Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 12, 1968, p. 1

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i i ads that pay vm mmjtta m ad hi the mmhra cteeahhm- jnin wy t77ah wytna er q wffl m the rente yea printing- publishing oiitlaiwi nvrais aw ttie home newspaper for georgetown and district mm printers and publmwrt far over a cent off tt beat la fina prlntlns and aaaa- aa i da man fcatolh ili oww ad far paynant f in nh oaor qnt ttwenstay lmk 1mb 500 par yaavj sanflk copy m tan ciaia i fair prize lists ready the georgetown nil fair prixe iiata were off the press last week and have been maded to many exhlbttore it 1w did not reoatae one and am i in ahowing in any of the many el of- he secr s t -megti- vray ladles particularly will he interested in the specials being offered or domestic science ladies wort and flow ers there are also prizes for vegetables and fruit and spe cials tor juniors as well 4tf club tnombera will want to enter tbe commercial dairy and beef calf competi tion with watches donated by houghton jewellers and the canadian imperial bank of commerce as prizes in ehow- mansbip so get your copy now as the fair will be here in three weeks time copies available also at the herald office nice surprise wins ex bike eleven year old leslie sykes 3 stevens crescent had wel come ittrprue saturday when a steaming new red and cold glider bicycle was delivered to his home when the delivery man was told he mutt havs the wrong bouse be replied it for sykes on stevens crescent and it paid lor alter more- explication it was discovered leslie had won it in the draw of star thrill coupons at tbe exhibition odd ly enough he had only drop ped one coupon in the drum from which tbe draw was made leslie is how showing off his bike to his frienjb in grade 6 at geonca kennedy school extinguish fire in parked auto a fim in a car on the george town metuorui hospital statf parking lot saturday morning burned the front seat and left a smoke film over the rest of tho interior tho car was park ed on the lot at the back of the hospital by mrs bernlce savoie a relief nurse fire chief erwin lewis vatd the cause of the fire was un known it was discovered short- 4y mefn horse show is feature fall fair attraction running at 28 per cent above capacity sanitation department senior sod turner fd wrigoiesworth age 91 plunges a shovel deep into the sod on the site of the proposed hlllcret united church mr wrlggletworth the eldest member of the new church formed by the amalgamation of ashgrovw and hornby churches was one of several to take part in a sod turning ceremony ot me 7th line of esquoalng alte sunday the now church building will bo half way between the two communities high school pupils elect student councillors friday a rally this tftemoon will give aspirants for positions on the high school student council chance to get their election story across to the student body boyle on separate school interim body tbe first official step to am algamate the separate school boards of hilton county into one board was taken on tues day september 3rd at the county administration build ing milm- an interim separate school organization committee was established consisting ot jim hourlgan burlington len au- tier oekvllle ben boyle geor- etown ami jim lankedyk mil ton the meeting was held under the direction of mr donald young regional superintend ent of schools for the depart ment of educatlca assisted by mr ford brand a sour note was truck before the meeting got down to busin ess when at the urging ot mr youikg the committee voted to hold their meeting in private this effectively excluded four members of tho burlington board bob obrien chris full er don 1uh and john viaser the composludiiof thenew county board has now been established by the clerks of tho municipalities concerned bur lington will elect 7 trustees oakvillo 5 georgotown 1 j01- ton esquesing and nassagaweyn combined will elect one wrigglesworth school missed despite the heralds main headline story last week how ard wrigglesworth public school has not disappeared oil tho face of the earth the story reporting first day enrolment at georgetown and district scltools failed to include the wrigglesworth figure 432 in mentioning individual school re gistrations it was however in cluded in thd total of 6013 unlucky friday watch out for ladders and black cats tomorrow its friday the lath first divorce granted under new law what may have been tbe tint divorce under canadas revised legislation was granted on the opening day of the ontario sup reme courts fall assizes in the ilalton county court monday i5r justice d w parker was taken by surprise and had to all oniirt for ahmit ii minutes until he could find a copy of the new legislation on which to base his ruling the case involved a school teacher who filed a petition