Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 19, 1968, p. 4

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s i georgetown herald mtrttwel bhoma nawtpapan umhj 32 main stroat south gaorjtalown- ontario w c ejlthn pubtohyr page 4 thursday september lhs 1968 editorial comment interest in elections i t georgeiowp may bo in for one of its most interesting municipal elections this year if presenr indications bear fruit already one national political parly has announced its intention of fielding can dldates who will run on a party lino and a group of residents have bcon meeimg to discuss entering candidates el al as a slate or getting behind one more whom they feel will represent thcni best on the town s governing body more than one man has been mention j ed as a mayoralty candidate and there are 3 several names being talked about m likely candidatcsfor other council posts to date only one sitting member has 4 indicated he will not seek office others arc keeping mum in the traditional pro season speculation but it appears that they j will all be candidates for their present or ofher positions councils particularly in a growing com muniry come in for a lot more criticism than praise and one qualification needed is a thick skin that is if one intends to bo more than a token member municipal councils are neither all good nor all bad and the 196768 group is no exception if we had any criticism to lovel it would be a lack of decisiveness caused perhaps by a constant split in opinion so that many problems are never thought through to a successful conclusion or that when a decision is reached it may last for only a week the gray coach fiasco is one good example it is our opinion that georgetown is they haven t heard the widespread theory that god is j dead apparently hntproadlheaih 3 grove and hornby communities past duo to emerge info a system where council would turn over minor problems to the proper municipal departments and allow more time for important policy mak ing docisions at its meetings from a cost standpoint alone it is not sensible or the town o pay 160 more than this if the mayor accepted his salary th- to sottlo such matters as fixing a pothole or or ordering a new piece of office equip ment council lo our mind should act like the management of a business it hires people to look after the various facets of own affairs and t should deal with oho of these only jf a ratepayer fools he is not getting satisfaction and comes lo the cor porahon for this thr best advice we can give this or future councils is to hammer out a decision adopt it or turn it down by maonty vote thon abide by this at least for more than a wook or two the two year term proposed by some as a euro all for getting major proicls off the ground has hardly fulfilled its oxpecta t ons we can see no particular extra pro- grojs because councillors were ensured of their scat for 24 months instead of twelve ii m ght even be that a bit less work has been done because thoro was less urgency at the start of 1967 with december 1968 seeming so far away whatever may be there will be moun ing interest in municipal affairs from now until december as georgetown feces hs first municipal election in two years may the best men winl news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 30 yeanr ago r 95 with two small churches which served the community well in the horse and bug gy days members began to realize that they could not continue to exist in that form did they discuss closing them not at all instead they got together end decided to build one church to replace j two and recently i sod turning ceremony was bold and the building is underway for a new united church to be known as hill- crest in our opinion religion is becoming an even more vital force in canada there was a day when churches held fhetr melnbers throtjgfrin cornbtrfattorl of fear and boredom fear of an after life of turmoil in simple people who took their bible stones literally boredom with a soc c ety which decreed that sunday was a day of rest and no fooling the rest inclu ded reading nothing but religious books mdulg ng in no frivolity so that going jo church was a reliof from the monotony starting off the just society about that 18000 job its not all roses say harley and whiting at 1 in 000 3 year and wliatitherr uas a lot of prcpintion oils or ro calls they unuld uould appear to be a break for the nilelin to he done b chssif js criclpoi how froiili thl u m to 1 p m routine the clnirman twr in i y of the complaints the life of a member of i edoral lili i uilli a in em lie r often fall parliament is not really as tozj of the teviril till i th j out of u jurisdiction in this as one mi lit think the hurley hou imnj or thun ca c ij member offers what i were concermnj cimiusbip nid dutr he tin lives direction although the attend nice itc numeration mjnj people unit about ulin to speak to or offer the et age has changed all this toddy few churches preach hellfire and dantnat on and science is changing our interpretation of old tostament stories virgin b rth miracles thore is a plenmude of pleasures av ailablo on the sabbath from sports to the atros tv swimming its just another day as fir as recreation goes that people still follow their religion georgetown high ichool will have that long talked about gymnasium when school opens jn 1959 ten ders are being called next week by barnott av relder arc hitects for demolishing the old school building and replac ing it with twelve new classrooms and a gym addition of a wire fence continues an