Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 25, 1968, p. 4

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v postal strike ruin for distributor if re start delayed brampton one at the men tsoet affected by the postal itrike u not actually a poet of kfce employee gordon beatty 131 vodden itreet owner of brampton du- tributinfi company feara be may ven go eit of business if the itrike cocitinuea or any length if time 1 brampton distributing la un der contract to the brampton poat office to deliver parcela and packages in he brampton and brainaiea areaa aj a private organization he doei not receive any strike bene fits although forced to bo out of work by the strike ult laau very lonil the going wttl be very rough aaid mr beauy ingenuity enters picture but most mail stays home ingenuity entered tha poatal itrike friday as thousand of canadians tried to find a way to fet their mail through for some it wat a simple matter of a short drive to the united stales to send mail on its way to international poinds but for others there were plans ranging from a university dellv ery aervlee to brainstorms of ferinc national and foreign de livery streets were jammed friday outside of post offices in platts burgh ny as montreal bus nessmen luiiced in bundles of foreign mail for delivery and postal authorities ui buf falo n y say m toronto firms have taken mailboxes at local post offices to ensure they will get important business corre spondence during the strike of 19 800 workers other plans ranged from a onegirl operation in burlington to a swish fleet of secretaries joan hewitt 21 a second year student at ryerson polytechni cai institute announced she has set up her own delivery service she s rented a postal box in lewtston n and plan to drive there twice a week her charge is 1 a letter technically the use of private contractors to carry first class mall is illegal but j g full director of postal services for toronto said the post office will look the other way under normal circumstances there is a penalty of 100 or two months in jail for anyone who breaks the postal monopoly on business or person af letters but the amount of mall car ried by private means is only a uny proportion of the normal dally canadian delivery the i don t expect it wtu eno in leas than a week and i it is very extended it could ruin me completely mr beatty company is also hit by the fact that private pick upa of parcela from factories to the post office are also stopped wo just aren t doing anythlog qt alt he said not a thing only way n beat the strike- in canada is by telegram and bust ness is booming canadian national and cana dlan pacific telecommunica tions reported a 50percent in crease in business ffidrv many businessmen are wfrlng money because they cannot scfld cheques sugar and spice by bill smiley a memorable day in thi mail ba8 says herald stimulates interest in hall report this u being written from a little- place that most of you know i visit it quite often es pecially in the summer its cal led wits krfid and that is where t am just recovering from a throe day wedding the ceremony took only about 15 minutes but therc were tho preliminar ic they were had enough iho terrifying ordeal of buying my cuit new suit in eight year lcttintf lost on th way to the church in a straiye city howevei its hot the prelim inarle of a wedding that makes you arrive at wits end it is the post llminarle on of them li kneeling on a stool beude me watch ntf us i peck wiy with those two worn down old fingers he a six ijears old prtcocioua as they somebody else i business directory donald a gay dc introduce bio encinebatlno tha hew ttalnlestf spinal thehajx 30 mill st cmrgriwn for- appointment call s773401 barragers cleanersshirt laundarers 77 229 in mjhi s 163 guelph all work done oil premise c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available j by appointment 1771131 o9 mill st old pot odlcl walker currie optometrists 12 main st s uramptou rlioae 451447 hours 0 i m to fl p m tuesday to saturday friday dam to 0 p m evening by appomtment mcbain and hulme ontario land survayora wlllowdala 533 jslo i c milussj oi s k77h27s rrudence wallace thompson 3rd divlilart court 877 2943 clerk x com m lit i otter come and grandson he s not watching because 1m a dazzling typist he a wat ching to make sure that 1 can fulfill my obligation to him in a burst of hfwetweddinit euphoria i promised mark id take him to he park to the beach to tho indian village to the old fort and a few other local hotspobf like all lads he has th inemory of an elophant and tho persistence of a penguin whatever that means he arrlv cd about hi usual bedtime so i thought i could stall him un til tomorrow end then maybe- get him to watch television o dice he demanded to we the park at the ery least ui i took him off to ae th park driving hii grammy a convert ible yet grandmothers drive convertible hexe days just a w