Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 8, 1968, p. 1

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ads that pay ymj eon plftc an t1 in fn hlf cunlfud p0 by phoning i77-j201- buy int r miunf ttw harald is whr you will find th raniltt you georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tin cl harald has aaad on ana dmrlct aa printara and publiahara for avar m cantury afftrkig tha bast in flna arintlnaj and nawa authorized at sacond cuu mall poat offica dap ottawa ad far paymant of pottaga in caih georgetown ontario thursday augutt 8th 1968 500 par yair stag gapy prica tan cant parking authority rules bus location states gibbons what about moving the hit line back to main street uo deserve an answer from the top chalcnel charles street resident ccr grcenslado tucs day when he spoke to the town council mr grernslade an 1m en a constant alien lant a council mentings representing c id en id of hn street who ejri nct vanl the gray loach line to use it as n route the newroute wat created this spring afler eoun c asked ihc coaph jirxn to move from the former main st route whit i counil s authorltyt asked r jim young a coun cil inituw iskrd gray coach to return to mnn street on july 15th parking meters were removed to provide for this and bu stop sijns put up the nct up knew th meters were hirk and the sins utre down what do wr need as a council o let th old route back tterv hunter explained that thr coach firm had asked an rxtra parking space on each ldc of main street and coun cil had then contacted the park mtf authority asking ther views on this in date no writ ten report has bet n received from them mayor gibboni quoted nylaw which established parking authority some 20 they are entrusted with ihc j control and operation of muniei pal parkink facilities he aaid thats where the responsibility lieri storms cause blackouts short but severe vtectrfeal torms monday and tuesday nights auid hydro power blackouts in some xectiotu of town mondav a willow iree fell cross a primary line on john street kast near the canadian national northern line crossing and left the immediate vicinity without eleetnc powi r for a abort i nod the wimp situation late tues hay night a limb again across a primary line wmt a hvdro crow to queen st where they work duaulthd imalulum g-wtttor- lng power to the area and net khhounntf treli karly mrs in the maple avenue ldith street neiph bourhood discovered hey were without hydro power wednes day morning the result of a blown line fuse which wai qui ckly replaced jtmiaxts chaired beams and a plot of metal jheating wens all that remained of the grandstand in georgetown park after a friday midn grit fire fire level b park grandstand faith in fire department lawson replies to critic police investigating midnight blaze origin still unknown cr pit pji tin on v insistent ijucsti mine iiudayniht ifjotit the condition of the vqiilin fire truck irked cr boh i iw ton to the point be teiulrn l his resignation from tin goi gctown i ire am committee the resolution w is not nccp ted since no one would vote on it cr p ituf on el nmfrf thr trurk is in dilipiriatcd condition and demnndejj to know who his the authority repair it doe it have lo he npiirtd in gr je town ie asked hceve georit dime si ti d il colild be repurid mvwherc at efjueslniis expense deputy itcc tom mill point ed out re purs uould lie undo ai the discretion of the piro decision delayed on debentures for school a request from fsquesm school luiar askin suesiiit council to mek ttnlalive ip proval for a 411 700 addition to pineview school met with little response tu wla and a derision was delayed until ne meeting itecve enrip mi r e wonder ed if the township should ret involved when the county board takes over in januarj anywi school hoard chairman hill lawson said uie addition in eludes six roruar rlas room- one primary opportunity class one kindergarten one library and a aeneral purrwst room he tvmindtd council the coun ty would lie lisuinf the drlwn lures sinre the school would not be finished till lfkif the sitint in ill t oi commented k in is i i am qui tint n m w h 1 ii know nn 1 i n dn t