Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 29, 1968, p. 17

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ads that pay you can place an ad in mm maralcfa clamllwd peaae b akosfnt t77h0t brlria or ailing tha harau h where yeu will find lha reunite want georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tha ca herald hat mrved ga and dhum aatommantf ftrthhatarfar- vw umiiui t fnrlnfj ttw i bo in fln printing and covr9 jkuritoheml s second cfam mao t offio dipt ottawa j ad far payment off paataga in caah omrgitawn ontario tutvuy sap 5th 1968 500 par yaarj tt copy price tan caaai record numbers swamp schools the partys over teachers at hoiy cross separate school on maple avenue look over a sea of faces during the firsl momenls of the new term tuosday morning 30c hourly raise in town works contract a good deal for employees and for the corporation teas council consenus as they ap proved a two year contract with local 7 canadian union of public employees on tues day the contract which reeve hunter tald had been accepted by thn town works staff earhi tlut day provides a 30c i hour increase retroactive to april 1st with a further 18c in crease next april era pay of 15c an hour is provided for heavy equipment and cruder operators and next april the town has jtirecd to pav twothird of welfare premiums for employ ccs jho contract expected to be sipped tins week runs fron april lit 1sm8 to march 3lst 1070 plan instruction school fcr officers cf leqion by ralph hwf president henry hale is ant- fclpatm a good turn out of members on saturday uhau members of 120 pay a return visit to branch 31 mount den nis those wishing to make the trip slrbuld have their names onuho bat at tha branch nother remliuter to mem bers of the lad es auxiliary geaerl meeting on thursday september 12 this is a week earlier than usual the reason being several members of the executive will be awiy to ot tawa for the provincial conven hon on the third thursday of the month which is the usual date of the general meeting guebts may attend the dance which uill follow the ladies birthday supper on friday september 13 tickets will be frwhedok shuffle on we note that after last weeks publlcatio i there as a change made at lb branch shuftlc board will conunuo through the winter it uill jake place thursday evenings industrial darts will take oer the wed mesday night spot district command is planninn tt officers school of instruct on of the fortv imperial memb ers and friends who dep tried tins town on saturday to trivt1 to onllia forty eturned site and sound early neyt morntn thev sang ther wuj back little else could bo expected of thf in for mmbcis of the executive afer the rojal treatment et and to thoe niembtn who arejenticd to the m by the host zona effort mlqht be more fca sible than a inilrj branch effort however w fol it would be wlfcirbretotkfaetarytfttnr branch could handl this raic occasion on its own and honour these elder satcsmen of the legion their ranks are indeed very thin but thrvi comrades of run tnaclq iho legion a red ftough time on membership it seems that bianch 120 is not alone throughout provincial command membership has not come up to expectations nul it would appear from comments made by command that it is reasonable to believe tlia branches are go inn to have a rough time count ing any where near to the tar jlet command had set and be heved to be obtainable derstand bob cuthbert enioyed his trip and had to be force fully restrained from taking a second one a buffet supper consisting of kiiutling pig arid what was laughingly called waki wakl turkey trout and mixed fruit was cnjoed by tho imperials at the dance in the evening each georgetown visitor rce4v- ed a lei the music was hawai ian stvle the georgetown folk did well in the pnxc department winning four out of six wiume ferguson flossie tracey jim turner veil chapin each turned with a pnxe fridiy night dart shoot was successful as always prize win ners were beta rayner pat bod barb hceve norm ward jack kerr j gilchrist d payn tei chuck hennessey and d tvlltb o th os e few hdtnymt i working individuals at branch li leve who will have to go out the otm ri lav nlkht suc and bring in unpaid members f and solicit as many new and reinstated members as possible interested in lie wplhre of the branch any member may at tend the school brancli the visitors arrived at onllia in time for lunch whih was the ht such session vas ihd smorgasbord hawaiian t 1 at waterdown in 1m4 it was one diy duration vve under stand the fall school is also to be ono da instruction wu over all aa pects of brancli activities from the opening ceremony to lue closing of a general meeting dealing with each part of the meeting in order of buuines from introduction of guest rea ding of minute on to r3pots from staivjlin committee n eral business finally the motion ot adjournment committee chairmen will re ccive instruetioiu pertaining to tho committee they will work on elected officers will also gam much knowledge wth the cnk now a thing of the past thdugbu should begin to dwell on full aetivitiej nov- ember the 11th comes to mind poppy day ldoh end to wars this poppy day will he uni que for it will be the 50th un rtiversary of tho signing of the versailles treaty which was to end all wart we feel it u perhaps time to urt planning to hold an un mmlmmh lllll wwi u it tti brunch membership may never liaw imolliir opportunity to show ltg r to thoso men and women to whom we owe ntir very eklsafiice this 5 occasion will never hammt j ain and the coownatioa vl a and free ments tickets