for divorce on grounds of separat ion for mora than three years under the old laws marital of- feuces of adultery sodomy bes tiality and rape were the only grounds for divorce separation or a period not less than three years is one of the new grounds in addition homosexuality of one marriage partner physical and mental cruelty and marriage break down have been added to the j1u gordon madill registrar of the surrogate court aald there have been- 57 petitions for divorce filed in halton county since the new laws came into effoct july 1st thats roughly 25 per month compared to about 10 per month beforo the new legis lation this week candidates for var ious positions are in the midst of their campaigns and posters badges and other advertising gimmick aro plentiful around the school mary carr and john illley arc contesting tho treasurers pos ition chairman of the social com mittee is a popular office ap parently with six in the run ning bob barhertjohntaris bob tarzwell arlene crawford doug stephens and tim broth- erton senior posts run from decem ber to december and jane mc- nailyandjlm tvwun tlnue as president and vice pre sident until the end of the year leslie hansen has been elected secretary by acclamation elections planned for friday morning will also include class representatives to the student council dean taylor noreen miehm installed in top kin posts georgetown kinsmen and kin ette ofllccrs were installed in office at a joint installation mecinc with their guelph coun terparts saturday in guelph the georgetown kinsmen ex ecutive includes president dean taylor vice president hugh powell vicepresident fred harrison secretary don puck ering treasurer john wickott registrar buss dlegcl bullet in editor harry levy and dlr- golf club sketching palette club project the palette pencil club held a meeting last wednesday in the bright new tiuartors of the halton fc peel trust build ing to make the most of the good fall weather and land scapes a sketching trip was promptly planned for sept 11 at north halton golf coun try club there will be more such outlni- in october sonw members are planning to attond an art weekend at geneva park lake couchlchlng later tills month which is co- hosted by the ontario dopt of education and the central ont ario art association four art ists will conduct courses in landscapes mixed media and portraits this will be a trem e w fo iiab n bers and those who attend will aurely absorb enough art in struction to bring some back for the stay at homes more activities are being planned for the winter months and an interesting year is in store for palette pencil mem bers octors trevor moorcs art ellis gary alton and bob collott the new slato of klnotte ofll cers includes president noreen michm secretary karen harri son treasurer janet wlckctt registrar ann boborts bulletin editor marilyn snnnucks and directors mona milne donna moores and gail collott past deputyovemor harry levy assisted with the lnstalia lion which was conducted by tho district deputygovomdv bob llsham tho ceremony fol lowed a roast beet dinner each club hold a brief bus iness meeting after the installa tion and a social evening and dance concluded tlio program both georgetown groups ore off to a good start on the now season with plans in tke works for a fall lair booth and mara thon brldgo sponsored by the klncttes one of the outstanding attrac tions at georgetown fall fan- oils year will be the horse ahow in fact there will be two ahows in one as a member of the canadian horse shows association the georgetown agrcultural society will sponsor another big lineup of farrier and jumpers in the aaddle class division this show gets off at b atn with the jun ior section followed by the i ors around 100 pm mr daw humphreys of milton will judge these classes then too there will be a re peat performance of the fine quarter hone show with ex hibitors coming as far away as fttichlgan and trom all parts of ontariaa t j mr ctoe hunter comes rfrom hunting- burgh indiana and the show op- swerves to miss dog car rolls richard d todd of 1 guelph street escaped when the ear he was driving east on river dr rolled over police aaid todd swerved to rnlss a dog on the road when the right wheels caught the gravel earning the car to skid sideways and then flip over damage was 350 in the wednesday geptember mishap a centennial public school pupil norman brooks age 14 suffered only a bruised left ankle when struck by a car whlle riding his bicycle thurs day police said he node into tho path of a car driven by fred cooley of rr 1 guelph the accident happened on duncan drive east of haylawn crescent a hit and run car did an es timated 125 damage to a ear parked in the georgetown mar ket parking lot tuesday sept ember 3 gordon willis left the vehicle there at b30 pja and returned an hour and half