Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 26, 1968, p. 1

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ads tint pay yaw caai atacaaa a4 to a haatfa claimwd mm ar paialm awimm vyina ar aainaa tha harawls wtiara yaa rtll tint laaalta yea mat the home newspaper tor georgetown and district printing publishing serveo 09rgwtowii inf dawrmv m priwera miv namiiaaerb aa over a uailtuf jf fllcibjj tmi beat in fine printing ami new fnai offlc dent ottawa d for payment of postao fn cash georgetown ontario september 264b 196s 500 por yoar singw copy rlex to coatf landmark reduced hollow ruin fire guts old town hall demolition crew in monday council briefs georgetowns new safety com mittee will need a new memb er jim valentino one of six appointees to the committee has decided not to accept the job because of his commit- mentsaa a lira department vot untecr and other dvlc duties a demolition crew will move to monday morning to do what a apecuujar tire- saturday couldnt do- bring tbe walls of the old t owe hall oncroas street tumbling down a gaunt shell is all that re- mains of the building follow ing a blaze whlch broke out shortly alter 6 ajti and con- sumed the interior in 12 hours of burning and smoulderlng- the owner gus llammer and al mahaffy are reviewing pri ces from wreckers- at press time the o includes about a thousand dollars worth of ge orgetown lrttle theatres cos tumes lighting equipment and scenery aid some odd pieces of furniture which had been stored there by otfr mahatfy a quantity of antique furniture was carried to safety the building itself was only partially insured firefighters hampered by lack of an aerial ladder attemp ted momentarily to battle the flames by putting ladders ag ainst the walls and directing streams of water through the second storey window but fire chief erwin lewis took his men down when falling bricks and other debru made it too dan gerous the fire was fought from ground level and the top of the hydros extension ladder uniil mid afternoon wheu help arriv ed from oakville in the form of lerlal trick with this water poured onto the few rem- dnj pockets of flame and em- i at the rate of boo gallons a mi ante fircftgrilers left the scene ar- ound 3 pcwk after almost half a day o fruitless work they returned to put doam new out breaks at 7 oclock saturday night twice on sunday and ag- in on monday a major worry wad that the north wall would topple onto an adjoining hydro tubutioi assuring that it dieut will be the delicate part of the demol ition ratepayers have chance to query official plan firemen thread a stream of water through a window during a fire which gut- tod the old town hall on cross street saturday morning it wasnt the smoke er era the stately twostorey town hall served as the hub of brick town hall was everything the community up until thirty it hquscd the council chambers j years ago its windows have the meeting hall and theatre been dark and lis doors rarely the fire hall police office and opened to the puolic since that jail a library and even school time but then the proceeding classes for a while th din ners and dances were affa to be talked about all year ion and befarethe flickers came the town halls stae was trod by many of the best known touring companies and it was njtaneasy job ioranactorto keep admiring eyes from sray- ing to the highly ornate crillii or velvet statje curtains a sift of mrs john it barber sr or a handpnintcd backdrop the work of joe kuddy the towns engineering office -ts- adding two -hw-suh-e- bers charles chat away now a town of lindsay employee lias been engaged as engineering assistant and victor mastrogiacomo though its lifespan is com- jrt finishing a technical train- paratively short as buildings go course in torenlo has also it was built in 1880j the old jct r as a member by tvry harlcy isome very wrinkled hands utre raised to touch some very n o 1st eyes jt flames danced the final performance in what used to be geogetowns entertain ment centre saturday morning and the rancid v smoke had nothing to do with it for an onlooker wliosc mem ories reach back into the early years of the old town hall a llttleiriolsjeirtthecyecan blur things somotimes it can just for a split second make arcmen moving about in their black coats look like george towns gentlemen as they as sembled outside to mull over the proceedings of an important town meeting at the turn of the century it can for a moment turn a housewife watching the fire in her bathrobe from a nearby lawn into an elegant lady in her best gown abtut to make an entrance at the very grand social event that was the firemens ball of another era and it can transform a crowd of spectator into an assembly of townsfolk wailing outside lhu jail door to shout goodbye and good luck to a young man nam ed garfield about to be taken away and burg for a murder they could nevr convince them selves he committed ann maybe some old ears played some tricks on their owners too maybe they heard just a hit of cant you hear me callln caroline as a black face tenor holds the spotlight at the annual georgetown min strel sbow of the late 1800s and maybe aomc laughing just a ripple id the touring marx brothers pull off another tany shenanigan possibly a jingling version of swanee river that was a favourite with the fam ous boll ringer circus who al ways packed the house be for aomethlng called moving pict ures stole their audience and coming from that shattered win dow besides billowing smoke maybe just a couple of oomph- im mifu w w r ken john 1eel the first lome scmj band practiced it there mo many times and the clear mellow tone of the town hall bell that used to aend the lien to work at 7 am and one oclock and bring thorn home at noon and supper time that slight have been heard again by ome ukl and r4 so old- cum lanpmark built in ibm is n empty shell to tbe georgetown of aaoth- lw u 60odd years have been full en ough at least full enough to make eyes jtlistcn and to make it kind of hard to swallow for some pensive onlookers sntur ay morning increase engineering department staff by two mr chatawy a native of vancouver has been working in lindsay for the past three years he was chosen from over fifty applicants for the position mr mastrogiacomo came to can ada from his