for refesh plane trips a lunch thire was dirt card etc or jor the more ad ventuous plane trips we un pipe hand dance the auditorium wis full to capacity with happy couples cnjnim the ever popu lar music of itoss uillicr and the country rhythm bovs saturday a small crowd was at the dmce this could he ex pect d uitn so many acuviies going on prior to saturday and on snluidiv john kelly enter tained nevt saturday you may dan to the modern rhythm of the well known tunc dusters prires at the dance went to rucky i irusmv iyank hardy iae la win and helen cum slv the nfticers of the month draw winimis were joe duguan wayne kverson mrs tom ea on roy wiggins won the af t rnoon wuji and means prize incorporate lamb street plant in s s building tor sale situ on what k commonly known as tlio bake mo plant of smllh stone on ijmb strrct a tiny street olv klna street prompted tome questions trotn residents nothing spectacular inppen ed to tho tliennoset monhliiu dlviilnn of smith stone this u the proper name h merely moved into the main plant ta kinii all hie envployem there too in fact tho move took plice soiio time ao but duo to the location of the plant would not he jslly noticed originally cork knlttini mills stood on this silo but it burned down before the lecnm world war at tho begiwilnu of tlie wur the plant ya lehuilt aa m i der bait aia pnjineittnir they turned out 23 millimetre shells to help the war etfort shortly after the war smith stone took over the pljnt which now ktanda vacant await ing a new tenant deformed frogs arouse interest tvin unusual from were found in north hallon county this week and are now at the llojal ontario museum in lor onto fr study one of the flolu had six lets and the other had misshapen toes unit foot they were taken by lie oukvillo humane society to dr peck at the oalcvlue an imal clinic who said ho was extremely interested in the mil titions m t is unusual for two lo be found together like this ec n wlieun i i known wheuier tfte frois camo from the aame poiwi however if they did ho anduloyal on tario museu r will be oxtromeitrtnterested to see if the mutauons were caused bv any ouuido factors iuch ua ra diatlon improve death corner at base line trafalgar armstrong bros construction company cf brnmpton ins star ted work on the death corner intersection at hornby the cor ner has been the tcene of many major highway crashes ami one coroners inqueit into a fatahtj bq rebuilt the lnterseoiion is it the corner of trafalgir road and the base line hie work is part of program by hal ton county to rebuild the north south trafalgar road seventh line atrp and develop it as a major tralfic route recently plans were anncun ccd to rebuild that r of trafalgar road which runs north from queen elizabeth way in oakville to upper mid- dlo road this job will cost nearly 500000 while the hornby contract is for 260000 karlier the county rebuilt rthklntmrtiotrniiredrhntritret4rtt ftf- trafalgar- fcoad at drumuiii and improved an in tcrscction there which hod been the see no of several fatal accid ents gypped of uoo 4 the cphoney bank inspector racku hit milton tills week uhere a woman lost 300 to a comidence man whoclaimed ta ue checking for counterfeit bills sunshine graduates get ring and cufflinks one of the first students of sunshine school for ttio ment ally retarded to have gone com pletely through tho complete special training graduated m june as one of two students leaving the school carl bickers of milton was presented with a signet ring as a graduation present the other per on leaving sunshine ilill gawky of gcor getown was presented with a set of cuff links at the same ceremony ho begins work in the hope workshop at horn by this september principal mrs r p jcffwes reports enrolment is up slightly but the program will remain largely the iamo as last jear staff is incumbent including mrs d hancock in the begin ners mrs t dolbel in the primary group mrs t mitchell teaching intermediates and mrar jettares instructing tb seniors hie school will be absorbed by the massive halton county board of education in january but this will affect mainly the administrate j branch of it with at a ft and curriculum left intict until changes are necessary portable classrooms mushroom as enrolments l hit new highs keep terminal use main street too coach proposal tuesday decided from charles st residents if w e kep fooling around tha 4riif4wtlt bypacao council on to ask gray coach lines to con sidn t comprint fe w4ueh uould return buses to a main street route while keeping the termiml at its janus street location with mayor gibbons d sscnt ing they will suggest tint after huso- pull into the termiml they turn around and proceed down the old main street route a bus going down mam st is no more problem than a tractor trailer or a cement mix er said cr wheldnn lmmc r son who with reeve hunter pro posed the new idea theyll never g for this nonsense sad mayor gibbons its vorkm out irj welt now except for a few objections entirely and no one wants that the bus oute has been ar issue since last spring when following establishment of i new route council had petition from residents objecting to bus route through a residential area although grav coach agreed to return to pie old route a stumbling block has been refus al of tho towi to provide what they consider adeiuato loading space on the street council pas wtl the buck to tile parking authority but has not had a recommendation from that group as yet carcasses on dump called health hazard four hundred dead turkeys chickens and a deer were left lyini on the top