in in cr is if 1 in edut ituni co i r i i 1 i w i si i f hi pirtiiu nt f i il t mi pj r il had i i ii iw n whit h tin n llu projicttd ntti nd iru fuurt had tw en nkied i t r mn t be a ni e 1 f r n sch i i aduuiuui a nrdimtiiu pi n p i rilkind slitcd itcv i i tryint to ti run uitti pnpi spare ratner linn filhni 1 hind tlepiltv heer 1 i l hill torted on don t pn l n i squesinj r ill i in immi v ii i he oi p i 1 llu h sstt ni in i i r m h i we hie in iss t n i pr nt ip it it i ini uv i w nt t i i schoi i ktcle st p ihli si ii ol where eicli n n hi i er f r rt pupils anil i n r mi ui h id no assist int pnik i il hi t i ed toun e 1 h ul i n i ii isked to ot on onnlhnc r which they u ill h n n i cih tni r wilfn 1 i i lie rt minded im ttli rtiimn mi in nc 1 in f r iron in t hi i r sli m it s ii the p i if the siy in i t tut mh 1hin to ill s hull i i ihc dit i u is it h 1 for furlh r th ui i surpreme court orders town okay apartment cnminci wa infonmd on i tuesdiy tint the supreme i court has krantexl a mandamus to georjfe thomai and has or ilerwl the town to mue a build m permit for an hi suite apnrt j mi nt build int which ho pi anil on mountamview hold mr thomai took thi matter to court ifter repeated refusal hv council over the ptst t nr tn rr int him a building per mil tin site met ret uirements of a since rescinded by law at pre ent enuniil has authority tf issue or decline in apirtment permit it iny locilion in town hief ind undi r i in jurisific tion of tlw fin iu p irlment an ue iet th n se ment of reruir dem mded r pit tcrsnn i m lint interestrrtln listmin to the gtorftoun i ii i hit f i n mti n sled in listenint tn tin i in m irshil s office i lie then stitid repairing i in door etnwn would le tinfur to isqiiisin iniinii iulii jlnth tin iu ind cu rk potntld out tiwn ui nnthin in tin ij r i mi nt uhnj tin truck h i to in n pund in c t orki low n at this- point r hob iwsm sliddenl iskid his nime be taken off ha oi tlown i itl arei comniittti vtrv sloul ind emph iticillv hi slid lit hid i nouh filth n tin jud j ment of the fire chn f of cnr etnwn to knn thev would hive been informed tf the truck was in such poor condition l in tin pi t georgetown tircj depirtment has ilwiys had the courtesy to nil and consult us on anv repair wby should uiey clnnre now lie suu wl the fire chief be tivcn thej courtesv of a call before an one runi to the f re mnriial georgetown fire depiiriment is dolnj in ixcellent jol and al wivs his he kjid lie pointed out thnt wilfrid ijsiio and he uere the two in t son men between council anil the f re di p irtnienl and hid no vwird of any thine wnn the nntter ended with a re solution asking crs i iwson ind i ehe lo meet with chief i ruin ijeuis to thick out the condi tion of the tn ek georgetown police are in vestigatine a fire which raxed the covered jfrandsund at the west end of the fair grounds around midnight ryiday the grandstand bulh around 1041 to replace one which burn ed then createel such a specta cular blavn- thitt it wan visible ns far iway a brampton tire chief krwtn lewis said flames had consumed much of the wooden structure before his department arrivisl they stay ed on the fcne until 3 30 keep me flames from spreadinj into adjoining bleacher seating police are seeking to locate teenagers seen leaving the park shortlv before the blaze for questioning tt was the second fire bttl ed by the georgetown fireflgh ters tviday during the after noon 46 small pigs aod four sows were lest m a fire which conmmed a barn on the farm of alddews it sleben on no i sideroad just west of the eight line of lsquesing light sow an boar escap ed the flames th barn also contained a small quantity al hay and grain the low phc ed at 1000 waj only partially insured firemen tls stood by briefly monday niht when hydro c ib les came down or john strei t his during the storra bond interest drop saves town money sometimes it pays to wilt whrn council was asked by the hvdro commission rcerntlv to is debentures for hydro purposes a bond firm offered to buy c dohenturti foe s97 51 per thousand week aen the offer h changed to tne same price for an issue which would be 7h- for the first