tmi ororqitown herald thursday aug itlh im page 11 extensive renovations are planned at legion building jby ralph hii fyrat w mint makr two cor tection on slaletncnts made in at lto rxrculivc meeting on ust wwki tiftc the saturday tui sday a helping hand was morning ttocvry dance 1b rml riv n to two ri worthy grout on soptrmhrr 20th hut satur in town thp cinrfctcmn minor day vplmhcr 2rth hip nct virr r awn latum will lw th- irror was a dilli thp rolf lour recipients of tuo ira up iroph even scouts not prepared for jupiters joke v tf -ja-nwv- i fi lsw w 11 4 jupiter lhuvius wis llir only one laugh nrj if lc 6pencd up thursday n ght and dumped stvtnl waler on the tent town at kelso conservation arei where tome 3 000 scouts were assembled for thp f r t ontario jamboree the camps te was left a shamb es by the elem ertts which brought the weeklong sess on o in abrup conclusion this american scout f nds i tr to cl uck e about hi h picks hit groceries out of the mire tfrtrl mmrnt was lil provincial ivit ls while the air cadets will tl strict be presented with an official mr cadet enslcn and the can adian flag at on of tbe aarly parade in the fall the branch president and first vice will wo understand make these prea rntalioni with fall almost with im it u fitting and proper that mem ber should be well versed with the program lined up for thotn in two werkn ome there is a trip for member to mount vnnl saturday sept 7 in the datr lor more information on this ar the hot ire board at the branch rickctt for the llimlnation dinner are on vale almost half of them are mlfl this is on pvldil september 20th annual corn roast at lord bro nes will be on sunday sept nd the presidents annual ecneral metin fanner wtll 1m on sepl 2hth thit u a rmiit for all niembem dart timi the wednesday shuffle board will be dropped at the end oi september to allow industrial darts to commence darts and cnbbagc both are due to begin at the close oi sept trutay night dart shoot will w are informed continue through thp winter ladici industxl darts enthu stasis are sharpening their daru to commence throwing on mon day september b tuesday afternoon euchre will be open lo all those inter estcd on sept 10 last yet mwt important the branch membership chairman has booked the auditorium for friday october 11 this will be initiation night rot those mem ber who have yet to be initial ed a dance will follow extension la it wednesday the branch building committee headed by president henry hate had ils first meeting with the architect who will be working llh the committee from uie pre urn in arv ia until the completion of the proposed extensions h seems there is 5 400 ujuarc feet in the area of the propovrd extermon the committee h aniouy that every square fool will he used and that pace for storage roomi he will be kept at a minimum a ladics it ml lrrt lount a gam- room a new entrance to the new section new stair ui air conditioning urre a leu of the itemi proposnl hie aichteel will relunt to the sky thp next meeting with blue cr es ol p trom thi- stage tie committee will iron out the wrinkles and hope to have something substantal to pre rnt at the next general meeting siinda september flth will we president henry hale past presidebt div d bouinan and i some membeis of the executive school of instruction ewimes virr president bruce collins has officially taken over as pop py chairman from archie pol lock bruce will form a new committee and then wade ino a lot of work setting up fori nov 11 poppy day he will need th cooperation of many members on that day for it is the one day of the year that th poppy fund is able to en rich its coffers chicken and turkeys were the tempting prik ofltrtd last friday at the dart shoot chic kens went to chuck hennessey maud nome jkm williams dave tiflwhlari barb hce tom james bernic emond and maud nome turkeys to d bowman and jim williams saturday afternoon ways and m arts priu was taken home by albert stalcton at the satur day night dance where music was supplied hy the tune dust ers the big priu was won liy brim batttdo door prius by jean cilder and mri hunter hikthday supper the vjtecutrvr of the ladiet auxiliary are far from being happy over the sal of their birthday supoer tickets the success of this evening depends entirely on ihe mcanbera of the auxiliary for it is jour night and only member and their husband are privileged to go