summertime sbldiers officer rade larry stlef 20 at ror son of mr and mrs eli r stif 44 main st n georgetown an infantry officer trainee scans the fied searching for a weak link in the enemy forward line working toward receiving hi commtsnon m the rank of lieutenant he is on an infan try exercise at canadian for cm base borden ontario for ming on important part of his officer training at the base now at fhe middle portion of his officer warning course borden he still has another even more difficult phase of training lasting several mon ths to complete before being considered fctf receiving ijio queen commission blow facing an unknown enemy ahead lorrve sods go into a tftctlcal huddle prior to the offensive- during an exercrse in which the royal regiment acts a the enemy it r e goddard centre of cooksvjlle platoon comman jor checks maps of the areo with from left sgt sieve fwing georgetown sg fred hawkins bramolea private marshall hansen georgetown and private oanni wardell georgetown use phoney 20 as bait in trick 1 bramptonktderly bramp ton reaidenta are warned today by brampton police of a new racket operating n town aimed at rellevtnjj them of their pen aion cheque money jteven telephone calls havr al ready bean reported to police all mad to senior citlxena from person purporting to br hank rupee torr the new lwlt racket in play log on recent new stories that counterfeit 10 bill have hern found in thin are tbe caller asks the senior rlti zen if he or ahe has yet cashed tbe koveronent pension cheque said detective sergeant james harding this morning if the answer is yrg he said the caller asks it the iaah con tain any 20 bllx and if so asks their serial numbers the caller then advises tbe pensioner that a bank nfhclal will call to check whrthrr the bills mr counterfeit io far m we know ho nrvel has lost any money yet said detective sergeant harding hu calls yesterday were to aet up people so be can call later these people could well be approached again hy the call er to pick up the notes a second approach made hv the swindler la to say there had been a bank robbery in moiv treal and banks here were trying to locate missing bills police feel that hews stories of previous attempts by bogus bank lpspectors to defraud tbe elderly are helping thia time that publicity u reallv pv iog off nowaaid uctcctiwe ir geant harding most of thn- who were approached were sus plcinu and other became s aftef mentioning the calls in friends voole rr relulitdvd said detcctlve sergeant harding lo report immediately any rail of this naturr hr the police depart frnent in this way the problem will be rhminalrd before- any one get caught ims oimst0wn hirald thursday auouit 1 im page 3 la late aocn and narrated in july andj ahould be grown on ridda wbert then would be al most no rtangw of fall wboat killing oof any penom interest rd in trying a amall field of thii ahould contact the ontario iv paiimevt of agriculture and food thegeorgetown herald 22 mahn st s ceo roe town phone 177 2301 it has ben a pleasure to wrve the georgetown public during our 22 years in butineis lincoln motors ii now bemg opfelrj by mr georgr flannigari and wo hope his business cxperiencr ftorp wtll- be mutually krnes vficial to hfin and to h culonler al ana helen zeravlev i farm niws insects new to ontario brought in by the wind hepburnking wedding in knox presbyterian church sundartu of uhilc tli hnli and pmk snapdragons decorat ed knox presbyterian t lurch on june 2 for the marria c of surtey hvclvn kini diuijiter of mrs k vd jim kins 1- normandy uud and thr lite mr kim and w lliam james mr jnd mrs heph irn left n i a honeymoon nidtor trip aloni thp ulue water hihwav and i ake huron the bride wore a pinl linen dress with matchin three quarter rhecltd coat uhitt acci dories and i cors i t of pinl earnatirni tin u ft from blue mountain tarm it ii ttt hepburn son m mr and mrs vincent hepburn 17 union st the ceremony which tool puce at four o clock va conducted by he norman younr mrs fdjjar gowlaod was organist the bride who ui given m marriage by her mother in the double ring cerwnonyj wort an aline gown of white peau de aoit with ace bodice full lace tran and three quarter lcjith lice beiluped sleevek she wore rhmestone earring ift of the kroom and a uold locket worn by her mother at her wed ding she wore a four tiered boutfan elbow length veil and weddmt nnfi lace headpiece and rarned a flowin cascade ai dep pinl roses with white i crntion5 slcphanolis and ivy mr richard braisby was ma iron of honour suiters of the bride ind room miss kjthrynl km tf