native italy a year ao the department under gor don fancy also includes bob hull a draftsman after iho interior went up in smoka and a request from the knights of columbus to ecoct signs at ttje highway approaches will- be considered but hayor gibbons said council must be cautious as it could become complicated if other church group decided to do the same fa aler investments is seeking resuming gnmala street north planning to curate apartment on the site of a nursing home there the request was referred to the planning board for a rec ommendation another zoning change was asked by a main sl n res ident mrs bob bonficld to al low a baktinif business and still another request this from harold developments is for reroning to allow replace ment of the berwick hall apart ments on main street south with a high rise type building ontario wafcrltesources com mission indicated in a letter they will be taking action to correct an overflow from in dustrial waste at meadowglen mushroom plant which is ent ering propny in neighbouring est uesing township building inspector walter faeholok reported that advertis ing signs and a small building at lincoln mtors on the high way are in accord with the towns zoning bylaw he was requested to check these re cently raymond mills 02 mclntyre crescent was hired to join the water department as a meter reading assistant players in a fog ball game called when the outfielders can tefl whafe ytinc vqmum plate its time to call the ball game thats what happened monday when glen williams and hills- burgh got in a couple of inn ings before the fog got too den se to allow play to continue in game six of the intercounty fastball league final hillsburgh leads the best of seven series three games to two the ne fixture goes monday night in hillsburgh dont miss it new georgetown residents are in for a treat if theyve never attended a fall fair dont miss it saturday 0ctoter5th is the big day only thirty three ratepayers showed up at a public meeting held by the planning board last wednesday night at holy cross auditorium the moeting was held to ex plain amehdmen no 4 which is described as a comprehen sive revision wwch supersedes the official plan passed in j 058 and all other amendments in simpler language it contalns all the change madeiitmhe official plan from 1958 up till now mr p becckmans of muni cipal consultants ltd outlined the function of a planning board ho stated an official plan is a policy document and the areas shown as one xonc or another are necessarily precise they become precise with pass ing of the zoning bylaw the next step after the official plan mr l cassidy ltaylawn crcs pointed out that the area ar ound guelph and sinclair is designated high density on the neighborhood development plan on view but he had heard there was a lact of sanitary sewers further he claimed an a p is supposed to go there another kaylawn crcc resi dent mr b lance asked if a park is planned in the area cr ballentinc said there is a park site in the area a maple avenue east resid ent asked the zoning of the garbage disposal site and sur rounding area could a factory be built there without the resi dents being asked she de manded cr ballentinc pointed out the area is now zoned agricul tural but the planning board felt it should be industrial this could not be done without a publie hearing and approval of the municipal board he plained la answer to a question from mrs dorothy graham mr beeckmiru said he had seen no official route plan for the bel- field express high way another quecloa evoked this answer from cr ballcntine in 1967 the commercial and indus trial ratio was 32and the res idential 68 harold fobert asked tf build- in permits would be isvued for apartment building in tbe area designated as high deoauy t chairman ted evans advised that a zoning bylaw to implem ent the official flan was necea- smry however be did not ao- swer the question directly with only thexe few questions asked the meeting ended t ten manhunt still on for jail escapee according to north halton oppihe last xd four prisoners who broke out of halton coun ty jail september 13 is still on the loose the fugitive still at large and his three jailmates escaped when they slugged two jail guards one of whom had to be faken to hospital for treatment the guard g5 year old law rence king has since been re leased after treatment for face and head injuries three of the fleeing jail- breakers were taken at gun point two of them hours after the escape and the third tlio next day seek uniform stand before council meets brumac lions plan for parks welcomed by council a llonjcclub offer to make extensive improvements in the town park off charles street and to help develop a new park adjoining kennedy public school met an enthusiastic response from council on monday a council motion endorsed the plan with the provision that any such improvements would be worked out between the ser vice club and councils recrea tion committee the east end park interests mc particularly said mayor gibbons the lions are noted for their good work and this is only one more example of their interest in the community cr jim young said he had looked over the kennedy site and there u over five teres am ple room for ball diamonds and picnic tables i hope the cast end will be given priority said cr bob francis m can do without a heeve hunter said the town cant have enough packs and he is behind the scheme he ment- loned that council had budgeted twelve or fourteen thousand dollars for new washrooms ix th park and with tbe fall fair only a few weeks away nothing has been done cr francis explained that these were to be installed be low the grandstand just before the fire which levelled this in the summer now wc hope to encompesav them in a new grandstand na sal d for fairgocrs council later de cided to rent a couple of johrk nyonahcspots for the day the lions envisage new chan ge rooms parking lot children playground and tennis coor playing fields for soccer rugger and football as park additional their aim is to make the new grandstand in the present park usabe for the mot ntanv park if need be for a time iber of people buses back to main maybe yes maybe no with brumac pressing for an early reply on their request for large scale release of residential