Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 25, 1968, p. 2

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xmsmnmi utv wvro 25 yrs clerktreasurer 1t c lindsay honored a quarter cfentury of service al an efequeainf municipal ofll cer wis acknowledged on july 119 when township official fotad k c liodny at a dlimar and presentation at bmton s xarav an restatiratrt mr lindsay has been clerk treasurer for 29 yean a former councillor ed hsr rop paid tribute to mr und saya years of service pointing out bis willingness to work hi honesty in all his dealings and his ability to get alonjf with people as prime assets for hi job presenting an rngravod desk fee reeve george currie viewed changes in the ownsbjp thanks for the jo 4 say esqueung reove george d he recall corno right a ho presents an engravad desk set to is 1iv is the member of the council whjch dinner and txeientaiion in milton fast week i i incmoer pi me council wnicn k c lndsay s he completes 25 yeeri as clerk treasurer mr undwy for rfl tho township mr lindsay was guest or honour at a jffb mr lindsay la only the fifth treasurer in the townships 118 year history norman thomp son served the three previous years nd ceorgc leslie for years from 1b37 i in his remarks mr und say spoke of the growing urbafuzat ion twenty five year ao it af any are sending parcels across canada by bus ones bampton parcel express t has jioubled since the itart of the j postal strike said keltb vokey lof tbjt crry express office fan ieorjc street but sending letters by parcel express to points in canada is expensive they must have the regular postage on the back and then to this is added our cost for carrying thrm which is deter mined by mileage and weight be xplnincd ketters kent this way are i dauficd as parcels of less than twopounds and there is a mini milk charge of first 125 miles x letter must have the cor- i reef postage otherwise we are not allowed to lake it unless it is enclosed in a large manllla envelope at the canadian national 1- x press office businefts has not noticeably increttmjd there are just a few more envelopes going through since the itike began said bui ha sulk ietter are cateiofled mi packages of less then twenty- tive pounds and there is a 13 minimum charge for letters go ing to toronto or montreal this charge varies in regards i 25 for the to other destinations in order to he continued j comply with a table set up by was all farms and knew 00 of the people he said today i doubt if i know 0- ifo said that of 60 seventh line farm- today not more than twenty arr being actively farm cd by fulllimc operators mr lindsay shares a family interest in municipal affairs his great grandfather was the first deputy reeve wh thel township una established 1r10 ills grandfather was town ship reeve and in 1884 was war den of ilalton lis father was a valuator for kmjuesing in i0i7 diid 102b mr 1 indsay farmed for over thirty year before joining the township administration on a full time basis he became trea surer m 1043 and before that had hern a livtstock valuator for years the treasurers position waj a part time job then in 1u53 he became acting elrk succeeding isaac pen net t and the next year toow the po sition of ejerk treaiii it r today h has an asslstant lclnlar french and is aechnlca ly taking it easier with a three da wort week officially thou h chances are you ii find huu at tlu township njftcfj on iiiiki of his if days too thi oskmoitown mmald thursday july uk ims c j pages the board of transport gover nor mr hasiuk explained ftmc to church immanuel lutheran church windsor road at carole st worship service 10 40 a m sipiday school 0 30 a a 1 kllrtkk iastoh 877 935 firstbaptist and st johns united combined services for july irrrirst baptist main lit n 10 a m church school j 11 hi worship service j10 pm informal worth iji and discussion in homes the anglican church of canada s a church 5t clrl williams pauls church norvl tha rtv kifham kumih ma th services till tth auaust are at 10 00 am in glen wil ham- and at 11 30 m norvsl bemninc 11th august scr viee will be at 045 in nor val and 11 00 in glen wil ligms on the 4th of aucuit the rv cauon t d g imour bj h hi rector or the cnurc h of st thomas in ha mil ton is romini to cele hrjte the eurhar t anil to prrich in loth pjrishrs on holidayst i hoot forget your church while yoti are away toronto varsity graduates wed in kitchener ceremony