Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 5, 1968, p. 1

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ads that pay can a ml la mm heram- ctatthm pwt a fthcnloii otm01 atoying er luna tht hmm la what m will find mm mult yea georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing the oaurarftown heram baa aervad gaoraafown and district as printer and pomlahara far bast in fine- printing coverage o ontario thursday sajpt jth 1v68 50o par ysarj seagu cofy pricac ta caak record numbers the partys over tcachefts at holy cross separate school on maple avenue look over a sea of faces during the first moments of the new term tuesday morning 30c hourly raise in town w6rks contract a good deal for employees add for the corporation was councils consenus aa they ap proved a two year contrart with iocal 7 canadian union of public employees on tues day the contract which ilceve hunter said had been accepted by the town works staff earlier that day provides a 30c hour increase retroactive to april 1st with a further 18c in crease next april kxira pay of 13c an hour is provided for heavy equipment and cruder- operators and next april the town has agreed to pay twothird of wolfcrc premiums for employ ees tho contract expected to be sinned this week runs from april 1st 1168 to march 3lst 1970 plan instruction school fcr officers of leqion by ralph hae president henry hale is nl- leipatm a good turn out of members on saturday when members of 120 pay a return visit to branch 31 mount den nis those wishing to make the tnp should have their names oa the list at the branch another remluter lo awn- bers of the ladies auxiliary genen1 meeting oo thursday september 12 this u a week earlier than usual the reason being several members of tile executive will be away to ot tawa for the provincial conven tion on the third thursday of the month which is the usual date of the general mcctini guests may attend the dance which will follow the ladies birthday supper on friday september 13 tickets will be available at the door improve death corner at base line trafalgar -shuffcirom- coiupany of brampton has star ted work on the death corner lono effort mljlit be more fea- derstand bob cuthbcrt cnloyedj intersection at hornby the cor- his trip and had to be force- ner has been the scene of many fully restrained from taking u major highway crashes and one sible than a sinli branch effort however we feel it would be much wore satisfactory if the branch could bjttdte this rare occasion on if own and honour thei elder s talesmen of the lejlon their rallies are indeed very thin bat tbcsu comrades ofpurs ms3o th lejtlon a rca- uy hough tlmfi on membership it seems that branch 120 is not alone throughout provincial command membership has not come up to expectations and it would appear from comments made by command that it is reasonable to believe tha branches are go ing to have a rough time count ing any where near to the tar get command had set and be lieved to be obtainable it will be those few hard workinjndividualaat branch level who will have to go out second one a buffet supper consisting of buckling pig and what was laughingly called waki waki turkey trout and mixed fruit was enjoyed by tho imperials at the dance in the evening each georgetown visitor receiv ed a lei the music was hawai ian style the georgetown folk did wellin the pric department winning four out of six winnie ferguson flossie tracey jim turner chaplin each re turned with a prize friday night dart shoot was successful as always prize w ners were rota rayner boyd barb itceve norm ward jack kerr j gilchrist d inyn ter chuck hennessey and d paynler armstrong bros constructionjtrafalgar road which runs north from queen elizabeth way in oakville to upper mid dle road this job will cost nearly 5500000 while the hornby contract is for 200000 karlier the county rebuilt a section of trafalgar hoad at drumnulu and improved an in teraction there which had been lhe see no of several ratal accid ents coroners inquest into a fatality at the intersection urged that it be rebuilt the intersection at the corner of trafalgar road and the base line the work is part of a program by haltou county to rebuild h north- south trafalgar road tventh tine atrip and develop it as a major traffic route recently plans were announ ced to rebuild that section of j bills gypped of 1300 j the phoney bank inspector racket hit milton this week where a woman lost 300 to coniidence man who claimed a be checking for counterfeit keep terminal use main p street tooj coach proposal and bring in unpaid members and solicit as many new and reinstated members as possible the other friday night suc cess was the branch sponsored pipe band dance the auditorium was full to capacity with happy couples enjoying the ever popi lar music of hoss hillier and the country rhythm boys we note thatafter last weeks publicatici there as a change made at the branch shuffle board will continue through the winter it will take place on thursday evenings industrial darts will take over the wed nesday night spot district command is planning an officers school of instructon wi vuu1v nu for members of the executive after the royal txestment ext- on l7 1 of the forty imperial memb ers and friends who departed this town on saturday to travel to orillia forty eturned safe saturday a small crowd was and sound early next mornirrj u dance tins could he ex- thev sang their way back little p wlt so ra fviim else could le expected of them k on p t0 anj and to those members who are interested in the welfare of the