of the dump claimed deputy itteve tom- hill he branded it o health hazard why cant the owners them solves bury them demanded deputy reeve lllll or at least cho tho township notice when lliy are comim up so they can be covered immojiately council adopted a susijestlon of assessor art llenton to send notices to all cliickm und tur key farms asklnc them to not ify the township in advance if they plan to brm a dzcjblc numlier to the dump durlnu a inief mcclini of ksqueslnu coiuicil tuesday nlllm council learned that the annexation 6f 00 7 acres of their land by aolon would be effective october 1 the land is owned by acton i i y1 -hi- i v imuii wlin lllrilllll1pii 11 lbiu ink on the condition ho the ltnd would be used for a dump at pre- ent part of it is helm used by tbu tcmotciy hoaul mure confusion reurdliik boundaries and clear titles o lots on glen crescent in glcu williams decided council to tike nups and burveys and io then themselves to clear up the contaslon at least in their own minds cr pit patterson reminded council it is no business of the township it ovrun had bought land without clear title in an effort to save rwitlnii equipment council decided to cnllfor tenders on a fivo ton truck with a zander and plough r lailuui to speak of oh the lolh line bridge waj the descilplion used by deputy reeve loin hill uaae desenbed the condition of the bridge he cljimid it is unsafe for children walking to the bui ihu reeve overrulod the sug gestion ot snow fencing and 1irafwirpiiiwifpribaji 17 august calls for ambulancemen ttw ambulance was called so- vnteen times during the month of august for twelve emergency runs and five normal runs tjie following men took the callr friend garbutt cliva croowcli john armstrong dave appleton acq bailey dons herrington don redden ed hall sun wright gerry rodtn valiy davis cril en gleby walter thompson reg brootnhead harry allen wal ter stelnke dick forster jim jenkins kelson handy bob bradley george logan angus stone george ceteris bill max well stan mciiugh kvtd zorge safety tn from cvas this sign should be posted near all school andplay grounds please keep off the gas children should b seen and not hurt schooli open please drive carefully the georgetown and e- queslng schools swallowed up cb13 pupils tuesday and at press tijiio are suffering only mild indigestion the record enrolments were general as the georgetown pub lic schools accepted 2904 high school 1310 holy cross bs5 and the esquesing township schools 1014 the total is an increase of 769 over last septembers fig ure the townships seven public schools have an enrolment of 1c91 up about 00 from last year the heaviest registration was at pineview north of horn by where 352 turned up glen williams has 307 spcyside 294 limehouse 244 stewart town 364 norval 83 and milton heights 50 the other esiueilng schools ar tho georgetown district christian school on the 7th line whero the enrolment has jump ed from lfil to 104 and sun shine school for retarded chil dren on the 7th line south qf town where the 28 registrations rcprccht no change in georgetown george ken- ncdy public school in the ex treme cast end rocketed from cq2 to iw all gradcfers or un der harrisjm public school also a junior xcnool dropped from g24 to 007 centennial xen- ior school went rom 258 to 320 all in grades 7 and 8 park public school has 383 compared to 305 thu time last year cha pel street which dropped last term because of boundary chan ges is also at a new high 350 only in glen williams where- some pupils aro going to class in the community hall until an addition there is ready has there been heed to go to facil ities outside the school proper ty many other local schools ire accommodating the throng by putting the overflow into port able classrooms ptomise ndp candidates in georgetown election 3appointeeitto safety committee first step in establishing a town safety committer ua tak en tuesday by council vh ap- jpointment of thr members of what is to be a 6 member board council accepted the recom mendation of hallon hius rate payers association and named c blight 250 dclyx bhd and f tyrell iso mountamview rd n as representatives of ward 3 and added fred hue 57 ann street to represent ward 1 three more appointments are in y irt rtrvt mnwitav th ratcpayera association was instrumental in persuading council to form the new board following a fatality when a the new democratic party georgetown area will field can- didatc in the coming george town elections this year federal assistant secretary bill cumpsty said at a special cornmittco meeting held this sunday all aexois canada there is a growing demand for the introduction of the parly system into municipal politics and once again we in george town must lead tho way onlv by every citizen gotting involved can wc avoid the in justices which uill accompany urban renewal expropriation escalating of rents which com es with urban growth he urged all georgetown party members and supporters to get out and work for party candidates youngster drowned in the water filled excavation of a house in georgetowns east end building inspector tom mc lean ruported permits valued at j2uthm weru uucd during aulllst all the buildings were reiid tmtui stolen truck fcnds in hamts oeoroet6ww fireman jim va1ant1nb looks over the o interior of a 1948 chev pickup truck which burned in a secluded lano off mountamview road soutfi sat urday morning tin truck was stolen from murray motors lot eaner tlie same morn- lino driven lo the secluded ipot and apparently sot ellre

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