two university of torontoi janici italrr uvre bridesmauls graduates were married ou juncj 1 borah sweet and kimberlty iai ran 2491 iga pir5 l59c kmott rolls r 32c cheese slices margabine drink mixes 5 chocj ion 0 noil aa coffee 8l 5 wieners bologna 2 j 21 35 oailiul cocodut ch0c0uti chir 41 shotiaie dads cookies uqstiss sir i vine6ai potato chips iir 55 59 christian reformed church 7th lin ror0towrt al j vandanpol mlhiitr services ever sunday 0 30 1 ni and 4 00 pm visitors wrxcomf 22nd in kitchener lirabeth dorrairw heiktrin and laul geoffrey baker became man and wife in a fl 30 p m ceremony in st routs lutheran church conducted hy pastor a stanfel of hope lutheran church candles and pink car nations decorated the church and david smith of the u of t acuity of music was organist okscuna bluy of the faculty of music opera school sang jen joy of man beirm ax a pro iresjional and but du bei mir also by bach and handel s 1 where er you walk given in marriage by her fa ther in the double rin ccrem utttke cou vi ru of the groom and brid wi rt junior brides maid i lu vi ore long gowns of luisi tuiifij junior brides i maids in pale pink bridesmaids in rove pink and maid of honour cherry pink and curried bou qurts of uhitt carnations janx s k miller zi grooms man and ushers were david dempster and john by water ol toronto and the bride s brother laurence beiktnn t a fciptioii if berkley squire thr bride s mother re reivci quests ucirtn floor length town of mauv satin brocade uitii l room s mo- tiifr avsistin uiariru a floor 1 orange juice 2 a 77 kernel corn 43 fisitsiix 39 meats i gravy 3st v y iftmous wrap 2 69 lii 4 99 si 2 85 relish 4 99 briquets 39 scope 79 adornhatrsprav 1 razorbudes 1 mcrsmmusatl peaches coimm wuulmirl c bananas pears nts raom tug iajtta kosa pmmk plums 29 29 6 49 ii1m 59 ijsten every sunday to the ack to cod hour radio mlniiltr or jul mlrhmkj ckt y 500 nioini cgm 1310 10 30 aw ckoc 11s0 11 30 pjn chin 4 00 pm u too au ony thl bride won a floor ln th lurrgiioue touii of iiiph ictlelh sown of whjie salin bro- l n u imlcluti irani cade cathedra length champ p il11 had ewsates of ago coloured veil and mcdp smhrart row a bouquet of red rosei vancei e hrulc uho u the dauchl krayewskj th hridea colkke nl jn r iulxrt i arv roommate waa wald of honour beimi in ub woodluvcn kit another claamte wary annelrhrm r n 3 iraduale free admission for 3 children to m arinel and wu- iga cash rsstar taas aid apes they may be redetond for free gifts free eaton free foodlr riiawj ma coona urn cou ubots itir iiy imc clipiu r i a graduate of tjie oleary ahd the eroom s ul uimrimlv of toronto school of llhysical health and idnration hobnby thrpo lulu dav rrpeit ls h mree juiy fays died irlooi ievm ttllll oty all time records v hfa sn community club helps suppod mission camp iga lucky shopper marun wbilr u mountalnvuw rd i3m st pauls baptist church mouituinviaw fcd south minuur mr w burrltt summer sebvicp july amd august church ichool tum 3pm worship service thuri 710 pm cnsragatifmi 6ms with rmsy saptist church for sunday aaomlng arvlca not sine 101b baj eore pr drive ficoretovvn is a gef town expenencel a ivot a etnun distrut huh tchool julylrth as jlsl tuesday raduatp a radutr student at jhe d47i hiiri that dy uas ttu t nivfr ilv of inronto ho ovtr xik dearer warmer thin in rnrolud fo rtlie ph i the bs recorded in 1016 it continued a three hv trend with sundays and mon day 02 alio breaking alt pre vious record strangely enough the mean temperature of 18 3 for the fnat h uf july r m th i or a ml hnnrvnimin pro st georges church anglican church r canada trinity vii 8 00 a m holy i ucharut 10 00 am morning irayrr rv w k hugur oahullle in charg during july the christian missionary alliance p w collins pnlvr 10 00 am 77viu school sunday 1100 a m how can miraclls itr povshuj- how oo i know god kxists 7 00 p m kvenuik service hfl v m ihr aujancl houh nadio cham 12jw cedakvalk community centre i w3 aimosi normal varying by lev than one degree but there were wide variations in huhs and lowi the mercury dipped as low as 42 on july ith rainfall ha been only 70- of normal hoiim nl aunshine is estimated at 30 hours above normal the herald is indebted to floger smith 0 guelph st a university of toronto student for the informatjou garnered from the weather reports he prepare for the meteorologic al bureau roger has earned an tins public service far the past few year following