as thin is thp one opportunity each vear thil you can enjoy your own evening it was hoped that more tickets would have been sold however the tickets are on iu for another weejc just now there is a grvat de mand for hawaiian ahirts and grjfe skirts as the members of the imperial section prepare for their visit to ortuia this saturday jim murphy tells us there are four seats available on the bus for anyone wishing sports instructor for uj new ly formed air cadets bill was at guelph last sun day to tfefl lcgiona 7th annual clinic for track and field coa chea he returned full of enth usiasm and praise for the clin ic where he feels he obtained much guidance in coaching we will hear much more from bui on this subject elsewhere in the issue president henry hale has ap pointed lloyd boyd as the branch new rant pen chair man lloyd h house t halrman and will eail combine the two duties pesky pecker anyone a solution for a wood peeker who does his hunting out of bounds the peaky creature ha been bothering mr and mrs choree ttowe soann street with his antics at first thc uughel when eve of their home but when holes began to appear in the woodwork it ws loo much of a zmxi thin- mrs luiwe sas thm when she chases the bird away he sits in a tree ajui his chance and goes back to his house tap ping she would appreciate advice on how to solve the problem blames dirty water ruining weeks wash mrs afargarec munro 82 mc in lyre crescent in a letter to council monday night con signed two baskets of laundry to council to do with what thej wished she staied her wash was ruin ed bv the town a dirty water shr claimed this was the third such happening the first time she ilmply re washed the clothes the second time she received a minimum billing from the town which she claimed was the most she ever used anyway and this time ahe said council cohld have both baskets of wash the mavor wondered why thr iron removal plant had not ta ken care of the dhiy water water chairman speight re minded council the iron remov a plant had not been in oper he began his lapping under an ln ring the water shortage since it uses more water it has only been back in opera t ion a hhort while aid the de puly reeve he stressed that no complaints at all had been re reived while the iron remova plant was in operation georgetown public schools school opening tues september 3 1968 pupils attending puuic sthool grades kp i will commence school on tuesday september 3n 1968 19am pupili who hava not already rogutarcd kindy axtambl at 30 m wllhr aikf iii tfrl it ll makr nut a hill i7id it uill lw lurnril xwtt tn ihe town surance company p t three hundred of his 800 icnlt on tha scout carnpsits i were deala knockout blow by the storm notice of closing part oe dufferin street in the town of georgetown take notice that tha council of tha corooratlon of lha yawn af gaargatown airapoaat te pais a by law to cloia up end alep up all that portion of dukrln street in tha town at gearaatewn more particularly described aa follow al i asi slstuiah thai crrlkui parcel or trait nf lanil and prciniics situate lyinb and beini in the town of jeor setoun in the county of halton and province of ontario and beititf composed of part of dufferin street in the iald town of georuetou n ait shown on itejuntrred plan number 72 on file in the ilejutry olticc for the laid county outlining b adnieasuxement oortl crci lie the iaine more or levs and which said parcel ol land h more partlcu lary describe at followi tmhmislv ihat mam si north in the said town of georgetown has a barini or north 41 dfg w 10 wirst aitronomic and relaline all lnjrinn herein thereto cowutncing at the iwint of interaction of ihe northeast limit nf main mret north with the north wet limit of dufferin 51 in the said toun o georgetown as shown on said registered plan number 72 tht-nci- norttii 41 dej 38 55 vjsl alone ihe said north west rililtrorniitrcrln lii a point therein tllr-ncl- south a3 de 21 15 lxst alone a line drawn at klht annies to the said northwest limit of dufferin street 35 4 feel more or less to a point in the southeast limit of dufferin street rilkncl south de j3 45 west along the said southeast limit of duffnn street 74 80 feel to ihe point of intersection nf the said south eam i lmll of dufferin street uith the aforesaid north last limit of mam sheet north as shooji on said itemslered plan numlier tl 1hkncv north 43 