branch any member may at tend the school ended to branch them by the host the visitors arrived at orillia in time for lunch which was the last such session was hld smorgasbord hawaiian tyle t waterdown in m4 it was a and free tickets for refresh- one day duration we undi stand the fall school is also to be ono day instruction wh ovcr all ns pects of ttrmch activities from the opening ceremony to tho closing of a general meeting dealing with each part of the meeting in order of business from introduction of guest rea ding of minute on to reports from standim committees gen eral business finally the motion of adjournment committee chairmen will re ceive instructions pertaining to the committee they will work on elected officers will also cain much knowledge wuh the cnk how a thing of the past thoughts should begin to dwell on fall activities nov ember the 11th comes to mind poppy day vmm end to wars this poppy day will be uni que for it will be the 50th an niversary of the sighing of the versailles treaiy which was to end all wax we feel it is perhaps time lo abtrt planning- to hold an an niversary day or week in the utek of nov 11 the branch membership may never have another opportunity to show lli appreciation to thoao men and women to whom we owe our very existence this 4 occasion will nevr hai i wii ag ain and too cxmnbinetloa of menls plane trips after lunch there was darts cards etc or for the more ad- tained next saturday you may dan- to the mwlcrit rhythm of the well known tune dusters prizes at the dance went to rocky lorusso frank hardy dave lawful and helen cump- sty the nflicers of the month draw winners were joe duggan wuyne kverson mrs tom ea- on roy wiggins won the af- ventuous plane trips we un- ternoon ways and means priie incorporate lamb street plant in s s building for sale sign on what is commonly known as the bake- ute plant of smith stone on lamb street a tiny street oft king street prompted some questions from residents nothing spectacular happen ed to the thermosct moulding division of smith stone thu is the proper name it merely moved into thu main plant ta king all the employees there too in fact the move took place some time ago but due to the location of the plant would not be v noticed originally cork knitting mills stood on this site but it burned down before the second world war at tho beginning of the war the plant was rebuilt bv victor dhixins to house his finni cat- fc vntflnrarinif they turned out 23 millimetre ahelu to help the war effort shortly after the war smith jb stone took over the plant which now itand vacant await ing a new tcaanl deformed frogs arouse interest two unusual frogs were found in north halton county this week and are now at the hoyal ontario museum in tor onto for study one of the frogs had six legs and the other had misjfthapen toes and feet they were taken by the oakville humane society to dr beck at the oakville an imal clinic who said ho was extremely interested in the mu tations as it is unusual for two to be found together like this dr beck said tht it is not from tho same pond however if they did he and hoyal on tario museum researchers will be extremely interested to see if the mutations were caused by any outside factors iuch as ra diation council on tuesday decided to ask gray coach lines to con sider a compromise which awhiul rdura-hueqc- iontirol street route while keeping the terminal at its james street location with mayor gibbons dissent ing they will suggest that after buses pull into the terminal they turn around and proceed down tho old main street route a bus going down main st is no more problem than a tractor trailer or a cement mix er said cr wheldon emmerl son who with reeve hunter pro posed the new idej theyll never a for thir nonsense said mayor gibbons its working out very well now except for a few objections from charles st residents if we keep fooling around th buses will bypat georgetown sunshine graduates get ring and cufflinks one of the first students of sun shjne school ior too ment ally retarded to have gone com pletely through the complete special training graduated june as one of two students leaving tho school carl bickers of milton was presented with a signet ring as a graduation present the other person leavtn sunshine bill gawley of geor getown was presented with a set of cuff links at the same ceremony he begini work in the hoim2 workshop at horn by this september principal mrs r p jcffarcs reports enrolment is up slightly but the program will remain largely the same as last year staff is incumbent including mrs d hancock in the begin ners mrs t dolbel in the primary group mrs t mitchell teaching intermediates and mrs jeffares instructing the seniors the school will be absorbed by the massive halton county board of education in january but this will affect mainly the adminlstratve branch of it with staff and curriculum left intact until changes are necessary portable classrooms mushroom as enrolmenfs hit new highs the georgetown and es qucsing schools 3wal lowed up gb13 pupilstucsday and at press lime arc suffering only mild indigestion the record enrolments were general as the georgetown pub lic schools accepted 204 high school 1310- holy cross 685 and the ksqucsing township schools 1914 the total is an increase t 760 over last septembers fig ure the townships seven public schools have an enrolment of 1804 up about 00 from last year the heaviest registration was at plneview north of horn by where 352 turned up glen williams has 307 speysidc 204 limehouso 244 stewart town 304 norval 83 and