in th the path of mr harry scott and he late krti bat kin wh6 previously compiled thes fig ures for the government rawm nkw4 the julv meeting of the north ha i ton ivafalar communit t tub was held at uil hnmi of u1 lobrate th ir v mrs vilan itnst with twenty la nivirsirj on juk 23 dies iltndinj mrs dave jjoul trip the mg he president uelcomed wen nutlrdr is sjwtulinc i hndr uore an ivnradn indian the ladies to the meeting uhich acitinn uilh her cousin imiv silk dres and jacket rggtlh1 va opened with the luh fli urtcher of suilt sir m no white sitm hat black accessor during the busmen part of the us ind a corsage of yellow jal meeting h was decided tliat a srin1 rosts donation be unt to the scott ii i i m bes to 1r ind mrs wni vtr and mn ililn 1 i l hi 1 r i mr and mn albert march the meeting was opened bv th hostess mrnt ind miss join ivnih irr prt sident rosemary booth the conratiilitinns ind lwt ui dub mi inlmrs put on a display s to mr and mr iirry f their strawberne uhichl nrkman uaine varcoel who re judied by the leaders tol w re married on silurdav july louinr the mooting trawbcrry 20 in munr s united inure shortcake was served by thai mrs jim hamilton visttinj with mr ind vr lii i pennrv of nniler v foil d land vnnivrrsirv irrretins in mr and mrs willnm imnson wwi t ddint th livinj in toronto maple avenue baptist church sun hsim sunday school 1 100 a tn morning servic 7 00 p ni livening service vvm h 00 p m irayr meeting bih1ual kvangkjjsnc mlssionahy w lvil yu t worship with u leave grass higher avoid burned lawns i lawn arts much better than normal for this aeuoti of tlie yar because of th frequent rains however th rjin has also inctsraiitsil tiwi nunilr of i wwvls in lawns llecauiva iheie weeda are atill growing rapidly it in poaaible- to eotitrol unm with 2 4 d hfid either mecoprop or ksivoprot 24 d alone will control jdandelioiui plan tain anu ijthiba quaiharrt but tlu other herbicide an revjutred to control webt aoch u creep i ing ctmrlie tvd chicbuved western graduate michael doole michael lioole son of mr mt mrs v hill doole ir- ra tutta received hii bachelor of arts degree from huron college university of western ontario recently a graduate of brjmpton hih school lie ts spending the sinmmr tour maaartt itajli who mn imr mi hi huslnwa three uibml salurh of prngrfsivf euclirr ucre play uvthl nl l uhilr ii renialndw of tho k uu lrrnu in iwr enjoyed a t of 3 1q m t n m itumninh i h euchre prizes ucre won by mrs dave dowlint mrs alfred mc racken mrs mr ind mrs irnlif much gordon iiht and mrs jim sa ment have lurn hnhdivmj for liba lunch was served by the the past tun weeks it u isi i hostess and a social visit enjov lltjih ed oie next meeting uill lw at the home of mrs john llinnih v club inders hmk wn on wednesday evening aug 14 npr inci pclo irarlli prison the hjltnn 4ji sirauhtrn lull tiip jien i nited hurch held ihnr julv tin tin ii lh niig peoples society met re ciritly at vlbion hills uhtri tliey enjoyed horseback ndcs and a picnic lunch tollowinj the activity at albion hills they returned tn the home of mr and mrs john hamilton wliisre ihev rnimrd swimming follow ed by refrtshnients i miss margarh marsh of to ron to ii vlslttng with vifkj ivncr of the ult ijtie home of mr ind mr luu s lihj ih vcniiik stirttd uith rinded tour bj the hnst of ll farm and irtcnhou is in luu j inj the tour the- 12 miinlwls giilnrid in the home ulirx brake reline raf gar raady for taf tur itopi thli lummif 335 chevroult pontiaci cftavy ii chsvolla corvair ale braka fluid taala cytmdajr ate axlra jf nee nary andrew murray motors 4s mounlmvuw road south 8776944 ai thfwrather wrtlrier um fit 3ght of warm culllnii inc in the i- umpp kritish jilri anil did you know 1 hi hi il tupital of itohvia 1 siiim hut the uilual ieat of gov i mini nt i ii iaz m nmr ae- crssihle nly the georgetown herald 31 main st s grlwo thone w7130i thtreaaed lo ikc two inch level many brown unsightly lawnrf are a direct rrault orf clippitig too low ihln permits tlie sun in kin tie ott the root and cau hck the granrf in dry out now m an axrellent time to apply fcfcond appliratior of fertilizer 101o10 carl h urd at th rate of 10 lu per 1000 kj ft rwtbffowiord optometrist nl 3o mill sruett gaorrjolown closed for summer holiday pegirjnino monday july 2th reopen tuesday august h a l rl beforev 5 walking through the yellow pages

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