later to and the right rear quar ter panel bumper and trim da maged building slumps in august the number of bulldlnu ponm- u issued in august dropped con si derably thin month they totalled stttooo the twult apartaiwit on mount aln view owned by geortfe ed for 3h 1000 this one was ordered to bo issued by tho sup reme court after a hearlntf the only nonreal don ual- per mit was issued io wllfre4lrio for a commercial bo tiding on mountaliwlcw lid between todd and artnirorr thla per mit was valued at 30000 jayceei boost pin sale olympic fund georgetown jycs hre come to the old of the hysi- lly wealthy but financially poor canadian olympic team jaycee president dave kent- nor this week announced a mo ney raising project ci a volun tary basis to support tbe olym pic teem it involves donations of 50c and up in euchauge for olympic pins belnj placard in ten local bus hit puees all proceeds will ifo to the canadian olympic fund the pins are available at beaver lumber del rex smoke shop beamish stow delrex druf hotel mcgibbon erics hardware holmes 5c to 100 canadian imperial bank of commerce plau branch roy al bank of canada and thd toronto dominion bank project committee chairman is john maiuran ens at 9 auto and will rva aaost of tbe day with an i in the number of fnuy approved quarter horse association ahow i besides the above there will be the usual excellent showinf j of orrtab mod toad horses 1- so ponies and poety races mis les wright of wallensteia win be the judze- j and to rtimar an already oat- standing show the heavy horse j class has in been added afid should brin out some excellent teams and four horse hitches j so all you lovers of fine hori ae flesh set ready for the treat of your life all in one bis show milk price jumps in by two cents tbe two cent a quart milk hike which went into led in metro recenth his reacti- ed georgetown afonday both locfl dairies eoretown and steens upprd their prices on all types el niiurbyfcwo teais a ajuart t tfce priori now in effect here are quirt homo 05 2 tvr cent 34 skim 22 boubw quarts homo gs 2 fer cent 6s three quart jur ipicked tap homo t with jua 3 rtrceat 74 with jux delivered homo w with ju 2 rwcex m with jug- tbe inadequacy of the pres eat sewaje disposal piant was forcibly broufht home to coun cil alonday bight in two sep arate letters one from the sanitation de parcment of the ontario water besjources coounission stated it would not approve any furth er sanitary sewer mains on ilountainview lid south other than those already approved thry daim the municipal plant is running at s8 above cap- fccity the other from the town en gineer gordon fancy asked if the town was legally bound to provide sewer connections to the proposed 83 suite apart ment block on mountain view tload north near john street this apartment after been tur ned down by council was tfiven the ireen lifht by the supreme court the ecsineer pointed out this ire could only be served from the john streot lift station fthich already needs rebuilding or jim young claimed the tnxintr had stated he was within his rixhu under the pub- lie health act to refuse to make the sewer connections its eo- izc to be a sad situation since the owhc has already turned down any eiictiium on moun tain view ltoad south until art addition is built on the sewage plant commented cr young council decided to seek the town solicitors opinion on tho towns position regarding sew er connections to tho apart ment block police lay 205 charges during month a georgetown police depart ment activity report for july juyt released shows 4115 in fines were imposed as the re sult of 205 charges laid during that monlh there were also 215 parking tags- issued for meter violations the report also shows the de partment mado 29 arrests is sued g5 summonses and inves tigated 2iq complaints there were 21 motor accid ents during the period covered rcsullinj in one personal in jury and as a result 7 charges were laid aipiinst drivers other investigations inotud- ed 5 brcskins 25 thefts most of them of amounts under s50 3 car thefts l fraud 4 missing persons recovered and 1 sudden death there were also s4 privau dwellings checked for security while residents were away floodline map being made for georgetown gaiglestn restaurant purchased by calders 1 the credit valley conserva- tioa authority gets a provincial trmt of 7125 for the flood wellknown legion mr and mrs calder 93 sargent boad hare ot the j black erteks in the vicinity of geoite ceorgetotth a provincial crant of 000 to bousht u sanmar to sl- ion conscrvation hng and fua to tit py- j kcuo ert jiai lou h aa ta november 1st the restauranl is a u-st- votxa area nas also beenap- pnd ahlished business in opeaaiioa the credit valley authority for the pasttwelve yxs fish- j proposes the floodline mapping ing swimming and v are bf sdierand black