ten years awl 8 for the second ten on tuesday finance chair man wheldon fmmcrum said the finn has now offered tlm same price for a flit 7 issue perhapa tf we wait i littln longer we- will get an even better price he remarked dredges triple earns all stars 5ail deadlock even russian on summer school students course i 1 i ii n i 1 1 ir lo n mil i i nn pnrli i i tot d mi1h i 10 i i ml i ni permits isstn d j in tin to nsjnp duriii- inly 11 i rnit in for homes or tin s guelphaaan fatality in silvercreek curve crash guelph nsident lewis d imountid t r ind to tin iickson wis killid weelm sdi tr ick 1000 evenin julv 11 it the suver crel curve on ii hwiy 7 wh mi i on w idmt id to hr cir ua in collision with vart own 11 pital b t die 1 truck driven my willnm pen thr h llrs lu on of georrctown i 71fl w is timed damage to th jickon cir out by north hilton q p i r imer dredge playing in front of hu hometown crowd delivered a towering triple that scored two runs to tfv the hilton county all stars i d 1 tie with guelph cjoy in he annual halton county all stir fame at watordown monday ai ternoon orede bit his homer with two ahnard in the bottom of the seventh and then scored him self on a sacrifice fly ball t6 inntrtfit earnest a stedtcrtinnings srrrgli ttie kev to the success of the summer icbool ending iti dixwoek course this wek lies on these oft repeated words from enthusiastic students we re here because we want to hi nobody s making us thirty one students from georgetown board a bus each m inline to join sdudonu from peel district oranteville arid sbelljurne at hrampton cen tennnl hi h school the buse are proided free by each school board but there is a jpi non resident fee or a j0 re i dent fie for e irh hi h school itudent summer srhonl serves luilii ends of the student pectrum said enli nnial scln ol principal j mat lu i in the iftid and tin bowcr pc rh ips wi shmild saj the ihonl svsti in has fall ed them rnthir thin tiny have fn led hi was di cnbin in con st s offer d i hi improvementl coiir i ntei two ubjecls of tin ftiulents hoiee usually thot they havi missed i he markf thi v reedve in the kiim mir school will r pi ici tliosi rctfivid in regular school the i uric hinriit course atiin two subject is open to tlu inttir than avi rat stuil ens who may bt unable lb fit thsd subjecth into their iuuj tlnif tabli or who liehoeil y til f fair- iljuuii school also from georgetown is don lawson the summer kchapl principal also a teaehpr at rramalea and mrs helen hansen of ci ntril peel school in summer school she teach shorthand ind typing ihp rlass on huimin rulture was conducted in iti iiniiii wav while visitors watched at i bursday open house more correctly the clas was not conducted the undents them selves led the discussion and ave pap rs on projects they bad chose n hi ere is no honn work in the acceptid sense in this rlass at the iveimiin of the ti rm the students are o to rhoo onu a pi ct of iliiiaiiin njltnn on whieh to give their pajw r and it ii left to them tn do on a lone tenn basis with no oiu eluckin onlv thi studint is n ponsible for its btini dune on turn h fr fnci s nigral and un inlnbittd discus mn tistified to the sun i s of tlu nn i hod ind to tlu rapport lutueeii t aehi r an i mud til thrt e gcorit town students w n in this clisi lleuthi r mardnnald r ii jlmi1reclamrid r 10 and 1 mi permit gr 10 it s tin informal alums phi n and tin inedom of dis tuaaion u iikl ami all three onvt rs ltlonal fit neb and i y pi nit ar fnvmirit s wdb out student who will in utuiwlmt jhl n t in tlie fall taking typing it ii help mi in bijh seimil slu expuiiled hits ih one of the fw vfinu flip veir ind lo dents ind all irxauj highly qmlifutl its ly department hi ids in i int di pirlment hi ids the n dim rrnnpn h and improvi nn nl e mr w is set up nd piuuiptl don 1 iw son b litis in mv rhflieilns in otlnr mibjeets wen trirel to eitlu r i lack of rompn h n sion or a 1 irk of spi i d inj w ith ninri ind n c ie n search r qiuriiu tndividu il re irtin we found ui b id to set up this c inrsi sini tin principal on f tlu vis i i i i is i projec tor uhu h thru is jiii n ns ni i t n i n il innus sp i d il