by some council member who said that original plans did not call for tree removal the maple ave renovation is a joint resp onsibility of county and town under a connecting link ag reement with the county foot ing part of tho cost hut the town in charge of engineering itoad chairman llill smith said he had learned of this only that morning and that original plans called for only four trees to go installation of a new sidewalk from parkview towards the golf course is a problem he said an alternative would be to move the road eight feet south or to put the sidewalk on the lawn side of the trees he pro mised a discussion at n road meeting tonight thursday ik- asked mr m intern and any oth er interested ratepayers to at tend the meeting speight indicating bis disfavour with the plan while council agreed tolhav the reeve support a county by- law slated for passing on tues day to provide funds for the road work mayor gibbons said he could not pass over tho pro blem lightly he wants assurance that the couny willjiay its share regard- less of the roadwidth and fear ed that once tho bylaw was passed the trees would be doom ed not so claimed iteeve hun ter georgetown initiated the plan and now the county has a- grced to pay but the town is stilr ii charge of engineering and can change the plan anything to save the trees must be done by philips ro berts hired by the town as con sultants said cr smith cr itob francis said a maple resident had alerted a council meeting some weeks go about the threat to the trees and that everything possible will bedone to save them finance chairman whcldon kmmerson indicated that at present the maple widening might be delayed for another reason altogether the towns capital works x- penditur submitted for over three million dollars has been cut by the ontario municipal board to 200000 public and high schools a trunk sewer a town garage and waterworks extensions take lip itnore than the approvalhe said i doubt very much if we are go in to get ajprovnl for tho lft00o0 planned to spend on the street with the mayor insistiivg that the reeve could do a lot ab county council and the recvo repeating that it is town coun- i cjl whirh liss control the dis cussion ended three records alltime heat records were tn atiin im thuniavor i414ikui100 w44hi ab only five minute to on monday tuesday and wed- befbre you spend too time in all those plans much tret i cut and it five minute to on observed deputy reeve riesday 2159 calls in 11 years by ambulance volunteers july nth lfw7 wns the date for the first run of george- towns new cadillac ambulance a year later the now vehicle has made 253 runs clocked over bmw miles many of these n life or death run for the am bulance volunteers and vol unteers they are for georgtv- town was the first town to or- gani7e a band of dedicated men unpaid trained in first aid and giving freely of their time to a id those in need of transporta tion to hospital for sickness and accident since gvas was organized in 1037 with its first service call on march 1th that year ten mi nutes after presentation of the car keys jrom council they have responded to 2150 calls and travelled 20flk miles the original vehicle was 1051 chevrolet sedan delivery capable of carrying one stretch er tho cadillac is one of the most modern and is equipped with top facilities it can carry four stretcher patients and ad minister oxygen to all four if required gvas numbers 115 volunteers more men are still required tu help maintain this high ktand- ard o service with georgetown growing rapidly there will be more need for an ambulance among newer residents there ar probably several who might wish to join and enquiries will be welcome while then is no cash pay ment for volunteers there are other compensations the many cards and letters or thanks re ceived are treasured by the group it li something alvove monetary gain to know you have eased pain perhaps even saved a life now at year old georgetowns cadillac ambulance has docked over 6500 miles in 255 runt manned by willing volunteers mayor joseph gibbons cr poy ballenrlne let and thengvas cbiof dan scarborough right look oyer tho vehicle wherx h was delivered a year ago- this week i

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