and mrs anchor kostmk weov bruktmoids i hey won hhackmu pink a line own of peau de sole with scalloped jw el necaluhr imil scallopid btll ifliaped sletvei iuhiilc ski ve- and moor lenj mi trains wert of tlmntilly lace llity wore pearl pendant necklace fiiftb of the bride and yroom and jlowcrii made oi the d resit material ad orned their upswopt lulustyle j lliey carried bouqutk of whitl tiajita daisies with iy itiehard hraisby was lcuoih hiaii and michael kosluik and harvey kmj hraiupton the bride uncli were ushtis a reception followtd the it r emony at north llalton coif a i w wf iu turn lane lights in highway corner plan the intersection of hiftlhway 7 and peel county koad no 1 ii to be completely reconstruct ed thu summer jliithwayn mm iter ieorie f gomme hat att nounced 1 lie pro ect will be complete ly financed by the department but the work will be carried out by ieel county inioni the alleratioiu annou need is a separate right turn lane for aitlwund tralfic on j a l highway allowing n to turn hy mg norrv asrirultural reprraralntivr two liiitecu that are relatively i mw ta thu ahea are of concern i to farmer one of the u tile alfalfa weevil the other u the cereal leaf beetle thee two in rets have la common the fact that they are widely spread in jnaoy ot the states of the u s a aod they are being earned to ontario farms by wind awl bv their flight the alfalfa wevil wan found in 1967 in a few coun tie close to tbe american bor der these coua tie inclu tied wetland maldimand and nor folk their presence lt nwre wide spread thtx year and damage ha been noted in peel nrle and ontario counties bo far damage has been slight and che mlojj control ha4 been expen slve early cutting of alfalfa which gives the win and the urdu a heller chanrvlo kill ihe larvae seems to be the bent anawer thr cereal leaf beetle has twen found mainly in vswx county one beelu wm found in 15 by 1m7 the beetles wr widclv distributed ovfr an area of 70 jiurw hiil in v x coiinlv rlie larvae of tlih iwetle look like sluiw awl tlw daiiule uiat t liey do i some thi n ki aula r the adults have a hlimh black hud and wing covers and a reddish orange thorax ttw iv partmenlt or ajinculturr jre in terexted in knowing if thkt le tie spreads to new location if ymj see it please report it rapr a asif koi- tlwre is a flight hv ibilily hat rdpe could hecftmr a e ish crop in this area it is planted need vacation money see hfc r frimrikdkiy- i km rit w i mi tup urvic 4 dont let lack of money koop you from enjoying ihn vacation you need and deserve a travcloan from household finance will pay cvory expense from luggage to lodging at hfc well tell you in scvance what your traveloan will cost well lay it out in dollars and cents no hidden chargers no extras no surprises see hfc now ftafor you iign on the do had lin know tehat your loan wilt cost contact me today i limbhousk r mrdomlil mil mrs michael ki stink i landmother atu sister of tin j room had a micellan eous family shower m june 0 juni 17lh i kitilun shower uas jivtn by mrs itichard llri sin mitrrn of bono ir ismsted bj her mother mrs r hixli r siir played for the guests they art 1 1 v int al srt qti r street 1 he prrom is enplovid with plix of canadj mil tin bride in the office of c orelnn district hirh school the bride uai cnlirtnnil it several showers prior to her marriage on may 1st mrs w j collier assisted hy her han ghtor susan entertained at i miscellaneous shower imis w it wolf pirk tttrj c u linn nd b tin had ink i 1 flub ind ihev n re prisentul u h i kift liie oftirc t ill of eore lnvn distr rt lnii school madr a prci ntitinn lo the br de of i hntlt sit followed bv i prest n tat ion from tin teaching stall lo vtnrkers at plax of canada present d the groom uith a uai lei cnnlaininjjjonej lowing i lcetfe south onto the l road which goen through huttonville to hichway 401 and streetsvllle westbound traffic turning left will he channeled into a stor aie line while a separata lane will be provided for through tnffic further alteration will in elude the installation of traf flc lights and partial illuminat ion afte- constrtiction has been completed brampton man leaves brother in limehouse mm neattod suiddell uu gueit at tbe wedding of her niece mm wilma lumt to mr oliver meknro m holv nmrc church toronto and th rwfntion at antiav rdmi geoe drumm 43 lknailo cr i state farm borrow up to sooo tab up to 60 months to repay aikatootcmubfthumx at htnxl ion group tlt h0useh01dr canadian had omtca eorrowm 41 mam sfat north tiephon 7t5221 asi about ttr timing jimrri dont give your special pet