arrived at th part a hell of i thunderstorm bust looe lightning great rolling cnclcs of terror end rain like voah s arc mark was little seared in la delighted sort of way i was frightened to death i couldn t find the windahlmd wipeos ru uaa flying blind 1 mark said hrv bip wf i better scram outi here i couldnt have aifrerd mora i kept liwuliog knob and push ini huttofif trjtn2 get the wipert workmc t pushed what seemed to be tho bit hiuiafl vmhing hip 77 maple avenue wci1 dear sir for th past two weeks it has been interesting to nolo the reaction of the herald to the hall derail report and the reaction of the people of geor tgetown to those views what is significant is that people arc taking an interest in he report because yoa wcro couiagoni enough to illustrate the other alde of the argument over edu eotion tn our editorials it is the duty of tha journalht tn create an awareness amontf his readers and while you may htfve taken an unpopular posi tion you have auocecded in creating that awareness and whll i may disagree with jour ideas 1 admire your hruieaty in prresnun the facts at you saw them when a newspaper can make people flo out and look into something like the hall report for themielvfis then it is ah asset to the communl the fact till remains how evor that educatioml reform is needed to adapt uudtnts to the chances which aro uuhj place in the world l the present bytcm is not as oppressive a mr david warnin described it last w tk llavini completed grade 13 i find m sanity and individuality xtill in tact what i regret is that 1 wui georgetown animal clinic 108 guclph street oftlee hours 0 3 pm monday to jnday doctor c hour 0 11 a n monday to saturday fifl piii mnndi wednesday and tndiv u gaskin dvm b buckrell dvm photw 877 3741 w h cark profettlonal engineer coniultln nfllnef ontario lavid surveyed officer 87 2211 177 3360 home robert r hamilton optomterist lib mountuinvicw hnjd south carrelal ulclu for appolntmant tf 39 i octomitiist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st pmr appalntmwita phone 77171 monuments pollock a campbell dr signs on iltquksl in pett our work in iridiunnd cemetery phone 621 7580 fl2 waur stutt nolth g a l t prtied mirk said floy you re lucky that locked that the ono tint putfl the top down i nearly fainted the hack seit was loaded with crammlv 3 clothes wedinc 1 ifls and as sorted perkhaliles well we cot home sam n you invo nurml and it now tomorrow and it t pouring rain and mark has aked me 714 ouftioni will the indiam let 111 into the- vlhe tin they have rufis on the flo r can we take awav some hows and arrows when ore wo go inc thrt lat one came about every fourth time ynu knou i e ucretly been looking for ird to mv grind children for a fnv eirs een i thoutli n ftwn kids aren t married yet now im begin ning to wonder can i cope they re no blase i tok mark into the wild tmace i hats the coriwi of our tfarden where there a bik hairy huh of some kind you can almost tft last in ther i forced our way thrmijh the junple into th bocret ivcart of the wild place mark wnd i drwi t iee vhat s o wild about this win n ar wfl i oihk to the indian vil labe well i in jo to fix tint kid am wwn as i finish thin column were tinj to therud dy indian viiium uiul th bias ted old fort in the pouriutf raiit and were touii to trojup i arvuind until he 11 never want to hear the phrase indian vil uii akaln in his entlr life roller construction is now intra ii irip aluminum siding windows a doors all work guaranteed free estimates call 877 9102 tf a iwilihm unable to study all the subjecu i wanted while i was intereet ed in aoxne areas i shelved them because 1 could not ach ieve flood marks in them and as you know undox tho present setup if you dont have the marks you can t fio on in school this ls a good artfuxhent for the abolition of marks many students have chosen a course which does not in ternit thorn but in which they can be recoa nized aa having achieved rnore later in life many will regret this course ol actioin which they wcre forced to adopt out of necessity instead a studont should be allowed to pursue his true nterot in his own time the pressure is removed by this method l abo more emphasis should be placed on a students un derstanding of bin bubject asvd less on his memorization of useless drivel presently the more you can regurgitate the higher one s mark is the hall report attempt to provide the student with a hot ter understanding of his mass media society through educa tion dospitc what the report snys not everyone will v in ihls is not only unreahtic but thoroughly impractical there will still be children who by virtue of their background or character will still dislike school learning and l n rlchmetnt it if uronf to con vince a child that everything will be rosy throughout his en tire life all told though the recom- mendationa of the hatllonrtls report will put realism into education and croarto a more aware