improvement policy which fj kept georgetown s greenwood cemetery one of the most beautiful in the country tho eight foot frost link fence was installed bfy cedl smith and encompasses the older part of greenwood and a newei section added last year an estimated 3000 people visited gower court lover the week end to vew the parade of homes a joint efforts of north halton builders association a total of 14 homes were on display by fobert construction rex- hes- jop homes and hfljlon homes a 25 per cent increase m popuhtiorr in the past year wd- noted when assessment commissioner joseph gibbons presented statistics to council on monday geor getown s population as of september 30 ws 8222 lost year it wyi 6 578 1948 the econd annual glen williams fall fair was a most iucccsful lvlnt on saturday afternoon features were hall exhibits a baby show and decorated doll carri- ugc and bicycc john crcascy and mary jano bouskitl were baby comet winners betty anne preston heather hayes and jcejy bciumonl had iho bet doll carriages and dtnni hancock laddie haines and tim haines the best tricycles and bobby hooper gordie preston and gary cooper the best bikes v one of the most startling announcements in the indus- tr il hijtory of georgetown came wednesday when employee of provincial paper mill were notified that the compiny ha- dec ded to close this branch the shut down affecting sonic 80 employees here will be complete by november 15 located on the banks of the credit river on the town s northern limits the provincial mill has been a steady soutxe of employment for generations of geor getown s men a press release says the decision to close the mill was reached because its continued operation would be unsound although its production is rated at 15 tons a day the condition of its equipment has deteri orated to the stoge where it had been producing some thing less than that of the mills standard crew of ap pro mately 70 men and 10 women it is expected aboot 20 will be offered other posts with the company ulti mate disposition of the property and equipment has not been yet considered attend church regularly is a tribute to rel igion s power and to mans need for belief ways ord and numb r of speeches or to bru i f i mis nid rel motion recorded in ii ins ird are from their foimer home to d often used against a sittin nada member in an eh et on it is i poor wa to e ilu tc a mem whih in nlticr dr hirh n hers uorth to tne counto w to ceuel up to 10 1 itt i l v hn ridmfi some uu filed in i i l pi per bis e some uert ill according to dr ilirrv hnrl juith in i phom tall or two nut ev who repriientcd hilton inuoinc hive et to in sol il tho ottawa for the past 10 eirs i manj- of the best members have durn h i term one rf thi b relatively few motions in ham i problems was uith tlu post of arc and a poor attendance re fice it wis durmt his list t nn cord while some of the po rest mnton nceived door member have a near perfect mail delivery an i this did attendance record oivl thcirconu without a lot of worl name srallcrid throu li hans j consideration ard m ikt representation for ir hirley a liheni in the i i d nl doverniiu nt nid georje kt rr i onservatne in the iriwnml i i isliture irrived jt n u nth rstandini tint thev woi id worl in coopention with och other if one wis contact ed iti mt i problem in the otli r m in b jurijdiclion it uould he referred to lum rhu laiia i rfinmt ins been tiken over door by the nt w mp and works well i n 1 sources of income are limited and he is unable to continue working his farm he often ketq up jt 1 am and works until 8 pm from the old country to work the farm whiting fc investijja- tinj the matter tor the member of parhm- ent your representative there the mjjj was refused per will alwavs be a problem that mission to bnni his son m law i need immednte attention tt no n- whet a member has to look after for dunnp this nterpretation might take sometimes it happens when one comidrt all the things that 1 oan go wrong with a weekly newspaper i when it is typeset and put together in one 1 plant and prnd in another one can be proud that there are as few mishaps as 1 there are in our case picture are processed on e scanograver which works from a glossy print positive the picture is buckled around a cylinder end a kind of electric pencil etches the picture of a piece of plastic the scanograver is located in bramp ton where the herald is printed on wed nesday night and is reproduced in the printing process directly from the plastic engraving whan the herald is composing tho page on which a picture will appear a blank space is left in the metal the plastic is pasted on the metal in brampton in the final printing operation from time to time there is a kink perhaps a couple of pictures of similar size are interswitched or for some reason a plastic is lost last week tfje inevitable happened a group of pictures sent by bus to bramp ton went astray and when printing time came it was too late to do other than print with three large blanks two of these were wedding photos the other was a news fea ture and they appear in hit weeks issue took off hitch hikmj with frit nd for montrcil her aunt mimhrs of different particsl rk to ether dunnjj a on i rule but sac plajin poll i while his iiicccssor uuil win tus nnml he next election fox member is not al tine has ye to mt in i irlnni nt hirle s id in the liouse di llarleylhe has dn id bun w 11 thpn nrnmanv prnhlomslrd to the nrohums it im f i xi hmi lias ruii business directory illi hib constituent tlie former new mp told the story of one of