milton heights iso the other esffuesing schools are the georgetown district christian school on the 7th line where the enrolment lias jump ed from 161 to 194 and sun- shlnp school for retarded chil dren on the 7th line south of town where the 28 registrations represent no change in georgetown george ken nedy public school in the ex treme east end rocketed from 602 to 800 all grade gersor un der harrison public school also a junior ttcnool dropped from g24 to g07 centennial sen ior school went from 258 to 320 all in grades 7 and 8 park public school has 383 compared to 305 this time last year cha pel street which dropped but term because of boundary chan ges is also at a new high 356 only in glen williams where some pupils ro going to class in the community hall until an addition there is ready has there been need to go to facil ities outside the school proper ty many other local schools are accommodating the throng by putting the overflow into port able classrooms that the bus route has been an issue since last spring when following establishment of a new route council had petitions from residents objecting to bus routu through a residential area although gray coach agreed to return to the old route stumbling blockhas been refus al of the to wi to provide whit they consider adequate loading space on the street council pas sed the buek to the parking authority but has not had a recommendation from that group as yet carcasses on dump called health hazard four hundred dead turkeys chickens and a deer were left lyinj on the top cfnhe dump claimed deputy itocvc tou hill he branded it a health hazard why cant the owners them selves bury them demanded deputy reeve hill or at least hive the townthip notice when thy are coming up so they can he covered immediately council adopted a suuestion of assessor art henton to send notices to all chicken and tur key farms askini them to not ify the township in advance if they plan to brinj a sizeable nutnlter to the dump durini a brief mecllni of kfuealntf council tuesday tllltm council learned that the annexation of c07 acret of their land by aotoit would be effective october 1 tltd land is ofeuttl by acton but is in ksquesini the amux- ii ikp i 11 ink on the condition no part of tiie land would ha used for a dump at prwent part of it la helm used by thecenlotery floartl more confusion rcardum boundaries and clear titles to lots on glen crescent in glen williams decided council to take maps and surveys andko there llloiflselvcs to clear up the confusion at least in their own minds cr pat patterson remlndcj council it is no business of the township if ovwn had boinht land without clear title in an eltort to save rftntlntf equipment council decided to call for tenders on a five ton truck with a gander and plough no railings to speak of on the lulh line hrldire was tho description used by deputy reevo tout hill as he described the condition of the bridge he claimel it is unsafo for children walklni to tho bus tho reeve overruled 4ho iip uchtlnu of snow iwtcluii and urked wlro nush be used hulldlni inspector tom mc lean rimmrtd permits valued at 32hut0 wcii issued during august all tho building were resld- eutul 17 august calls for ambulancemen the ambulance was called so- vnteen times during tke month of august for twelve emergency runs and five normal runs tie iollowinc men look the calls friend garbutt cllvo crcaawelv jokh armstrong dave appletou aco bailey dou herrintfton don hodden ed hall ktan wriht gerry koden wally davis cyril en- xicby walter thompson ilec broocnhead harry allen wal ter stelnke dick forster jim jenkins nelson handy bob bradley george logan annus stone george coiens bill max well stan jjuiugh fred zorce safety tips fhom cvas this sifn should be posted nea all sch and pla grounds please keep otftho has children should be seen and not hurt schools open please drive carefully promise ndp candidates in georgetown election 3 appointees to safety committee first step in establishing town safety coromlme was tak en tuesday by council veh ap pointment of threj members of what is to be a 6 member board council accepted the recom mendation of halton 1iuu kate- payers association and warned c blight 250 debex blvd and k tyrcll 1b0 mountainview ltd n as representatives of ward 3 and added fred hue 57 ann street to represent ward 1 three more appointments are to be made next monday tfi3 ratepayers associouort was instrumental in persuading council to form the new board following a fatality when a the new democratic party georgetown area will field can didates in the canting george town elections this year federal assistant secretary bill cumpsty said at a special committco meeting held this sunday all across canada there is a growing demand for the introduction of the party system into municipal politico and oiico again we in george town must lead the way only by every citizen gettlnj involved can we avoid the in justices which will accompany urban renewal expropriation escalating of rents which com es with urban growth he urged all georgetown party mom bers and supporters to get out and work for party candidates youngster drowned in the water filled excavation of a house in georgetowns east end s t e i ft gulled interior of a 1948 georgetown rreman jim vaiantine looks over tho chev pickup truck which burned in a secluded lano off mountainview road souhs sa- urday mornlnfj the truck was stolen from murray motors lot earier the same moro- ing driven to the secluded spot end apparently set afire

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