tin stu ii nt piori si n imi 1 1 int i si t to the a hool is tlu full tune presence of i mil nn i m ordiuutor al mori t tti hi told tin audi en e be h id int i v leui d 10 1 indents in thi list fmn w ks all al tlu ir own or pircnt r qui st ii mph i iil th it mtinv hludi nl uri m emu sis uiisuitul to tlu m or fail to see tin oil of tin nurses they takui hut oftin is m 1 vtom ntptv sun vounisleis eon rikhl inniuh tn no to mimmi i e hool nn il o i ceimd about tlu ir fuluii prmuuil ullu but neither team could break the stalemate and it was left at a draw dredge plays with waterdown in the hilton county league and he delighted tlie crowdof hotter than 100 people with his timclv hit m the seventh the allstars were having trouble agains c joy aurter ron staid he worked five full innmjs and gave up an infield hit to dundas john kraurccyk and a wrong field sinfile to milton ufd soy bill currie seek easements before river diversion starts robert parker chairman of flood control of the cvca asked i squehin council s help in securing eisements from four inndeiwnen alone th river tuesday night he ex plained the authority could not ho in on private land without an rastiiienl tlire of the owner are tied up in land transfer at the moment and don t want tn confuse the trins action siild mr parker mip cvca representative stated everything was ready to go ahead with the river divw sion which they feel will itor spring flooding but without the anmiunts are at a standstill coiuicil apiwintnl d pulv keeve pom hill to meet with the credit valley authority and talk to the land owners in an attempt to ketthe work done before th next spring flood lome carlson working m relief of staid was responsible for all five runs carlson wan ii ed for flvi hits in the fio inmnn he worked two mitt krawrcyk picked up two of hie all stars hits with currie leaside s robbie stevens bob johnstonp and alf payne col lectinr one aniecc centrefielder richie miller was the top cjoy hitter mil ler had a tripje double and plate he drove in three mns and scored anotber neil dodman another uator down product started for tho all stars but worked juit ono inninf he left m fnvor of hcmiltons ron kinnde dodman had pitched 11 e pre vious day and kinrade nursing a kore arm also worked only one inning the cjoys picked up a pair of mns off f kin ride i casule s rob johnstone wis brougbt into tervice in thp uurd mnmg and pitched until tlm sevenh johnstone gave up three runs nn 10 hits oakville oaks john mchcn- zle worked the final three inn over half million in value building permit total of g36 4q0 was issue il in butldini permits m toun during july almost hilf the amount represent d commcrci or industrial construction tin boel nier renlvmn plant on armstronf aveuu un i ed it s 17 000 stole s in looe park at 03 000 p t masson motors nekt to stindird pin ducti nt jajaimm and the a ft p store at sinclair and guelph rt si jo 000 for a totil of jn 100 i he result ntial totnl of s 151- 400 included a triple i on motin tamvirw and two cwimntn pools vacation school for two baptist churches two lbl4ut churctoe aro op vrtttnx vdillon kchoub thu lload eolith will cml aimuit loui to j2iid il h winlii na fur vimni one if tlu niohl nitrrrstlnj in tln irmii u iludy of km lull culllltf ixl lalljfllllll uiuifht ly huty camion o gaortfctown wlio regularly uvclua at nraoulra bltfh i out til it nnh th il illnn of tin miiiuii ho nil mil ikilli il unci limlusl iiwln i i i chiri madf minimi i t ll i il hi mini iii il tin hllliu llti llu mr khimili ctirmif in built final juiltn siiy tt 11 ciorrjilown ik t y fed cofiovor clialijrwin k brsmplon public acllool board rl in d of vol counly 1 intonm roqionol conwtullmt aar lawio scimtco tvpartiriom in n i it llrimiloa sucondnry school durmo iho jeoular iciool form is a geotcjalown d ilricl high school board membaf iimrii tkrt downtown mrit uantuc clntrch will conduct oa from atiutlat 12th to luth and st 1aiil a baptist ok mounlalrtview paopw aie ti to h and will op erate iry thfi morning from 0 am to 11 30 a tit tranhporta tion la avallalilr for ohiklmi to each location

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