his colleafluea in the house who had made and kopt an appoint ment with the department of i null revenue and while there mlsi i ed thfec voth 1 committor hf nnth wliitmc and r ilariv wah repnimnded for nnsiinhi lurtul the hi- est pr bit m tun the vole- but on the other hand ccrmm passpirts is tint p his term m dm llie mp sud tlu mijoritv f calls he ricued lne bet n in re ard to ja n i ol lem complicated ly the r tent trike he sived a constituent si s00 in le do not road tin lustrutti from the houic come tax dunn- his absence lhc fl thc fon correctly after tlu form ins been returned and tin d iti for dr harley cliimed the mostithtir trip is m rl upon tin m frustrating phase of the job isithev become frautie m i till the unprt dictability of the for lit lp whqle thh 1 mr whitint has b en ibh lu some discussions you think ket pissports in ti m for ith will take a ion tune tilt a mi every customer tt d ite short time and vico versa the forms wero si it to oil iw i n with people whitip knt w ind parliament sits approximate roujrilc1 cltlur that ua or t ly 10 nionllis a yojr while in j ottawa harley was juo to r comti home on weekenda onlv it usually takes two weels to to answer a hest of cills that obtiiln u plssiert hut tlu turn had built up during the week can be cut for an inur tiuy while he worked lu ottawa llnp sometimes in tilt e ist of nro e i lit told of one polish wonm who js working in the hi n i f in upsl irdlm citizen but was 1 in sent hick be t i i t mu ind only u visitors l i hi wnrinn fulet to mcisuie up t i tl i requirements of the p mt ssitm the tmmi ritionl brinth us s lo sfleet tmmi j i mt im uoimn lacked edu citiun ml was in an older ate i bnd it phc immintion oflieel fr i mis o i mi lortin older peop corben spinal x ray service available by appolntmsnt 87763t il mill st old post omic barragers claklon shirt ltundararg 18 vain s im guelph all wrk done mi prmits it ih oi llhilis in llu r larky i py- i diffjrnl iminlrj i l ums homfied tlo wt let her achievement was huvng hu re c ull r jo until mv wile reminded port on druks ucepted harlcyl luu bomisald there were eommittee mee j uolh di harlej mil mi win a great summer today the painter came 11ml sounds like the refrain or tlu i ist line of a modern poem it isn i today the painterb c ime and tomorrow th rtlv com with thlr jhj nd child rti thari doaint m la b hiuh c6nnetlofiv buf thr i the piinten took all the fur nlturo otli of one bedroom and mil l in awnthir sn thmii tawi burgr and lodiy i hv a hd full of ti ltd fltrally and flflurtlvy and the other nuht i sal b a roar mi cottjkt fiu place on a cool nluht and hotly debated with old crlundh such world luuen us hotteu kids and dutch kim buiase until 4 jo u m nolhina wu i tiled ex cept the btutc of my u 4 next day until mv wife her aunt that she jiuirird at that jljt and fddy think th paw rt kim phwuid and tald h continued on pace 3 unis about tw ce mp whiting in become ih oltd in the ci e and has ask nl rtion nh riiion for thi indlv uliul i he ipplicmt if refused ins the rtkht to aik for an en liun and if rt fusel therti eould ippe il to ottawa before hivint to leave the counlrj mi wlulinii tolls of another r ist iinolv in imnutrjtiou in ii ilton m in 71 cars old fiinilv n ls nimin uu his wife ml tin 1 it r sinct he eame to c i nda mil is now al tin sta je wht it hi will have to sell his firm or find a new source of walker currie optometrists 12 main st s brampton phone 4514471 hours dam to 0 p m tuesday to saturday friday 0am to 9 p m lvoninfis by appointment wallace thompson 3rd dlvlglon court 137 2m3 clerk a conihiluifrmr robert r hamilton optomtehist lit mountuimiew hold south cirrcul lllu for appointment 7 sm w h cam profialohal enslmw coiiiulllno enfllnr ontario land survoyo offlc rm trritta horn bedrooms uiuervlteuble i hut lcavei unu for four ndulta two i chlldiiii and a poodle u koiiik o be coy aim night i lay in th and by ailra and uolwd at a atarduna frnon iky and kpi bruthlna aald kaaulkul wfm vffaraal ma drlnlu m aandy ham- ti u lufa llial a udy phonad and told ui kim had bah in an accident ij waa in the amaroancy ward at the hoepltal all racorda ware ahatered sjattlng there a bang on tha ferehaady two awol larl knret s4 brulaaa and a thraaalltch cut la pretty lucky after a heaet on collision and yesterday the uuub kijii georaetbwn herald publlahad by home newatapra limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn iublllher carlleld mcgllvray production superintendent allocit uradley ttrry ilurlwy licttauigf avanun valerir lual anne currie reporter irajik mullin advertialn uanagcr ualle clark uave luatlnfi afylea cllaon john licclenwntj goorga youn complete restyling with incroised dimensions both inside end out and a whole rmw range of luxury appointments and engineering improvements prormio to maintain chryiler for 1969 in lis traditional place as canada s most popular big car there are 15 models olferud in ifie five 1969 chrysler series newport newport custom 300 new yorker and town and country engines include the powerful 383 and 440 cubic inch units with a choice of two barrel or our borrt1 carburetors the georgetown herald 22 main st georeetown phone 173201 mibain and hulme bntarlo land sufveyore willowdal 231 7su lc milltssl ols 877bj7s residence monuments pollock campbull designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone all 750 112 water street north v a a l t koller construction il hu li aluminum siding windows a doom all work guaranteed hree call 177 9102 u

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