d- 5j1 30 west alone the said north casl limn of mam street north heme also ihe south west limit ol durferin street 33 64 feet more or leal to the point of commencement tha laid by law will he dealt with at meeting of council ta be held for the purpose ef considering the taid- by law en monday september 13rd 19oi at 1 00 p m at ihe municipal bulldln 34 main street north geee all document in relation te the matters afoesald may be examined et the office af the clerk af the munlei oalnyetthemunulpal riilljlisgatwaaid dated at gaorgetewrt this lath day ef august li c c oenham clerk for the yawn ef georgetown pint published tha 29th day ef august 1m p 0230 esquesing ts a parents jsmschqbhusi of public school children please note school bus routes glen williams speyside limehouse pineview milton heights and n0rval j routes remain the same as last year limehouse classes at 840 am glent williams classes start at 850-am- speyside classes start at 900 am norval classes start af 840 am pineview classes start at 900 am miltonheigiisclasse start at 840 am stewarttown classes start at 900 am lbj gooo sport sport minded bill lunnach an ihe fellow who run around the branch in his pyjamas and coache minor soccer is also workinif hard for saturday mor nlnjf hockey ha taken oil yet another chore he will be notice of closing part of victoria avenue in the town of georgetown yake notice that the council af tha cerparation ef th yawn af georgetown prepeses te pas a by law te dote up and step up ell that portlen of victoria avenue in the yewn f georgetown mere particularly described i fellows all and singular that certain parcel or tract nf land and premises situate lyink and lieinu in the town of geor gotown ill the county of halton and province of ontario and beina composed of part of victoria avenue in the said town of georgetown as shown on reeisterej plan number 32 on file m the reentry office for uie aald county conlaininif by admeasurement 0 022 acres h- the same ware or lew and which said parcel nf land is more partlcu lary described as follows pmiailijng that main street norlh in the town nf gooraelown has a bearine of north 43 def 511 30 west astronomic and relating all hearing herein thereto commencing al the point of inlersrclion nf ihe northeast unilt of main street norlh with the norlh limit of victoria avenue in ihe said town of georgetown as shown on said registered plan number 32 tilkncb north 74 doe 2830 kasl along the said north limit of victoria avenue 1034 feet to a point therein ihhmr south 43 deg 8830 i ail across said victoria avenue along a imp drawn parallel lo the aiore aald northeast i mill of main street north 5fl 3d feet mom or less lo a point in the south limit of victoria avenue 1 hencr south 74 deg 2n jo west along ihe said houlh limit nf victoria avenue 10 j4 feet in the point of intersection of the said south ijmil of victoria avenue with the said northeast limit or main street north as shown on said resisterrd plan number 32 thrncr north 43 deg ml 10 west along the said north last ijniil of main street north being also the south weit limit of vlclml avenur 51 10 feel moi e or less tn the point of comnvencojnrnt the said by law will be dealt with at a meeting ef council ta be held far ihe purpose ef considering the said by lew en monday september 3rd 1mi at i 00 a m at tha municipal building m mn street north georgetown all document in relation ta the matters eleresald may be examined at the office of the clerk ef the munlcl pallty ef the municipal building aforesaid dated et georgetown this jeth day af august im c g brnham clark far the yawn af georgetown plrst published the lth dey ef asigost trie po 281 grades 16 lot 14 to 18 inclusive on the 7th line will be picked up at hicken service station and west corner of no 15 side- road and 7th line 810 am other stewarttown routes remain the same all auxiliary classes will be accommodated at stewarttown school parent of kindergarten children are requested to take children is their respective classes al sneyslde lim house glen williams and tiiieview for reurtlrallon on tuesday september 3rd between 9 00 a hi end 3 00 p m at this time parent will receive further instruction from th leather- the above schedule is to apply in all v instances subject to any revisions the board finds necessary following a trial period school opens september 3rd 1968 drive carefully