vibrant society for the future sir wilfrid laurlcr aaid that this was canada 1 century if ideas like those in the hslt report r implemented we just might earn our place in this oentury and in those to come your truly tony mcauley mail run each day to states mtamfton ontario office services 235 queen m w does hot own a pony express line a ntnjfo eoaoh or a helicopter but it has the next best method of beiitjng the nu strike at li nd bo for as overseas letters nr concerned kvery morning the company li running a car to buffalo and sending piles of mail from the buffalo office toll no other it htlnationa out of canada thi oiorqitwn hirald thursday july 25th im pa9e4 for your comfort your hairdresser is stml comino to your homf v pleas call before 9am and after 7 pm new telephon 8776975 did you know7 uruguay tho smallest and one nf tlie most advanced republics in south america 1 fiovcrned bv a nine man executive ooun ell elected for four years the i leadership of which rotates an mially among tho six majority membcri canadian citizenship applications applications for canadian citizenship will be accepted every wednesday friday from 9 30 a r to 4 pm at queens square build ng 24 queen street efat brampton ontario applications also accepted morldey hrqugh friday from 8 30 am to 4 30 p m at hse court of canadian citizen ship 150 mam street west hamilton ontario for information regarding document required fees etc phone brampton 4311240 extension 12 any wednesday or friday tax reductions for all homeowners and tenants in ontario your guide to ontarios new system of tax reductions to ease tho burden of municipal and school taves tho ontario legislature has established a system of residen tial property tax reductions- virtually all homeowners and tenants aro entitled to benefit by this system ontario in effect is paying tho first part of the municipal taxes on each eligible house or apart ment tho reduction amounts to an avoraflo of 124 of tho taxes- your local municipality calculates the amount of the reduction and subtracts it on the 1968 tax bills if a house or apartment is rented tho landlord is required to pass tho full amount of the reduction to his tenants the province pays municipalities the total of tho reductions every ownor of a residential property and every tenant of such a proporty is ohtitlod to receive a tax reduction provided the property was eligible in 1967 to bo sepa rately assessed under tho assessment act la oorittttfaush ma arotmd wa r dtfoif jfo aa all tha algttta- wftaboing to climb and walk and alar until ha a ooafllayad i dont cara if ha bata axhauatad im axhaualad and wa havan t vmn atartad va and u lws aiaru to y and want o eo hotim 1 ii probably buy him n lc crjin con any kjd who know what the word aciain mrana in hu day auul aga can t ba all bad if you are a home- owner- if you pay your municipal taxes directly you recoivo your tax reduction directly from your local municipality either as a deduction on your 1968 municipal tax billorbychequo if you havegreed to make regular pay- if you are a landlord as an ownor of residential property you receive tho tax reduction in tho manner described abovo for homeowners if you are a tenant your landlord is required to pay to you tho full amount of tho tax reduction for your houso or apartment which ho has rocoivod from tho local municipality if you rent your houso or apartment for all of tho year 1968 you should recoivo tho full amount of tha reduction on tho other hand if you rent your dwelling for only a portion of tho year you aro en titled to a portion of tho reduction if you rent the dwelling for six months for instance you should receive onehalf of tho reduction hero is how you get your tax reduction cce jfjorjbflgjfldjd t will ba ordflredjojlhailiia t ment to tho holder of your mortgage with instruction to him to pay your municipal taxos on your behalf you will roceivo thp bonofit of the tax reduction by way of an adjustment to theso regular payments as a landlord you aro required topayihe full amount of tho tax reduction to each of your tenants to your landlord or to his agont to bo entitled to a portion of tho reduction if your tenancy ends aftor juno 30 or if it continues jju through to decombor 31 your landlord or m rrtff- his agent is roquirod topay tho reduction to you w yw in oithor caso your landlord or his agent is zz th required by law to pay to you tho amount of tho tax reduction by decombor 31 1 968 any landlord who fails to pay tax reduction allowance in accordance with tho law is liable to a fine of not more than 200 for each conviction and in addition tu you fiavw any questions about rosidantlaf property tax reductions pleas address them to tha municipal subsidies branch department of municipal affairs 801 bay street toronto 6 telephone area code 4163666681 hon w darcy mckeough minister of municipal affairs i aaamamatahaj

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