building land in the southern part of georgetown council de cided monday to discuss the proposal at a tuesday commit tee meeting in an attempt to come up with unanimity in thclr dcalings with the firm after an- initial offer of a cash payment last yeart coun cil engaged a consultant firm to advise them the firm came up with an opinion recently which includes a number of 1m portnnt recommendations which it says the town should deiu and for the building release on monday mayor gibbons said the report is not specific enough and said he would be inviting the coiuultiuus to tuesdays meeting also where do we go from here he kaid who urn i to work out complicated financial aspects and to say the ilrumao proposal is wise or not he said it is his opinion that the town has already gone too far in releasing houso building laud in the pt year at one time wo were close to a 40 industrialcommercial ratio he said when the as sersmont roll la returned next week i think you will find wc are again in an unenviable sit- atloii cr bill smltli said he couldnt its anybodys guess whether the gray coach bus route will continue its precnt course al ong james and charles streets or whether it will eventually be back on its old route along main street since the route was changed this spring the matter has boun- ed around like the proverbial rubber ball with council fact ions divided on the matter when gray coach acceded to a council request for the change it brought a alarm of protest from residents of the streets council reversed its position but became entangled in the matter of how many parking spaces to allot to buses then it def tly- shoved t the matter onto georgetown parking authority group which had been almost extinct for several years on monday council received word from the authority that they will allocate a number of main street spaces for bus atop but when a motion was tabled for this mayor gibbons said tba authority is not unanimous id its decision and tlie councillor differed an whether the request would allow enough bus apace anyway i lets find out if the bus firm will return to main street atftf under what conditions was mayor gibbons advice w hold the motion a weejc this has been a nonsensical far ce and we dont want to make it any sillier said deputy reeve speight reeve hunter and cr younf agreed to withdraw their motion for the evening or had said in my opinion the consult ants report tapelled out what wr sbould do and now its up to council to form an opinion from this then go to the brum ac group arid tell them what we want he said he said the recommend all on s in the report would benefit the town in his opinion no zoning but used car lot opposed by residents at a special meeting of es quesing council monday night twenty residents of norval pro tested a proposed used ear lot on the main street between kirkkraft and the presbyterian church last week tom ledwid asked council if there were any obstacles to such a business op eration at that time council re- served their opinion while ad mitting uicre was no zoning by law in the township mr ledwldge told council he planned a used car lot and trai ler rontal service in answer to many questions from council he made it clear there would be no wrecking yard w mcclure broke the ice stating he wasnt opposed to anyone making a living but felt norval is a residential area i know wc have no toning bylaw but i think a used car lot is out of line in a residential area he edded we have four jas stations already vatd a voice from the background reeve currie again took pains to reassure everyone the trail e i l u ti premises mr mcclure pointed out there would be bright lifits shining all the time from the used car lot some old cars will end up at the back by our fence lines he suggested ucverchd robert duncanapn asked if thore are any bylawi stopping cars befog revved up and tried out during sunday morning service there may be a bylaw slopping the sale ho remarked but perhaps there isnt one stopping the noise the minister then listed the comments made to him about the used car lot the first and most commonly tieard accord ing to mr duncaftson was this has been a quiet little village and wed like to keep it that way another frequently heard statement suggested normal could become the over flow for businesses not allowed in georgetown another resident claimed there is enough noise of cars squealing hi and out of garages right now there is a garage open every sunday morning be side the united church we have the right to regu late business bourn said the reeve mri orinlc carur urged the residents of main street to ap peal their assessment it this went thrcuci we dont want norval to look like gasoline alley in georgetown she com mented m 1i lilt 1 mil llliinm ugly and stated georgetown ruined iuelf when they let in all these ta stations along the highway elmer carney backed m the lat speaker and reminded council there are four garage how he wondered if the bus- incs tax derived from such a business would make it worth while 1 dont want to see this t i business in norval he conclu ded ken gould who stated h lives right across the street said the flood lighting would make it as bright as day all night long some of those love ly trees would have to ootne down he continued and thl would not add to the village of norval terming hersalf a member i of one of the yildest families in the village mrs m reed main tained there hud always been a feeling of pride in the beauty of the villtge the village has charactor and should be kept this way vve have a habit oz destroying anything of histori cal interest and beauty she added in cunoluuon bhe etnpb- asued her strenuous objection to a used car lot mrs k mclean objected o i changing the whole tone of thai village and sumested the used i ear lot would lower the valueof every property in the area its time we had a zoning by- i law to control this sort o i thing cdminumled j huntef cr wilfrid leslie suggested might not approve anoth on to the highway in reply to a question reeval george currie said the houraoc i business could be limited but it would affect all stores deputy heevo tom hill wi med up council position latl these words we have only aa continued on pafto 3

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