idea hes living a dogs life hhamptov in nur pel ir n table and grouchy it could lu tlie hut ueather lr hourt williams t ruiru ulea vikrinariuii wjinitd thnt ttw hot ueutlur will nuiui 1 vi o tin irust gentle nf d i s irrit able hru hlng and pottini your dot will annoy him jind it is iwst lo leep the dog iway from children tiie uum point lo n nu in lier said or williama is that tile dog tthould liave eaiy access lo hadi uml thnt uiere should be xh1 ventilation atutut linn if ht is tied outside iw certain that it is in a location with phnty of nhade hat dm s noi shift fiom monung tn dteiiint u and always have a diih of cool water hekide ilm tlu woriit pofsilu tiling j on immune io liot wcallver dr der aid stlru bramptoii velerinar ian explained tint not as many horw s were affected by uie lunt now a jtiirs i ulun tluy wen out worumi in the flihh now most horses an ut in tlu fu ida lying in uie jhade if a horhe ux u puvs out it in n aeiioiii busme h del bun into tlu dinde at once aiul upply ic packh to his lund ami kprmkle liim wltli watir cautioned ie veterinarian and get a vet oul to idm at once dr stirlt reported tliat more cattle had been affected by tbe lit at this year than in uie pant ft w i his is in part due to atabl hit tlie cowa al uiud tul turn lug them out la pasture m th day with little jvad tbe lifrat cnii5es uie cow to go deiirlou and throw iev head from aid to side if cow eollapii a vat- ariuarlatt fclwuld 1m called mpp is host to annual snow family gathering on july 20 we extend nympathv lo mr charlex meredith in the death of hu elder brother mr hou ard fmeredith at ilrampton a eoupla of wekji ago mr n iluddell and child rn vuited mjm xlargot rud dell at ln dave iwfge rjla a frw day rwsnllv i congratulations to mr and mm ronald clow on the safe arrival of ther fifth little dau ghter recently i i mr and mrs i a patterson of bryon city north carolina ar vlittintf the a c pattersons and other relatives in this area air and mrs peter scholz of loronto and her giandmo titer mrs wismtr of washing ton visited mr and mis schoh recently mr and mrs iv d biown anil family attended the- switxei reiuiiort at the horn of tbe jxrtk ibloont maltoji on sun day ur a rentou wt coiinlry club wlipn liir mnllitr do l0 lllk ymr dn mm 1 add dress w i lir and hat stlvtr attwnru h and a drp iiisuve rclud coriai i th kioom molhi i ulo r r i ved she wiue a llu dji with matching jacket white hut and i accsorn si jiid u tonun ofl pink iwutlwurl rm wlilil white iioiiih jn w iwmmhb m ratun h in a oar oan hki i ho tu insi s and the dog will kiiffer lieal klrou cats uuffcr too duiilog tlu in i weutlier avoid umiecesjutry pi t ting wlveti tlw lieat la on tatu giuerully lknl for tlu t ol dmikpnroi kf tlid bjiununl and over ml d scenddiits of i ho mas snow nd mary i uxton a llund for tin iixtli annual snow reninion at the hoim of jim and lluriura snow pint ij l iiiu n mtmiv july n m nn i w ul of tin d ij wi i honntfous build slyle panic diivntr om of tlu ulcli r iuiiivimis of family mwurd snow snow and mrs margaret sun white caijirtion boutonnirs wtra pn suited to the oldest ut ntleiiiini tresnt abbi aud trnort jti hlh 02nd year and kd m lef your fingers do the walking through the yellow pages th lllhlmlrl iii h bnd trnmdnt mr 1 w 7xal- i aiii- uultmltf kill i a kutluilng with lili tetioiu of ipusl happening and mrs arthur waltei- nd the n nun a uudniolher mr w i mrdoiuld wtte inn in uu gucsla and mr walter gave the toast lo tlu bride ollur lueiu attended from toronto brampton aelnn mlllonv wood bridge and dtoigrtown hiuupeh ueeiil to in bli to talu tlte liot wehtlkrj lwttf r til ui dog iritaperaliuva of km dt givoj dou t bouu r tlu m ihii uiey do beod good ventilation or they will paa out evtu luiker aiiimau aim t a nd ro i 6rsnii was ivui to th i iditly ludifh of hie family luudidliy mta witatha hugtiiih in htr ihtui year uud hicludmg mm kumm barry lrn isobel mrdowell mrn rluiciao snow mrt phlledu oungesl hitd presj jit was anna marie dryudale t rrain plon a full program of ginu in eluding bwluuniii in tlw mot w icmio and ftimlbut l eiijoy ly many llhoaa pre eut expr3d tltejr appioval of a well hpeot day omirtg the forth dlxunre fw tlw retuiion wer mf nd mth ijralla unripe- of uhaca nef yorlt loor iwibe- wa won by marl anno wagner of juhaixtfgtl norval no j highway braeside farm norval wtlr to mnd ua 1 miu sotx ik 7 highway raisldl farm j imw pi t montmorency cherries sugar added ready for freezing 22 lb pail 800 30 lb pail 1000 ruaa well up thorwlay oototplii july 3s and aligutt 111 orders not necessary just drive in