creelu to all dose by at jrrtnt they help georgetown a its munlci- have aoomi overnight acedeomod- pal planning and zoning as well alionttwt plan to hoildt a fcobt- satcrinformation neededfor el alter they are established the formulation of fill reguli- afrs- calder jean is known tions in the two watercourses around the legion as gcorce- towns graeie fields as she j in this case all member mun- i ieipaluies have been designated graduate nurse 3tv eight seek job of building main bridge eight tenders for the constru ction of the new alaln street north brldgo over the cu hall way were opened at council alonday night the tenders were examined by dept of highways engineers then will be turned oer to committee council voted to allow the en try of two tenders which had come into the front office fif teen and twentythree minutes late despite the objvctloiut of cr smith who claimed they should be returned unopeffodl the roads chairman reported thisri wn luhtven ttmper- ties involved in the corettructson fourteen have settled tea have not replied and three have refused he explained ha at ted obly the partial properties have not been resolved he pointed out this would not hold up the construction in any way sings and looks like her she is a standard bearer in thi worn w ens auxiliary of brands latlllnie dllle ulgnltarlbs husband george is a nx-mbrtj- j i j of the imperial section vlsit urantj lofjcje they hope ta see many ce- rhe 91rd annual sessions ot orgetowa faces thrdiotit the the supreme grand lodlle of canada of the loyal true blue association conened the last fcek of aujust at the contin ental inn on highway 100 ot karrie the convention was hos ted by pine river ltua lodge of angus one of the bct sessions fever attended was the general report and delegates were pre- ent from newfoundland to bc one highlight was the burning of their mortgage by pine river lodie angus this is the sec ond youngest lodge in the as sociation and they built their ball iuit three years ago the nappy event took place in tile angus hall when tho local lodkc entertained the delegation on wednesday guests at the ban tjuet on tbe wednesday even ing included the rev w down er ml from simcoe county mr davis heeve of tho township of kii and a lady alderman prrienling the mayor of bar- rie t sirmhers of the local lodge kaltons lride no m3 who tare privileged to attend were daiiy harris deputy mistress of the supreme grand uxllo o canada airs hsicl preston as- aociate supreme grand chap- bl ub jwub juulli r uutbaka fevaws just graduated trool the school of nursing coelph general hospital wjth bnavmr atandtnt kurbara brans will join the nursing aaatf of kinxs- after the cradaacioai ccren- ony which was beld tal ball llnivwoity wis coelph wedaeaday air and mrs- ja vallemriew for their rlaughtnr at party at the aaaber guelph septeaaher 4 f evaas s caaaola incut grand secretary mrs alex bullocktwim of haltnni prid and mrs viola jarvie financial secretary it is expected tliat tho suit renae grand lodge will convene rat year in vancouver bc as benefitting but georgetown as the main benefitting munici pality will bear the major por tion of the authoritys share of the cost the 350acrc kelso conservat ion area in nassagaweya town- ijiip is the site of an 85acre water storage and flood control reservoir the halton authority request ed to grant to drill a new well to improve water supply in tho area land purchase money to prdvirjeextras the fate of hv proposed senior citizens apartments on hydo park opposite park school is now in the lands of the ontario housing corporat ion georgetown kinsmen have gone about as far as they can ho in initiating and organising the project they conceived the idea con ducted the survey to show tho need went from town to town ship council repeatedly and ac quired the land the apartment site is owned by the town but is in tho township of ksquelng while tile government insists on payingtbe kinsmen for the land they will in turn put tho money back into tho project adding extras such as recreat ional hall with outside shuttle hoard courts perhaps said kin dean taylor who lias pushed this project riht from the he- lrinning tliose jipartnumlbi are not free the tenants alt pay rent hut the amount is limited by the ontario housing corporation because of li the town and the township must agree to waive any taxes in excess of twentyfive dollani per unit drowning inquest october 2 has been sot as the date of an inquest into the august 10th death of a two year old georgetown boy glen osborne in a house ex cavation in halton hills sub- dliliuri the son u mr and mrs ernest osborne 78 wetw drive drowned in four fce ot water in the excavation on weber drive near george kennedy public school location for the inquest will bo decided later

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